The script of Desperate Housewives

The script of Desperate Housewives

Season 1 第一季



(The VAN DE KAMP family is seated, eating silently.)

DANIELLE: Why can't we ever have normal soup?

BREE: Danielle, there is nothing abnormal about basil puree.

DANIELLE: Just once, can we have a soup that people have heard of? Like, french onion or navy bean.

BREE: First of all, your father can't eat onions, he's deadly allergic. (REX glances at BREE sullenly.) And I won't even dignify your navy bean suggestion. So. How's the osso bucco?

ANDREW: It's OK. (BREE stares at him.)

BREE: It's OK? Andrew, I spent 3 hours cooking this meal. How do you think it makes me feel when you say it's OK, in that sullen tone?

ANDREW: Who asked you to spend 3 hours on dinner? (REX stops chewing, looks at ANDREW. DANIELLE looks at BREE.)

BREE: Excuse me?

ANDREW: (REX looks back at his plate) Tim Harper's mom gets home from work, pops open a can of pork and beans, and boom, they're eating, everyone's happy.

BREE: You'd rather I serve pork and beans?

DANIELLE: Apologize now, I am begging.

ANDREW: I'm just saying, do you always have to serve cuisine? Can't we ever just have food?

BREE: Are you doing drugs?

ANDREW: What!?

BREE: (angry) Change in behaviour is one of the warning signs, and you have been as fresh as paint for the last 6 months. (looks down) That certainly would explain why you're always locked in the bathroom.

DANIELLE: (grinning) Trust me, that is not what he is doing.

ANDREW: (to DANIELLE) (sot to) Shut up. (REX looks embarrassed. BREE glances at REX, then back at ANDREW incredulously) Mom, I'm not the one with the problem here, alright? You're the one always acting like she's running for mayor of Stepford.

BREE: (looks at REX) Rex. Seeing as you're the head of this household, I would really appreciate you saying something.

REX: (beat) Pass the salt?

(DANIELLE passes the salt to REX. ANDREW, DANIELLE and REX continue their meal as BREE looks at REX, stunned.)


1. basil puree 用basil做的蔬菜泥。Basil是西式菜谱里面常用到的一种香叶,也即是大统华里面卖的九层塔。

2. navy bean 菜豆

3. sullenly 面色愠怒地,不高兴地

4. And I won’t even dignify your navy bean suggestion. 大意是:我不觉得你说得菜豆能做出精致的菜。 Dignify 是显得高贵的意思。

5. osso bucco 意大利经典菜式,中文一般称做:米兰炖牛膝。这道菜最重要的部分,是炖牛膝完成后在菜上门撒的香料,该香料被称为 Gremolata, 是由大蒜,意大利香菜和柠檬皮制成, 看这道菜是否正宗,就看该香料是否做得好。由此可见,Bree还真是孜孜不倦追求高雅精致的菜式。

6. incredulously 不相信地


NARRATOR: Three days after my funeral, Lynette replaced her grief with a much more useful emotion - indignation.

(A frazzled LYNETTE is at the crowded supermarket with her children. The baby is sitting in the cart, as, unseen by LYNETTE, the twins sneak off, pushing the other cart into another aisle as LYNETTE talks on the phone.)

LYNETTE: (on the phone) Tom, this is my 5th message and you still haven't called me back. Well, you must be having a lot of fun on your business trip. I can only imagine. Well, guess what, the kids and I wanna have some fun too, so unless you call me back by noon, we are getting on a plane and joining you.


LYNETTE: (glances at PRESTON) Not now, honey, Mommy's threatening Daddy.


LYNETTE: (turns around as she throws a bottle in the cart.) No, I am not... (She trails off, noticing the twins are gone) Where're your brothers?

(Cut to:PARKER pushing PORTER on the shopping cart in another aisle, putting random items from the shelf in the cart.)

PORTER: Noodles, my favourite!

(Cut to:LYNETTE, followed by PRESTON, pushes the cart out of the aisle, looking around, trying to find the twins. A SHOPPER looks up to see LYNETTE coming towards her.)

SHOPPER: Lynette Scavo?

LYNETTE: (sot to) Crap. (looks up, smiling widely) Natalie Klein, I don't believe it!

SHOPPER: Lynette! How long has it been?

LYNETTE:Years! Uh, how are you, how's the firm?

SHOPPER: Good, everyone misses you.


