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Lesson Plan- Week 10: October 27- 31, 2014

7th Grade


learn listening strategies, including determining general meaning, main points, Important details, and implicit ideas.

identify and explain the significance of the essential elements in reading and writing.

Identify and describe power and control dynamics between the characters and how their circumstances influence their behavior.

Students will show their knowledge of the chapter through questions and vocab.


Audio version of book

PowerPoint will be given in advance and printed.

Extra visuals and verbal cues and prompts

Additional time for assignments

Can see peer/group help


|7th Grade - Vocabulary The Outsiders- Fiction |7th Grade – Vocabulary- Non Fiction |

|Imploringly | |

|Sullenly | |

|Hue | |

|Subsides | |

|Eluded | |

|Fiend | |

|Indignant | |

|Gorged | |

|Doggedly | |

|Conviction | |

|Detached | |

|Keeled | |

|Inhalation | |

|Plasma | |

|Hysterics | |

|racking | |

Reading Fiction: The Outsiders Ch. 4-5

Reading Non Fiction:


Grammar: Pronouns/ literary devices

Writing: Reflections/ Diary Journal of LOTF

Assessment: The Outsiders CH.1-5, literary devices and nouns/pronouns Unit Test.


Monday: Reading Log 4 Due

Read and annotate article: “People are causing a mass extinction on Earth; some try to stop it”

Quiz on Ch. 1-3 in The Outsiders

Tuesday: Begin Reading Log 5: 30m for reading.

Reflect on the following questions from the Article: “People are causing a mass extinction on Earth; some try to stop it”

• What is your reaction to the argument? Explain

Wednesday: Tuesday: Read 30m for reading log.

How might the Poem apply to The Outsiders?

One pg. Reflection on how might the Poem apply to The Outsiders?

Thursday: Tuesday: Read 30m for reading log.

Reflect on the following questions from the Article: “People are causing a mass extinction on Earth; some try to stop it”

• Do you support the idea of bringing back extinct species? Explain.

Friday: Read 30m for reading log.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Reading Log # 4 and 2 paragraph summary is due!

Do Now (10 min)

Literary Term of the Week Analogy: A comparison between two things for the purpose of explanation or clarification.

See Barack Obamas Analogy as he compares the economic recession to driving a car into a ditch.

I DO (15 min)

Pre Assessment on “What is a pronoun?”


Mini Lesson: PPPT Pronouns

A pronoun is a word that is used in a place of a noun or another pronoun

Personal Pronouns: I, we, she, them and it.

Singular and Plurals

Practice and Apply: List the personal Pronouns in each sentence

Writing: Write a short dialogue between two people who are hiking. Use pronouns to make the dialogue sound natural.

* Write down the Vocabulary Words and look up the first 4

We Do (20 Min)

Review Question from chapter 3-4 in The Outsiders

1. What does Cherry explain as the difference between the socs and the greasers?

2. Why don’t the Socs feel anything and the Greasers feel too violently?

3. What’s the conflict?

4. What does Pony boy mean on p.39 when he says “Johnny and I understood each other without saying anything?” Have you ever had a relationship with someone who you understood, or who understood you, without having to say anything? Why is that important?

5. What does Pony discover about the Socs who were in the car?

6. When and how did Pony’s parents die?

7. What happens when Pony comes here after his curfew?

8. Why does Johnny like it better when his father is hitting him?

9. At the end of the chapter, how does the author foreshadow that bad things are to come?

10. What does Pony mean when he says the socs were “reeling pickled” on page 54?

11. What major even happens in this chapter?

12. How did the author foreshadow that Johnny would use his knife in chapter 2?

13. What would your advice be to Johnny and Ponyboy if they’d come to you for help instead of Dally? Explain.

14. How did the setting foreshadow the events in this chapter?

15. Do you think Bob’s death was justice? Explain.

You Do (10 Min)

To report their findings about Johnny’s experience, the students will write a journal entry from Johnny’s point of view. The students should write as though they are Johnny, writing in his journal before he falls asleep that night in the church.

In groups students will discuss in partners the similarities/differences between Johnny’s experience and their own.


Homework: Reading log- read for 30 minutes.

Read and annotate article: “People are causing a mass extinction on Earth; some try to stop it”

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Do Now (10 min)

“What Would You Do?” Journal Write and Class Discuss


I Do (15 Min)

Mini Lesson: PPPT Subject Pronouns

A subject pronoun is used as the subject of a sentence or as a predicate pronoun after linking the verb.

Predicate pronoun: follows the linking verb and identifies the subject.

Practice and Apply: List the personal Pronouns in each sentence

* Write down the Vocabulary Words and look up the next 4 (should have a total of 8 words with definitions.)

PPPT on Literary Devices.

Go Over: What is a literary Device?




We Do (5 Min)

Quiz on Ch. 1-3 The Outsiders

You Do (30 M)

Achieve 3000 Article Lesson.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Do Now (10 min)

“Quote of the Week” Explain what this Quote means and how it could apply to your own life.


I Do (15 Min)

Mini Lesson: PPPT Object Pronouns

A object pronoun is used as a direct object, and indirect object, or n object of a preposition.

Direct object receives the action of the verb and answers the whom or what

Indirect object the pronoun tells to whom or what or whom or what an action is performed.

Practice and Apply: * Write down the Vocabulary Words and look up the next 4 (should have a total of 12 words with definitions.)

PPPT on Literary Devices.

Go Over: Metaphor




We Do (20 Min)

Read: The Outsiders Ch. 5

Ponyboy and Johnny reluctantly change their hair to disguise themselves. To pass the time, Ponyboy reads “Gone with the Wind” to Johnny, who compares the southern characters to Dally. Ponyboy also recites Robert Frosts Poem, “Nothing Gold can Stay.”

You Do (Min 10)

Read Roberts Frosts Poem: Nothing Gold Can Stay.

Analyze and Interpret Robert Frost’s poem, “Nothing Gold can Stay. P. 77. * Think and Reflect on: How might the Poem apply to The Outsiders?

Homework: One pg. Reflection on how might the Poem apply to The Outsiders?

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Do Now (10 min)

Video Clip Response: What do you think: “if you never failed, you never lived” means? Do you think it is true? Why or Why not?

Class discussion

I Do (15 Min)

Mini Lesson: PPPT Possesive Pronouns, Reflexive and intensive pronouns, interrogatives and demonstrative pronouns, pronoun-antecedent agreement, indefinite pronoun agreement

PPPT on Literary Devices.

Go Over: Simile




We Do (20 Min)

Audio: Finish reading Ch. 5

Practice and Apply: * Write down the remaing Vocabulary Words for Outsiders with their defenitions.

Discussion (Chp. 4 & 5):

• Why do you think Johnny killed Bob? Do you think you would have reacted differently?

• What could have been some alternatives?

• If you were Ponyboy and Johnny, whom would you turn to for help? Why do you think they went to Dally?

• Why do you think Ponyboy and Johnny’s situation prompted Ponyboy’s recitation of “Nothing Gold Can Stay?”

• Who is innocent? Who has experience? (all characters)

Read excerpts from p. 54-56 and 76-77 and then discuss

You Do (Min 10)

Closure: Is Dally innocent or experienced? What about the rest of the Greasers?


Homework: Reflect on the following questions from the Article: “People are causing a mass extinction on Earth; some try to stop it”

• Do you support the idea of bringing back extinct species? Explain.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween.

Log into Achieve 3000 and complete the next lesson:


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