A Yule Toast - Mother Earth Ministries

[Pages:1]YULE For Wiccans, Yule is a celebration of the Winter Solstice: the longest night and shortest day of the year. Because the days

start getting longer after Yule, we say it's when the God is reborn in his solar (sun) aspect. The Solstice is an astronomical event, so the actual time and date vary a bit from year to year, but Yule is usually standardized as December 21st. Some of us stay up all night on the 21st to greet the dawn on the 22nd.

Many Christmas traditions are borrowed from older Yule customs. That means that Wiccans often decorate Yule trees, and hang wreaths and colored lights. We also share a feast and exchange gifts. The gifts don't have to be store-bought, though. Many of us consider hand-made presents even better!

Here's one way to exchange gifts in prison. Fold a piece of 8?"x11" paper in half across the middle. On the outside, draw a picture of a wrapped present. On the inside, write a word or two that represents something important you can share with a friend. Calm, success, learning, health, and luck are examples of what you might "give" to someone else. You will know what interests your friends, and what they might need in their lives.

A Yule Toast

Here's to the Sun God and his rebirth! Here's to the warming of Mother Earth! Here's to the light as it grows strong! Here's to the days as they grow long! Here's to Yuletide and its feast! May our friendships and fortunes be increased! Hail, Yule!

BB Ashleen


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