Spelling Testing and Record Keeping

Spelling Testing and Record KeepingPlacement Test InstructionsWe will all have a spelling test now. Put everything off your desk except a piece of paper and blue pen and a red pen (no pencils).After every 10 words we will stop and correct the test as a class. The purpose of this test is to measure each student’s current knowledge and identify your individual level for the Step Up In Spelling Program.Please write the numbers 1 – 20 down the left hand side of your page in red pen.I will:Say the spelling word Put the word in a sentence Repeat the spelling wordYou will:Put your hand up now if have trouble hearing mePick up your blue penListen carefullyWrite the word downCheck your answerKeep your eyes on your own workAfter the test I will:Write the answers on the board and spell out the words for you to checkYou will pick up your red pen and circle the mistakes onlyThere are no half points and if you didn’t get enough time to write the word down it is considered a mistake for the purpose of this testWrite the number of words you spelt incorrectly at the bottom of the pageAll students will attempt the first two testsIf you have three or more mistakes after the first two tests you do not need to continue with the next testRed Level Test1AcrossIt is rude to reach across the table at dinner time.across2AxeThe log was cut with a sharp axe.axe3BroomMum sweeps the kitchen floor every evening with a broom.broom4CoatI have a lovely warm green coat.coat5EightyMy grandmother will turn eighty next week.eighty6HouseHow many bedrooms are there in your house?house7RainI love the rain after a hot day.rain8SchoolI have a spelling test at school today.school9TeethDo you brush your teeth twice a day?teeth10WallI couldn’t see over the wall.wallCorrect your answersOrange Level Test1AmountThe amount of people living in Australia is rising.amount2DinnerWhat would you like to eat for dinner?dinner3HalfHalf of the students in this class have brown eyes.half4KnifeI cut the apple with a knife.knife5LeatherMy shoes are made of leather.leather6PillowIs your pillow soft or hard?pillow7PoliceI called the police when my house was robbed.police8SaidMy mother said I should do my homework.said9SweetThe oranges were sweet and juicy.sweet10TooI am too big to fit into my old jeans.tooCorrect your answersStudents who have three or more mistakes do not need to participate in the next test.You may wish to read silently or work on a work sheet provided by your teacher.Yellow Level Test1AlthoughAlthough it was raining I went for a walk.although2ChiefThe chief of the tribe was tall and strong.chief3DoesWhat does your pet like to do?does4FortyPeople who are forty like to think they are still young.forty5HoneyI always put honey on my toast.honey6KitchenThe kitchen is my favourite room in the house.kitchen7OceanThe ocean was blue and still.ocean8SeasonSpring is my favourite season.season9TelephoneCan you say your telephone number backwards?telephone10TwelveDo you know your twelve times tables?twelveCorrect the wordsGreen Level Test1ArithmeticI am very good at arithmetic.arithmetic2CocoaThis cake has 3 table spoons of cocoa in it.cocoa3CourseI would like to do a photography course in the holidays.course4EitherMy sister is either in her room listening to music or watching TV.either5FigureCan you ice skate in a figure eight?figure6LoseI always lose my keys in the morning.lose7NeighbourMy neighbour has two noisy dogs.neighbour8SandwichesMy dad made me jam sandwiches for lunch.sandwiches9SincerelyI sincerely hope you work hard on your spelling.sincerely10UmbrellaThe umbrella shop closed down in the drought.umbrellaCorrect the wordsIf you have two or more mistakes in the Yellow and Green Tests you do not need to continue with the next test. You may wish to read silently or work on a work sheet provided by your teacher.Blue Level Test A1PsychologyMy sister is studying Psychology this year in VCE.psychology2ExtremelyI am extremely nervous about swimming in the ocean.extremely3AuditoriumThe auditorium was full of people but no one made a sound.auditorium4AlternativeThere is always an alternative way to live your life.alternative5HarassDon’t harass the teachers for more homework.harass6HilariousThe play I saw was hilarious.hilarious7FluorescentSome people don’t like fluorescent lights.fluorescent8DependantI have a husband and two dependant children.dependant9AvocadoI love eating avocado and chicken sandwiches.avocado10BroccoliI have broccoli growing in my garden.broccoliIf you have one mistake in the Blue Test A you are to start your spelling program at Blue Level 1If you have made no mistakes you are to start your spelling program at Blue Level 7If you are confident that you can spell all of the words on the spelling list without making any mistakes please see your teacher and arrange for a different spelling list.(The Advanced Spelling List is on the web site.) ................

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