The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human …

The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography, 10e (Rubenstein)

Chapter 8 Political Geography

1) The most populous country not a member of the UN is

A) Taiwan.

B) North Korea.

C) Switzerland.

D) Monaco.

2) An area organized into an independent political unit is a

A) colony.

B) nationality.

C) satellite.

D) state.

E) suburb.

3) Alsace and Lorraine

A) have been claimed by France and Germany at different times.

B) are proto-Germanic languages now extinct.

C) are on opposite banks of the Rhine River.

D) represent a cultural boundary.

4) A state with control over its internal affairs has

A) centripetal forces.

B) nationality.

C) suffrage.

D) sovereignty.

E) ethnicity.

5) Over the past half century, the number of sovereign states in the world

A) has remained approximately the same.

B) has increased by a couple of dozen.

C) has decreased by a couple of dozen.

D) has increased by more than a hundred.

E) has increased by more than a thousand.

6) The world's largest state is

A) China.

B) Canada.

C) Russia.

D) Alaska.

E) India.

7) Conflicting claims to the Arctic are mostly due to

A) the potential for energy resources.

B) old Cold War grudges.

C) colonial expansion.

D) shifting sea ice formations.

8) Korea is a good example of a

A) sovereign state.

B) nation-state.

C) ethnicity divided between more than one state.

D) colony.

E) patron-state.

9) Which of the following is not true about both China and Taiwan?

A) Both were once ruled by the Nationalists.

B) Both consider that the two areas form one sovereign state.

C) Both now hold seats in the United Nations.

D) Both have official relationships with the United States.

E) B and C

10) The Fertile Crescent

A) followed the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

B) extended from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea.

C) was the location of the first city-states in the Middle East.

D) is sometimes considered to be extended into the Nile Valley.

E) all of the above

11) The only large land mass not part of a sovereign state is

A) Antarctica.

B) the Arctic.

C) Greenland.

D) Siberia.

E) Borneo.

12) The first states in ancient Mesopotamia were

A) city-states.

B) colonies.

C) empires.

D) nation-states.

E) patron-states.

13) Political unity in the ancient Mediterranean world reached its height in

A) the Fertile Crescent.

B) Egypt.

C) the Roman Empire.

D) Western Europe.

E) the Alexandrian Empire.

14) A territory tied to a state rather than being completely independent is a

A) nation.

B) state.

C) nation-state.

D) colony.

E) patron-state.

15) The first widespread use of the nation-state concept came in

A) Mesopotamia.

B) the Roman Empire.

C) Western Europe.

D) the United States.

E) Southeast Asia.

16) The attempt by one country to impose political control over another territory is

A) colonialism.

B) constitutionality.

C) self-determination.

D) sovereignty.

E) suffrage.

17) The motives of European states in establishing colonies can be summarized as all but which of the following?

A) God

B) glory

C) guilt

D) gold

E) B and C

18) By 1900, the British could claim all but which of the following about their empire?

A) The sun never set on it.

B) Their colonies were located on every continent.

C) Their largest colonies had become independent by then.

D) Their empire was larger than that of any other European state.

E) Their empire controlled strategic islands in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.

19) The world's smallest colony is

A) Hong Kong.

B) Pitcairn.

C) Puerto Rico.

D) San Marino.

E) St. Lucia.

20) There are some extremely small states in the world that have all but which of the following characteristics?

A) Many are islands.

B) They are called microstates.

C) Most are in the southern hemisphere.

D) All are smaller than 1,000 square kilometers.

E) Many of the island nations are former European colonies.

21) The British created different government structures for its various colonies to

A) control the people in the colonies.

B) break down local authorities and governments to make way for the British.

C) help protect the cultures in their territories.

D) expedite the export of raw materials and imports of finished products.

E) separate religious groups.

22) The most populous remaining colony is ruled by

A) the United States.

B) the United Kingdom.

C) France.

D) China.

E) the Netherlands.

23) Elongated states may suffer from poor internal communication and difficulty defending its borders. Which of the following is not an elongated state?

