
Creigiau Golf Club Ltd

Company No. 00395626

General Management Committee Meeting

Wednesday 26th August 2020


Present: Lynda Edwards (Captain), Mr. Colin Davies (Vice Captain), Mr. Paul Marley (Chair of Greens),, Ms. Jayne Morgans (Chair of House & Social), Mr. Graham Bartley (Chair of Marketing), Mr. Bob Wood (President), Mr. Alan Robinson, Mrs. Mary Sparks, Mr. Geoff Grocott, Mr. Richard Brookman ( Secretary Manager)

Apologies: Mr. Alex Mansell (Chair of Finance) Geraint Cutlan

Captains Welcome

Previous Meeting Minutes

Proposer: Mr. Paul Marley

Seconder: Mr. Geoff Grocott

Minutes Passed

Matters Arising

R.B confirmed he spoken with mrs Cherry Phillips and stated that she was not happy that she had been asked to count the number of golf balls that had finished in her garden.

L.E stated that the Conifer trees behind the 18th green were passed to be trimmed but felt the in the manner in which they had been trimmed was not want she wanted nor what she felt had been agreed.

P.M stated that the trees had be trimmed in line with the tree management program which is evident over the rest of the course and it was unrealistic to expect for any course work to be passed by the committee on a daily basis.

C.D stated that he was expecting costings to be produced for the replacement fence in line with the current fence to the right of the Conifers.

A.R stated that the concrete fence posts were £20.00 each and the Panels are £40 per panel.

R.B to speak with Iain Luntz and Darryl Roberts to see if they would be willing to offer golf lessons to the school.

J.M asked if R.B had finished the paper work for the New to Golf scheme. R.B stated he had not done so as yet and needed to discuss the possible start dates for the scheme to start.

L.E stated that Mr. Alex Mansell had resigned from his post as Chair of Finance due to having increased work load resulting in less available time to give to the role.

C.D stated that a discussion had taken place regarding a replacement and that he had asked Mr Geoff Grocott to take over as Chair of Finance. Mr Grocott requested sometimeto think about the discussion.

J.M proposed that Mr. Grocott be elected as the Chair of Finance.

Propser: Ms. Jayne Morgans

Seconder: Mr. Colin Davies

Vote All in Favour



House & Social Report

C/F items:

There are still priority 1 actions to be completed from the H & S audit in February. Handy man hopes to do the fire retardant painting this week. At the same time missing bricks at 1st tee and by old trolley shed to be replaced. (Cement bought) being done as soon as weather improves.

Trolley shed door to be repainted. (Paint bought)

Snooker room - costings being prepared to include sound proof flooring. I have been asked to revisit the simulator project. This would be both a good marketing opportunity as well as a revenue earner. I will look at possible Sports Wales Grants.


I am waiting on a further quote from a member to replace the old trolley shed doors. (Initial quote was £700-800) We can then decide if it’s feasible to partially use as a trolley store. PVC quote received for £975. Another quote for PVC being attained.


After meeting with Captain, Lewis & Richard and reviewing figures we have agreed the following opening hours from next Monday. We have tried to be consistent so as not to confuse members.

Sunday-Wednesday 12-9pm, Thursday 11- 9pm, Friday 12 -10pm, Saturday 11-10pm

Table service will be replaced by bar service. Please note current social distancing regulations still apply. Members have to be in a household bubble to sit together. Tables MUST NOT be moved unless members are in a bubble.

The gazebo given to us by Graham was damaged beyond repair in the winds on Thursday night. There is one in the greens shed that with some parts taken from the broken one should give us one that will suffice for now.

Locker Rooms – these will be opened with access to 1 cubicle only in both the ladies and gents. Disinfectant sprays will be placed in each. A request that you still come prepared for golf and change your shoes in the carpark will go out in the next newsletter.

Cleaners – are now working 5 mornings.

Catering – The Ladies have their Captains dinner on Tuesday. This will be a good trial for going forward with possible functions/events. Numbers restricted to 30 so 2M social distancing can be adhered to.

Working painting party – I am planning to send out an email to try and get a group together. This would include painting of trolley shed doors, all doors down the side of the building to the 1st tee and railings to the ladies locker room. All of these need doing before the winter and before one or two start to rot. Depending on numbers we can varnish the bench by the 18th and repaint the railings around the 18th green. We need a decision on a possible new fence on the back of 18 so we don’t waste time painting the railings there.

Old shed by 1st tee. I have concerns over the condition of the shed. It has been on the list for about 10 years. The main electric supply comes into this and you may or may not know that we had a fire in there about 5 years ago. I intend to speak to Western Power about possibilities of moving this when either a new stone building or some sort of shed could be erected. We would also need a definitive answer on whether the roof is asbestos.

Bins: We are obtaining costs for erecting a fenced area at the back of the trolley shed for the bins to be stored.


The following is our planned work schedule. Costs are as per 2019.

Phase 1 – Refurb existing partition doors – Sound proof and repair £450

Phase 2 – Replace Lounge furniture (tables/chairs) £12K

Phase 3 – Replace bar furniture (tables/chairs) £5K

Phase 4– Replace dining room furniture (tables & chairs) £5K

Phase 5 – Paint upstairs bar, replace flooring in snooker area and convert to possible meeting room. TBA


The minutes have been issued and you have a copy. Any questions?



P.M Stated he had met with the sale representative from John Deere regarding creating a machine replacement program for the next 5 years.

After a lengthy discussion it was agreed that further information was needed to decide on whether to proceed with such a program.

Action: R.B and P.M to review current machinery position and evalute options going forward.


