October 24, 2010 – 1-2pm in every time zone.

One Day. One Hour. One Mile. One People.


1) Go to and sign up to be a member of the “National Liberty Walk for the Constitution – Organizer’s Group.”

We will send messages to all organizers through this outlet.

2) Go to libertywalk to download Organizer materials and instructions for Organizing and Promoting the Walk and giving the Ceremony. This page is for ORGANIZERS ONLY.

3) Ideals for the National LIBERTY WALK and Constitution Ceremony

Every town now seems to have a tea party group or other liberty group that knows how to pull these events into motion quickly. We are presenting the Ideal – you will do what you can do.

Here’s a checklist:

1. Contact Leader and Organizer

2. Support team to help promote and involve community

3. Webpage or facebook page for your town that posts details, messages, routes etc.

4. Press release – download from libertywalk and personalize to your town – get it out the door!

5. Flyer to distribute – download from same site, customize it with local deatails, print up copies and hand it out everywhere! Email copies to others in your community/town!

6. E-blast Liberty Walk News Series to inform – download from the site and send if you have email lists to work with.

7. Obtain an “OBEY THE CONSTITUTION” banner for the front of the Walk line -- -Designate 2 or 3 people to walk front of line – well dressed – to hold banner – download contact info to order the banner.

8. Optional “Liberty Walk” T-shirt orders – download contact info and post on your page so people can order or you can place order and sell.

9. Flag Holders – We suggest 3 flags in the front line including U.S., State, and “Don’t Tread on Me.” (VFW’s; local Honor Guards can be invited to do this job and bring these – including Boy Scout Troops)

10. Sound System at end point/ceremony location. Podium if possible with microphone. MP3 player, etc., for patriotic song files to download. (Many tea party groups and others now have their own sound systems and will likely loan it out for this event!)

11. People to give Ceremony (all can be done by MC with one other person to read Liberty Speech.)

12. Liberty Bell to ring and Bell Ringer

13. Programs --- people will download this from your web or facebook page and bring it along to the event.

4) Event Specifics: Liberty Walk

Date: Sunday October 24, 2010

Time: 1-2pm in every time zone

Purpose: To Stand Together for our Constitutional form of government; to come together and see how many we are in number; to be strengthened by our time together; to take personal responsibility for ensuring people are removed from office who will not obey the Constitution and uphold their Oath of Office; to hold elected officials accountable to the Constitution all the time, not just at election time; to learn all we can about our Constitution and Remedies to the violations which have occurred.

Who is it For: Everyone! Young and old! Families, churches, schools, civic groups, local businesses. America can turn out for this event and show who we are in numbers.

The Plan:

A. Participants meet at starting point for 1pm walk time.

B. One Banner is used in the Walk at the front of the Line that says OBEY THE CONSTITUTION. Banner is held by two persons.

C. Three flags follow the Banner carried by three persons – U.S. Flag; State Flag; Betsy Ross or “Don’t Tread on Me” Flag.

D. People are asked to dress nicely and conduct themselves in a manner that honors Country and Constitution. We ask that no Signs or Banners are carried. Flags are fine. Copies of the Constitution (state or federal) or the Declaration of Independence are even better!

E. We will walk a Liberty Mile together. We are thinking about having people sing “The Liberty Song” – to the tune of “Hearts of Oak,” and other patriotic tunes as they walk. If this is confirmed, we will provide lyrics and music to download for people to learn.

F. The Liberty Walk should conclude at a place where people can come close together and hold a Special Ceremony to Honor America and Constitution.

The program for the Ceremony will be on the website for people to download and print at home and bring with them. They will need the program to participate.

Organizers should nonetheless be prepared and bring a reasonable number of the printable programs to his/her event.

A complete script for the Ceremony will be put together for organizers to download which walks him/her through, word-for-word, if desired.

G. Take Photos! Designate a technology capable someone to take photos & video of the walk and ceremony for later posting to your web/facebook/youtube pages….There will be more walks as our numbers grow!

H. Order of Ceremony and Participants for the Ceremony:

*Entire Ceremony can be given by MC with one other person reading the Constitution Keynote or you can include various participants. No politicians or candidates running for office. No campaigning. Persons should be prominent patriots from your community who have stood up for Liberty.

1. Master of Ceremonies

2. Flag Bearers – for Walk and Presentation of the Flags

3. Prayer Giver – can be MC or other

3a. Short Reflection on the Sacred Symbols of Freedom – What it Means to be an American – a Freedom Keeper (

4. Singing to America – 3 Verses Star Spangled Banner – sing along with CD recording - can be MC leading song or other

5. Pledge of Allegiance and American’s Creed – can be MC or song leader

6. Keynote Message on the Constitution – 15 minutes – given by more or less prominent patriot from the community

7. Singing to America – 4 verses – “America, the Beautiful” – sing along with CD – MC or song leader

8. Decrees for America: MC leads all in saying “God, Save America” 3x; “God, Save our Constitution” 3x; “Let Freedom Ring! 3x

9. Bells of Freedom Ring in area steeples or Ring hand-held Liberty Bell while people hold the Silence.

10. Event is over! In the Constitution message, there will be another invitation to join another Liberty event en masse across America TBA.

5) Make it Happen! PLAN the Walk

Choose a starting point (ample parking or easily accessible), the walk route and a landing point, appropriate to give the ceremony for America and the Constitution.

The Walk should be no longer than a mile.

If you are unable to do the Ceremony for any reason, please be prepared to have someone read a statement on the Constitution.

Visit or call the city clerk at your town hall to find out if you need a permit. Tell them you plan to have a Liberty Walk for the Constitution on Sunday, October 24 from 1-2pm. Tell them the route you propose. Ask them if a permit is necessary.

(In our town it was not, even with our plan to walk in the road from a park outside town on the major road leading into town.)

If a permit is required, file it promptly to ensure you meet all deadlines.

Call or visit your Chief of Police and inform them of your plan. They will tell you what is required from their view. If using the road is not viable, then use the sidewalks and follow the lights.

6) PROMOTE your Walk! Get the Word OUT!

Once you know the route and details are set, personalize the press release and get it out! Put your specific facebook page or your webpage link on the release so people know where to go for MORE DETAILS, updates and messages.

Use the page to communicate with everyone.

Tell everyone you know to tell everyone they know and so forth.

Download the customizable Press Release and the flyer template from the libertywalk page. Get them out! Contact local groups and organizations and invite them to be non-paying sponsors and to support the non-partisan, non-political walk event through their organizations. Create your webpage or facebook page for your town and post their logos! There is no reason why everyone should not step out for this event.

Send the Press Release to your local media outlets. A helpful media search engine lookup guide is provided on the Organizer's page. Follow up with a phone call to the news/community events editor's desk.

Tell tea party groups; post on and to reach all the groups in your area. See if Facebook has a network for your town! Attend Patriot related Meetup groups in your area. Get the young people to work their magic through the social networks.

7) A WORD about Politicians or Candidates running for office

God Bless them. ( Politicians or candidates running for office should be notified about the walk – and they should be EXPECTED to attend (the People will look to see who is there)– BUT if they do, they walk humbly with the People and do not play a role in the Ceremony, give speeches, nor can they hand out materials or campaign. This is not a political or commercial effort in any manner.

8) We will hold a National Conference call for organizers and anyone else who is interested every Monday evening. This will be an open session for anyone who wants to talk about the Walk or who has questions. Visit libertywalk every Sunday to download the conference call invite link and get registered for the Call.

Thank you for all you do! Email honoramerica@ if we can help.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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