A NEW AGE - Republic Of Arcadia

SKANDIAN HISTORY – VOLTZ (ERA 5)A New AgeLearning VoltzEstablishing ArcadiaFurther DifficultiesBugs, Hacks, and Issues in GeneralA Closer AllianceTesting The SystemThe Era of TerrorMushroom CityMass AttacksFighting BackThe Second StrikeTrusts DividedVoidWalkersArcadia ReformedNationOfMobstersCreating the FPATough TimesInternal & External ConflictStruggling RelationsEnd of DNT VoltzMeanwhile… On TekkitFormation of the DRASkiller & ArcadiaMinor ConflictsEmergence of LoneWolvesReturn of ArcadiaA NEW AGELearning VoltzOne of the hardest things Arcadia had to adapt to on Voltz was learning how to play it. Although a few of Arcadia’s members went to Premium Voltz Servers to learn stuff beforehand, they were v2.0 and Voltz was released on V3.0, so we all had to start from scratch. In a way it was a good thing as it made it more fun, exciting, and fair for us all. Voltz didn’t get boring, and we could split the tasks up where everyone felt they were contributing to something important and we had to work together to get everything done instead of relying on a set few.This brought the remains of our alliance a lot closer as we were forced to work with each other in order to survive in a PvP Server. Meanwhile we were forced to continuously adapt to a new and strenuous environment compared to Tekkit, and to start off and end off Arcadia never became the dominant power. Although we were easily the biggest, with most of us being inexperienced and our knowledge split between members, those that knew Voltz in and out were far more capable individually then Arcadia was grouped. One of the firsts steps we took as a faction all grouped up however, was establishing a new Arcadia.Establishing ArcadiaOne of the first plans of Arcadia on Voltz was to make a strong and secure base. The goal was to live underground in a single building compared to the cities they were used to making, and simply load the base with tons of anti-missile & bomb defense to survive. In reality, it worked as not once while underground did we ever get raided, but this is mainly because at the time few people were on DNT Voltz leaving Arcadia as the dominating power nobody wanted to mess with.Similarly early into the servers advanced research began on the different moderators. Each person could take charge of a section similar to how departments worked in Era3 Skandia. This allowed a focus on all of the mods instead of a set few like during the Era1 periods of Skandia. The tasks were split into two major sections: Offense & Defense. The idea was to create massive offensive artillery that could literally annihilate the entire server if necessary, while having a base that could be nearly impossible to kill. Going to work in this way allowed Arcadia to originally be the most advanced faction on Voltz, or so, we believed.The final stage to setting up Arcadia was internally. Unlike on Tekkit, as there were so few Arcadians left they were all clustered into one faction. The council no longer existed, and the goal was to create a new Voltz Council for Arcadia. One of the problems was that because Arcadia had people of different factions together, and the voting was based off of popular vote instead of representative vote, a few factions ended up with nobody from theirs in council. Although it never proved to be a problem due to the great work from Councilors, it definitely was a potential obstacle to Arcadia.Further DifficultiesUnfortunately, the first base for Arcadia didn’t last very long and helped to create more internal strife in the alliance. Longtime member, Endermorphed, was becoming ‘bored’ of being in Arcadia and decided to betray and help another faction attack the base. What made matters worse was the fact that the faction was FinVoltz, being led by the same people that ran FinTekkit on Tekkit (For those who’ve forgotten / don’t know, FinTekkit members split off from Surreal in Era3 destroying it). Leaving was one thing, leaving and then joining a longtime enemy of Skandia was a different matter entirely.Thus, Arcadia got into its first conflict with a faction taking out FinVoltz base after FinVoltz base. On May 19, 2014, the first nuclear bomb ever let off on DNT Voltz was dropped by Arcadia on a FinVoltz base. With their bases being destroyed relentlessly for the attack on Arcadia, they never managed to strike back. It was part of Arcadia’s policy to use its military to prevent attacks on the actual base, which was being rebuilt somewhere else. FinVoltz eventually disbanded ending the war with Arcadia. The war with FinVoltz proved to show the rest of the server that Arcadia