Quail Hollow Elementary School PTA

Quail HoIlow Elementary Reopening Plan (Approved 7.27.20)AREA/TOPICPROCEDURE FOR MITIGATING RISKArrivalIn accordance to state and district guidelines, parents will check student temperatures and use the district provided health check before sending their child to school.Teachers/Staff will teach and supervise arrival expectations and procedures.Students will be taught to follow physical distancing guidelines/markings and will wear face coverings.Upon arrival on school grounds, students will immediately line up on their marks at their grade level doors.Playground equipment will be off limits before schoolWith permission, students will enter the school one class at a time and go directly to their classroom while following physical distancing guidelines.?Markings outside will be placed to show physical distancing.Instruction will begin as usual at 8:40 am. Late students will check in at the office and observe. marked physical distancing guides. Note: Only the student will be allowed to check in at the office.????We will start the year with all available staff for supervision duty during student arrival until we are satisfied that students understand and follow the procedures.DismissalTeachers/Staff will teach and supervise dismissal expectations and procedures.With permission, students will be dismissed through their grade-level exterior door one class at a time and will be asked to leave school grounds promptly.Families are encouraged to predetermine an outside meeting spot for older siblings to meet and assist younger siblings.Walking students will observe physical distancing if near non-family members.?Students waiting for rides will observe physical distancing by standing at marked spots.?Students will be directed to wear face coverings when less than six feet from others.Students will be discouraged from congregating or waiting near the doors.Students who walk home will be taught to leave campus promptly.The Playground will be off limits after school.Kindergarten families will work with teachers to make dismissal plans that work for their families.We will start the year with all available staff for supervision duty during student dismissal until we are satisfied that students understand and follow the procedures.BreakfastStudents participating in breakfast will enter & exit through the front doors of the school beginning at 8:15am.?Students who come early will need to wait outside using physical distancing guidelines.Physical distancing will be in place in the cafeteria for obtaining food and for clean-up.Personal belongings will be placed in a specific location.Students will be assigned seats to aid with contact tracing.?Signs describing expectations will be posted.ClassroomTeachers will instruct safety procedures and routines including hygiene & sanitation (hand washing, using hand sanitizer, proper face covering usage, materials usage etc).Unnecessary furniture will be removed from classrooms to create increased space.Student desks will be facing forward and spaced as far apart as possible.Students will be assigned seats to aid with possible contact tracing.Teachers and staff will wear face coverings and/or shields when physical distancing is not feasible.Students will be required to wear face coverings as per directive from the governor when physical distancing is not feasible or when engaged in contact longer than 15 minutes within 6 feet.?School wide PBIS systems and positive contingencies will be created to praise students and encourage them to wear their face coverings as directed.Signs describing expectations will be posted.Reasonable accommodations such as face shields/masks will be utilized for individualized instruction, assessment, or other areas where physical distancing is not possible and one-on-one is requiredStudents will not mix with other classes to aid possible contact tracing. Individual supplies will be provided to prevent sharing unless materials can be sanitized after each use.Students will sanitize hands every time they come into the classroom with additional hand sanitizing built into daily schedules including before lunch.?Drinking fountains will be used to fill water bottles or cups, not for individual drinks. Students may fill water bottles at the filling stations.?Rug time (in classrooms with adequate space) will be less than 15 minutes and will be spaced as far as possible to promote physical distancing.All interior doors will be propped open to minimize high touch points. Doors will remain locked per safety incident protocols.Restorative Circle meeting routines will be revised to promote physical distancing.HallwaysStudents will follow direction signs and walk on the right.Students will follow physically distant protocols when in hallways.Face covering protocols will be followed when traveling through halls and common areas.Signs describing expectations will be posted.RestroomGrade levels will establish a procedure for student bathroom use including the number of students in the restroom at any given time.Students will be taught proper physical distancing and handwashing expectations in addition to signage in the restroom.Students will wear face coverings while using the bathroom.Custodial services will clean restrooms throughout the day and have a regular sanitation and cleaning rotation schedule.LunchroomLunch schedule will be staggered (and slightly altered) so there is only one grade level at a time in the cafeteria.Dismissal from the cafeteria will be staggered.Markings will assist students in maintaining physical distancing while entering the cafeteria, obtaining lunch, and disposing food.?Multiple disposal garbage cans will be available to reduce congestion.Classes will sit in their assigned locations, seating will be staggered, and students will be assigned a seat to support contact tracing.?Procedures will be in place for cold lunch drop offs and pick-ups.Brain BoostersTraffic flow will be established for transitions.Physical distancing addressed by spaced seating.?Teacher will wear face coverings/face shields at all times when physical distancing is not