Batch Solutions

LexisNexis leads the industry in database customization, working with our customers to create off-line batch searches that meet their specifications. What makes LexisNexis unique in the batch market is our ability to work with any data input set and return to the customer a customized, on-point result set. While most data providers require their customers to follow strict input/output layouts and file transfer methods, LexisNexis creates layouts and methods based on customer requirements. We can do this because we support a multitude of delivery options and input and output file-naming conventions.

Through LexisNexis batch solutions, Authorized Users will have access to billions of individual records containing a variety of identifiers. Our depth of content, combined with complex, behind-the-scenes algorithms enable LexisNexis to conduct layered searching that will find the best results on the input data being used. LexisNexis results are current, accurate and complete.

|BATCH FEATURE |PRICE |Charged Per Hit or Per |

| | |Input |

|Government Defined Batch Features |

|Person Locator (includes Best Name, Address, Phone) |  |$0.30 |  |Per Hit |

|Phones & Addresses |  |  |Single |Multiple |  |

|Input Address Verified Flag |$0.05 |  |Per Hit |

|Input Phone Verified Flag |$0.05 |  |Per Hit |

|Address |$0.13 |$0.16 |Per Hit |

|NCOA |$0.01 |  |Per Input |

|White Page Phone |$0.05 |$0.06 |Per Hit |

|EDA Phone |$0.10 |$0.12 |Per Hit |

|Skip Trace Phones |$0.23 |$0.25 |Per Hit |

|Gateway Phones |$0.25 |  |Per Input |

|Reverse Phone |$0.25 |  |Per Hit |

|Address and Phone |$0.25 |$0.30 |Per Hit |

|Address and/or Phone Dedupe (requires address or phone process) |$0.03 |$0.04 |Per Input |

|First Scrub: |  |  |  |

| 2. Phone (single or multiple) | | | |

| 3. RecoverScore | | | |

| 4. Bankruptcy Flag | | | |

| 5. Deceased Flag | | | |

| 6. Additional Flag -- Select One Flag Only: | | | |

| A. Motor Vehicle Reg (vehicles) | | | |

| B. Property | | | |

| C. Judgment & Lien | | | |

|Finder Scrub: |  |  |  |

| 2. Phone (single or multiple) | | | |

| 3. Up to 3 Relatives and/or Associates (name and phone only) | | | |

| 4. People at Work (name and phone only) | | | |

|Identity |  |  |  |

|Up to five AKA's including DOB |$0.10 |  |Per Hit |

|Derogatory and Deceased (Non-FCRA) |  |  |  |  |

|Bankruptcy Flag (8-Field) |$0.25 |  |Per Hit |

|Bankruptcy |$0.75 |  |Per Hit |

|Deceased Flag |$0.05 |  |Per Hit |

|Deceased |$0.75 |  |Per Hit |

|Judgment & Lien Flag |$0.05 |  |Per Hit |

|Judgment & Lien |$1.00 |  |Per Hit |

|Criminal Records |$1.00 |  |Per Hit |

|Derogatory and Deceased (FCRA) -- Banko |  |  |  |  |

|Single Scrub |  |  |  |

|Bankruptcy: Multi-Filer (Flag) |$0.25 |  |Per Hit |

|Bankruptcy: Multi-Filer (Full Record) |$1.00 |  |Per Hit |

|Deceased |$0.75 |  |Per Hit |

|Daily Monitoring |  |  |  |

|Bankruptcy: Multi-Filer (Flag) |$0.25 |  |Per Hit |

|Bankruptcy: Multi-Filer (Full Record) |$1.00 |  |Per Hit |

|Electronic Bankruptcy Notification (EBN) |$1.00 |  |Per Hit |

|Bankruptcy + Electronic Bankruptcy Notification (EBN) |$1.00 |  |Per Hit |

|Deceased |$0.75 |  |Per Hit |

|Bankruptcy Update Services |  |  |  |  |  |

|Docket, Full Docket Retrieval |$1.00 |  |Per Input |

|Docket, Full Docket Retrieval (by Key Event type) (Per input case / One time retrieval) |$2.00 |  |Per Input |