was not a force to mess with. Although Arcadia was attacked first and destroyed, it proved that as a faction we would not letting destroyed hinder us, and would only strike back far harder. Quite ironically, as if to taunt FinVoltz, Arcadia made their new base at the cords 1222,1997, which if you put into a date form is December 22, 1997 – The birthday of Arcadia’s leader Tonymai1. They never managed to guess it. Meanwhile on May 24, 2014, Arcadia dropped the first Antimatter bomb in The End as a display of force, while threatening to use a second one, which we didn’t have, on any faction that wished to attack Arcadia next. The bomb was never used.Bugs, Hacks, and Issues in GeneralUnfortunately a series of server-related plagues would pop up for Arcadia. The second base of the faction would be lost due to a chunk-crashing item placed on Arcadian lands accidently (woops). A week after the server passwords reset leading to Tonymai1 being hacked and forcing Arcadia to evacuate their bases as the cords were found. Around a week later the server would reset due to the map becoming corrupted, and even in the reset after Arcadia lost a base to server errors as well.Obviously times were rough with the continuous moving of bases, betrayal by EnderMorphed, and trying to rebuild an already devastated alliance. For the most part however, morale of the alliance never seemed to decrease despite all the unfortunate events that fell on the faction. Arcadia began to adapt to move around the issue of having one base and had bases in the end, nether, space, and space stations. Splitting up rare items and valuables throughout the bases served to better protect the alliance against attacks or bugs as only some items would be lost. Overall, all the hardship only served to unite Arcadia closer.A Closer AllianceFollowing the creation of Arcadia’s 3rd base, Arcadia became closer as an alliance than ever before. This was partially a result of increased action of the faction as a whole towards specific projects, and actually placing down roots instead of having to constantly move, which we ended up having to do a little over a week later. For the most part, Arcadians were becoming more aware of the mods in Voltz, getting more done, and making more progress towards their long-term goals. This meant while one person would go hunt mob spawners to get poison powder, another would be mining sulfur, and another could be getting resources for the faction to make, a nuclear bomb for instance. All of the tasks were split up towards a unity goal, and through this, players were forced to get to know each other better, be around each other more, and work together as a whole.The divides between the factions that was clearly evident as first with several going “I’m Skandian, I’m Ilirean, I’m Illuminati, I’m DksKnights, etc…” If you were to look at Arcadia now in the month of September 2014, you’d hear almost everyone refer to themselves as Arcadian, the divides that split the alliance on Tekkit began fading on Voltz, and months later had faded completely. Arcadia, had become an independent body through its hardships, and ultimately, what many inside considered as an “Elite Faction” going into Voltz, came out thinking it was a “Close Faction.”Testing the SystemDespite Arcadia growing closer as a whole, there were problems emerging in the alliance. Primarily, these problems existed in Council as one councilor, who meant good, was using his rank much to the dislike of Arcadia as a whole and the other councilors. For the first time in Arcadian History, a vote was called & accepted by all of Arcadia’s leadership, short of the one being booted, to remove a councilor from office. It was the first test to show if someone could be removed from power peacefully without them turning or betraying. Around three months since then, that player still remains in Arcadia.It was the first test involving the governing law of Arcadia since the coup from the Era before. Unlike the coup however, it went over peacefully and was considered a monumental success in Arcadia. The removal of someone from power while simultaneously keeping them in a position to still help the faction as they did before proved to be a major morale booster for Arcadia. The removal of power, however, occurred days before a reset meaning that despite the ‘monumental’ success, it was time to begin Era2 of Voltz, and it would prove, to be known, as the Age of Crisis for the server as a whole.The Era of TerrorMushroom CityMushroom City is one of the greatest achievements of Arcadia, while simultaneously being one of the shortest lived, and causing probably