P.M stated that Robert Frater had been in contact with Hayden Davies a Pump irrigation specialist and asked him to reveue the current irrigation set up at the course. Mr Davies agreed to provide a review of our current set up and costings for any aspect should we choose.

Action: R.B to obtain costings before the next meeting.

Holes 14 and 9 are now nearing completion and are ready for seeding with the 14th being seeded this week.

Staffing levels are still an issue, this year we have received the upwards of 400 man hours of free labor with the majority of that being completed by A.R and P.M. This has highlighted that there is a significant need for another member of staff if we want the course to reach a higher standard going forward.

Greens maintenance week is being scheduled after the club championship therefore we have decided to reschedule the club competitions to allow for the course to recover and the membership to have better surfaces to play on.


P.M stated that he had received a request from Mr. Owain Lewis asking whether or not the Victor Ludorum would be going ahead.

L.E stated the Victor Ludorum was not go ahead as the traditionally the Elliot Cup was one of the qualifiers and this was not able to be played.


After the last Management Meeting Richard, Carrie and I met up to discuss Golf Club marketing. It was clear that the Club Website needed updating and we needed a clear direction as to where we are going.

Later the same day we had a Zoom meeting with Lizzy Wood and discussed the marketing ideas she included in her email to the Club.

Most of our discussions centered on the use of the Club Website, advertising on Facebook and involving the local community with the Club as a Hub for other activities.

It was suggested that there is a need to improve the furniture inside the Clubhouse to entice the 30-45 age group to use the Clubhouse more.

Richard has raised the problem of using the advertising link on Facebook previously and Lizzy has offered to get assistance through one of friends to try and resolve this matter.

The task of improving the Club Website is quite onerous. There are things that would be desirable but may not be feasible. Richard will be making contact with Club V1 to see what they have to offer.

The updating of the website is time consuming. Richard, Carrie and myself made some small amendments such as for example, Club Officers 2020.

There is a lot of work to be done to improve the website and it may be worth considering getting professional help to achieve this.

Colin Pryce did provide me a memory stick which contained letters to Barratt Homes and Tarmac enquiring about sponsorship. There were no firm replies so I have sent an email to Barrett’s also I have been in conversation with Steve Nichol (Club member) who was the contact with Tarmac and he has sent communication to Tarmac on behalf of the Club asking about what if any sponsorship they could provide.

Colin also sent me details for advertising in the Village directory which I circulated to Management. The price quoted for a half page advert in the local area was £75 plus VAT. Because we were very near the printing date we were offered the half page advert in two areas (Newtown Llantwit and The Vale) to about 16,000 homes for the price of £100 plus VAT. The advert concentrated on membership offers including new to golf for females.

After talking with Richard I have made some enquiries about obtaining a new notice board to be sited by the 1st tee. The notice board would enhance the appearance of the Club and replace the old one which went into disrepair a long time ago. I will email pictures of the notice board and entrance board on separate emails.


The half yearly accounts are showing the following key results.

An YTD profit of £13k on Bar, against a target of £54k which requires additional turnover of £89k before January.

This represents a £15k monthly sales target roughly £700 a day on average.

YTD Subscription Income is £377k, forecast to achieve a further £11k.

Green fees have generated £1599 YTD and forecast to generate a further £5k.


To consider at the next meeting if we are to refund social fees, currently £7,382 and trolley and locker income combined figure of £6,184.


Course costs are expected to hit £213k which includes Buggy hire and depreciation which totals £16,845.

Repairs are £7,719 which is an area of concern, finance to discuss with COG a maintenance programme for forthcoming years.


Could COG and RF generate a planned expenditure forecast for the next meeting?


Club House


YTD spend of £101,868 forecast to hit £238,493 which includes wages and pro retainer which accounts for 62% of forecast cost.




Adult Membership was budgeted at 431

Achieved full paying Adults was 393.


Since the cut 50 members have joined the impact of that new membership is £24,547.

This year’s budgeted subscription target was £408k we are likely to be short of that target by £20k.

This year’s budget absorbed pay increases, and OH increases to meet the cost of Clubhouse and Course

Budget uplifts. Retention of those members will help achieve a credible subscription target as those new

Members will have to pay in full and note they will not be able to re-join after next year’s cut off.

R.B asked whether the committee were happy for the office to start to book societies for the coming months.

L.E stated that looking at the time sheets there is availability so she had no objects.

After a short discussion it was agreed that society bookings could start to be taken starting in September.

Action: R.B to start to take society bookings. 


Rhys Davies wrote in asking for his membership to be suspended due to health issue.

Action: R.B to put Mr. Davies hold.

Mr Jeff Lane wrote in explaining that the noise levels form the club patio area was unaceptable and could the club please do something about. He also stated that the fence between the two properties was in a poor state of repair.

L.E stated that she had looked at the fence with Mr Geraint Cutlan and further investigation was need regarding the wiring attached to the fence before work could be undertaken. We may also have to look at the possibility of replaceing the building that houses the electric supply as it is in a poor state of repair.

Action: R.B to order new signs and to move the tables further away from Mr Lanes property.

Mr Steve Nichol, wrote in expressing concerns over the length of time it was taking for the mintes to become available. Also the poor state of the grass bank at the entrance to the club along with the state of the hedge bordering the bottom carpark.

R.B stated that the carpark hedge row was cut annually. Also the muntes can only be published when the committee passes them at the next meeting.

Action: L.E respond to Mr Jeff Lane and Mr Steve Nichol.

Items carried forward.

Strategic Plan  

Bunker Survey

Slope Rating

Meeting Closed @ 9:37pm

Date Next Meeting: Wednesday 7th October 2020 @ 6.30pm


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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