|Docket, Full Docket Retrieval (by Key Event type) (Per input case / Up to 4 time retrieval) |$4.00 |  |Per Input |

|Docket, search for client specific Key Event (Per input case) |$1.00 |  |Per Input |

|Creditor Mailing Matrix Retrieval (Per input case) |$2.00 |  |Per Input |

|Claims Register Retrieval (Per input case) |$2.00 |  |Per Input |

|Bankruptcy Plan or Amended Bankruptcy Plan (Per input case) |$6.00 |  |Per Input |

|Bankruptcy Petition with all Schedules (Per input case) |$6.00 |  |Per Input |

|Other Bankruptcy documents (PDF images) (Per document Ret.) |$2.00 |  |Per Input |

|Demographics |  |  |  |

|Income Range |$0.05 |  |Per Input |

|Length of Residence |$0.05 |  |Per Input |

|Housing Type |$0.05 |  |Per Input |

|Assets |  |  |  |

|Property Record at Updated Address Flag |$0.05 |  |Per Hit |

|Property |$1.00 |  |Per Hit |

|Motor Vehicle Registration Flag |$0.05 |  |Per Hit |

|Motor Vehicle Registration |$1.00 |  |Per Hit |

|Related Individuals |  |  |  |

|Neighbors |$0.25 |  |Per Hit |

|Relatives |$1.00 |  |Per Hit |

|People at Work Flag |$0.05 |  |Per Hit |

|People at Work |$1.00 |  |Per Hit |

|Flags |  |  |  |

|Portfolio Evaluation |$0.10 |  |Per Input |

|Business InstantID |$1.30 |  |Per Input |

|Business InstantID w/ FraudDefender |$1.30 |  |Per Input |

|Consumer InstantID |$0.65 |  |Per Input |

|Consumer InstantID w/ FraudDefender |$0.95 |  |Per Input |

|RiskView - Portfolio Review |  |  |  |

|RiskView Score |$0.15 |  |Per Input |

|RiskView Attributes |$0.21 |  |Per Input |

|RiskView Score and Attributes |$0.23 |  |Per Input |

|RiskView - Pre-Screening |  |  |  |

|RiskView Score |$0.20 |  |Per Input |

|RiskView Attributes |$0.28 |  |Per Input |

|RiskView Score and Attributes |$0.31 |  |Per Input |

|RiskView - Application (also available via XML) |  |  |  |

|RiskView Score |$0.60 |  |Per Input |

|RiskView Attributes |$0.84 |  |Per Input |

|RiskView Score and Attributes |$0.93 |  |Per Input |

|Monitoring -- Hits are charged at the rates stated in the Schedule A |  |  |  |

|Storage Fee (not required -- charged monthly per input record) |$0.01 |  |Per Input |

|Misc. |  |  |  |

|Secretary of State |$1.00 |  |Per Hit |

Standalone Batch Products

|Enhanced Politically Exposed Persons |

|Subscription Tier |Max Number of Unique Records (CIF)|Monthly Subscription Fee |Per-Record Average Cost & Cost Per Add'l |Upgrade |

| | | |Record | |

|1 |5,000 |$958 |$0.192 |≥ 7,500 |

|2 |10,000 |$1,438 |$0.144 |≥ 35,000 |

|3 |25,000 |$2,396 |$0.096 |≥ 16,619 |

|4 |50,000 |$3,354 |$0.067 |≥ 63,888 |

|5 |100,000 |$4,313 |$0.043 |≥ 132,692 |

|6 |250,000 |$5,750 |$0.023 |≥ 308,035 |

|7 |500,000 |$7,188 |$0.014 |≥ 608,823 |

|8 |1,000,000 |$8,625 |$0.009 |≥ 1,610,000 |

|9 |2,000,000 |$13,417 |$0.007 |≥ 3,593,750 |

|10 |5,000,000 |$23,958 |$0.005 |≥ 7,666,666 |

|11 |10,000,000 |$38,333 |$0.004 |≥ 13,800,000 |

|12 |20,000,000 |$57,500 |$0.003 |  |

|Enhanced Patriot Act (per input) |

|Subscription Tier |CIF |Monthly Monitoring |One Time |

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