the most destructive war to ever hit the alliance. Following the server reset, Arcadia began to build on the Mushroom Island unlike any of the previous eras thinking they had a safe and secure base against any threats. Therefore, a city was resurrected above ground and work was put in to actually make it look nice rather than secure as what should’ve been done. The lack of caution followed by mass progression to restore what was lost forced Arcadia to be unprepared for a long term conflict against dangerous enemies in the future.Although the city was not the only base that Arcadia had, it contained many of its member’s supplies and was considered “The Heart of Arcadia.” The city, working as well and as productive as it was to remake supplies that before took weeks in days, showed that not only was the alliance functioning well, but it was functioning better and better. Not to mention the fact that a peaceful councilor removal from the era before had occurred, and that Arcadia had, as of so far, managed to find no real threats to the alliance short of FinVoltz which was crushed insignificantly. The huge morale boost for Arcadia showed that the alliance was recovering from the horrifying events of Era4, and indeed, the differences between Skandia / Arcadia began to fade as time went on. Unfortunately, around a week into the reset that all changed as preparations to build an elite society suddenly turned to preparations for war.Mass AttacksOn June 8, 2014, mass attacks from an unknown threat occurred throughout Voltz. First, around 18:00 GMT, Mushroom City was nuked destroying everything in the city. Later in the day the faction NationOfMobsters was nuked, and the 3rd and 4th largest factions had their bases destroyed as well. Someone had successfully managed to take out the four largest factions in the server in a twenty-four hour period and nobody knew exactly who or what was responsible.Immediately following the attacks Arcadia looked into who was online from such and such faction at the time. A total of 11 players had been online when Arcadia was nuked, two were killed in the explosion, and 9 of which were not Arcadian. Those 9 split into three factions and two factionless. One faction was NationOfMobsters which was attacked themselves, another was a faction of two members who had recently joined the server, and another was of a faction called GodsOfWar whom was suspected of being the ones who carried out the attacks. Despite the crippling loss of the city, because Arcadia was split across multiple bases they were able to recoup their losses quickly and progress towards a more defensive and warlike stance.Arcadia kept their weapons arsenals scattered across the four worlds, and following an announcement of war on whoever attacked or was suspected of attacking Arcadia, mass militarization preparations were underway. Unlike on Tekkit where stuff was merely EMC’d, Arcadia was forced to contend with a real threat that required mass resources to be mined and harvested. Arcadia’s nuclear silo prior to the nuking was only around 6-7. A week later it was around 200+ with around 10 antimatter bombs. Arcadia was ready to nuke the entire server to get to their target.Fighting BackOne of the first tasks of Arcadia was to punish those responsible for the attacks on its base. As such, GodsOfWar was immediately sought out by the faction to be destroyed, while others were rebuilding the facilities that were lost. While the search carried out, Arcadia built a new grand city far further away than the last one. The city was built like a fortress with 4 buildings around a central one in a circular shape. Each building was responsible for a certain mod, and the central one contained a massive defense & power grid to shield the entire city. With defense being the primary objective, the new city in its early stages was loaded with a forcefield, EMP Towers, and a fusion generator to make all the necessary power. Even if the base was found, it would be practically impossible to kill, and this is what Arcadia was hoping for.Meanwhile on the offensive side, Arcadia had managed to locate GodsOfWar’s base twice, and had promptly nuked them both times. NationOfMobsters had even joined in for the second strike as they were attacked themselves, the defeat of GodsOfWar was considered the end of World War 3. Bases had been destroyed, blood had been spilled, but in the end Arcadia had felt that they had finished off a great threat to both them and the server. Construction on the primary base continued, and the other bases evolved in technology as well, yet the violent end to a long war wasn’t