
?center0Castleview Primary SchoolSchool Closure Work – Primary 3Updated Tasks Week Beginning – 11.05.20Updated Core Learning – During school closure periods when possible teachers will post a weekly updated version of this document on the school website. They will change the three boxes below. Tasks may relate to the resource pack sent home or a website.LiteracyNumeracyHealth and WellbeingBoth TIGSReading Read a book aloud. Ask an adult to listen to you using fluency and expression.WritingWrite another diary of your week OR??Write a diary from a?character's?perspective.GrammarWrite 7 sentences using connectives you know (e.g. and/?because/but)??Highlight the connectives.?Phonics/SpellingMiss Vials TIGUse the phonics sheet to practise the sounds end ‘y’, ‘oa’ and end ‘ow’.You can also tune in to the Read, Write, Ink YouTube videos for some extra practise. These are everyday at 10:00 and 10:30 and are available for 24 hours! Mrs Bootland TIGChoose 6 Frys words you have difficulty spelling correctly. Write a short imaginative story, including these 6 words in your writing.Your writing should include: Capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. 6 Frys words you find tricky to spell.Adjectives and detail to interest the reader. Read your story aloud to check your writing makes sense. Highlight the Frys words so I can see which ones you have used and then share your stories with me on Twitter. Please see our school website- Neurodiversity tab for literacy support toolsBoth TIGSComplete your weekly challenge on Sum Dog.If you have a maths grid in your packs. Complete two boxes a day.Make sure you do a little bit of mental maths everyday – this might be counting forwards and backwards, adding or subtracting sums in your head or teaching your family members how to play the game 11. Topic MathsThis term we are learning about money. Watch this short clip about different coins and their worth. coins in your house – can you count them? How many do you have? Can you order them?Miss Vials TIGDoubling is the same as multiplying by 2 e.g.7+7 is the same as 7x24+4 is the same as 4x2. Practise the 2 times table using this website activity: writing out your doubles and matching them with the correct 2 times table sum.Mrs Bootland TIG Remind yourself of the two times table by watching the song below. write out the full two times table 3 times e.g. 1 x 2 = 2 2 x 2 = 2 and then play the ‘coconut multiples game. see our school website- Neurodiversity tab for maths support toolsBoth Classes1.Participate in the body coach’s daily P.E class – The Body Coach TV Create a go noodle account. It has lots of free calming and movement videos . Watch this?clip of a baby learning?to walk.? map?of?all of?the things you have learnt to do since you were a baby. Create an?‘all about me’?poster.What are?you?good at? What would?you?like to better at??ThematicChoose an item of produce from the options below: Carrot, potato, tomato, onionAsk an adult to help you research how and where this grows. Make a poster to show your findings.Share this with us on Twitter!Please see our school website-Neurodiversity tab for support toolsOngoing Core LearningLiteracyNumeracyHealth and WellbeingBook Bug Learning Fry’s wordsStory Writing Read anything and everything!Sum DogLearning Number FactsMeasure and compareUsing the clock DancingFitness ActivityChat to real person not a screenYogaOngoing ActivitiesMake a den – tents, pillows, blanketsRaces – hopping, skipping, crawling Share a story from a book or imaginationA Treasure Hunt – You pick the treasureCreate a masterpiece – pens, paint or using objectsCreate a song or piece of music, make your own instruments ................

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