Administrative Division Chairs Reporting Form

NACADA Commission & Interest Group Division -- Chair Leadership Report Form

2010 Post-Conference Report

Name of Chair: Ned Muhovich, Metropolitan State College of Denver

Name of Commission / Interest Group: Assessment of Advising Commission

Section 1: Identify the volunteers serving within your unit (on steering committees, other committees, as webmaster, proposal readers, etc.).

|Name of Committee/Activity (steering, award, |Name of Committee Member |Institution of Committee Member |E-mail of Committee Member (if available) |

|proposals, etc.) | | | |

|Note: Interest in volunteering for the commission is still being collected and is still coming in. Specific roles will be determined shortly, but it is anticipated that the list below will be subdivided |

|into a proposals committee, and awards committee, and a bibliography committee. |

| |Beth Wuest |Texas State | |

| |Marion Foley |Univ of Houston | |

| |LaDorna McGee |Univ of Texas-Austin | |

| |Andrea Caldwell |Univ of North Carolina - Chapel Hill | |

| |Avery Horowitz |Touro College | |

| |Kelly Gray |Univ of Massachusetts | |

| |Theresa Gerson |Armstrong Atlantic State University | |

| |Linda Searing |Nazareth College | |

| |Gabriel Bermea |Univ of North Caro - Greensboro | |

| |Tammy Russell |West Chester University | |

| |Patricia Mills |Hillsborough Community College | |

| |Monique Rinere |Columbia University | |

| |Bob Hunt |California St. University - Pomona |robert.hurt@ |

| |Lynne Higa |University of Hawaii at Manoa | |

| |Steve Shapiro |Guilford College | |

| |Jessi Shirley |Western Carolina University | |

| |Karen Callender |Univ of North Carolina - Charlotte | |

| |Heather Salisbury |Regis University | |

| |Judy Echeverria |Florida International University | |

| |Jacelyn Keys |Eastern Oregon University | |

| |Steph Jackson |Bellevue University | |

| |John Dahlstrand |Loyola University Chicago | |

| |Patricia Thatcher |Philadelphia University | |

| |Brian Robinson |Texas State University - San Marcos | |

| |Carrie McClean |North Carolina State University | |

| |Matthew Campbell |Temple University | |

| |Meagan Word |Angelo State University | |

| |Fiona Neale-May |Temple University |fnealemay@ |

| |Sue Spaulding |Univ of North Carolina - Charlotte | |

| |Tomarra Adams |University of Louisville | |

| |Candace Webb |Meredith College | |

Section 2: Outline your annual activities as they relate to the NACADA missions and strategies.

Post-Conference Report (due in November): Indicate the primary activities and/or goals on which your commission will focus for the next year as they relate to the NACADA Strategic Plan. Remember — you do not need to list an activity for every mission statement listed below. Be sure to describe the assessment criteria that will be used to determine if these goals are met.

• If you plan to offer the Service to Commission Award next year, be sure to list this in the “Activity” column as an additional goal where applicable and include the $50 budget request with that activity statement.

• If you are an Interest Group planning to seek Commission status next year, be sure to list that goal in the “Activity” column.

• The “Date Completed” and “Progress Made and Assessment” columns should be left blank in the post-conference report — these columns will be completed when your annual report is submitted in the summer.

Annual Report (due in August): Update the “Date Completed” and “Progress Made and Assessment” columns to report on the progress made towards the goals outlined in the post-conference report. If additional activities were completed that were not in the post-conference report, add these at this time.

Strategic Goal 1: Address the academic advising needs of higher education globally.

1-A — Identify, prioritize, and address critical issues facing academic advising.

|Date Submitted | |Person/committee |Target Date |Assessment Criteria to be used |Date Completed |Progress Made and Assessment of |

| |Activity or Goal Planned |responsible for activity | | | |Strategies/Actions Taken |

| | | | | | | |

1-B — Collect, analyze, and act upon information about the environments in which academic advising operates.

|Date Submitted | |Person/committee |Target Date |Assessment Criteria to be used |Date Completed |Progress Made and Assessment of |

| |Activity or Goal Planned |responsible for activity | | | |Strategies/Actions Taken |

| | | | | | | |

1-C — Provide comprehensive professional development opportunities.

|Date Submitted | |Person/committee |Target Date |Assessment Criteria to be used |Date Completed |Progress Made and Assessment of |

| |Activity or Goal Planned |responsible for activity | | | |Strategies/Actions Taken |

|11/15/10 |Promote attendance of Assessment Institute for |Chair |11/30 |Email generated to Assessment | | |

| |Commission members | | |Commission members; if Institute | | |

| | | | |tracks how participants heard about | | |

| | | | |it, an increase over last year’s | | |

| | | | |numbers | | |

|11/15/10 |Encourage submission of assessment-related |Chair/proposals |11/30 for regional; a |At least 35 proposals submitted for | | |

| |proposals to regional and annual conferences | |week after CFP for |annual conference; at least 25 | | |

| | | |Annual |accepted; collect data for regional | | |

| | | | |conferences on proposals submitted as| | |

| | | | |a baseline | | |

Strategic Goal 2: Advance the body of knowledge of academic advising.

