Essential Environment, 4e (Withgott/Laposata)

Chapter 6 Human Population

6.1 Graph and Figure Interpretation Questions


Use the figure above to answer the following question(s).

1) Looking at the figure, you are able to determine ________.

A) that the population in part (a) is growing rapidly

B) that the population in the part (b) is growing rapidly

C) that the population in the part (b) has many more males than females

D) that the population in the part (b) is aging rapidly

E) that there was a "baby boom" in the population on the right 30 years ago

2) What is the population in part (b) likely to experience soon?

A) more single males

B) more households

C) lack of economic growth

D) more senior citizens

E) resource depletion and decreased quality of life

3) What is the population in part (a) likely to experience soon?

A) more single males

B) exponential population growth

C) government institution of a population control policy

D) more senior citizens

E) resource depletion and decreased quality of life

4) The population in part (a) suggests that its Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is ________.

A) less than replacement rate

B) zero

C) over 5.0

D) steadily rising

E) now rising but has been recently declining

6.2 Matching Questions

Match the following.

A) United States

B) North America

C) Great Britain

D) 2050

E) Canada

F) 2011

G) European nations

H) Africa

I) India

J) Latin America and the Caribbean

1) This region has the greatest TFR rate and the greatest poverty

2) Second most populous region on Earth

3) Year when we expect the 7 billionth human

4) TFR is 2.5 in this region

5) Region with the highest per capita income

6.3 Multiple-Choice Questions

1) The human population is approximately ________.

A) 1.5 million

B) 6.9 million

C) 1.5 billion

D) 6.9 billion

E) 10

2) During which time period did the world's population more than double?

A) 1750—1800

B) 1800—1850

C) 1850—1900

D) 1900—1950

E) 1950—2000

3) If a population roughly doubles in the course of 50 years, its growth rate would be close to ________%.

A) 1.5

B) 5

C) 10

D) 20

E) 25

4) ________ is the world's most populous nation, home to ________ of the people living on Earth.

A) China; half

B) China; one-fifth

C) The United States; half

D) The United States; one-fifth

E) India; one-third

5) Which of the following is not one of the world's top five most populous nations?

A) Vietnam

B) United States

C) Indonesia

D) Brazil

E) India

6) Replacement fertility ________.

A) restores population size after a catastrophic event

B) is a contraceptive technique

C) is below 2 in Latin America and the Caribbean

D) is below 2 in Africa

E) is equal to 2.1 in stable populations

7) The 1994 Cairo, Egypt, conference was organized ________.

A) by President Clinton to seek world funding for family‑planning initiatives

B) to lower the world's population to preset targets by advocating the use of contraceptives

C) to urge governments to better address social issues such as poverty and disease as potential sources of population problems

D) to address the growing AIDS epidemic in Africa

E) to reevaluate the effectiveness of China's one-child policy

8) Increasing levels of literacy among women is shown to ________.

A) lower TFR

B) raise TFR

C) decrease the use of contraception

D) have no effect on TFR or conctaceptive use

E) result in having children at a yunger age

9) Declining death rates due to increased food production and improved medical care while birth rates remain high is characteristic of the ________ stage.

A) pre-industrial

B) stabilization

C) transitional

D) post-industrial

E) revolutionary

10) Areas with the least dense human populations are in ________.

A) desert, tundra and rainforest

B) temperate areas

C) Europe

D) Mexico

E) the suburbs

11) Which of the following countries has the highest population growth rate?

A) Spain

B) Italy

C) Pakistan

D) Canada

E) United States

12) Which of the following factors drives TFR down?

A) rural lifestyle

B) social and economic security

C) poverty

D) history and tradition

E) high infant mortality

13) The transitional stage in Frank Notestein's demographic model is initiated by ________.

A) government intervention

B) the increased use of contraceptives

C) epidemics

D) industrialization

E) resource depletion

14) The richest one-fifth of the world's population possess approximately ________ times the income of the poorest one-fifth, and the richest one-fifth use over 86% of the world's resources.

A) 10

B) 20

C) 40

D) 60

E) 80

15) If global fertility rates remain at 2008 levels, the United Nations predicts that world population will be approximately ________ billion in 2050.

A) 11

B) 10

C) 7

D) 5

E) 4

16) The annual global growth rate of the human population peaked in the ________ and has been declining ever since.

A) early 1900s

B) 1950s

C) 1960s

D) 1990s

E) year 2000

17) A country with ________ is not expected to grow quickly in the near future.

A) a broad-based pyramid‑shaped age‑structure diagram

B) high female employment and literacy

C) a female to male ratio of 1.2 to 1

D) growing industrialization

E) many developing regions

18) In a country where there are increasingly more households, ________.

