
Benjamin MillerFilm and TelevisionUAL Extended Diploma: Creative Media Production and TechnologyUnit 12 Specialist Study in Creative Media ProductionFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018)CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Chapter 1 - Who am I? PAGEREF _Toc504826807 \h 5Skills/ What I have learnt Timeline. PAGEREF _Toc504826808 \h 6BEFORE COLLEGE: PAGEREF _Toc504826809 \h 6YEAR 1: PAGEREF _Toc504826810 \h 6YEAR 2: PAGEREF _Toc504826811 \h 8What Can I Improve On? PAGEREF _Toc504826812 \h 10Chapter 2 – The Report PAGEREF _Toc504826813 \h 11THE DEFINITION OF FILM NOIR PAGEREF _Toc504826814 \h 11CINEMATOGRAPHY AND LIGHTING: PAGEREF _Toc504826815 \h 11THE BIG COMBO (1955): PAGEREF _Toc504826816 \h 12JOHN ALTON: PAGEREF _Toc504826817 \h 13Conclusion: PAGEREF _Toc504826818 \h 14Chapter 3 - Experimentation and Skills PAGEREF _Toc504826819 \h 15Experiment One: PAGEREF _Toc504826820 \h 15What I am planning to do: PAGEREF _Toc504826821 \h 15Doing/ Planning the Experiment: PAGEREF _Toc504826822 \h 15Results of Experiment one: PAGEREF _Toc504826823 \h 23Conclusion of Experiment one: PAGEREF _Toc504826824 \h 23Experiment Two: PAGEREF _Toc504826825 \h 23Research: PAGEREF _Toc504826826 \h 24The Experiment: PAGEREF _Toc504826827 \h 25Experiment Three: PAGEREF _Toc504826828 \h 25Chapter 4 - Unit 12 Presentation and Plans for Unit 13 PAGEREF _Toc504826829 \h 28Chapter 5 - Weekly Schedule of Work PAGEREF _Toc504826830 \h 29Week 1- W/C 01.01.2018 PAGEREF _Toc504826831 \h 29Week 2- W/C 08.01.2018 PAGEREF _Toc504826832 \h 30Week 3- W/C 15.01.2018 PAGEREF _Toc504826833 \h 31Week 4- W/C 22.01.2018 PAGEREF _Toc504826834 \h 32Week 5- W/C 29.01.2018 PAGEREF _Toc504826835 \h 33Chapter 6 – Peer Reviews PAGEREF _Toc504826836 \h 34Chapter 7– Weekly Progress Tracker PAGEREF _Toc504826837 \h 35Appendix PAGEREF _Toc504826838 \h 41Appendices 1 – Unit 12 Criteria and Work to be Produced PAGEREF _Toc504826839 \h 41Appendix 2 – Students Calendar, Checklist and Scheme of Work PAGEREF _Toc504826840 \h 41Appendix 3 – Chapter Bibliographies PAGEREF _Toc504826841 \h 44Bibliography: Chapter 1 PAGEREF _Toc504826842 \h 44Bibliography: Chapter 2 PAGEREF _Toc504826843 \h 44Chapter 3 PAGEREF _Toc504826844 \h 44Table of Figures TOC \h \z \c "Figure" Figure 1- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018) PAGEREF _Toc504826777 \h 1Figure 2- Location research- Source: Benjamin Miller PAGEREF _Toc504826778 \h 7Figure 3- An image of me working with equipment- Source: Katie McCamley PAGEREF _Toc504826779 \h 7Figure 4- An Example of an Extreme Long Shot- Source: Benjamin Miller PAGEREF _Toc504826780 \h 8Figure 5- Playing with White balance- Source: Benjamin Miller PAGEREF _Toc504826781 \h 8Figure 6- Experimenting with three-point lighting- Source: Benjamin Miller PAGEREF _Toc504826782 \h 9Figure 7- Experimenting with light- Source: Benjamin Miller PAGEREF _Toc504826783 \h 9Figure 8- The cover of Peter and Wendy- Source: PAGEREF _Toc504826784 \h 10Figure 9- Broadchurch (2013)- Source: PAGEREF _Toc504826785 \h 10Figure 10- Skins (2007-2013) - Source: PAGEREF _Toc504826786 \h 11Figure 11- Film Noir- Source: PAGEREF _Toc504826787 \h 13Figure 12- simple lighting by John Alton- Source: PAGEREF _Toc504826788 \h 13Figure 13- The Big Combo (1995)- Source: PAGEREF _Toc504826789 \h 14Figure 14- John Alton (1901-1996) - Source: PAGEREF _Toc504826790 \h 15Figure 15- Playing with light- Source Katie McCamley (16.01.2018) PAGEREF _Toc504826791 \h 18Figure 16- Playing with light- Source Katie McCamley (16.01.2018) PAGEREF _Toc504826792 \h 18Figure 17- Playing with light- Source Katie McCamley (16.01.2018) PAGEREF _Toc504826793 \h 19Figure 18- Playing with light- Source Katie McCamley (16.01.2018) PAGEREF _Toc504826794 \h 19Figure 19- Playing with light- Source Katie McCamley (16.01.2018) PAGEREF _Toc504826795 \h 20Figure 20- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018) PAGEREF _Toc504826796 \h 20Figure 21- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018) PAGEREF _Toc504826797 \h 21Figure 22- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018) PAGEREF _Toc504826798 \h 21Figure 23- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018) PAGEREF _Toc504826799 \h 22Figure 24- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018) PAGEREF _Toc504826800 \h 22Figure 25- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018) PAGEREF _Toc504826801 \h 23Figure 26- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018) PAGEREF _Toc504826802 \h 23Figure 27- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018) PAGEREF _Toc504826803 \h 24Figure 28- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018) PAGEREF _Toc504826804 \h 24Figure 29- A storyboard and floor plan of experiment 2- Source: Benjamin Miller PAGEREF _Toc504826805 \h 26Figure 30- Storyboard and floorplan of experiment 2 part 2- Source: Benjamin Miller PAGEREF _Toc504826806 \h 27Chapter 1 - Who am I?left67945000Who Am I? This in itself is a difficult question to reply to as there are so many complexities to people’s personalities, and various influences which can mould someone to be their person they are today. There are things such as their passions and interests, the media they are consuming and this all has an effect on the way you act and look, they are also affected by the way they were taught whilst growing up and their ideals and morals. left540385Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2- Location research- Source: Benjamin Miller0Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2- Location research- Source: Benjamin MillerMy main passion is for film, film to me is an incredible thing as it gives you the ability to tell a story and share creativity the way you want to, incorporating so many elements to create a piece of art. Film can also have such an influence on someone’s opinions, personally I have very strong opinions on various subjects and I want to share my views without enforcing the idea and stating they have to have the same mind-set as my, I just wish to share my views and hopefully influence people maybe make a change in the world. I have a passion in what I believe is right and wrong, and I will stand up for my views however, I will still accept and respect other people’s views and opinions. Still I have strong and passionate ideas for equality and a somewhat peaceful world, I believe everyone should be who they want to be and not be judged for being themselves. In film I am interested in cinematography and directing, from experience I know I enjoy both of these areas, and I am interested in them because I love being hands on and being a key part of the creating this piece of art. 42862502569845Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3- An image of me working with equipment- Source: Katie McCamley0Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3- An image of me working with equipment- Source: Katie McCamleyright1333500I would say I consume a varied range of media. In film I consume a variety of different genres and I am open minded about what I am consuming, hence why I wouldn’t limit myself to a single genre because I love them all, I find there are fascinating story’s in each, yes some of them ae better than others however, watching a range of films helps me improve my work and ideas, meaning I wouldn’t make the same mistake as the people before me, or I could develop and improve on their ideas. Referring to the “everything is a remix” idea, where nothing is original anymore you just need to copy transform and combine the work of which you consume, and because of this I believe I shouldn’t restrict what I watch because it would help my own work improve. Considering these elements I couldn’t say I have a favourite genre, I just love film and I want to experience various elements of film and develop my knowledge and ideas further. I also this helps fuel my love and passion for film, I just love it. Skills/ What I have learnt Timeline.BEFORE COLLEGE:Before I undertook this course, I had little skills around the world of film, this is due to the lack of actual film studies at my school, however I was perusing a media GCSE, and this entailed various elements of media such as magazines amongst other elements. My interest in the subject was born when i was doing some work on DVD covers many years ago and due to my teacher, I fell in love with the subject, and it developed my love for film. Anyway, from before this course, I had little skills in the field, so I decided to pursue it further and begin this course.YEAR 1:right5143522815552457450Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4- An Example of an Extreme Long Shot- Source: Benjamin MillerFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4- An Example of an Extreme Long Shot- Source: Benjamin MillerThroughout this year we have worked on many various subjects and practical skills. During the early months we were working on the basics, we first learn about how to use a camera properly and how to use a tripod, these were obviously useful as most of us hadn’t had much experience using this equipment. The weeks after this we started practicing lighting, audio more camera work, slating and then we began a small project called the Hallo Project. This work required us to use all these skills to create a short piece with the only limitation is to have “hello” as the only script.left2219960Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5- Playing with White balance- Source: Benjamin MillerFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5- Playing with White balance- Source: Benjamin Millerleft387350Throughout this time, we also developed out theoretical skills we began with semiology, which again is a very useful thing to understand due to its importance in the way it can affect a character and scenes. Also, we developed our researching skills, as research is such a key element n a production and you must know how to do it properly otherwise it could cause the failure of your work. We then researched into genre as knowing your genre is key, as there are certain elements which you need to consider making it fit that genre. The after these weeks we then did research into various subjects to develop our researching skills because of how essential they are, we researched into Foley Sound, camera work, and editing. We did also look into narrative because this is just as important as the other elements, because you need a strong understanding of your narrative, and how you are going to plan it. We then had to use what we had learnt over these past weeks, and 26263605243150026263602658110Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6- Experimenting with three-point lighting- Source: Benjamin MillerFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6- Experimenting with three-point lighting- Source: Benjamin Millerintroduce them into our Hallo Project, we use these elements to develop our work and make it effective. Throughout these months we also did studies into various job roles in the industry and researching into how to get into these role sand understanding how others in a high position got into their role. This work was useful as it helps us understand the industry more, it also opened out eyes into possibly job roles we may one day wish to pursue. 03006090Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 7- Experimenting with light- Source: Benjamin MillerFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 7- Experimenting with light- Source: Benjamin Millerleft1196340After the Hallo Project, we then began working more on our Visual and Audio skills, we did this by incorporating various elements which we have learnt since beginning the course into various tasks and developing our skills further by practicing them. In our first visual task we were practicing with camera movement, we looked at the camera movement in Amélie (2001), reflecting upon this, and discussing various camera movements, we used what we have leant and discussed to create a short using various camera movements. For our second visual task we were looking into how various lighting techniques can be used effetely, we used three-point lighting, we had to research into various lighting setups used in films, and we had to try to recreate them. For our final visual task, we were tasked with creating minuet short of a simple action, we did this by using what we have learnt over the past few tasks and incorporated this into our work.For our first audio task we were set the task of recording the tale of the Three Billy Goats Gruff, we had to select the correct microphone to use to record this and using sound libraries or, using Foley sound to create the sound effects. The second audio task we were given was all about microphones, we had to conduct two different interviews, using two different mics in two different locations, as w discussed what microphones would work better in the various locations, so we used this knowledge to do this task. For our final audio task, we had to treat this as a real production, and we had to create a small script and record it using what we though the script was, the restriction was it has to be called “The Proposal”. We then moved onto a task called “Friendship”, we were tasked to make a one minuet short about friendship. We had to research into six, one minuet shorts, to understand what other people have done and maybe take some inspiration from it. My short was about a friend dropping everything for left000another friend in need. We needed to incorporate the element’s we have learnt and see what we