as fully completed as was originally thought.The Second StrikeArcadia’s new home was likely the greatest defensive fortress in the server, yet still, Arcadia did not feel safe in one base. A total of five bases were scattered across the dimensions of Voltz: Base Alpha, Gamma, Epsilon, Omega, and Iota. Base Iota was the council base with most of its missiles, Omega was an abandoned base in the End, Epsilon was a Space Station, Gamma was the main faction base, Beta was a supply base made by Gashimahiron, and Alpha had been destroyed due to a server bug. Each base meant that a strike on Arcadia would prove highly unsuccessful, if but for one factor.The server had been crashing a lot following the creation of Base Gamma, and it was learned this was due to the Forcefield around the base. So, in order to fix this issue, Mephalpha banned forcefields. This meant that Base Iota was evacuated as it removed its protection, and the main base had far less defense. Iota’s items were moved to the faction home, while its missile silo was moved to Base Beta. Base Beta was only being protected by the fact that nobody, including people in Arcadia, knew where it was. The faction home despite losing its forcefield still seemed a good place to move the items. It had an EMP Missile Defense & the building roofs were made of bedrock in case a missile really did hit the buildings, neither were prepeared for an attack from inside the base.On June 22, 2014, Arcadia was attacked by a load of nuclear bombs, and an antimatter bomb. A total of five nukes & one antimatter had been detonated on the base destroying everything. What struck the attack as unusual however was that when tracing the epicenter of the explosions, several were directly inside faction claimed land.Trusts DividedFollowing a close analyzing of the attacks, it was concluded that a nuke was set off in the center of the base which disabled the missile defense at which point a series of missiles were shot at the base from a different source. As far as the evidence could see, Arcadia had been betrayed by one of its own members, the question was who?Most of the traitors in Arcadia had left during the coup, and if any remained that disliked Arcadia, it seemed conclusive they would’ve made their move during the coup. Nobody had been invited to the faction since then, and the idea of waiting months to make a move on Arcadia instead of when a similar movement had occurred months earlier seemed absurd, Arcadia’s entire leadership stood dumbfounded at who it could be.Therefore, an immediate search into every member was ordered, and following some other leads (explained in next section), Arcadia searched its councilors especially. Many of the members lacked any items that could create a nuclear weapon, yet the member Nitrogenfingers was a counselor, and had a nuclear missile with his items, suspicion of him immediately rose. With several calling him out on being a traitor, and others claiming he was not, he was placed on temporary probation from Arcadia’s important chat notifications & all councilors were removed from power until they could be proven innocent. The real answer to how the attacks occurred for every faction, and who did it, appeared days later.VoidwalkersThey called themselves the VoidWalkers. A crew of two that were extremely experienced in Tekkit and which had no faction association, used off-chat communication, and were pretty skilled at manipulation. Days following the 2nd attack they admitted to doing the attack on all four factions, and to Arcadia & NationOfMobsters bases twice. If you recall, during the first strike two factionless had been on but being factionless, they were ignored. This, was a major mistake for Arcadia. Similarly they claimed to be, “More careful on who you made councilors,” which is where the lead came in.Arcadia’s nuclear silo was at Base Beta however, meaning we still had the capability to strike Spektor whose base was in an Antimatter crater that had been explored earlier by Arcadia. However, seeing as it belonged to no faction and held nothing important, it was ignored up until this point which it was attacked. Following the attack, evidence emerged that they had been using Repulsive Explosives, which crash the game, to essentially glitch base chunks. This had happened multiple times by an unknown entity, and they admitted to doing it in their post albeit “accidently.” Seeing as it had been done multiple times however, it was agreed by Staff that it wasn’t accidently and both players were banned.Following the ban they later posted a report saying they had decided to leave as it was extremely