SHOPPER: We all say, if you hadn't quit, you'd be running the place by now.

LYNETTE: Yeah, well. (smiles, looking down)

SHOPPER: So?how's domestic life? Don't you just love being a mom?

NARRATOR: And there it was - the question that Lynette always dreaded.

LYNETTE: (hesitant) Well, to be honest...

NARRATOR: To those who asked it, only one answer was acceptable. So, Lynette responded as she always did - she lied.

LYNETTE: It's the best job I've ever had. (smiling widely)

(Pan to:A cart comes out of an aisle behind LYNETTE and bumps into an elderly lady, who gasps and falls over. A man hurries to help her up. Sounds of glass breaking are heard as the twins are loudly fascinated by the commotion they're caused. LYNETTE closes her eyes, sighing.)


1. frazzled 穿得破破烂烂的

2. sneak off 偷偷跑开

3. trail off 说话声音越来越弱

4. dread 害怕,恐惧

5. commotion 骚动 暴乱


(A schoolbus is seen through the open balcony door, driving along the road. GABRIELLE laughs softly offscreen. The camera pans back as we see GABRIELLE and JOHN naked in bed, covered with sheets. She leans across his body and lights up a cigarette.

JOHN: You know what I don't get?


JOHN: Why you married Mr. Solis.

(GABRIELLE raises her eyebrows, blows out a mouthful of smoke and leans on JOHN, stroking his chest.)

GABRIELLE: Well, he promised to give me everything I've ever wanted.

JOHN: Well, did he?


JOHN: Then... why aren't you happy? (GABRIELLE takes a drag of her cigarette)

GABRIELLE: Turns out I wanted all the wrong things.

JOHN: So. Do you love him?

GABRIELLE: I do. (sighs)

JOHN: Well, then, why are we here? Why are we doing this?

GABRIELLE: Because I don't wanna wake up some morning with a sudden urge to blow my brains out. (kisses JOHN, then takes another drag of her cigarette)

JOHN: Hey, can I have a drag?

GABRIELLE: Absolutely not. You are much too young to smoke. (kisses JOHN again)


(SUSAN is fixing her hair in the mirror, nervous. JULIE is sitting at the kitchen table, doing a school project of making a model of the Trojan Horse out of popsicle sticks.)

SUSAN: (exhales loudly) How would you feel about me using your child support payments for plastic surgery?

JULIE: Stop being so nervous, you're just asking him out to dinner. It's no big deal.

SUSAN: You're right. (stalling) So, is that your project for school? You know in 5th grade I made the white house out of sugar cubes.

JULIE: Stop stalling and go. Before Mike figures out he can do better.

SUSAN: (gapes at JULIE) Tell me again why I fought for custody of you?

JULIE: You were using me to hurt Dad.

SUSAN: Oh, that're right.

(SUSAN kisses JULIE's hair, then opens the kitchen back door to walk outside.)

SUSAN: Oh god.

(JULIE smiles, looking back down at her project)


1. You know what I don't get? 你知道我什么事情不明白吗?

2. Urge 冲动

3. Popsicle 冰棒

4. Gape 张嘴

(Cut to:EXT. MIKE- PORCH - NIGHT SUSAN walks up the steps and rings MIKE's doorbell. He opens the front door.)

SUSAN: (smiles) Hi.

MIKE: Hey, Susan.

SUSAN: Are you busy?

MIKE: No, not at all, what's up?

SUSAN: Well, I., I just was wondering, if, um, if there was any chance that, um, you would uh... (nervous laughter) I just... wanted to ask if...

(EDIE appears at the door beside MIKE, holding a bottle of beer.)

SUSAN: (sees EDIE, surprised) Edie. What are you...?

EDIE: I was making ambrosia, and I made too much so I thought I'd bring some over to Mike. What's going on?

MIKE: Uh, Susan was just about to ask me something.

SUSAN: Uh... (beat) I have a clog.

MIKE: Excuse me?

SUSAN: And you're a plumber. Right?

MIKE: Yeah.

SUSAN: The clog's in the pipe.

MIKE: Yeah, that's usually where they are.

SUSAN: (laughs) Well, I've got one.

MIKE: Well, let me get my tools.

SUSAN: Now? You wanna come over now? (uh oh.) Y-you have company.