can create with our knowledge.left1750060Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 8- The cover of Peter and Wendy- Source: SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 8- The cover of Peter and Wendy- Source: After this project we have moved onto our Extended Project where we have to consider all elements of production, so we have reflected upon Pre-Production, Production, and Post-production. We are treating this a as real production because it is, so we have to explore all areas of our work. Doing in depth research into what we are planning on doing. We have to consider the location of where we want to film and what we want our film to look like, the reason we have to do this is because it is as vital to the production as a whole. The production stages are important as this is the creating of your product, we needed to consider elements such as what equipment we will need and how easy it is to get to the location and weather the whole production is viable, however this should have been considered before in pre-production. Then in post-production we had to edit it all together and sync sound amongst other elements of the film. YEAR 2:right2517775Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 9- Broadchurch (2013)- Source: SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 9- Broadchurch (2013)- Source: trimester one we focused on two main areas, Contextual Analysis (Unit 9) and Target Audience (Unit 10). For the work on Contextual Analysis, we discussed the objective of the unit, going through the key words and discussing various elements of what work we would be producing over those weeks of work. We first of all did a guided analysis, during this we were taught about the various elements we needed to consider such as who made it and why? What’s budget did they have? What is happening in the world at the time? Also what concerns did it address? We did a Contextual Analysis of the programme Broadchurch (2013) we then researched into these various elements if possible, we then attempted our own analysis of a programme of our own choice. I chose to do Miranda. I found this unit really helpful as it helps us understand why programmes and films are made the way they are for the time they’re released and helps us understand more of the background of the programmes. For the Target Audience, we did the same again for our unit 9, we did an analysis of the objectives for the unit. We then started a guided analysis of target audience, for this we did Skins (2007-2013), the reason we did this programme is due to its target audience are teenagers, people of our age, so it would be most relatable to us. We then were tasked with doing our own analysis of a programmes Target Audience, so we decided to do Outnumbered (2007). I think this subject was really useful to study because we did know target audience was important however, looking at the many elements that are thought about it really shows how much effort it is to get it right and you can tell how well it was done by how well the audience responds and how popular it is. 02527935Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 10- Skins (2007-2013) - Source: SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 10- Skins (2007-2013) - Source: these two units we have also covered some practical units from last year as well as working with new elements. Such as this year we did work with green screen, a new idea for us as we have never experienced this before and this has expanded our knowledge of the subject. We also addressed subjects such as framing and composition, working with lighting amongst other various basics, just to expand our knowledge and develop it further, as well as reminding us of the equipment and how to use it and use it safely especially. Overall the first trimester was great fun as we studied some really interesting subjects, in depth, of which I really enjoyed and found fascinating. I also enjoyed coming back to various subjects in the practical work as it reminded me of the equipment and got me comfortable with it again. I also enjoyed doing new things with the equipment such as green screen, also still being able to be creative with the shorts we have produced. Over these past two years my skills, experiences and confidence have grown immensely. I started off this course with little knowledge of the film industry and I hadn’t done much practice in film making and using the equipment. I have loved what I have learnt, and the information I have gathered has helped me make decisions for my future and think about the career I wish to pursue, it has been incredibly helpful for me. Considering all these elements I have learnt over the years, are impressive due to how much I know now to what I knew before. It has helped my love of film to grow and it makes me want to create more because it has shown me how you can express so much creativity from a small piece of work. I have enjoyed all the work I have done there are elements which I personally didn’t like however, I know about them now and understand their importance. Overall the skills and knowledge which I have gathered over the years have been essential to the development of me and what I wish to pursue. What Can I Improve On?For my Extended Project I am planning on working on my camera skills, I plan to do more with framing and composition incorporating more camera movement into my work, as I feel my previous work has been very static, and I would like to show my knowledge of these elements by incorporating them into my work. I want to mainly work on my general practical work as it does need some general improvements. However, I would also like to focus on improving my storyboard work and script writhing, to make my idea clearer and make what am visualising in my head more clear on paper. I would also like to explore a different genre, as my past work has usually been horror/ thriller based, hence I want to try a new genre and make a more interesting storyline. Working on narrative skills.I want to work on these elements because I know they are the parts of my work I am self-critical bout and I always feel my work isn’t what I wanted so if I am able to make my ideas clearer and incorporate more elements of my knowledge then I can improve in general.Chapter 2 – The ReportFILM NOIRThis week I am researching into film noir, I am planning on looking at its cinematography, its definition, The Big Combo (1955), a popular Film Noir, and the Cinematographer John Alton, who was well known for his Film Noir work. right17526000THE DEFINITION OF FILM NOIR31761591307769Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 11- Film Noir- Source: SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 11- Film Noir- Source: Noir is such a difficult “genre” to