unfair for the other factions as they were better, this is true. They claimed there were no traitors, and upon a re-evaluation of evidence and tracing their story of events, a flaw in the initial report was found. Antimatter explosives as it turns out, do not destroy redpower blocks, under the assumption that they did, Arcadia assumed they had been betrayed. Seeing as they didn’t however, it made sense that the Antimatter explosive was placed just outside the wall disabling the EMP Towers, allowing the base to be nuked dead-center. Similarly, following a series of exchanged PMs between Tonymai1 & the leader of VoidWalkers, they explained how they had managed to find all the bases and how they managed to get a base in the Void, thus the name. Everything checked out, and the server was reset a tad later as someone blew up spawn (Probably should’ve put WorldGuard on that). The VoidWalkers war had ended, and despite what Arcadians would like to believe, it was one we didn’t win, it was one where we were shown mercy.Arcadia ReformedNationOfMobstersNationOfMobsters had been a fairly dominant faction on Voltz since the beginning. Despite their early size of only being 2-3 big, by the time the VoidWalkers war started they were 10-20 players big. Despite this, Arcadia never really saw NationOfMobsters as a threat, it was part of an ideology of “We’re bigger, we’re more advanced, and they’re not a threat.” It wasn’t the greatest ideology of course, but it was the one that was used. When the first Arcadian War began, that ideology changed as the ‘dominant’ Arcadians found that they weren’t so ahead of everyone as they might’ve thought.Although NationOfMobsters (NoM) was not the culprit as they were attacked themselves, it did change how the two factions worked with each other. Where in the past Arcadia paid little heed to their neighbor, they began to watch Mobsters closely and even work with them on occasion. When Arcadia had found the GodsOfWar base, both factions had worked together to take them out for attacks that they ultimately did not commit, a victem of a brutal war (Ironically, they had been attacked by VoidWalkers that day too but had not said anything about it). NoM and Arcadia signed a non-agression treaty with each other and became closer allies as the war progressed and both were repetively attacked. Although, unlike in the past where Arcadia would merge with its closest allies, Mobsters became somewhat of a different partner.Creating the FPAWhen NationOfMobsters was destroyed for the 2nd time by VoidWalkers, both factions decided to play a closer role than simply being allies. Part of Arcadia’s goal when moving to Voltz was to recover from the Era4 disaster, and that meant getting new factions in Arcadia, yet similarly unlike Tekkit where you couldn’t raid, on Voltz you could, and that definitely complicated matters between the two constantly. Regardless of this, Arcadia & NoM formed the Free People’s Alliance (FPA) and an official alliance between the two had been formed, different leaderships, one unity government.One of the first things Arcadia & NoM did as an alliance was help Mobsters recover from their base being attacked. They were moved out to near Arcadia’s abandoned base that had been destroyed by the chunk being broken, and seeing as it was far out and near an Arcadian Outpost which could provide missile protection, it was decided a great spot. Arcadia used its supplies and such to help Mobsters rebuild, and several members worked with them day in and out to make things so that the faction could advance.The FPA Alliance only ever consisted of NoM and Arcadia, but it was a strong alliance regardless. By the time VoidWalkers were found out and had attacked Arcadia’s primary base for a second time, Mobsters was immediately told to evacuate before their base was attacked, and their items survived as a result. Between the Warning systems between the two and a communication network off of MC that connected them, they became very close allies and in Era6 were just one faction.0635Shared Base between Mobsters & Arcadia in Era3 Voltz.0Shared Base between Mobsters & Arcadia in Era3 Voltz.Tough TimesThe alliance faced tough times in wake of the reset following the VoidWalker war. Both factions were forced to restart their items and bases. Similarly, Mobsters was struggling with keeping their members active and faced a serious inactivity problem. They were trying to recruit members, and shared a base away from Arcadia in case they weren’t necessarily loyal. An embassy between the two factions was also built on one of Arcadia’s outposts (Aiur). While Mobsters