EDIE: I don't mind. (smiles innocently at SUSAN)

MIKE: Just give me 2 minutes. I'll be right over.

(EDIE smirks at SUSAN, then shuts the door. SUSAN lets out a small yelp as she rushes down the porch steps.)

(Cut to: INT. SUSAN- HOUSE - KITCHEN --- NIGHT SUSAN and JULIE are at the sink, frantically trying to stuff handfuls of hair down the sink.)

SUSAN: That's it, just stuff the hair down.

JULIE: I stuffed it; it's not enough to clog it.

SUSAN: Here, here, look. Put in this peanut butter. And this cooking oil. (grabs a jar of olives from the counter) And these olives!

JULIE: Mom, Mom I'm telling you it's not working.

(The doorbell rings. MIKE is seen through the window outside the kitchen back door. He looks in the window, smiling at SUSAN.)

SUSAN: Uh, oh god. That's him. How am I gonna stuff up the sink... (trails off as she and JULIE turn to notice JULIE's miniature Trojan horse sitting on the kitchen table.)


(MIKE is lying on the ground, looking up at the pipes in the kitchen sink. SUSAN is leaning against the kitchen counter as he works.)

MIKE: Well. (takes a bunch of popsicle sticks out of a section of the pipes as he looks up at SUSAN, who tucks some hair behind her ear.) Here's your problem. Looks like somebody stuffed a bunch of popsicle sticks down there.

(JULIE creeps down the stairs to peer out at them.)

SUSAN: I've told Julie a million times not to play in the kitchen. (laughs) Kids, y' know?

(MIKE laughs understandingly as SUSAN looks up, smiling. JULIE catches SUSAN's eye and glares at her. SUSAN gestures apologetically at JULIE.)


1. ambrosia 词典上的意思是:美味的食物,神的食物。(对于ambrosia, 我的认识仅限于IGA里面的称作ambrosia的沙拉,全用水果做成,还加了大量的whipped cream, 很美味,就是太rich了)

2. smirk 假笑,带有坏意的笑

3. let out 放出 离开

4. miniature = small


(Fade to: Interior of the restaurant, where the VAN DE KAMP family are sitting in a booth as a SERVER has just finished taking their orders.)

SERVER:Alright, I'll go put in your order. I'll be right back with your drinks and your plates for the salad bar. (walks away)

REX: Thank you.

BREE: Andrew, Danielle, napkins? (smiles at them)

ANDREW: They have video games. Can we go play until our food gets here?

BREE: Andrew. This is family time. I think we should all...

REX: (interrupts BREE) Go ahead and play. (DANIELLE and ANDREW look at REX, surprised, as they get up and leave.)

BREE: I know that you think I'm angry about coming here, but I'm not. I mean, the kids wanted a change of pace, something fun. I get it. (smiles at REX) Probably will want something healthier tomorrow night though, I'm thinking about chicken?

REX: (interrupts BREE) I want a divorce. (BREE looks at him, stunned) I just can't live in this... this detergent commercial anymore.

(The SERVER stops beside their table.)

SERVER:The salad bar's right over there, help yourself.

REX: Thank you.(watches as the SERVER walks away)

BREE: Um. Think I'll go get your salad for you.

(BREE takes his plate and walks to the salad bar. MRS. HUBER sees her and gets up, following BREE to the salad bar. BREE puts some lettuce leaves on the plate as MRS. HUBER comes up to her.)

MRS. HUBER:Bree Van De Kamp!

BREE: (looks up, startled) Oh, hello Mrs. Huber. (distractedly putting some onions onto REX's salad.)

MRS. HUBER:Oh we didn't get a chance to talk at Mary Alice's wake. How are you doing?

(BREE is lost for words, unable to answer as she looks back at REX sitting in their booth, avoiding her eyes.)

NARRATOR: Bree longed to share the truth about her husband's painful betrayal, but sadly for Bree, admitting defeat was not an option.

BREE: (smiles at MRS. HUBER) Great. Everything is just great. (puts some dressing on the salad)

(Cut to:BREE slides back into their booth, where REX is sitting.)

BREE: Okay, well, I got you the honey mustard dressing; the ranch looked just a little bit suspect. (starts cutting the bread as REX sighs, starting on his salad)

REX: (chews the salad as he watches BREE) Are we gonna talk about what I just said?

BREE: If you think I'm gonna discuss the dissolution of my marriage in a place where the restrooms are labelled "chicks" and "dudes (looks up at REX), you're out of your mind.

