ProComm Admin Tool .ca

[Pages:15]ProComm Admin Tool

Last Updated February 26th, 2016


1.0 About ..........................................................................................................3 2.0 Getting Started..............................................................................................3 3.0 The ProComm Admin Interface .....................................................................4 4.0 Create Content..............................................................................................4

4.1 Create a Course.......................................................................................4 4.2 Create a chapter......................................................................................5 4.3 Create an Exercise Set .............................................................................6 5.0 Manage Content ...........................................................................................8 5.1 Editing Titles and Introductory Text/Audio .............................................8 5.2 Changing Your Course Password ...........................................................10 5.3 Adding Exercises to an Exercise Set .......................................................11 6.0 Delete an Exercise Set/Chapter/Course.......................................................12 7.0 Publish, Update and Archive Course............................................................14 7.1 Publish/Update Your course .................................................................14 7.2 Archive Your Course..............................................................................15 8.0 Support .......................................................................................................15


1.0 About

The Language Pronunciation and Comprehension Tool (also known as the "ProCommTool") is a web-based application designed to enhance a student's comprehension and pronunciation of a particular language. Instructors create oral components in any language of their choice, and students practice through a series of listening, speaking, and comprehension exercises. This tool can be used in conjunction with language labs or with language curricula by adding a direct oral component. Additionally, this tool can be easily incorporated into any learning management system.

ProComm was designed so that students can repeatedly do these exercises at their own leisure, while being able to immediately receive the correct answer or pronunciation. This guide will show you how to use the Admin Tool to add and manage oral exercises and then publish them to a live online site for your students to view and use.

2.0 Getting Started

If you would like to use the ProComm Tool for your course, please contact the Arts Help Desk at and we can provide you with the URL to get started. The home page of the Admin Tool should look like this:


3.0 The ProComm Admin Interface

The content of the ProComm Tool you build will have the following structure: Course > Chapters > Exercise Sets > Exercises

Course: Each course may have multiple chapters. Chapter: Each chapter may have multiple exercise sets. Exercise Set: Each exercise set has an introductory text and audio. Each exercise set may have multiple exercises. Exercises: Each exercise is associated with text and an audio.

4.0 Create Content

4.1 Create a Course

1. Select Create Content 2. In the section "Create a Course", enter a Course name

(Only alphanumeric characters ex. `ABC123...' and underscores ex. `_' allowed) 3. Enter a password and retype your password to confirm. 4. Click Create Course

Note: After you create your course, you may be prompted to enter the course password the first time you access it on any page. Once you enter the password, it will be remembered for that course. throughout the site.


4.2 Create a chapter

Note: The dropdown list labeled Current Chapters in Course will reveal which chapters already exist in the course

1. Select the course you would like to create a chapter in

2. Enter the Chapter Number you would like to add (Only numeric characters ex. `123...' allowed)

3. Optional: Enter a Chapter Name. Note: If a Chapter Name is entered, the live course will only display the Chapter Name. If none is entered, the live course will display the chapter number

4. Click Create Chapter


4.3 Create an Exercise Set

1. Select the Course and the Chapter you would like to create an exercise set in 2. Enter an exercise set name (Only alphanumeric characters, underscores, periods, and

dashes allowed)


3. Optional: Enter Exercise Introduction Text (this text will appear in a text box on the live course next to every exercise)

Admin Tool

Live Course


4. Optional: Add an audio introduction by choosing an Mp3 file from your computer (the introduction plays at the beginning of each exercise set). This can be changed or removed later in Manage Content.

5. Click Create Exercise Set

5.0 Manage Content

Under Manage Content, you can change titles, course introduction audio/text, course password, and add exercises to your exercise sets.

5.1 Editing Titles and Introductory Text/Audio

1. Select your Course 2. Select a Chapter 3. Select an Exercise Set 4. Edit the names of any Course, Chapter, Exercise Set or Introductory text/audio on this page

by clicking the pencil icon next to each.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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