was rebuilding their faction however, Arcadia was using what they had learned from VoidWalkers to build an elite base & system to take out any threat.Arcadia had six outposts in the Era3 Reset, yet unlike before each outpost was appointed a leader so that more work could be done among all six. It split Arcadia in a way so that they never knew where all the outposts were, but it was a system implemented in case someone decided to betray. Three main bases were set up, not including Base Aiur, to harbor many of Arcadia’s important resources. Base Korvan contained their Nuclear Facility to automatically produce nuclear bombs, led by Tkeonee. Base Beta was set up on the moon to be the faction’s main base and had its own defense grid made by Zach123. Meanwhile, Base Zeta was the heart of Arcadian Operations containing its items and a particle accelerator to produce antimatter. Unlike all the other base Zeta was by far the most secure seeing as it was literally in the Void. It could not be attacked, and nobody could teleport to it in anyway short of the trick to get there, it meant that even staff was excluded from getting into the base, something found very handy in the later days.Internal & External ConflictTkeonee & 2Lostinmusic had never been fond of each other. In fact, on Tekkit 2lost had even banned tkeonee for hacking, even though it was a glitch in MobArena that nobody in staff had simply bothered to fix. That dislike towards each other continued on through Tekkit, and as such Tkeonee was put in charge of Korvan to be away from 2lost and Base Aiur. However, one day, with tkeonee provoking 2lostinmusic, and 2lost ultimately furious at tke’s actions, decided to essentially ignore orders from his leadership.2Lost was one of the few Arcadians with access to nuclear weapons, and accessing them he force-teleported to Base Korvan and nuked it destroying Arcadia’s entire nuclear facility in an attempt to get at Tke. Even worse, he had done it in vanish using his mod which proved not only did he force-tp to find the base, as it was kept hidden from him, but he had used his mod to get away with it secretly, or, so he had thought since Tkeonee saw him at the scene and console similarly showed what he had done. Staff bickered about the incident for quite a while, and in the end 2lost was stripped of moderator for abuse, the first since Spence2345 for a similar cause – hating a player (Don’t hate guys), and was removed from Arcadia with Tkeonee for arguing with each other. Tkeonee was later invited to NationOfMobsters, believing to be on his own despite the fact that Tonymai1 had asked Amessina3 to let him join. His work in NationOfMobsters however, did not help the alliance in the slightest way.Struggling RelationsMore already explained Mobsters & Arcadia were under a different type of alliance than the one Arcadia had on Tekkit. This meant that the two despite being allies, weren’t as close as they could’ve been, and even into Era3 Mobsters was struggling with their bases being destroyed. Essentially, NationOfMobsters has a traitor that was continually blowing them up, and they believed the traitor to be an Arcadian.Relations between the two were struggling, and at a point Mobsters were forced to cut all base access to Arcadia, yet, one day, when they were attacked, several swore to see an Arcadian on the scene. They claim that while preparing to lift off into space they were attacked by somebody with a Pulse Cannon, and the only one not on at the time from NationOfMobsters was Zach123, an Arcadian. Zach had been removed from Council following questionable actions, and yet again, here was another. Mobsters and Zach123 were essentially enemies following this, and several in Mobsters wished to split from Arcadia unless action was taken, yet Zach123 was close friends with Mephalpha and had built most of Voltz, meaning exiling Zach would mean an end to Arcadia. It was, to say the least, an extremely difficult position.Although Mobsters never fully grew to trust Zach, following some emphasis by Tonymai1, Zach123 gave Mobsters several rockets & items as a gift since they were attacked. It is unknown if he ever did them or not, as he never admitted, but the items managed to calm down Mobsters to the point that they didn’t wish to split. Their base never opened up again to Arcadians, but the rough relations between the two had ultimately reached an end.End of DNT VoltzDNT Voltz had been growing in users overtime, yet Tekkit had been going through every Voltz reset without being reset once itself, and Mithotysm wished to do a major revamp to Tekkit’s system for the Era6 