Animals to IPA 1

1. Write the name of your country using the IPA: ___________________________________

2. Write two words in English that contain the same vowel sound:

a) /Æ:/ _____________________________________________________________

b) /A:/ _____________________________________________________________

3. Write two words in English that contain the same diphthong:

a) /OI/ _____________________________________________________________

b) /U@/ _____________________________________________________________

4. Write two words in English that contain the same consonant sound:

a) /Z/ _____________________________________________________________

b) /j/ _____________________________________________________________

5. Translate the following sentences into English:

a) /wi: gÁt 'm{rid In 'eIpr@l lA:st jI@/

b) /D@ 'swImIÎ pu:l 'wÁznt 'veri 'bIzi/

6. Write the following sentences using the IPA (include stress marks):

a) What’s your favourite film? __________________________________________

b) My friends will be here soon. __________________________________________

c) Fresh spring water is pure. __________________________________________

d) The toys were made in China. __________________________________________

7. Write these words in your native language, then translate the result into the IPA:

a) dining room _____________________________________________________________

b) clothes _____________________________________________________________

c) aeroplane _____________________________________________________________

d) lettuce _____________________________________________________________


1. Answers will vary.

2. Answers will vary, for example:

a) /Æ:/ bird, heard

b) /A:/ palm, farm

3. Answers will vary, for example:

a) /OI/ boy, soil

b) /U@/ pure, fewer

4. Answers will vary, for example:

a) /Z/ television, usually

b) /j/ yacht, youth


a) We got married in April last year.

b) The swimming pool wasn’t very busy.


a) What’s your favourite film? /wÁts yO: 'feIvr@t fIlm/

b) My friends will be here soon. /maI frenz wIl bi: hI@ su:n/

c) Fresh spring water is pure. /freS sprIÎ 'wO:t@ Iz pjU@/

d) The toys were made in China. /D@ tOIs wÆ: meId In 'tSaIn@/

7. Answers will vary.


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