A) consumption should decrease

B) consumption should increase

C) birth rates should increase

D) birth rates should remain constant

E) population growth rates should increase

19) A population in the post-industrial stage would be expected to have ________.

A) birth and death rates at low stable levels

B) population size, birth rates and death rates rising

C) an age-distribution diagram that is pyramidal with a broad base

D) a sex ratio skewed in favor of females

E) lower birth rates but much higher death rates and environmental impact

20) The Matlab project in Bangladesh was successful in reducing TFR because ________.

A) the government required all families to use contraceptives

B) the government instituted a one-child policy

C) local women participated in an extensive outreach program about family planning

D) infant mortality increased significantly

E) small families are rewarded by tax incentives and free education for children

21) Madagascar's age‑structure diagram ________.

A) looks like an urn, with narrow base and an expanded apex

B) reflects unequal distribution of males and females at all age groups

C) reflects a "baby boom" in the early 1980s

D) reflects an aging population

E) reflects a population with a high growth rate

22) The world population growth rate is currently close to ________%.

A) 20

B) 10

C) 5

D) 2.5

E) 1.2

23) According to the IPAT model, technology that enhances our acquisition of minerals, fossil fuels, timber, and ocean fish ________.

A) increases environmental impact

B) decreases environmental impact

C) increases population

D) increases sensitivity

E) decreases sensitivity

24) The view held by both Malthus and Paul Ehrlich suggests that resource supplies due to greater numbers of people ________.

A) is not a problem because new resources can always be found to replace depleted ones

B) is not a problem because disease will limit population size

C) is a problem because resources are limited and can be depleted

D) will lead to natural selection of the most fit individuals

E) will result in exponential population growth

25) The "sensitivity factor" in the model used to represent human environmental impact denotes ________.

A) human sensitivity to what needs to be done to protect the environment

B) the sensitivity of an environment to human pressures

C) the sensitivity of endangered species to human population infringement

D) the sensitivity of governments to carrying capacity demands

E) economic sensitivity to resource use

26) The most accurate terms describing the trend over the past 50 years for human use of natural resources are ________.

A) increasing and unsustainable

B) decreasing and sustainable

C) steady state - no change

D) from unsustainable to sustainable

E) rapidly increasing, moving from unsustainable to sustainable

27) Malthus was responsible for ________.

A) the book The Population Bomb, which described the disastrous effects of human population growth

B) the idea that without social strictures increasing human population would lead to famine and war

C) the idea that population growth would lead to greater industry and prosperity

D) recognizing the demographic transition effect in developing nations

E) defining the concept of ecosystem services

28) A population which is not growing will have a TFR of ________.

A) zero

B) 1.2

C) 2.1

D) 5 or higher

E) less than 1.0

29) Not surprisingly, the nation with the highest rate of contraceptive use (86%) is ________.

A) South Africa

B) United States

C) New Zealand

D) China

E) Australia

6.5 Scenario-Based Questions

Read the following scenario and answer the question(s) below.

Population growth is at the root of many serious environmental problems. From the ancient Babylonians thousands of years ago, to Thomas Malthus two centuries ago, to present day neo-Malthusians, humans seem to possess an awareness of Earth's limitations in the face of growing populations. Today, our ability to accurately quantify, monitor, and control population growth is very sophisticated. We can measure growth and make predictions about world growth with mathematical and computer models. Can we prevent disaster?

1) Despite dire predictions in the past, humans still inhabit Earth. A few economists would argue that this is because ________.

A) technological developments have alleviated some of the strain on Earth's resources

B) space exploration has revealed new frontiers

C) Malthus's measurements were inaccurate

D) world population growth has been slower than expected

E) Malthus overestimated the Earth's environmental sensitivity

2) Mesopotamia, Mayan, Easter Island, and 1930s U.S. midwest prairie societies all experienced "crashes" because they ________.

A) had low TFR

B) had an unbalanced male to female ratio

C) had a weak military

D) abused and overused their natural resources

E) experienced rapid climate change

3) Because of the success of China's population control programs, ________.

A) environmental problems in China have been virtually eliminated

B) European nations have instituted similar programs

C) African nations have instituted similar programs

D) there is a younger population in China today

E) China's population growth rate is much lower than it was in the 1970s

4) Aside from contraception, what can human society and government policy do to control population growth's negative effects on the environment?

A) encourage consumption

B) encourage emigration from Africa

C) discourage emigration from Africa

D) discourage population movement into sensitive environmental areas

E) discourage equal education, employment and literacy for women

5) If there is ________, population growth rates will increase.

A) increased emigration

B) increased immigration

C) decreased immigration

D) increased urbanization

E) increased industrialization


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