REX: (starts to choke, wheezing. He gestures at his salad) What's in this?

BREE: What do you mean what's in this? It's salad.

REX: With?(coughing and wheezing) with onions?

BREE: What?

REX: (fighting for breath) You put onions in my salad!!

(REX slides out of the booth, collapsing on the floor as he pulls the tablecloth, and everything on it, along with him on the ground. BREE stands up, stunned as she watches him collapsed on the floor.)

BREE: (gasps) No, I didn't! (realizing) Oh wait?


1) I know that you think I'm angry about coming here… 这简直是鸡同鸭讲,Bree太过于把自己装饰为优雅练达的丽人形象,以至于忽略了家庭成员的感受,这也是他们家庭矛盾的根源。

2) this detergent commercial anymore…. Rex 这里把他妻子比喻为电视中卖清洁剂的广告模特,意指Bree平时虽然勤做家务又很能干,但是家庭成员间缺乏温馨感。


(A sound of a pick awakens ZACH, who slides out of bed, puts on his glasses and looks out the window.)

NARRATOR: The sound that awakened my son was something he'd heard only once before, many years ago, when he was quite young.

(ZACH walks along the garden path, towards the sound. He comes to the pool, where PAUL has drained the water, and is digging the rocks and dirt on the bottom with a pick.)

NARRATOR: But he recognized it instantly.

(PAUL looks up at ZACH, who watches him, breathing hard. PAUL returns to his task, using the pick to loosen the concrete at the bottom of the pool systematically, lit by only a small light propped up next to him. ZACH just stands at the side of the pool, watching, as we hear the sounds of PAUL grunting as he hacks at the concrete.)

NARRATOR: It was the sound of family secret.



LYNETTE is feeding the baby, trying to coax him to eat puréed peaches.)

NARRATOR: Seven days after my funeral, life on Wisteria Lane finally returned to normal. Which, for some of my friends, was unfortunate.

(The baby flicks a spoonful of peaches onto LYNETTE's face and shirt. The baby gurgles with laughter. She puts her head in her hands as PARKER appears at the open doorway.)

PARKER:Mommy, Mommy!

LYNETTE: (sotto) Now what.

PARKER:Daddy's home! (LYNETTE turns to look at the doorway, surprised.)

(TOM appears at the door, holding a luggage bag, PORTER and PRESTON in his arms, PARKER hanging onto his trouser leg.)

TOM: (laughing) Come on! Is everybody home?

LYNETTE: Hey, yeah! (smiling and laughing, she gets up and picks up the baby. She is surprised, happy to see him.)

SCAVO kids: Yeah, yeah!

TOM: Hey!

LYNETTE: I wasn't expecting you for a week!

TOM: (puts PORTER and PRESTON on the floor as he pats the baby on the head. LYNETTE wipes some of the peach off her face.) I have to go back to Frisco in the morning. When I got your call, you sounded a little frazzled. (kisses LYNETTE)

LYNETTE: Yeah! It's been a little rough!

TOM: Hmm, yeah, peaches.

PARKER:Daddy, Daddy, did you buy us any presents?

TOM: Oh god, presents. Oh, wait a minute, lemme see. (takes a rugby ball out of his bag) Ooooh.

SCAVO kids: Yaaaaayyy! (LYNETTE smiles)

TOM: But I'm not gonna give it to you, unless you promise me that you're gonna go outside right now and practice throwing for 20 minutes, okay? You promise?

SCAVO kids: Yeah, yeah, yeah!! (all run outside)

TOM: Get out! Who's open! Go left! (throws the ball out the open doorway)

SCAVO kids: Yeah yeah yeah!

TOM: Deeper, deeper, touchdown! (throws his arms up in the air)

(Cut to:TOM and LYNETTE, bursting through the doorway to their bedroom, kissing and giggling)

LYNETTE: Oh my god, oh my, oh!

(They collapse on the bed, TOM on top of LYNETTE.)

LYNETTE: Ooh, you gotta be kidding! I'm exhausted! I look terrible, I'm covered in peaches!

TOM: Sorry baby, I gotta have you.

LYNETTE: (rubs her forehead with her hand) Well, is it ok if I just lie here?

TOM: Absolutely. (kisses her)

LYNETTE: (giggles) I love you.