define, due to it wasn’t a “genre” created by film makers. It was created by critics, and because of this, Film Noir cannot be categorised as there are so man interpretations of what it is. There are different views which limit the “genre” in various ways. Due to these elements it is why Film Noir is such a difficult thing to categorise and it is still argued to this day. This is also because the “genre” is constantly developing and changing.Film Noir is translated to English as “Black Film”, this is due to the dark tone of the films, as well as the dark look. They tend not to be happy, they have dark and emotional themes, the characters are struggling with life, and they were stories of love, betrayal and murder. There were also a detective stories, the hard-boiled private detective, people love the puzzles and the various locations around as well as he would always come out alive.With these films came a new breed of Women, of strong independent women who have power and use their sexualisation as a weapon. This is threatening to a lot of men especially at the era. This was a developing theme, of women using men to get their way, and to men there is something seductive about a dangerous woman. right9111CINEMATOGRAPHY AND LIGHTING:right1470660Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 12- simple lighting by John Alton- Source: SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 12- simple lighting by John Alton- Source: stands out for its cinematography and lighting, this is due to its low budget, they had to work with, this meant they had to strategically place light and light the scenes, to make irrelevant parts not be included. Most Noir films were B-Movies (low budget) so this taught the crew to strategic about how they light the scene and where they position the camera to hide their lack of funds, the backdrop often was in the shadows because there usually wasn’t anything there. There were still many higher budget Noir films.One of the more profound cinematographers of the time John Alton worked on over 20 Noir productions such as T-Men (1947), He Walked by Night (1948), and The Big Combo (1955). “It’s not about what you light it’s about what you don’t light.”- John Alton.From this quote it shows how he works with light in his work and how he envisions his work. He also has written a book called “Painting with Light” which is all about Noir cinematography. However, comparing todays Film Noir to “Original” Noir, has changed a lot, due to the no longer low budget meaning that films now a days have a glossy look and they tend to have a high key lighting compared to the original low key lighting used in “original” Noir.But overall Film Noir is unique in the way it lights its scenes and how reliant the “genre” is on the lighting used to create emotion and effects, and because of this I find this “genre” fascinating where the lack of colour but it has such a depth of character.THE BIG COMBO (1955):02713355Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 13- The Big Combo (1995)- Source: SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 13- The Big Combo (1995)- Source: Big Combo (1955) was directed by Joseph Lewis and the Cinematographer was John Alton. The general story of this film is that a Police Officer by the name of Leonard Diamond (Cornel Wilde) trying to bring down a crime boss called Mr. Brown (Richard Conte), however he is struggling to get hard evidence n him, then tries to pursue his girlfriend Susan Lowell (Jean Wallace), for this evidence. This then leads down a long road of torture, death and despair. However, at the end Mr. Brown is brought to justice and that’s the end of the film. It’s about love, loss, betrayal, murder and justice. The films plot follows some of the more generic themes of Film Noir, the hardy detective being seduced by a woman however justice is still brought in the end and it is the detectives focus. However, most Noir films are set in a sort of nightmarish world where everything is wrong, whereas this film is seeming set in more of a dream world, there is less fear in the images, compared to the dark and chiaroscuro feel of usual Noir films.It still uses a large variety of different lighting and uses interesting cinematography, I enjoyed the plot and I was fully engaged, where as it did have more of a dream world feel however, it still had the sense of reality with gangster life, where people who you care about can still get killed, there are consequences to your actions. I do find the plot interesting, and I feel even though some people may not consider it a “Classic Noir” I still feel it does represent the values of what a noir films is, adding mystery, keeping the audience engaged by making them question and try to figure it out the crime themselves. Overall I enjoyed this film because of its plot and the variety of lighting and cinematography used. I enjoyed the characters and I got very engaged with the story due to the clever technique of making the audience interested in the character and make them try to solve the crime themselves. JOHN ALTON:From “Painting with Light” by John Alton, a small biographic introduction by Todd McCarthy, this is a summary of the information written in the book. John Alton was born in 1901 in Austria-Hungary (Now Hungary) and died in 1996 in California. He was one of five children. He moved to New York in 1919, where he then went and lived with his Uncle Emile, who at the time was wealthy. He enrolled in school, where he studied photo-chemistry. He then had his first encounter with the world of motion picture at Cosmo-Politian Studios, he was taken onto a shoot and after three days he got a check for $10.50. He then 39789102657475Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 14- John Alton (1901-1996) - Source: SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 14- John Alton (1901-1996) - Source: on the shoot for another 41 days straight on location, leading him to fall in love with the possibilities of motion picture.His first real job was at Paramount Studios lab in Long Island City, when he had earned enough money him and five of his friends travelled across the country in the winter of 1923-1924. Whilst travelling he fell in love with the pictures again, he then went to MGM and got a job in the lab thanks to the experience and in New York. He used to offer ideas but every time he gave one he got fired, however he worked in a different department in the studio. Alton gained in-depth experience in various areas and finally became a cinematographer. He worked on many films after and worked with many studios. “Black and white are colours”- John AltonJohn Alton deeply explored the value of these colours, and the harsh contrast between the two. He claimed, “I could see in the dark” His fascinating