A) Malawi

B) Gambia

C) Namibia

D) Chile

E) Italy

24) A frontier, in contrast to a boundary,

A) separates two states.

B) is an area rather than a line.

C) has become a more common means to separate states.

D) is a region of ethnic conflict.

E) all of the above

25) Which shape most easily fosters the establishment of effective internal communications for a smaller state?

A) compact

B) elongated

C) fragmented

D) prorupted

E) prolonged

26) The Germans established the proruption known as the Caprivi Strip in present-day Namibia for which of the following reasons?

A) access to resources in central Africa

B) disruption of British communications

C) fighting apartheid in neighboring South Africa

D) access to the Zambezi river

E) A, B, and D

27) The process of redrawing legislative boundaries to benefit the party in power is called

A) gerrymandering.

B) stacking votes.

C) hanging chads.

D) redlining.

E) blockbusting.

28) A feature of the physical environment commonly used to separate states includes all but which of the following?

A) deserts

B) geometry

C) mountains

D) lakes

E) rivers

29) The boundary between the United States and Canada is best described by which of the following?

A) geometry

B) language

C) water

D) mountain

E) A and C

30) Boundaries were redrawn in much of Europe after World War I according to the

A) distribution of languages.

B) demands of the victorious British and French.

C) containment of Nazism.

D) League of Nations.

E) North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

31) The Aozou Strip is a good example of a

A) prorupted state.

B) physical boundary.

C) geometric boundary.

D) frontier.

E) perforated state.

32) The eastern part of the border between the U. S. and Mexico is delineated by

A) the Rio Grande.

B) language differences.

C) the Mojave desert.

D) a fence.

33) An example of a perforated state is

A) South Africa.

B) Sahrawi Republic.

C) Slovenia.

D) Borneo.

34) The problems experienced by Cyprus during the past four decades include all but which of the following?

A) a Greek-inspired military coup

B) a Turkish army invasion

C) a partition of the island by the British as part of independence

D) an increasing spatial segregation of Greeks and Turks

E) division of the capital city by a buffer zone patrolled by U.N. soldiers

35) An increasing number of states have adopted a federal form of government primarily to

A) grant different ethnicities or nationalities more effective representation.

B) encourage the breakup of the superpower alliances.

C) govern compact states more effectively.

D) deploy scarce resources efficiently.

E) meet all of the above needs.

36) A state which places most power in the hands of a central government is a

A) federal state.

B) nation-state.

C) fragmented state.

D) unitary state.

E) compact state.

37) After the fall of communism, Poland

A) adopted a unitary form of government.

B) became a nation-state.

C) delegated more authority to local governments.

D) gave power to its ethnic minorities.

E) annexed land from Germany.

38) Cultural boundaries include all but which of the following?

A) ethnic

B) geometric

C) religious

D) language

E) geomorphic

39) Redistricting so that the opposition is spread across many districts as a minority it termed a ________ strategy.

A) wasted vote

B) stacked vote

C) gerrymandering

D) excess vote

40) States cooperate with each other for what kind of reasons?

A) political

B) military

C) economic

D) all of the above

E) A and C

41) The United Nations is primarily what kind of cooperative effort?

A) political

B) military

C) economic

D) cultural

E) all of the above

42) In 2002 the Organization of African Unity was replaced by

A) the African Union.

B) the African National Party.

C) the African Treaty Organization.

D) the Organization of African States.

E) the Organization for African Economic Cooperation.

43) What was a distinctive feature of the world's superpowers between the 1940s and 1980s compared to other eras?

A) The United States and the Soviet Union were superpowers for the first time.

B) The two superpowers were never involved in wars.

C) The number of superpowers was much lower than in the past.

D) The superpowers had satellites.

E) The superpowers used religion to settle conflicts.

44) As a result of a 1979 Soviet invasion, what country generated one of the world's largest refugee migrations?

A) Afghanistan

B) Ethiopia

C) Israel

D) Vietnam

E) Yugoslavia

45) The Commonwealth is primarily

A) an economic and cultural alliance of states once part of the British Empire.