TOM: I love you more. (LYNETTE giggles as they kiss)

LYNETTE: Oh wait, I gotta tell you, I was having trouble with swelling, so the doctor took me off the pill, so you're just gonna have to put on a condom.

TOM: Condom?


TOM: What's the big deal? Let's risk it.

LYNETTE: (incredulous) Let's risk it?

TOM: Yeah.

LYNETTE: Ooh! (hits him on the face)

(TOM collapses on the bed, groaning, holding his face. LYNETTE hits him with a stuffed toy.)


1. spoonful 一匙 同样的,mouthful 一口东西

2. frazzled 这里的意思是,声音疲惫的

3. But I'm not gonna give it to you….. I am goona do something 及其常用说法, 等于 I am going to do something


(REX is lying in the hospital bed, watching BREE, who sits a chair next to the bed, avoiding his eyes.)

REX: I can't believe you tried to kill me.

BREE: Yes, well, I feel badly about that. I told you, Mrs. Huber came over and I got distracted. It was a mistake.

REX: Since when do you make mistakes?

BREE: (laughing) What's that supposed to mean?

REX: It means I'm sick of you being so damn perfect all the time. I-I-I'm sick of the bizarre way your hair doesn't move. I'm sick of you making the bed in the morning before I've even used the bathroom. (BREE looks incredulously at REX) You're, you're this plastic suburban housewife with her pearls and her spatula, who says things like We owe the Hendersons a dinner? (BREE looks down in at her lap, upset) Where's the woman I fell in love with? Who, who used to burn the toast, drink milk out of the carton, and laugh? I need her. Not this cold perfect thing you've become.

BREE: (composes herself. She gets up and takes a vase off the table) These need water.

(BREE walks into the bathroom, putting the vase in the sink and filling it with water. She looks at herself in the mirror, and starts to cry, putting her hand over her mouth.)

NARRATOR: BREE sobbed quietly in the bathroom for 5 minutes. But her husband never knew. Because when Bree finally emerged, she was perfect.

(BREE walks out of the bathroom holding the vase, smiling serenely.)


1. What's that supposed to mean? 那是什么意思?

2. Bizarre 怪异的,奇怪的

3. Spatula 炒菜铲


(CARLOS kneels on the sidewalk, putting his face close to the grass. GABRIELLE comes out of the front door, all dressed up in an elegant dress, hair curled on her head. She shuts the door and comes down the steps.)

GABRIELLE: I found my earrings, we can go now.

CARLOS: Was John here today?

(GABRIELLE stops short.)

GABRIELLE: Well, yeah.

CARLOS: The lawn hasn't been mowed. I've had it; we're getting a real gardener.


CARLOS: Are you deaf? I just said, he's not doing his job.

GABRIELLE: It's dark, you just can't see that the lawn has been mowed.

CARLOS: It hasn't been. Feel this grass.

GABRIELLE: I'm not feeling the grass! Let's just get going, come on! We're late! (walks off towards the car as CARLOS looks closely at the grass.)


(CARLOS walks with GABRIELLE on his arm. The party is filled with elegantly dressed people.)

CARLOS: (throws his car keys at the valet) Take care of it.

VALET: Yes, sir.

CARLOS: There's Tanaka. Time for me to go into my dance.

GABRIELLE: (smiles) Good luck, sweetheart. (kisses CARLOS on the cheek.)

(CARLOS smiles at GABRIELLE and walks away towards TANAKA. GABRIELLE looks around, and stops a WAITER passing by.)

GABRIELLE: Oh, excuse me.

WAITER: Ma'am?

GABRIELLE: You see that man who just walked away? Can you make sure he has a drink in his hand all. night long. (tucks a folded banknote in his pocket.)

Waiter: (smiles) Yes, ma'am.

(GABRIELLE looks around, and hurries off.)


GABRIELLE is driving the car. We see that she's driving back to Wisteria Lane. She parks the car in her driveway, hurries into the open garage door, reappearing pushing the lawn mower. She pushes the machine onto the grass and begins to mow the lawn, tottering along in her high heels and party dress.)


GABRIELLE hurries back to the party. She sees CARLOS with TANAKA, a drink on his hand, who hasn't even noticed that she'd left. She sighs with relief, running her hand along her hair. GABRIELLE picks a piece of grass from her hair, throwing it over her shoulder hastily.


