Endangered, Extinct, and Invasive Species

Endangered, Extinct, and Invasive Species

Informational Signs

Humankind is precipitating a loss of species at an alarming rate. In fact, scientists estimate that we stand a good chance of losing 20% of the planet’s biodiversity by the year 2020. Most species endangerment or extinction is the result of human interactions, either directly through hunting or poaching, or indirectly through the destruction or degradation of habitat. After habitat loss and degradation, the next most damaging action is the deliberate or accidental introduction of harmful invasive species.

In this activity you are going to take a closer look at species that are considered invasive, endangered, or already extinct. You are going to create 3 separate signs – one for a specific species from each category.

The signs need to be typed. The pictures do not need to be in color. Overall, the posters should be stylish and appealing to the eye but should also convey LOTS of information.

“Help Wanted” Poster – Endangered Species

Name (common and scientific)

Status (threatened, endangered, critically endangered)

Population (past and present)

Description (physical description, niche) – be complete!

Habitat (location and description) – past/present map of distribution?

Reason the species is in trouble

What can be / is being done to save this species?


“Missing” Poster – Extinct Species

Name (common and scientific)

Length of time it has been extinct

Description (physical description, niche) – be complete!

Habitat (location and description) where it used to live

Reason the species went extinct (must be as a result of humans)


“Wanted” Poster – Invasive Species

Name (common and scientific)

Description (physical description, niche) – be complete!

Native location

Area invading

How was it introduced?

What type of damage does it do?

How can it be controlled?


** Use these headings on your posters!! ** – It organizes the information presented.

You must site your sources for each sign!! – (list on the bottom, back, or another sheet)

These signs are due on Tuesday, October 25


Javan Rhino **

Bluefin Tuna *

Florida Manatee **

African Elephant *

Golden Lion Tamarin

Giant Panda **

Black-footed Ferret *

Whooping Crane *

Northern Spotted Owl **

Blue Whale *

Western Lowland Gorilla **

Florida Panther

California Condor **

Leatherback Sea Turtle **

Black Rhinoceros **

Mantled Howler Monkey


Stellar Sea Lion

Snow Leopard *

Galapagos Penguin


Passenger Pigeon **

Great Auk *

Dodo **

Dusky Seaside Sparrow

Eastern Elk

Heath Hen

Pyrenean Ibex *

Yunnan Box Turtle

Golden Toad *

Kangaroo Island Black Emu

Caribbean Monk Seal

Baiji Dolphin

Labrador Duck

Pig-footed Bandicoot

Haast's Eagle

Sea Mink



European Starling *

African Honeybee *


Water Hyacinth

Japanese Beetle *

European Wild Boar

Asian Carp *

Kudzu **

Zebra Mussel **

Sea Lamprey

Cane Toad **

Argentina Fire Ant *

Brown Tree Snake *

Common Pigeon (Rock Dove)

Gypsy Moth

Asian Tiger Mosquito

Emerald Ash Borer **

Northern Snakehead *

Burmese Python *

Green Iguana

Spectacled Caiman

Mute Swan

Formosan Termite **

Helpful links:

Endangered Species:


Invasive Species:

Extinct Species:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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