SEM 1 - Alamance-Burlington School System

Using your smart phone, find the following:3 examples of advergames. These must be actual advergames and not just games that randomly advertise within the game.Game NameBrand AdvertisingUsing your GPS-based service, find the top 5 closest restaurants.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Using your GPS-based service, find the top 3 rated restaurants in the area._____________________________________________________________________________________________What are 3 of the nearest “attractions?”_____________________________________________________________________________________________Using a magazine, find a QR code. Using your smart phone, scan the code and go to the website. Evaluate the strengths & weaknesses of the website based on the advertisement.StrengthsWeaknessesAre you using an iPhone or an Android-based phone? __________________________Using your smartphone, find the top 3 paid apps._____________________________________________________________________________________What are the top 3 free apps?_______________________________________________________________________________________Looking at YouTube, what are the top 3 trending videos?Video NameA product/service that should advertise here is....Looking at Twitter, what are the top 5 trends?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Based on the top 5 trends on Twitter, if you were a marketer for Dr. Pepper, how would this impact your next move? Explain.Pick a company and follow them on Twitter. Tomorrow, in your journal, you will report what you learned from following them in the past 24 hours. Note how many tweets were posted & the contents of those tweets. List the company here: _____________________________ ................

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