Philosophy of Religion - Success for All

Y11 to Y12 Transition Work**FOR INFO ONLY - THIS COURSE WILL NOT BE RUNNING IN 2020/21**Subject:RELIGIOUS STUDIESTopic(s):Philosophy / Ethics / TheologyIndependent Learning Task(s) to Complete:TASK 1:There are three parts to this, they will help give you the background knowledge you need for the A-Level course:Philosophy of ReligionReligion and ethicsDevelopments in religious thoughtCreate a folder (whether on OneDrive or a physical folder) and have three clearly labelled sub-sections.TASK 2Read the 'RS – preparing for A-Level' sheet and complete the research activities.Write out answers to the questions that are at the end of the sheet. Remember that the sections have clear headers and should be saved in the correct part of the folder you have made.TASK 3Watch this video clip from crash course philosophy (Youtube) Write some bullet point notes to summarise your understandingTASK 4This is an online ethics textbook, Ethics for A Level by Mark Dimmock and Andrew Fisher. It will be a useful support throughout your course, so add it to your favourites!Read the introduction chapter and answer the questions at the end of the chapter. You can type or use lined paper. Additional learning opportunities:Crash Course Philosophy A range of informative videos, a complete playlist can be found here: (the section most relevant to the A-Level are under the heading Religion and the Idea of God) there is also this video on the history of Christianity The History of Ideas has put together some informative and easy to understand explanations of the big philosophical ideas that exist. Really recommened. Belief has a range of interesting podcasts on a range of topics, it is a brilliant opportunity to stretch your knowledge wider than just what the A-Level expects (also available on BBC Sounds app, or wherever you might download podcasts from)My absolute favourite podcast of all time is In Our Time, it covers topics from across a whole range of topics and subjects and presents them in an easy to understand way. website: ‘RS – preparing for A-Level’ worksheetCrash Course Philosophy: RS – preparing for A-LevelPhilosophy of ReligionFind out and write down what the word ‘philosophy’ means.Find out and write down what the word ‘epistemology’ means. Watch this video to help: philosophical question in epistemology is ‘what can we know for sure?’ What do you think we can know for sure? Either:Explain with a developed reason why there is nothing we can know for sure; ORWrite down some things we can know for sure and explain with a developed reason why we do know these things for sure.Find out 5 facts about the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. Write them down. a youtube video about Plato’s Cave. Describe what you think one of the points of this story is. Do you agree with any of Plato’s views?Find out 5 facts about the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. Write them down. Have you noticed any differences in how Aristotle and Plato approached philosophy? out 5 facts about the philosopher Descartes. Write them down.Watch a YouTube video about Descartes’ demon. Describe what you think one of the points of this story is. Do you agree with any of Descartes’ views? people be brains in jars having sensory information fed directly by wires into their brains to make it appear as if they are a body in this world? Why or why not? Give two reasons for each point of view, then say which side you agree more with and why. This might help get you thinking: out 5 facts about the philosopher George Berkeley. Write them down. Watch a YouTube video about Berkeley’s idealism. Describe what you think one of the points of this theory is. Do you agree with any of Berkeley’s views? down some ideas about what religious people think God is like. Explain these ideas to make them as clear as you can.Give descriptions, in no more than 5 sentences each, of the following traditional philosophical arguments for God’s existence: the ontological argument from Anselm; the cosmological argument from Coppleston; the teleological argument from Paley; and the moral argument from Kant.Do you think there are good philosophical reasons for accepting that God might exist? Write down your opinion and back it up with reasons.Religion and ethicsIs right and wrong the same for everyone? Give reasons for your view, and examples to illustrate it.Where do we get our views of right and wrong from? Write down some possible sources.An evil villain has tied 1 person on one track of a junction, and 5 people to the other side track of the junction. He has put you by the lever. At the moment the train (it is coming fast) will run over the 5 people. If you pull the lever, the point will change and the train will run over only 1 person. Should you pull the lever? Explain reasons for doing so and not doing so.Is euthanasia right? (if you don’t know what euthanasia is, research it). Give 3 reasons for your point of view and 3 reasons why some people might disagree with you.Is abortion right? Give 3 reasons for your point of view and 3 reasons why some people might disagree with you.Is pacifism the correct attitude to all wars? Give 3 reasons for your point of view and 3 reasons why some people might disagree with you.Would it be good to change the characteristics of babies before they were born, so that they were healthier, more successful, or closer to their parents wishes? Give 3 reasons for your point of view and 3 reasons why some people might disagree with you.Research the following theories, explain what they are:Utilitarianism ( and )Kantian Ethics ()Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics ( and )Explain a fully developed reason for your answer to each of the following questions.Give a reason in favour of Utilitarianism – why is it a good approach to make moral decisions?Give a reason against Utilitarianism – why is it not a good approach to make moral decisions?Give a reason in favour of Kantian Ethics – why is it a good approach to make moral decisions?Give a reason against Kantian Ethics – why is it not a good approach to make moral decisions? Give a reason in favour of Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics – why is it a good approach to make moral decisions?Give a reason against Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics – why is it not a good approach to make moral decisions?Are there moral facts? Is right and wrong the same for everyone, everywhere? Give reasons for your answer. ()Developments in religious thoughtWhy was the birth of Jesus so influential? impact does the resurrection of Jesus have on Christianity today?Why is the Bible important for worship in Christianity? happened to the church after Jesus died? did different denominations come about? do we know about the gender of God?A. What is the Trinity?B. What makes it so difficult to understand? C. Where does the Trinity appear in the Bible? What role does the New Testament play in Christian’s lives today?What does the Bible teach about wealth?What role does gender play in the Church today? ................

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