CARLOS comes out of the front door and walks down the walkway. He stops and crouches down to run his hand along the mowed grass. Looking puzzled, CARLOS straightens up and continues walking to the car mollified. We pan up to see GABRIELLE watching from the upstairs balcony, sighing with relief as she's successfully covered her affair.)


1. I’ve had it. 我受够了。

2. Valet 仆从

3. Totter 蹒跚 摇晃

4. Hastily 慌张地

5. Mollified 得到安慰的,


(SUSAN pushes her cart along the aisle. Spotting MRS. HUBER, she tries to sneak past, with no luck. MRS. HUBER notices her.)

MRS. HUBER:Susan? Susan!

SUSAN: (smiles) Oh. Mrs. Huber, how you doing?

MRS. HUBER:Not too well, I'm afraid. I'm trying to find something to soothe my stomach.

SUSAN: It's upset?

MRS. HUBER:Yeah, I had the worst macaroni and cheese at the wake, it's been running through my system ever since.

SUSAN: (sympathetic smile) Oh.

MRS. HUBER:And I need to be at my best tonight. Edie Britt's son is spending the night tonight.

SUSAN: (raises her eyebrows) He's spending the night?

MRS. HUBER:Apparently, Edie is having a gentleman friend over on dinner, and I think she plans on entertaining into the wee hours, if you know what I mean.

(SUSAN is stunned. She immediately hurries out, leaving her cart in the middle of the aisle while MRS. HUBER is busy browsing.)

MRS. HUBER:Oh, here's some antacid. Have you ever tried this? (looks up, notices SUSAN is gone)

(Cut to:INT. SUSAN's HOUSE - KITCHEN ---- NIGHT SUSAN is pacing the floor as JULIE watches her, curled up on the couch.)

SUSAN: I can't believe it. This can't be happening. Mike can't like Edie better than me, he just can't!

JULIE: I don't know what's going on. Maybe they're just... having dinner.

(SUSAN gives her a look.)

JULIE: You're right. They're doing it.


1) ever since 从那时起

2) wee hours 凌晨


(SUSAN holds a measuring cup and walks up to EDIE's front porch. She rings the doorbell.)

SUSAN: Edie?

(SUSAN walks along the side of EDIE's house, peering in the back door.)

SUSAN: Edie? Hello..?

(SUSAN tries the back door and finds it open. Hearing music, she walks in.)

SUSAN: Anybody home? I need to borrow sugar?

(SUSAN walks along the corridor, where she picks up a piece of EDIE's discarded clothing. She goes into the living room, where she sees lots of candles lit, glasses of wine and chocolate on the coffee table. The measuring drop drops out of her hand and onto the floor. She picks up EDIE's pink, flowered bra, looking at it as she hears a noise.)

EDIE: [OS] Oh! Oh my god!

(SUSAN realizes what EDIE is doing upstairs. Upset, she drops down onto the couch)

NARRATOR: And just like that, the possibility that Susan had clung onto, the maybe of Mike Delfino was gone forever. And despite the precariousness of the situation, Susan took a moment to mourn her loss.

(SUSAN throws EDIE's bra behind her, where it catches the flame of the candles. It starts to burn, and lights up the curtain as well. SUSAN picks up a piece of chocolate and eats it. Smelling smoke, she turns around and discovers the curtain is on fire.)

SUSAN: Oh... Oh! Oh!

(SUSAN tries to put out the fire with no avail. She throws the leftover wine from the glasses onto the fire, which makes it worse.)

NARRATOR: It didn't take long for Susan to realize, this was just not her night.

(SUSAN abandons the scene, and runs out, cutting through the back garden. Meanwhile, EDIE's living room goes up in flames.)

EDIE: (OS) Is somebody out there? Oh my god, there's smoke!


(The house is a burning inferno. The neighbourhood has turned out to watch as fire-fighters try and save the blazing house. EDIE, wrapped in a blanket and followed by a fireman, rushes out from behind a fire truck and sees the burning house.)

EDIE: (teary) Oh my god. Oh... (leans against the fire truck)


1) clung (cling的过去式,等于stick的意思)

2) SUSAN tries to put out the fire with no avail. No avail 是徒劳,不起作用的意思,一般也用法是: of no avail

3) Inferno 火海

4) Buming house 火焰到处窜起的房子

(We follow SUSAN, as she walks by MRS. HUBER.)