2-A — Promote and support research related to the enhancement of academic advising through further understanding of the student, the campus environment, advising processes, or other related areas.

|Date Submitted | |Person/committee |Target Date |Assessment Criteria to be used |Date Completed |Progress Made and Assessment of |

| |Activity or Goal Planned |responsible for activity | | | |Strategies/Actions Taken |

| | | | | | | |

2-B — Disseminate the knowledge acquired from the research.

|Date Submitted | |Person/committee |Target Date |Assessment Criteria to be used |Date Completed |Progress Made and Assessment of |

| |Activity or Goal Planned |responsible for activity | | | |Strategies/Actions Taken |

|11/15/10 |Continue developing annotated bibliography of |Chair/Bibliography | |Creation of collaborative work space;| | |

| |assessment resources |committee | |at least 10 bibliographic entries | | |

| | | | |posted to Commission website. | | |

Strategic Goal 3: Champion the educational role of academic advising to enhance student learning and development in a diverse world.

3-A — Identify and develop strategies for fostering collaboration and education among various advising external constituencies both nationally and internationally.

|Date Submitted | |Person/committee |Target Date |Assessment Criteria to be used |Date Completed |Progress Made and Assessment of |

| |Activity or Goal Planned |responsible for activity | | | |Strategies/Actions Taken |

| | | | | | | |

Strategic Goal 4: Educate university and college decision makers about the role of quality academic advising in higher education.

4-A — Identify and develop practical strategies and materials for use by college and university leadership.

|Date Submitted | |Person/committee |Target Date |Assessment Criteria to be used |Date Completed |Progress Made and Assessment of |

| |Activity or Goal Planned |responsible for activity | | | |Strategies/Actions Taken |

| | | | | | | |

Strategic Goal 5: Ensure the effectiveness of the NACADA organization

5-A — Promote diversity within the association.

• 5A(i) — Create environments and processes that promote and sustain inclusion and involvement in the association.

|Date Submitted | |Person/committee |Target Date |Assessment Criteria to be used |Date Completed |Progress Made and Assessment of |

| |Activity or Goal Planned |responsible for activity | | | |Strategies/Actions Taken |

|11/15/10 |Service to Commission award to reward NACADA |Chair/Awards | | | | |

| |members who have taken the time to become | | | | | |

| |involved in the Commission. Request $50 for | | | | | |

| |this activity | | | | | |

• 5A(ii) — Increase diversity within NACADA leadership at all levels.

|Date Submitted | |Person/committee |Target Date |Assessment Criteria to be used |Date Completed |Progress Made and Assessment of |

| |Activity or Goal Planned |responsible for activity | | | |Strategies/Actions Taken |

|11/15/10 |Increase geographic diversity of steering |Chair |11/30 |At least one person from each region | | |

| |committee members. Request funds for monthly | | |on steering committee; at least one | | |

| |conference call for steering commission members| | |international member; at least 5 | | |

| | | | |steering committee members who have | | |

| | | | |not held leadership positions in | | |

| | | | |NACADA previously | | |

5-B — Enhance NACADA's global visibility and credibility as the resource for concerns and needs involving academic advising.

|Date Submitted | |Person/committee |Target Date |Assessment Criteria to be used |Date Completed |Progress Made and Assessment of |

| |Activity or Goal Planned |responsible for activity | | | |Strategies/Actions Taken |

| | | | | | | |

Section 3: Issues/Items for consideration by the Division.

• Relationship between the Commission and the Assessment Institute

• Mechanism for development of more assessment-related research, perhaps a collaboration between the Commission and Research Committee

Section 4: Describe how you have incorporated diversity and inclusiveness of membership into the planning of your unit’s goals and activities. What criteria were used to accomplish this (such as institutional type, ethnicity, new professionals, experienced professionals, role—faculty, administrator, advisor; region, etc.)?

• In recruiting Steering Committee members, a conscious effort was made to increase geographic diversity of the committee and to involve members who have not been involved in NACADA leadership activities previously

Section 5: Summary of Unit Communications and Meetings

Report any meetings or teleconferences held among unit members, or other communications with unit members. After the annual conference in the fall, you should include a summary of your annual meeting held during the conference (including specific group meeting, date, location, number of members attending, and brief summary of the meeting. When updating the annual report in the summer, you might add a summary of discussions that you initiated on your unit’s list serve or e-mail communications sent to all members of your unit since the annual conference.

• Name/type of Group Meeting: Annual Meeting

• Date and Location: October 5, 2010, Orlando

• Number of Members Attending/participating: 22

• Summary of Meeting: Went over prior year’s activities; reaffirmed interest in bibliography project; publicized Assessment Institute


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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