Applied US History - De La Salle Institute

Applied US History Name_________________

Mr. Brogan Civil War U-Tube Documentary

CIVIL WAR U-Tube Documentary

Welcome to the American Civil War U-Tube Documentary. Over the course of the eight class periods you will be working with a group of students to create your own digital/multimedia project depicting an aspect of American Civil War. The American Civil War was vast and critical subject in the shaping of America. One to large to cover in a three week unit. Our job is to take one aspect of the American Civil War explore it in great detail and present your findings in a digital representation.

The project will culminate in at the Spring Open House/History fair for family, friends and grade school students and families on Wednesday April 29, 2009.

Your work will be presented to well over 100 people on this evening. Your parents/families are invited to attend. In addition there will be prospective students and their families.

Task- Work in teams of 2-4 students. Each team is to create a digital multimedia presentation and a 3 fold poster board highlighting your project.

A $2.00 donation is requested to offset the cost of pizza and refreshments for the event

At least one team member from each group must be present the night of April 29.

Each group must complete a 3 fold poster board which will be on display at the Fair.

Background-The Civil War was the bloodiest war every fought by the United States. Three million men fought - sometimes brother against brother - and 600,000 died. It was a fight about differences between the North and the South. They could not agree about the issues of slavery and states' rights to make their own decisions. The southern states wanted to have their own nation and be able to decide what laws to have. The north did not want the country to be broken apart. In the election of 1860 Abraham Lincoln stated that he wanted to stop the spread of slavery. The southern states said that if Lincoln won, they would secede (leave) the union. The Civil War was the only war fought on American soil by Americans, and for that reason we have always been fascinated with The Civil War. There are many lessons to learn from such a bitter conflict.

Grading: A rubric will be discussed later this week.


4/20 Monday Instructions on American Civil War Project 1863 Lecture

4/21 Tuesday 1863 Lecture, History Fair Invitations, & Killer Angels Quiz

4/22 Wednesday Begin American Civil War Project

4/23 Thursday Mr. Brogan @ Conference Continue American Civil War Project

4/24 Friday Mr. Brogan @ Conference Continue American Civil War Project

4/27 Monday Continue work on American Civil War Project

4/28 Tuesday Continue work on American Civil War Project

4/29 Wednesday Viewing-Prepare Bansley Alumni Hall 6-8 p.m.

*Schedule is subject to change*

Student Signature____________________________ Parent Signature_______________________

You may choose your own battle, but you must tell either Mr. Brogan. Limit of one group per battle. If you choose a battle field I encourage you to include then and now images. It really provides a nice touch.

Only 1 group per topic. Wednesday April 22 Sign-up.

|Battles |Generals/Leaders |On the Home Front |Soldiers |Misc |

|1st Bull Run |Robert E. Lee |Role of Women |Black Troops 54th Maine |Prison Camps |

|2nd Bull Run |Stonewall Jackson |Economy |Confederate |Civil War Hospitals & Medicine |

|Peninsula Campaign |James Longstreet | |Union |Civil War Preservation of |

| | | | |Battlefields |

|Shiloh |Robert E Lee | |Drummer Boys |Lincoln Assassination |

|Vicksburg Campaign |George McClellan | |Brigade Flags | |

|Attack on Fort Sumter |Abe Lincoln | |Iron Brigade | |

|Battle of Monitor & Merrimac |Jefferson Davis | |Irish Brigade | |

|Antietam | | |Zouvas | |

|Fredericksburg | | | | |

|Chancellorsville | | | | |

|Gettysburg | | | | |

|Wilderness Campaign | | | | |

|Siege of Petersburg | | | | |

|Sherman's Atlanta Campaign | | | | |

|Fort Wagner | | | | |

|Sherman’s March to the Sea | | | | |

|The Fall of Richmond | | | | |

|Surrender at Appomattox | | | | |

|Courthouse | | | | |

You may choose your own battle, but you must tell either Mr. Brogan. Limit of one group per battle. If you choose a battle field I encourage you to include then and now images. It really provides a nice touch

Your PowerPoint/Movie must include the following:

• A description of the major events of one battle. Location, Date, Casualties, Commanders, Armies engaged, and its importance to the war

o &

• Include photographs from your battle. If you choose a battle I highly encourage you to include then and now pictures


• Include at least one map of the battle.


• Description of one of the key figures in the battle on both sides.

• You must also include information on one of the above topics listed in Step 2.


Civil War Web quest Resource Page

Newspapers-War Years

Civil War Maps

Civil War Leaders

Civil War Battles by State-

Civil War Photographs- &

Civil War Information on the Internet-

Civil War Project-

Eyewitness to History-

Battle Summaries

Spring Open House-Our class has been selected to represent the De La Salle community at the Spring Open House on Wednesday April 29. The format & time will once again be the same as the American Slavery Project. Your work will be presented to well over 100 people on this evening. Your parents/families are invited to attend. In addition there will be prospective students and their families.

Time-5:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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