reset. When it was finally reset, the update was essentially a disaster. The server was constantly crashing as a result of what was added, and several items were unbanned that should’ve remain banned, and since many of the issues were related to RAM, Voltz was shut off while Tekkit was being fixed.Despite assurances that Voltz was not going to be down forever, it never was re-opened. Arcadia and Mobsters moved to Tekkit while the server was down with intentions to go back to Voltz when it was up again, but after being down for over a week, Mephalpha claimed that he was simply going to shut it down and replace it with Pixelmon as “It was taking too much RAM.” DNT Voltz had come to an end as well as FPA’s journey on there, yet despite this end of Voltz, it was not an end to Arcadia. They had rebuilt themselves on Voltz, and they were ready to re-enter Tekkit as a fighting force, yet since they had been away so long, what kind of environment was Arcadia going to step into? As it turns out, while most of Arcadia had been in Voltz, they had kept a close tab on Tekkit, and a set few members of Arcadia had actually returned to Tekkit under an Arcadian banner to form the DRA while Arcadia was rebuilding on Voltz.Meanwhile… On TekkitFormation of the DRAThe DRA was a loosely formed alliance on Tekkit that consisted entirely of Arcadians. Skandian operations on Tekkit had ultimately ceased to exist, which meant the set few players who still wished to play, had no place to go. Ultimately it was 2LostinMusic who wished to take the Arcadia tag held in reserve to make his own faction after becoming a moderator. After he was allowed to, NobodyCool similarly asked to make his own faction on Tekkit under a deal which when they became trustworthy they could join Skandia, it allowed for growth in a safe matter. Skandia, Arcadia, and Skiller as NobodyCool’s faction came to be known formed the heart of the Democratic Republic of Arcadia.The goal was fairly simple, recruit new people for Arcadia and prepare for a return when Era6 came along. Surely enough, the return of Arcadian presence to Tekkit did attract notice to a faction that had long retreated to Voltz, and with the VoidWalker wars occurring at the same time, the forums was a flurry of activity involving Arcadia. A member of DNT Staff once joked, “When I said I wanted forum activity, I didn’t want it to all be about Arcadia.” The return of Arcadia as a form of the DRA or FPA marked the rebirth of a once dying alliance.Skiller & ArcadiaSkiller was easily the most successful and active faction of the three that were on Tekkit. At its peak it reached 16 members, although it wasn’t the largest on the server, it was none the less a significant amount. If anything, the success of the faction improved as they managed to recruit players from Void who once hated anything to do with Arcadia. Few in the faction ended up playing long enough to join Arcadia in Era6, but it was a successful venture regardless.Easily the most prominent problem for Skiller was one that had plagued Era1 Skandia. Their base, was on an island, and like Skandia, it had run out of room. The land problem meant that the faction had a difficult time industrializing, and actually fought a war for land on its island when another faction claimed parts of it. A few lived off base, a few lived on base, and although it never resulted to anything cause the off-bases consisted of single players, the lack of Skiller’s ability to advance as a faction led to its eventual end.Arcadia was never a remarkable success such as Skiller. It had a very small population of only four players which were close friends to 2lost with one being a moderator. They used their claims on their own personal bases and never erected anything close to a city or such, never recruited, etc… It was a faction of course, but similar to DksKnights at the start of Era4, it did little more than simply be a faction.Skandia was unlike Arcadia & Skiller during Era5. It lacked any leadership essentially, and any members at that. Skandia was basically a “Ghost Faction” with a very unorganized city, as part of an attempt to see how it would turn out (TERRIBLE), and no members to live in it. Thanks to how far away it was from Spawn, territorial issues never became a problem, but for the most part the homes and such were empty as nobody from Skandia even played.Minor ConflictsAs explained somewhat above, Skiller was a semi-large faction with very little land. Since they were the only active and large faction for Arcadia on Tekkit, they faced the threat of all the enemies to Arcadia alone. Skiller managed to get in a small