Home - White Street School

White Street School At Home Physical Education ActivitiesThere are 4 days of activities…Wednesday if your day off.If you have any questions please email me…sendlenskis@30? Warm -up Jog in Place while you count to 100 by 5.? Plank and High Knees Challenge: One person in the position to do a plank, while the other person is jumping over their feet. With a partner complete :30 seconds at each exercise for 5 rounds total.? ? Foot hand shake challenge: Create your own handshake with only your feet or ankles. Follow this link for ideas ??? 20 Side to Side Jumps 10 Push ups 14 Crab Kicks Repeat 3 times? BroomBall (Hockey Skills):? Use a broom, pool noodle, ruler, or some other type of stick. Make a ball out of a sock. Your target can be a bucket, bowl, or any other object you can aim at. See if you can try and get the ball or socks to land in your target 5 times then move back (2 Steps).? After every 5 keep moving back 2 steps and then try again. Aim for a total of 25-30 attempts.? Walk/ Run/ Jog a Mile: Get outside with your family and try to walk/run/ or jog up to 1 mile in distance.? If you need help tracking it you can download an app on your phone. Many smart phones already had a pedometer app.2 Warm up Follow this link… Sit ups and Squats: With a partner and a ball or rolled up sockssee if you can do 10-20 sit ups and? 10- 20 squats then switch with your partner. Throw the ball back and forth as you do the exercises.?? Throwing: Throw and catch to yourself. How many can you catch without the ball hitting the floor/ground. Challenge yourself – throw it high, low, make yourself move to catchThrow and catch with a partner. You can throw underhand, step and swing. Track the ball with your eyes, reach with your hands and move your feet to catch. How many can you and your partner catch without a miss? Challenge yourself by getting farther and father away from each other.3???Warm-up Follow this link to GoNoodle ??? 1 Base Kickball: With a partner, friend or family member work on some rolling and kicking skills.? ?Rules: 1 person rolls the ball the other person tries to kick it and then run to the base.? If the kicker gets to the base before the roller or pitcher has the ball, the kicker gets a point.? If the roller/ pitcher catches the ball or gets the ball before the kicker gets to the base the pitcher gets a point.?Try 3 turns each and then switch positions.? ?? Chalk your walk: ?Spend time outside coming up with your own obstacle course made out of chalk. If you need ideas you follow this link… ................

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