talent was making audiences be able to do the same. His character was very aloof and mysterious, he abruptly quit the industry in 1960, at the age of 59, it was rumoured that he abandoned cinema to become a painter and that he moved to Switzerland, he refused to do any film festivals or interview. Which makes him even more intriguing due to his mysterious life and we wonder what happened over those many years he wasn’t in the spotlight.Conclusion:From my research I can conclude a various number of things about Film Noir, about how difficult it is to define its genre due to it is a constantly growing, due to its lack of “structure” it is and ever developing “genre”. Looking at the interesting ways lighting and framing is used is very interesting as I now understand why it was filmed that way. I think this was a big change in the industry as it incorporated a new element into the industry, it has shown that if you are strategic in the way you light a scene you can create a successful project with a small budget, it really shows how important these elements are, people tend to get focused on the amount of money they pump into productions, and it’s all about the explosions, where you can create a simple and effective project using the correct lighting and camera placement, incorporating a good and engaging story, you can create something phenomenal. I aim to incorporate this research into my Extended Project, by reflecting upon the ways they use lighting and cinematography to make an effective film with a low budget and due to the lack of budget in my Extended Project I can use my understanding of the subject to hopefully create a good production.Chapter 3 - Experimentation and SkillsExperiment One:This chapter is about experimenting with various materials, techniques and processes to possibly help us understand these subjects more and to experiment with how they can affect our work and how we can incorporate it into it or weather our experiment fails and we can learn from what went wrong. The hypothesis of which I am looking into is: How does lighting, framing and composition affect the audience’s emotions towards the scene?What I am planning to do:I am planning to use three point lighting, changing the light set up and colours exploring how colours and the amount of light can affect a scene and its emotions. So During my experiment I will be using a variety of scenes and various angles so there is a variety of shots which can affect the mood and atmosphere of the scene. I want to pull some inspiration from Film Noir, due to how important the lighting Is but also due to its simplicity, and its use of props to create interesting lighting effects. I wish to create lighting set ups, using things like venetian blinds and using natural framing such as a doorway. I aim to carry out these experiments in our TV studio due to the ability to blacken out the room, meaning the lighting is able to be clearly shown on the subject. And I have the space to be able to create various scene and use props to experiment with the lighting and the placement of the camera etc. With the images I gather I aim to create a survey to inquire what various genders and ages interpret the images as and ask how they think the scene is set.Doing/ Planning the Experiment:During this experiment we decided to use a few camera angles, and we have been using the light colours to see how this effects the scene and the character. We were using three point lighting, with a very gentle back light with a rather strong key light, and our fill light was gentle. We used various colour gels to see how these effects the scene and its atmosphere. However from this work I have decided to separate the aim, where I focus on lighting to understand what type of lighting works and then work on the framing and composition as a separate experiment with that then combine the two elements, then seeing how they can effect each other. Meaning I’ve explored each area and combine the separate elements and seeing Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 15- Playing with light- Source Katie McCamley (16.01.2018)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 16- Playing with light- Source Katie McCamley (16.01.2018)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 17- Playing with light- Source Katie McCamley (16.01.2018)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 18- Playing with light- Source Katie McCamley (16.01.2018)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 19- Playing with light- Source Katie McCamley (16.01.2018)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 20- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 21- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018) Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 22- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 23- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018) Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 24- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 25- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018) Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 26- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 27- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 28- Playing with light-Source: Benjamin Miller (16.1.2018)Results of Experiment one:Reflecting upon these images from last week, the work I did didn’t exactly go to plan, there wasn’t much variation in framing, and this is also probably to do with the lack of time. I like the images I gathered and I think they have shown a good use of lighting and the images are clear. However, I feel I tried to achieve too much, by combining too many elements and to get better results I think I should break down this question, two separate the two elements, so focusing on framing and lighting apart then combining them later. Also considering the fact I didn’t seem to achieve the “Film Noir” look I was going for this is due to the lack of resources and equipment I struggles to recreate the scenes I wanted to, so this lead to me more experimenting with light less than the framing and composition, however, this leads to my next experiment and using this experiment to focus on framing and composition, and experimenting with various ways of using framing and composition.Conclusion of Experiment one:In conclusion I feel I have learnt from this task, I enjoyed planning and creating these images, however, they didn’t exactly go to plan. But reflecting upon them I know how I could improve them. So yes this task didn’t work as well as I hoped however, I know what my next steps are to improve this work and hopefully develop my skills and knowledge of this subject.Experiment Two:For this experiment I am developing upon my last experiment by breaking down the last question