conflict with a group that ended up resulting in them claiming parts of their island, and an official declaration of war from the DRA which really meant nothing since there was no other faction. This minor conflict ended up in a siege, and if my memory serves correctly, Skiller did get nuked a few times by the enemy. The enemy faction however, didn’t necessarily speak English well or understand the rules, or didn’t bother to read them, and was banned somewhat late into the conflict over an EMC Machine.Not being around during the time, no other major conflicts arose in Era5 to my knowledge involving Skiller, and Arcadia & Skandia never got in a conflict in Era6 due to their small sizes. The brunt of the internal & external conflicts were focused on Skiller, and although it was a difficult task to say the least, it was one NobodyCool was able to handle relatively well before returning to Voltz primarily resulting in the end of Skiller. One thing that all the factions in Tekkit at the time did manage to relay however was a warning to a potential threat to the alliance.Emergence of LoneWolvesLoneWolves had been a faction Arcadia had watched on since the beginning of Era5. It was led by the player neepneep3 who was a close friend to jnb, who was a very hated player by staff due to his actions. Although we won’t delve into them specifically, essentially, jnb was denied moderator and was not willing to take no as an answer, which caused him to essentially attack staff as a WHOLE which is a Terrible Idea! One OK, All of them? Are you Insane??? Anyways… neepneep3 having been a close friend, and having made a nice threat against Tonymai1 somewhat calling him out on abuse, was nowhere near a friend of Arcadia.During Era5 the goal was to let factions grow without fear of Arcadian influence, and this is something that Lonewolves did manage to excel at. They grew to be a faction over twenty big with a fairly nice city with a lot of members, the only thing Arcadia didn’t like was how that status was used. Lonewolves to Arcadia was, essentially, a communist faction. It was run by a single person as 99% of the factions are, and generally used their status as a large faction to force others into their will like Arcadia had done oh so many times over. Similarly several members in Skiller had been Lonewolves members who felt they were being treated unjustly in the faction which led Arcadia as a whole to see Lonewolves as a threat to Arcadia’s ideals.By the end of the VoidWalkers war and with Arcadian focus now being directed towards Tekkit, Arcadia realized they would likely have to fight Lonevolves one day or another. At the end of June, an announcement was made to Arcadia identifying Lonewolves as a “…potential threat to the freedom and equality that Arcadia fights for.” During this time period, and for a longtime into Era6, neepneep3 intentionally provoked Arcadia closer towards a confrontation. A week following the announcement, NationOfMobsters claimed to have been attacked by a faction named Lonewolves on Voltz led by neepneep3. It was the beginning of a minor conflict that would span weeks between the two factions in Era6.Conflict with LoneWolves – Era6.Return of ArcadiaEven before the end of DNT Voltz, Arcadia had been planning a return to Tekkit. With the FPA allowing Mobsters to join Arcadia, and the DRA allowing Skiller, Arcadia felt prepared and ready to return to Tekkit. Arcadia on Voltz had gone through some major changes in how it was ran and how members treated each other, and what started out as a faction trying to survive in Era1 had ended up in a close friendship between much of Arcadia. That friendship was brought to Tekkit with the ideology of creating a new Arcadia City that would bring the Era3 one to shame.Arcadia also returned to meet threats to the freedom it felt it had fought for in Era3. Although in Era4 Arcadia had become what it had hated, with the Arcadian Coup and time away from Tekkit, Arcadia felt they could return without becoming what they had once been, and after watching Lonewolves act how Arcadia had, they had been offered ample reflection of their past actions. Era6 would bring its own host of problems for the alliance, but overall, unlike all the other eras, Arcadia was actually far more diplomatic & willing to offer peace and assistance to factions, they wanted to be the good guys this time around, and they were willing to do it. The return of Arcadia marked the dawning of a new age, the rebirth of Arcadia.TO BE CONTINUED INSKANDIAN HISTORY – ERA 6Rebirth of Arcadia ................

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