Colombia - Universal Postal Union



Postcode type and position 6 digits postcode after the locality

Coding method

11 02 21

district postal zones departments

Ministerio de Tecnologias Edificio Murillo Toro Cra. 8a entre calles 12 y 13 Localidad Candelaria 111711 BOGOTA COLOMBIA

Position of the address on the envelope Example



Alignment of address lines


Urban delivery address

Ministerio de Tecnologias Edificio Murillo Toro Cra. 8a entre calles 12 y 13 BOGOTA 111711 COLOMBIA

addressee premises thoroughphare locality + postcode pays

Urban delivery address with sub-locality

Sr John Guarin Calle 32a Sur Transversal 68b #5 Alqueria La Fragua Localidad de Kennedy 110841 BOGOTA D.C.

addressee street + premises sub-locality locality + postcode province

Rural delivery address

Adriana G?mez Arroy?n PLANETA RICA 233057 CORDOBA

addressee sub-locality locality + postcode province

4-72 La Red Postal de Colombia

Diagonal 25 G # 95 A 55 BOGOTA 110911 COLOMBIA

Tel: (+57 1) 341 55 14

Fax:(+57 1) 351 14 51 Email:

Website 10/2022



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