and focusing on framing. I have also changed the subject, whereas before it was about the mood and atmosphere, however it is now about the subject as it is the key element in the shot. So my question for this experiment is:Does framing change the audience’s perception of the subject?To answer this question I plan on takin various images of a person stood in fame in different positions, and various angles and shot types, to see how these all affect the subjects look. Then I plan to create a survey about how various people interpret these images and what type of feel does the audience get from these images. I plan to use a camera and tripod to get various images, the location isn’t that important as it is more about the framing, however I plan to use a plain background with not much detail as I don’t wish to draw the audience’s attention away from the subject. And the lighting isn’t very important as it is again about the framing of the shot not about the lighting or any other elements. I plan to use stills and I feel there is no need for video as these elements don’t need to be considered.Research:05133975Figure 29- A storyboard and floor plan of experiment 2- Source: Benjamin MillerFigure 29- A storyboard and floor plan of experiment 2- Source: Benjamin Millerleft327025For this experiment I will be looking into various elements of framing and composition using my skills and knowledge to see if I can create/ re-create some interesting shots or scenes. I want to use the elements such as rule of thirds, natural framing, symmetry, leading lines. For natural framing I want to use a doorway, this is because it is a simpler way of framing it can also be used for symmetry and rule of thirds.Using this figure, it shows how I want to use a doorway as natural framing with symmetry, also using the rule of thirds for the doorframe. I want to use a three various camera placements and various angles, in each location I want to use a low angle, a straight and high angle. I also want to experiment with a Dutch angle.Figure 30- Storyboard and floorplan of experiment 2 part 2- Source: Benjamin MillerFor this image I want to do a closeup/ mid closeup, and use various locations and angles, to see how it changes it, also I want to use the rule of thirds again because it is a useful guideline. The reason I am only doing these two shoots is because they are at both show different elements of framing. The first shot is a long shot with natural framing and symmetry, which gives off a different feel compared to the closeup with the rule of thirds, they give off different feels and emotions. Such as the long shot makes them feel distant and the closeup is personal and emotional, you feel a connection with the subject. The Experiment:Experiment Three:For this experiment I plan to use the information I have gathered from my previous experiment and use the framing which I like ad incorporate lighting elements into the images, using three-point lighting and various gels, to see how these affect the subject. The question is:How does lighting/ colour effect the audience’s perception of the subject?Then I will filter through these images and think about what elements I like from each and use these images in a survey to find how the audience responds to each image and how the audience interoperates the subject such as the emotion and how they feel towards the subject as if they feel inferior or superior to the subject.This chapter needs to include: -The research questions, research plans and analysis of that research, for each of your experiments and skills development. Each experiment needs: -An introductionA clear explanation of what was undertaken A conclusion of how this information was used by you.ExampleIntroduction I am interested in lighting. I want to see how it is possible to film at night so that you can still see the action. I think this is an interesting skill to develop as it is making me further understand the technical aspects of lighting, and shows how lighting can become part of the narrative.Research Question – How to film at night? (so you can still see the action)Research plan – Literature review of any YouTube videos of “How to film at night”. Review on “Making of DVD’s” from famous night based films – any film noir filmReview any Ted TalksInternet search on the technical aspects of Analysis of Literature Review – what has your research revealed to you? What did you find out? What of that new information can you use? Design your Experiment – using your analysisExperiment – in TV studio, in Bedroom, outside.Analysis – of results of experiment, what worked? What didn’tExplanation of what was undertakenFollowing my literature review, it became clear that my darkness was never going to be real darkness. I had learnt the type of lights and reflectors that I needed to use. I practiced in a variety of locations. I then showed the footage to peers and lecturers to gauge their opinion. I also posted it to Twitter and gain some very helpful responses. ConclusionIt didn’t do what I really wanted. To get the scene as dark as I wanted, the actors had to have unnaturally bright lights on them which was not the look I wanted. It looked to staged and filmnoir”e”. I am going to experiment now, with filming at dusk, to see if that gives me more tonal variation, and allows for the feeling of dark, but the ability to see the action.We must be able to see all that you do. It does not serve you just to post the footage of “My filming in the Dark”. We must see the whole journey, from start to finish. You need to tell us what you did, what you learnt and how you might use it.You must also include any experiments that don’t work, and tell us why. You can learn as much from what went wrong as what went right.Chapter 4 - Unit 12 Presentation and Plans for Unit 13This chapter will include your presentation that you have given to the class and lecturers detailing the work and research you have produced, and your analysis of how that work, research and experimentation have informed your plans for Unit 13.Chapter 5 - Weekly Schedule of Work Week 1- W/C 01.01.2018Week 1 w/c January 1st2018Introduction to Unit 12PowerPointTasks to be undertaken this weekApprovedMonday am x 3 A’s not inWednesday am x 3Monday pm x 2A’s not inThursday am x 3Tuesday am x 2Thursday pm x 1On this morning we will be having lecture for the first session then beginning the Who Am I chapter for Unit 12.Tuesday pm x 2Friday am x 3We will be continuing the work on the Who Am I chapter, doing research and adding to this chapter.Wednesday am x 2Friday pm x 1For the first session we will be researching and updating work for the Who Am I chapter, for the second session we will be doing peer feedback, and working on our progress tracker.Week 2- W/C 08.01.2018Week 2w/c January 