ERCOT Retail Client Services

ERCOT Retail Client Services | |

|Event Description: TDTWG Webex |Date: April 7, 2010 |Completed by: D. Hanks |

|2:00 to 4:00 | | |

|Attendees: |

|Johnny Robertson – TXU, Annette Morton – AEP - Vice Chair, Dave Farley – ERCOT, Trey Felton - ERCOT, David Hanks – ERCOT, Linda Roberts – Ambit, Gricelda |

|Calzada – AEP, Jim Lee – Direct, Monica Jones – Reliant, Jonathan Landry – Gexa – Dave Seibert – ERCOT, Scott Coughran – TNMP, Sandra Tindall – ERCOT, Tim |

|Ebbers - ERCOT |

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|Summary of Event: |

|Sandra Tindall: Introductions, Review of Agenda, Antitrust Statement |

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|Antitrust Admonition |

|ERCOT strictly prohibits Market Participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities|

|as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws. The ERCOT Board has approved guidelines for members of ERCOT |

|Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups to be reviewed and followed by each Market Participant attending ERCOT meetings. If you have not received a copy|

|of these Guidelines, copies are available at the Client Relations desk. Please remember your ongoing obligation to comply with all applicable laws, including|

|the antitrust laws. |

|Disclaimer |

|All presentations and materials submitted by Market Participants or any other Entity to ERCOT staff for this meeting are received and posted with the |

|acknowledgement that the information will be considered public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Operating Procedure. |

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|Tim Ebbers - ERCOT Systems Instances Review. |

|Tim Ebbers is reviewing the Incident Market Notice Summary document regarding all March outages and incidents. |

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|See key documents. |

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|Johnny – 814_04 the error, failed in mapping in the 814_03 and TDSPs responded with the Oncor 814_04 from the TDSPs to EROCT. |

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|Dave Seibert Protocol Section 16.11 c discussion (review link requirements for watch lists) |

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|Johnny – disagrees with what being proposed in only using the FBI list. There is another watch list that is a more comprehensive list. The verbiage with |

|the links based on the specific FBI lists. The verbiage needs to be general with regards to the lists. |

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|Mike W. A suggestion, could be not putting links in there and put them in a different document that way it is easier to maintain. |

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|Johnny – the lists is not inclusive enough of countries that are not covered by the US. |

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|Johnny – Let me to get a copy of what is being proposed and we will get it out to TDTWG for review in the next meeting. |

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|Mike W– Let the link, link to a table links. It would be easier to maintain them and update them as needed. |

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|Johnny - TXU contracts this out to a 3rd party vendor. The 3rd party vendor is using, a more extensive lists than what is in the protocol. |

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|Annette – Did not see it either and resend it out and reviewed again TDTWG with the comments at the next meeting. PRR606 the recommendation was to remove |

|from the FBI most wanted list. We forgot to the add the MIS list. |

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|Dave S. looked at the PRR606 requirement was to a have link posted if the TDTWG does not want the link posted, the PRR606 can be updated. |

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|Section c has well as d link requirements as well. |

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|Trey Felton - SLA – MarkeTrak performance. |

|Trey is reviewing the MarkeTrak Performance Update (Presentation), things to do to help performance for the market. Performance has improved. |

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|Trey – Asking the market if they are seeing the performance improvements. |

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|Jonathan – sees a bit of improvement, overall it seemed to see some reports generated a little bit faster. |

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|Trey - Nothing over 10 sec after making a change Monday night. |

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|Monica – Reliant has seen some improvement since the change on the March 25th. |

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|Jonathan – did the change of the default report that is run during the log in, create an improvement? |

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|Trey – ERCOT did see an improvement based on the reduced the data load. |

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|Johnny – He has not heard from the MT group at TXU. |

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|Johnny – What is the status of creating the sub-type – IAG reversing the fees ( it is not active) |

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|Dave M- ERCOT is using the work around RMG and it is not an active project. |

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|See key documents |

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|Kathy Scott Review TW discussion at TTPT/TX SET |

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|Johnny – does anyone have an update on this topic? Kathy is not on the call today. |

|Annette – Let’s carry this over to the next meeting, since |

|Mike W- What is we talking about with the TW’s? |

|Johnny - We are talking about keeping them up to date and unlocking the TW’s. |

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|Dave H and Mike W – The TW’s are unlocked per the TX SET WG. |

|Everyone agreed at TX SET that the TW’s were to be unlocked. |

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|Annette – All action items were covered in the today’s meeting that needed to be addressed. |

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|RMS Update |

|RMS presentation to be updated offline. |

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|Meeting adjourned. |

|Action Items / Next Steps: |

|Action Items: |

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|Circulate PRR regarding the section on 16.11 draft for comments |

|Get a final update on the TW from Kathy Scott |

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|Future Agenda Topics: |

|TBD |

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|2010 Meeting Dates: |

|May 5, 2010 WebEx/ Conference Call |

|June 2, 2010 Face-to-Face |

|July 7, 2010 WebEx/ Conference Call |

|August 4, 2010 WebEx/ Conference Call |

|September 8, 2010 Face-to-Face |

|October 6, 2010 WebEx/ Conference Call |

|November 3, 2010 WebEx/ Conference Call |

|December 1, 2010 Face-to-Face |

|Hot topics or ‘At Risk’ Items |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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