A Holiday Adventure for Mythic Iceland

by Pedro Ziviani and Leo Pall Hrafnsson

The Night of the Yule Cat


You know the Yule Cat - that cat is very large We don't know where he came from Nor where he has gone

He opened his eyes widely Glowing both of them It was not for cowards To look into them

His hair sharp as needles His back was high and bulgy And claws on his hairy paw Were not a pretty sight

Therefore the women competed To rock and sow and spin And knitted colorful clothes Or one little sock

For the cat could not come And get the little children They had to get new clothes From the grownups

- J?hannes ?r K?tlum, Icelandic poet

This is a short scenario based on the old Icelan-

dic myth of the Yule Cat, the huge and monstrous black cat that eats children who don't have new clothes to wear at Christmas eve.

The story takes place during the Pagan Commonwealth period of Icelandic history, before the

Christian conversion in the year 1000. As the story starts, the pagan player characters are preparing to celebrate the mid-winter festival of Yule ("J?l" in Icelandic), which is described in Grettis Saga as being a time of "greatest mirth and joyance among men."

With minor changes, it is also possible to run this scenario for Christian player characters living in the years after the country has converted to the new faith. Early Christians in Iceland associated Yule with Christmas and celebrated it on the same date.

Timing is important in this scenario. The GM should keep track of the hours in the day. Try to build a sense of urgency by reminding the players often that they need to complete their quest before midnight, or many young lives will be lost. Do not, however, tell the players how many hours exactly they have left, as the their characters would themselves have difficulty establishing the time of the day when in the darkness of winter and under a cloudy sky.


The scenario starts with the PCs finding out that the new clothes their children were going to wear at Yule night, tonight, have been stolen. They go to their local chieftain seeking guidance, only to find out that the same has happened to all the other farms in the region. A v?lva, an old woman with the gift of seeing into the future, tell the PCs that they are the ones who should be seeking the stolen

Mythic Iceland

copyright ? 2011 by Chaosium Inc. and Pedro Ziviani

clothes, trying to find them before the Yule Cat so they tricked those elven children into stealing

comes to eat the children at midnight.

the new clothes belonging to their human friends.

After talking to the children, the PCs discov- Later, they took the clothes from the children, and

er that exquisite wooden toys were left behind in they plan to hide them.

place of the clothes by whoever took them. The

Once those elven soldiers find out that a

children say they have seen similar toys with their group of humans is getting close to find out about

friends from the mountains, the children of the what they have done, they will set a trap for them.

`hidden people'.

The PCs travel to the mountains on a quest to retrieve the new clothes. On the way there they



encounter a group of men being attacked by polar

bears. As they try to help, the men vanish into thin The player characters are all established house-

air. It is a trap. After fighting the bears they final- holders. Each and every one of them are farmers

ly meet the hidden people, and go into their farm- who own their own land. Also, they are married

house. The children of the hidden people explain and have each a few children of their own.

that they were tricked by a group of elven soldiers

It is not important where in Iceland the play-

to steal the new clothes from the human children, er character's farms are located, but they must be

and that the soldiers then took the clothes from all in the same region and belonging to the same


go?or? (chieftaincy).

Following the clues, the PCs find a cave and

inside it they find the group of elven soldiers. The

SCENE 1: must fight and retrieve the children's new clothes. Once they have the clothes, the PCs travel

back to the chieftains farm, getting there right at midnight. They must distract the monstrous Yule Cat long enough so that all children can be dressed


in their new clothes and thus spared the terrible fate of being eaten alive by the gigantic beast.

If they act with bravery, the PCs might just be able to save the Yule celebrations.

It is the morning of the day before the start of Yule celebrations. All the family is up in this cold and dark winter morning. The wind howls outside and snow is falling.

This is a busy morning at the farms of each

What is Really Going On

of the player characters. Each family has been preparing for tonight's Yule feast for several weeks.

A group of elven soldiers from coming from ?lfheimur, the world of the elves, was on an exploration mission in Mi?gar?ur, the world of men. They met a group of children belonging to elven families who had long ago decided to emigrate from ?lfheimur and had settled here in mythic Iceland. There is an unease peace between the royal elven houses of the elf world, and those who abandoned that world and are now called ?the hidden people? by the humans.

The soldiers decided to stir a little trouble. They knew about the the Yule Cat and the magical binding that compels it to eat any human children

Cattle has been slaughtered, sk?r (a type of yogurt) has been prepared, and shark meat has been carefully rotten to the exact point, and urinated on for optimal flavour, as tradition demands. The children have been busy for months as well, making the clothes they will wear tonight and for the next few months after that, out of the wool from the farm's sheep.