8th 2018The Report PowerPointMain Research Question: -ApprovedTasks to be undertaken this weekMonday am x 3Wednesday am x 3We will have an input session in the morning session. Then in the second session we will be considering what we will be doing a report on, reflecting on our Who Am I? Task, using this information to decide our topic/ practitioner. Then in the third session we will begin our research into said topic/ practitioner.Monday pm x 2Thursday am x 3In these last two session we will continue working on our research and developing questions and refining our work.Tuesday am x 2Thursday pm x 1Collecting what we have researched we will be taking notes and gathering a large collection of sources.Tuesday pm x 2Friday am x 3We will collect together our notes, reflect upon them and synthesise them.Wednesday am x 2Friday pm x 1Using the synthesised notes for yesterday we will writing up our research in more depth and then, concluding our research.Week 3- W/C 15.01.2018Week 3w/c 15th January 2018Experimentation and Skills PowerPointMain Research Question: -How does lighting, framing and composition affect the audience’s emotions towards the scene?ApprovedTasks to be undertaken this weekMonday am x 3Wednesday am x 3We will begin this week with an input explaining what we are doing this week, during this morning we will be considering what we want to explore in our experimentation, and from this we will plan what to do, to achieve what we want.Monday pm x 2Thursday am x 3This afternoon we will doing some more planning on what we want to achieve in our experimentation. Tuesday am x 2Thursday pm x 1This morning I am organising my first experiment for the afternoon, I will be gathering lights, colour gels and the camera equipment to use and have a small practice with them to check hey all work.Tuesday pm x 2Friday am x 3This afternoon we have begun the experimentation, we will be setting up all the equipment and begin our experimentation.Wednesday am x 2Friday pm x 1Today we will be reflecting upon our experimentation and getting feedback from other and seeing how this work could be improved if possible. Also, to reflect on how we feel about how our work went. Week 4- W/C 22.01.2018Week 4w/c 22nd January 2018Main Research Question: -ApprovedTasks to be undertaken this weekMonday am x 3Wednesday am x 3In these sessions I will be looking into another experiment to pursue, and planning what I am going to do for the experiment.Monday pm x 2Thursday am x 3I hope to do my experimentation, and take pictures. Then using these images and reflecting upon on these images I plan on making a survey and getting the results of them.Tuesday am x 2Thursday pm x 1Using the results from the surveys I will see what images worked best and my personal favourite. And thinking about adding in lighting and recreating these images incorporating various colours for the lighting.Tuesday pm x 2Friday am x 3Recreating the images with the various lighting and colours.Wednesday am x 2Friday pm x 1 Analyse the work I have produced and comment on how it could be improved if needed.Week 5- W/C 29.01.2018Week 5w/c 29th January 2018Main Research Question: -ApprovedTasks to be undertaken this weekMonday am x 3Wednesday am x 3Monday pm x 2Thursday am x 3Tuesday am x 2Thursday pm x 1Tuesday pm x 2Friday am x 3Wednesday am x 2Friday pm x 1Chapter 6 – Peer ReviewsWeek 1Reviewed by:-Week 2Reviewed by:-Week 3Reviewed by:-Week 4Reviewed by:-Week 5Reviewed by:-Chapter 7– Weekly Progress TrackerProgress Tracker - Week 1Reflection on the work you have produced this weekThis week, we have done our Who Am I? Chapter, this is because we need to understand where our passion comes from so we can reflect upon this and possibly incorporate it into our work. Also knowing yourself s very important to understand your inspirations and influences. I have found this week very useful as it has heled me understand more what I want to achieve from this work as well as possible ideas for my Extended Project. It has also given me the chance to reflect upon what I feel I need to improve in my own work so I it helps me understand what I need to focus on in my later project.Problems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved themProblemResolutionI encountered a few problems this week, such as what to write about.To resolve thos problem we had a input session where certain subjects were discussed, and using these topics I have developed my Who Am I? Chapter.Notes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s postN/AChecklistSpellcheckedProofreadIntroductionConclusionHarvardPresentationPublishedLecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete)Progress Tracker - Week 2Reflection on the work you have produced this weekThis week we are doing a literature review, we are researching into a subject of our choice and looking and reflecting upon what we have found out and discussing about how this research could affect out extended project. My research was about Film Noir, I looked into this because I was interested in its framing and lighting because I feel that they are key elements in Film Noir. I enjoyed doing this as I got an insight into the “genre” and I learnt a lot about how they were filmed.Problems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved themProblemResolutionFinding out what to research.How to lay it out.I started by looking into the definition of Film Noir, and then follow various elements of Film Noir, then that developed my research.Using the input session, I referred to my notes and improved upon this.Notes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s postChecklistSpellcheckedProofreadIntroductionConclusionHarvardPresentationPublishedLecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete)I Spoke to Stephen, when I was struggling to decide what to research and we came to a conclusion of what I was interested in and it was mentioned about Film Noir, so I decided to pursue this further.Progress Tracker - Week 3Reflection on the work you have produced this weekThis week we have been working on experimentation, we have had to come up with an idea which relates to our research and create a question possibly involving these elements. I chose to do about lighting and framing due to how key they are in the making of a Film Noir. So I decided to talk about how lighting and framing ad change the atmosphere of a scene. So i planned to use these elements together and see what happened, however it didn’t go to plan, but I have learnt from this and I know how I can develop my work.Problems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved themProblemResolutionLocation was being usedLack of variety of shotsTime restrictionWe had to find a time where the space was freeThis was my fault, it wasn’t resolved however I know