MRS. HUBER: (in a lowered voice, to neighbour) ...candles unattended in the den. Paramedics say she was lucky, she could've been killed!

(SUSAN walks up to where LYNETTE, BREE and GABRIELLE are standing together behind the tape, facing the burning house.)

LYNETTE: (to GABRIELLE and BREE) She was having sex with some guy when the fire started.

GABRIELLE: What happened to him?

LYNETTE: He got smoke inhalation, he's at the hospital.


BREE: Susan, are you alright? You look awful.

SUSAN: I'm fine. I'm fine. I just feel really bad for Edie.

GABRIELLE: Oh, don't worry about Edie. She's a strong lady.

LYNETTE: Absolutely. She'll get through this. She'll find a way to survive.

BREE: We all do.


(They all turn around and walk away. BREE, GABRIELLE and LYNETTE go to their respective spouses. SUSAN goes to lean against a car hood, watching the burning house, arms folded. Suddenly, MIKE walks up behind her.)

MIKE: Wow, what happened?

SUSAN: (surprised) Mike!

NARRATOR: And suddenly, there he was, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

SUSAN: I, I thought you were... um. Where were you?

MIKE: I just got back from the movies. Edie had a fire, huh?

SUSAN: Yeah. Yeah, but she's fine now. Everything's fine now.

NARRATOR: And just like that, Susan was happy. Life was suddenly full of possibilities.

(SUSAN smiles, looking back at the burning house. MIKE looks at her, smiling, as he too turns his head to the house. The camera pans out, showing them standing together from behind, both watching the burning house side by side.)


NARRATOR: Not to mention a few unexpected surprises.

(MIKE picks up the phone and dials.)

MAN: Hello?

MIKE: Hey, it's me.

MAN: Do you have anything yet.

MIKE: No, not yet, but don't worry. I'm definitely getting closer.

(MIKE pulls a gun out of his pocket, putting it down next to the phone.)


1) she could've been killed! 她很可能会被烧死。类似的用法还有,I should’ve told her that the store was already closed.

2) He got smoke inhalation 他吸了太多烟


(SUSAN, BREE, LYNETTE and GABRIELLE walk down the pathway to the gate, where a car with the trunk open is parked at the kerb.)

SUSAN: I brought some champagne. I thought we should all have a toast.

NARRATOR: The next day, my friends came together to pack away my clothes, my personal belongings, and what was left of my life.

SUSAN: Alright ladies, lift 'em up. To Mary Alice, good friend and neighbour. Wherever you are, we hope you've found peace.

LYNETTE: To Mary Alice.

GABRIELLE: To Mary Alice.

(They clink their glasses together, and drink their champagne. They lower their glasses, and look at each other, remembering. LYNETTE runs her hand across SUSAN's cheek affectionately, then goes to the car trunk as they all break up.)

LYNETTE: Let's get this show on the road.

(GABRIELLE holds up a pair of pants from a box on the sidewalk. A piece of paper falls onto the ground.)

GABRIELLE: You guys check out Mary Alice's clothes? Size 8, hah! She always told me she was a size 6. Guess we found the skeleton in her closet.

NARRATOR: Not quite, Gabrielle, not quite.

(BREE picks up the piece of paper.)

GABRIELLE: What's that?

BREE: It's a letter, addressed to Mary Alice.

NARRATOR: How ironic, to have something I tried so desperately to keep secret, treated so casually.

(GABRIELLE opens up the piece of paper.)

LYNETTE: What're you doing? That's private.

GABRIELLE: It's open, what's the big deal?

(GABRIELLE and LYNETTE read the piece of paper. They pass it to SUSAN, who reads the note with BREE looking over her shoulder:




They look up in shock and amazement.)

SUSAN: What does this mean?

LYNETTE: I don't know, but check out the postmark.

BREE: Oh my god, she got it the day she died.

GABRIELLE: (takes the envelope, looking at it) Do you think this is why she...?

NARRATOR: I'm so sorry, girls. I never wanted you to be burdened with this.

SUSAN: Oh Mary Alice, what did you do?

(The camera pans out on BREE, GABRIELLE, LYNETTE and SUSAN, looking at each other in amazement.)


1. affectionately 热情地, 体贴地

2. skeleton 骨骼

3. what's the big deal? 有什么大不了的?

4. Burden with 背上包袱 使负担



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