Just as the player characters are getting ready for today's work at the farm, in each of their homes, the children scream, terrified. The children are shaking and crying; saying between sobs that they don't want to die.

who are not wearing new clothes at Yule night,

A Holiday Adventure for Mythic Iceland copyright ? 2011 by Chaosium Inc. and Pedro Ziviani


Let each of the players roleplay the interaction with their own children. The GM should try to give to each child a distinct personality and memorable description, so that they will seem more real to the players and so lend a greater sense of importance to the quest to protect them throughout the adventure.

In order to calm the children down, it is necessary a successful Easy roll of Charisma (APP x5). The Charisma characteristic measures interpersonal reactions, and so it's a good fit here. Once they have stopped screaming, the children explain that when they opened their wooden trunks they realized in horror that their new clothes, that they should be wearing later today, were missing.

The player characters can look around for themselves for the cause of their children's fright. A successful Easy roll of Spot means they see the

open wooden trunk where the children keep their clothes, and see that it is empty.

The children have good reason to be this frightened. Everyone knows it that children without new clothes in Yule night get eaten by a terrible monster called the `Yule Cat'. The player characters themselves have been using the threat of the Yule Cat to persuade their children to work hard so that they would finish making their clothes in time for Yule.

Now, there is only one thing to do. The player characters can't individually hope to find who stole the clothes in time by themselves. So a decision is quickly made by the adults in each of the households to travel to the farm of the go?i (chieftain), with all the family. The go?i will have the resources to know what to do, or at least he can organize an

The Night of the Yule Cat copyright ? 2011 by Chaosium Inc. and Pedro Ziviani

armed force to protect the children from the mon- this region will die tonight. But yet, we do not


know where to start looking." - At that moment

the men erupt in shouting again, each one of them

angrily offering their idea of what should be done.


The go?i stands up and in a quick movement he pulls his sword from his belt. The sword gleams


in the light of the fire that burns along the center of the room. "Be quiet, or I swear I will cut

off the tongues of all of you and I will feed them


to the pigs!" - The room gets quiet once more,


and he sits down. Still holding his sword, he calms

The player characters arrive separately with their respective families at the farm of their go?i, Haki Skaftisson. (if using this adventure with an already established group, just replace the go?i's name with the one they are already familiar with.)

The go?i is a rich man, by Icelandic standards, meaning that he owns all of forty cows. His

down and speaks again. "We must ask the gods for guidance. As fate would have it, Hrafnhildur Bragisd?ttir, my grandmother, is here today, having travelled from the West Fjords for the Yule celebrations. She is well-known for being a v?lva, a great prophetess. I will ask her to consult the gods on what we should do to save our children. "

farm is comprised of one large longhouse, and

three more houses, one being a temple, and the other two are used for keeping the horses, pigs and sheep inside during the winter.


THE V?LVA When the player characters arrive at the farm,

at around 9:00 am, they are surprised to see two

SPEAKS dozen horses hitched outside. Going inside the large longhouse they find

most of the men, women and children of the region

gathered there. The go?i is seating a his high chair After a brief wait, the women of the household

at the end of the longhouse, and he is locked into walk into the longhouse bringing with them an el-

a heated debate with men who are seated along derly woman. She is wearing a long black cloak,

the wooden benches. The women and children and she walks with difficulty, putting the end of a

are gathered in the opposite end of the long hous- staff on the ground for support herself with every

es, where mothers and grandmothers are trying to step, bent with the weight of old age.

calm down the terrified children.

All the men assembled in the hall stand up

The player characters can take their seat on in respect for the old v?lva. The go?i rushes over

the wooden benches. This is the moment when they to the old woman, his grandmother, and helps her

meet for the first time in this scenario. They know as she walks the length of the hall. Finally she sits

each other as neighbors, and respect one another. on the chieftain's high seat, an honor that no other

They should talk now and exchange details of their person in the country would have while the chief-

experiences this morning. No doubt, they will be tain is alive.

surprised to discover that it was not only one farm

The go?i says: "Hrafnhildur, grandmother, I

that had the children's clothes robbed this morn- bid you listen to me in this Loki-cursed times. The

ing, and will quickly discover that the exact same new clothes of the children have been stolen, and

thing has happen to all the farms in the region.

tonight the Yule Cat is coming. I beg you to ask

Finally, the go?i says. "Be quiet, all of you! the gods... How can we fight the beast? How can

I realize that the situation is grave, and we must we kill the monster and save the children?"

retrieve those new clothes or all the children of

A Holiday Adventure for Mythic Iceland copyright ? 2011 by Chaosium Inc. and Pedro Ziviani


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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