the reason this happened is because I focused too much on one element rather than both elements of the work. This lead to struggles with the amount of work we could produce because we didn’t have time to do a lot of experimenting, and this lead to more issues with the lack of variety in the work.Notes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s postChecklistSpellcheckedProofreadIntroductionConclusionHarvardPresentationPublishedLecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete)I had a discussion with Stephen, he suggested that I reduce my work load by focusingProgress Tracker - Week 4Reflection on the work you have produced this weekProblems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved themProblemResolutionNotes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s postChecklistSpellcheckedProofreadIntroductionConclusionHarvardPresentationPublishedLecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete)Progress Tracker - Week 5Reflection on the work you have produced this weekProblems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved themProblemResolutionNotes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s postChecklistSpellcheckedProofreadIntroductionConclusionHarvardPresentationPublishedLecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete)AppendixAppendices 1 – Unit 12 Criteria and Work to be ProducedUNIT 12- SPECIALIST STUDY IN CREATIVE MEDIA PRODUCTIONLearning Outcomes Assessment CriteriaWork to be producedAIM: Research and critically examine the influence of historical and contemporary contexts on their own practice.Understand the principles and practices of a chosen discipline in creative media production.1.1 Critically describe a range of contextual perspectives influencing a chosen discipline in creative media production.The Report Practioners ReportProduct Report1.2Apply knowledge of critical perspectives to inform own practice.Unit Portfolio and PresentationBe able to locate and evaluate information form a range of sources 2.1Identify a range of relevant academic and cultural sources for a personal research project.The ReportExperimentation and Skills2.2Critically evaluate information from a range of sources to inform ideas.Unit Portfolio and PresentationBe able to communicate ideas and arguments in a variety of forms. 3.1Apply academic conventions in the production and presentation of ideas.Unit Portfolio and Presentation3.2Effectively communicate ideas in appropriate formats.Unit Portfolio and PresentationAppendix 2 – Students Calendar, Checklist and Scheme of WorkWEEK 1 – w/c 1st January 2018Tuesday amRemainder of the weekCollege not open MonIntroduction to Unit 12Power Point 1 – Introduction to Unit 12What is expected i.e. Portfolios etcHow it works – Personal ScheduleStudy GroupsPeer ReviewCritiquesWhy – Unit 13WHO AM I?Objective for session: - Schedule Week 1 producedWork on your scheduleLast lesson of the week: -Peer ReviewCritiqueReflective LogWed pm (x3)Tues pm (a’s) Thurs am (x3)Introduction to Unit 12Power Point 1 Introduction to Unit 12What is expected i.e. Portfolios etcHow it works – Personal ScheduleStudy GroupsPeer ReviewCritiquesWhy – Unit 13WHO AM I?Objective for session: - Schedule Week 1 producedSchedule agreed with LecturerAdvisory Schedule: -Produce Timeline for skills development to dateMind Map on Who am I? – my favourite media products, my inspirational media producerMy skills focusWEEK 2 – w/c 8th January 2018Mon am (x3)Mon pm (x2)Remainder of the weekWed pm (x3)Thurs am (x3)Power Point 2 – The ReportHow to undertake a Literature Review, both generally and specifically for The Report, based on weeks 1 tasks – favourite media Practioners, and favourite Media Product and should tie in with skills focus.Objective for session: - Schedule Week 2 producedSchedule agreed with LecturerAdvisory Schedule: -The ReportWork on your scheduleLast lesson of the week: -Peer ReviewCritiqueReflective LogWEEK 3 – w/c 15th January 2018Mon am (x3)Mon pm (x2)Remainder of the weekWed pm (x3)Thurs am (x3)Power Point 3Experimentation and SkillsHow to structure an experiment – what is the research question and what is the research plan to find the answer to that question.Based on weeks 1 tasks – when you looked at your skills, and what you want to focus on.If you are unsure of what to do, then use the FEAR project to get you focused and doingSchedule Week 3 producedSchedule agreed with LecturerAdvisory Schedule: -Detail planed experimentation and skills task What is their research question and what is their research plan to answer that question? You can leave college if necessary and relevant.OrFEAR ProjectWork on your scheduleLast lesson of the week: -Peer ReviewCritiqueReflective LogWeek 4 and Week 5 w/c 22nd and 29th January 2018Mon am (x3)Mon pm (x2)Remainder of the weekWed pm (x3)Thurs am (x3)Independent Study now….Schedule Week 4 and 5 produced and approvedWork on Schedule – With constant checking by staffWork on your scheduleLast lesson of the week: -Peer ReviewCritiqueReflective LogWeek 6 – 5th February 2018Presentation and Progress Review Week – All students present their findings and possible thoughts on Unit 13. Portfolio made perfect!Self-Directed Study Week Appendix 3 – Chapter BibliographiesBibliography: Chapter . (n.d.).?Skins - Series - 2007 – Cast, Video, Trailer, photos, Reviews, Showtimes. Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2018].En.. (n.d.).?Peter and Wendy. Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2018].FilmAffinity. (n.d.).?Broadchurch (TV Series) (2013). Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2018].Bibliography: Chapter 2Acee, R. (2013). PBS American Cinema Film Noir. YouTube. Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2018].Alton, J., Bailey, J. and McCarthy, T. (2013). Painting with light. Berkeley: University Of California Press. [Accessed 9 Jan. 2018]. IMDb. (n.d.). "American Cinema" Film Noir (TV Episode 1995). Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2018].IMDb. (n.d.). John Alton. Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2018].IMDb. (n.d.). The Big Combo (1955). Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2018].Luhr, W. (2017). Film Noir. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. [Accessed 9 Jan. 2018]. Sasaki, K. (2015). The cinematography of Film Noir. Screenhead. Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2018].Totaro, D. (2007). Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2018].YouTube. (2013). The Basics of Lighting for Film Noir. Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2018].YouTube. (2015). FILM NOIR: How to get the Classic Black & White Style. Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2018].Chapter 3 ................

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