B) an organization of culturally homogenous nations that opposed the Warsaw Pact.

C) organized to increase availability of mineral resources in perforated states.

D) a religious entity that sends missionaries to Africa.

46) The European Union has

A) replaced COMECON as the main organization for regional cooperation in Eastern Europe.

B) protected Western Europe from a Soviet invasion.

C) promoted economic growth in Western Europe.

D) closed NATO military bases around the Mediterranean Sea.

E) done all of the above.

47) The growth of the European Union has resulted in member states

A) having greater control of their internal finances

B) adopting a common currency and freer travel

C) enacting tighter borders and travel policies

D) participating in the world's wealthiest market.

E) B and D

48) With the end of the Cold War,

A) Russia has become a nation-state.

B) military alliances have become more important in Europe.

C) nationalities have been discouraged from expressing their cultural identities.

D) the European Union has become the world's leading economic superpower.

E) the Organization of American States has disbanded.

49) Terrorism differs from assassinations and other acts of political violence

A) because attacks are never well coordinated.

B) because attacks are aimed at military targets or political leaders.

C) because attacks are aimed at ordinary people.

D) because attacks use only personal weapons.

E) because attacks have not political goals.

50) The Kurds are

A) a multinational state.

B) divided among more than one state.

C) a religious minority in the Middle East.

D) trying to unite with Turkey.

E) all of the above.

51) Geographers at UCLA used geographic techniques to predict the

A) likely location of Osama bin Laden.

B) best physical boundaries between the U.S. and Mexico.

C) pre-World War II boundaries of Germany.

D) independent state most likely to form in the next 10 years.

52) Which of the following is not true of al-Qaeda?

A) Al-Qaeda has been implicated in several bombings since the attack on the United States in 2001.

B) Al-Qaeda is a single unified organization.

C) Most al-Qaeda cell members have lived in ordinary society, supporting themselves with jobs or crime.

D) Finance, media, legal-religious policy and military committees report to a council called Majiis al shura.

E) Al-Qaeda grew out of the war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.

53) Then-Secretary of State Colin Powell used what geographic tool to make the case for war with Iraq before the United Nations?

A) air photos of alleged chemical weapons bunkers

B) documents linking Iraq to yellowcake uranium

C) maps showing Iraq's territorial dispute with Kuwait

D) recordings linking Saddam Hussein to al-Qaeda

54) Key challenges to establishing a representative government in Iraq after Saddam Hussein are

A) geometric boundaries established by British and French treaties.

B) tribal and ethnic differences between provinces.

C) sectarian conflict between the Shiite and Sunni Muslims.

D) Al-Qaeda insurgents opposed to a secular state.

E) all of the above.

55) The nation-state concept originated and has been used most extensively in modern Europe.

56) Taiwan is a member of the United Nations.

57) Language and religion are two significant characteristics which can distinguish among nationalities.

58) Physical boundaries are more natural than cultural boundaries.

59) Gerrymandering is legal.

60) Argentina and Chile are separated by one type of physical boundary, a desert.

61) The boundary between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland is a good example of a physical boundary.

62) South Africa is a good example of a landlocked state.

63) Yugoslavia was a good example of a federal state.

64) Russia is a member of the European Union.

65) Most Iraqis have stronger loyalty to a tribe or clan than to a national government.

66) The most important elements of state power are increasingly military rather than economic.

67) Osama bin Laden declared war on the United States in 1996, because of United States support of Saudi Arabia and Israel.

68) Terrorist consider all U.S. citizens justified targets because all U.S. citizens are responsible for U.S. government policies and cultural practices.

Match the example with the state shape it represents.

A) Italy

B) South Africa

C) France

D) Congo

E) The United States

69) Perforated

70) Elongated

71) Prorupted

72) Compact

73) Fragmented

A) Mountain

B) Religious

C) Language

D) Water

74) Argentina/Chile

75) India/Pakistan

76) Malawi/Mozambique

77) France/Germany


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