TABLE OF CONTENTS - askAstrology





Aquarius: User Guide


Aquarius And The World Around Them


If Aquarius Were¡­








What Jobs For Aquarius?


Aquarius And Compatibility With Other Signs




Aquarius In A Male Natal Chart


Aquarius In A Female Natal Chart




Aquarius Men In Love


Aquarius Women In Love


NoTE: Your zodiac sign is based on the Sun¡¯s position at the time of your birth and the dates in

this eBook are used as a guide! For example, if you were born between the 19th and 23rd of a

month, you must check an ephemeris to see exactly where the Sun was at the time of your birth to

define your zodiac sign.



If you were born between January 20th and February 18th, you are indeed

under the sign of Aquarius. 3rd Air sign with Gemini and Libra, Aquarius is

also the 4th fixed sign, with Uranus as a ruling planet. It is a male sign in

analogy with the Eleventh House of the zodiac. The body parts that best

represent the sign of Aquarius are the ankles and the legs.

The favorite colors of Aquarius are blue and indigo. Among the days of the

week, Saturday is the one that suit them best. Their lucky numbers are 7, 14

and 20. The sign of Aquarius is also ruled by Saturn in addition to Uranus.

Aquarius: User Guide

Able to adapt to any situation, Aquarius is a sign that always wants to

build its own roots. It is a changing sign endowed with a strong will for

independence and affirmation. For Aquarius, the word ¡°freedom¡± takes

on its full meaning. They are original and non-conformist people looking to

seize any opportunity offered to them.

Aquarius are unpredictable in every aspect of life. They are cunning and

always plan for a way out, even in love. Their main enemy is boredom. Just

like Gemini, Aquarius love to keep their mind busy and hate lack of activity.

This is a quality that he also shares with every Fire sign, including Aries.

Aquarius are very attached to humanity and believe they have been vested

with a noble mission: to offer all the help (and healing) they can to other

people. In spite of their very independent nature, Aquarius natives are

always surrounded with people and always want to make new friends. They

are all willing to fight for freedom and justice. These traits are justified by

the symbol of their astrological sign: a water bearer.


Aquarius is someone you should not try to control or cage. They need to

move around and talk as they like. Otherwise, another facet of Aquarius will

appear. They are said to be cold and distant, but in truth they are mainly

cautious about their emotions and feelings. It is hard for them to trust

anyone, but once it is done, they are gentle and caring beings.

Aquarius And The World Around Them

Related to the Eleventh House of the zodiac, the house of friendship, the

sign of Aquarius is the ideal friend. They adapt perfectly to other people and

to the different types of friendly relationships that may arise.

Even though Aquarius are surrounded with many people and has many

friends, they keep themselves in check and let themselves keep some

distance. Very attached to their freedom, Aquarius people cannot be the

kind of friend evolving into something sentimental.

Friendly relations with Aquarius are always intellectual or ideological then.

As soon as this line has been crossed or they feel that their freedom is in

jeopardy, Aquarius will withdraw. Sentimentalism in friendship makes them

uncomfortable. Their best friends are Aries and Sagittarius, two Fire signs,

with whom he gets along wonderfully well.

At work, Aquarius are naturally unstable workers. It is hard for them to stand

still. Their employers often criticize them for it. However, when Aquarius

feel that they learn every day and have a chance to be promoted, they can

commit themselves in full.

Aquarius appreciate teamwork, but they mostly like to work alone, because

they are attached to their freedom. It is difficult to order them around or tell

them how they should work. Overall, Aquarius are original people, who know

how to stand out in the professional domain. Many people appreciate them

for the way they think ?out of the box? and offer ideas that revolutionize and


As regards their family, Aquarius extend their understanding of the word

beyond the ties of blood. It is more about intellectual relationships than


about family ties. As parents, many might say that Aquarius are a little lax.

They prefer to let their children discover things by themselves, instead of

trying to impose them. Aquarius parents are therefore very open-minded,

free, and tolerant.

If Aquarius Were¡­


If Aquarius were a plant, it would certainly be poplar. In addition, forget-menots, marjoram or poet¡¯s eyes are also among the plants that are best suited

for them. In general, Aquarius natives have preferences for eccentric plants

such as carnivorous plants. Finally, the guardian plant of Aquarius is the



Large birds such as the Albatross are the best representation of Aquarius.

In general, Aquarius natives are more attached to migratory birds or aquatic

birds. The pelican is another animal representing the natives of Aquarius.


If Aquarius were a mineral, it would probably be the Fire Opal, a lucky charm

for them. Aquarius are also in harmony with other precious stones. They

bring them many virtues: the purity of Aquamarine, the light of the diamond,

the beauty of the pearl or the nobility of the sapphire.

What Jobs For Aquarius?

Trades in the field of transport are made for Aquarius, eager for mobility and

freedom. Aquarius can flourish in professions related to travel networks

(road, river or air). They will also be excellent electricians thanks to Uranus.

A profession in media or journalism would also be a good fit, as are

professions associated with new technologies. As such, they might be good

computer scientists, researchers, astronauts¡­



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