feasible.Face coverings will be worn by students when physical distancing is not possible.Booster lessons will be revised to mitigate higher-risk activities (singing, sharing materials, etc.).Playworks will be held outdoors weather permitting. Playworks will be held in the gym or classroom during inclement weather.Playworks coach will teach touch free games and activities.Classes will remain together for Brain Boosters.High touch areas will be sanitized before and after each class.Tier II & III SupportTeachers and staff will wear face coverings/face shields when physical distancing is not feasible.?Students will wear face coverings.?Students will be assigned a seat for possible contact tracingFace coverings will be worn when transitioning to and from Tier 2 & Tier 3?Tier II support will continue to be both push in and out of classrooms. Their designated space will be cleaned prior to and after working with students.Grade Level RecessTeachers/Staff will teach expectations and procedures for recess.Students will be taught to follow physical distancing guidelines / markings while engaging in recess.When the bell rings, students will immediately line up at their grade level doors on their physical distancing marks.?With permission, students will enter the school one class at a time and go directly to their classroom while following physical distancing guidelines.Playworks coach will teach touch free games and activities.Only one grade level at a time will be outside on each playground area.The playground will be divided into zones and assigned to individual classes on a rotating schedule to maintain physical distancing and contact tracing.?Students will be required to wear face coverings when not maintaining appropriate physical distancing.?Individual and group physical distancing expectations will be taught.Students will sanitize hands upon reentering their classrooms.Lunch RecessSame as Grade-level Recess above with the following added.Students will wash and sanitize their hands before entering the cafeteria.Electronic DevicesTeachers will teach care and procedures for all electronic devices.In grades 2-5, each student will be assigned a device to be used only by this student.Students will clean his or her device daily.Grades K-1 will follow tech guidelines for sanitizing shared devices until 1:1 technology is available.Students will wash hands before and after using the device.AssembliesOther Large gatherings ie: Back to School, Parent/Teacher Conf. etc.Assemblies will not be scheduled at this time.If assembly presenters offer virtual options, we will consider presentations accessed in individual classrooms. Alternative methods will also be used to mitigate risks instead of large group gatherings.Smaller groups may be allowed to gather for presentations, Back to School, Parent Teacher Conferences etc.?Video or google meet/Zoom may be used.Students/Parents participating in a “small group” for Back to School Night/Parent Teacher Conference will be required to wear a face covering.OfficeFace coverings are required for all adults entering the building.Face coverings will be required for all students when in the office.Plexiglass barriers will be installed.Office phones will only be used by office staff. Staff will communicate student messages to parents as well as deliver messages or items to students.Families are encouraged to call ahead when a student needs to leave during the school day to prevent long wait times when parents arrive at the school to pick them up.Office staff are responsible to place signage on all entry and exit doors identifying flow paths to minimize congestion.Visitors and VolunteersIn order to mitigate as many risks as possible, we will start the year without volunteers and visitors but will assess and adjust to implement essential volunteers when appropriate and necessary.When volunteers are approved for classes, they will follow district and health department guidelines before moving to the classroom.Face coverings/Face shields will be required.All volunteers will be required to sign in and notify the office of where they will be to support contact tracing.Special Programs: Choir, Book Fair, PTA Family Involvement Nights/Activities, Robotics, etc. will be put on hold at this time.Health RoomThe health room will serve as the quarantine room to temporarily isolate students until parents can pick them up.The room will be monitored by office staff and only staff or students who are invited into the health room will be allowed.Staff will wipe down door handles, sick bed, light switches etc before and after each use.All medications will be stored in an alternate secure location to ensure they may be administered if the health room is in use to isolate a student.The conference room (or other space TBD) will be used as an alternate location for other health/injury needs if the health room is in use for isolation.Sensory Breaks/CICOSEL staff will follow face covering and physical distancing when providing support for students.Accommodating Individual Circumstances: High Risk, Personal DecisionsHigh Risk Identification Process:We will work closely with families and the school/district nurse, special education staff, and/or the school psychologist to review and revise health care/504/IEP plans with special consideration to mitigating risk.All staff interacting with these students will be notified of needs identified in individual plans.Alternative Learning Arrangements:We will coordinate with ISD and families to support those choosing online learning.Minimizing and mitigating risk for employees who identify as high-risk:We will coordinate with Human Resources to support employees identifying as high-risk.TransportationStaff will support transportation department safety protocols to mitigate risk including the use of face covering, seating charts, etc.PreparationAll employees will participate in Canyons School District training and safety expectations to mitigate municationThis plan will be communicated to stakeholders via email, website and Facebook. ................

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