Progressive Era Vocabulary

Progressive Era Vocabulary


|1. 18TH Amendment |Change in the U.S. Constitution that outlawed making, buying and selling alcoholic beverages |

|2. 19th Amendment |Change in the U.S. Constitution that gave women the right to vote in all states |

|3. American Federation of Labor |An organization of workers that focused on helping workers gain higher wages & better working |

| |conditions-one of the first labor unions organized in the U.S. |

|4. Child labor |a situation in which children worked like adults in factories |

|5. Homestead Strike |a labor dispute in 1892 when steelworkers lost union help (representation) until the 1930s |

|6. Jane Addams |Progressive reformer who founded the settlement house called Hull House |

|7. Progressives |followers of the movement that called for reform of social problems as a result of urbanization|

|8. Prohibition |forbidding by law of the making or selling of alcoholic beverages |

|9. Reform |to make something better by change |

|10. Restriction |to limit or not allow something (rules & boundaries) |

|11. Strike |to make or achieve a balance or bargain by refusing to work |

|12. Suffrage |the right to vote |

|13. Temperance |totally avoiding alcoholic beverages |

|14. Unions |organizations of wage-earners formed for the purpose of helping members with gaining better |

| |wages and working conditions |

|15. Wages |money earned/pay for a job |

|16. Muckraker |an investigative journalist who “raked” the “muck” or dirt underlying society in the late |

| |1800s. They wanted to expose corruption in order to remove it. |

|17. Referendum |An election that gives voters the opportunity to accept or reject a proposed measure or law on |

| |a state ballot (ex. The VA Lottery) |

|18. Initiative |The legal method that allows citizens to place an issue on a state ballot |

|19. Recall |allows voters to remove unsatisfactory elected officials from their jobs |

|20. Political Machine |in the late 1800s they controlled the local gov’t (headed by the political boss-Boss Tweed) |

|21. Kickback (noun) |an arrangement in which city contractors pad (inflate) their bill for city work and split the |

| |extra charge between themselves and the city boss |

|22. Laissez-faire |French term for “hands off”; meaning that the gov’t should interfere as little as possible in |

| |the nation’s economy |

|23. Upton Sinclair |muckraker who wrote The Jungle which led to the meat inspection act of 1906 |

|24. Ida Tarbell |muckraker who exposed Standard Oil and got the gov’t to break up the monopoly |

|25. 21st Amendment |A change in the U.S. Constitution that overturned the 18th Amendment |

|26. 17th Amendment |A change in the U.S. Constitution allowing for the direct election of senators |

|27. Progressive Movement |A movement or era in the late 1800s/early 1900s when reformers were needed to demand massive |

| |improvements in the following areas: the workplace, child labor, run-down tenements, fight |

| |corrupt businesses and political machines and bring about equal rights for groups left behind |

| |during the industrial revolution. |


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