Beginnings and Change Part 1 Study Guide

Beginnings and Change Part 1 Study Guide

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. When you question as you read, you are using a method to check whether you have

|a. |completed the work you are supposed to do. |

|b. |written down your observations. |

|c. |understood what you have read. |

|d. |remembered what you have just read. |

____ 2. When you understand the connotation of a word, you understand its

|a. |main meaning. |c. |implied meaning. |

|b. |relationships. |d. |comparative meaning. |

____ 3. When you read a selection, you might discover bias in

|a. |its figurative language. |

|b. |its personification and situational irony. |

|c. |its use of idioms and generalizations. |

|d. |its oversimplification and stereotyping. |

____ 4. When you draw a conclusion about an author’s beliefs, you make a general statement based on

|a. |your guess about the subject. |c. |the main idea of the selection. |

|b. |information given in the text. |d. |your feelings about the subject. |

____ 5. When you read a selection, you might refer to voice, which means the way

|a. |an author’s words reveal what the author is like. |

|b. |a reviewer criticizes a piece of writing. |

|c. |certain lines of dialogue move along the plot. |

|d. |a speaker’s words tell about the speaker’s interests. |

____ 6. Sometimes you briefly state the main ideas of a selection, which means you are

|a. |organizing. |c. |questioning. |

|b. |summarizing. |d. |defining. |

____ 7. When you read a statement such as “All students know how to write; Carla is a student; therefore Carla knows how to write,” you are reading

|a. |an inference. |c. |a thesis. |

|b. |a syllogism. |d. |a hypothesis. |

Recall and Interpret (from The Iroquois Constitution)

____ 8. The author’s primary purpose in this selection is to make sure that

|a. |the Five Nations rule together in peace. |

|b. |the council fire never goes out. |

|c. |everyone respects the Tree of Great Peace. |

|d. |readers understand the festivals and rites of each nation. |

____ 9. What can you conclude about the Iroquois’ attitude toward people outside the Five Nations?

|a. |They welcome people from all over the world. |

|b. |They do not trust them due to past experience. |

|c. |They are hostile and violent to all of them. |

|d. |They are not concerned about outsiders. |

____ 10. Who does the Constitution designate to own the land and the soil?

|a. |nature |c. |women |

|b. |the Five Nations |d. |the Confederacy |

____ 11. When the Council of the Five Nations convenes, who is chosen to be that day’s speaker?

|a. |Dekanawida |c. |a Lord from one of three nations |

|b. |one of the Iroquois women |d. |Adodarho |

____ 12. Adding a new condition to any of the Constitution’s laws is compared to

|a. |holding an annual festival. |

|b. |binding a set of five arrows. |

|c. |debating a foreign or unwelcome idea. |

|d. |adding a beam to a roof. |

Vocabulary (from The Iroquois Constitution)

____ 13. A person’s disposition is the same as his or her

|a. |history. |c. |preferences. |

|b. |personality. |

____ 14. If you and your friends convene at the mall, you are

|a. |meeting. |c. |eating. |

|b. |shopping. |

____ 15. If you are saving something for posterity, you are keeping it to

|a. |sell later when it is more valuable. |

|b. |donate it to a charity organization. |

|c. |give it to your children or grandchildren. |

____ 16. If you wanted to temper the spicy Mexican dish, you would

|a. |heat it up to a better temperature. |c. |put it in the refrigerator for later. |

|b. |tone down the overall hotness. |

____ 17. If an answer requires a great deal of deliberation, it takes

|a. |extra studying to understand. |c. |some quick thinking. |

|b. |a lot of serious thought. |

Recall and Interpret (from The Way to Rainy Mountain)

____ 18. In this memoir, the author compares the prairie in the summer to

|a. |green belts. |c. |windy tornadoes. |

|b. |bowl of popcorn. |d. |an anvil’s edge. |

____ 19. According to the author, what word best describes the land around Rainy Mountain?

|a. |wintry |c. |chaotic |

|b. |lonely |d. |steaming |

____ 20. What is the Kiowa’s creation myth?

|a. |They came from the sacred Sun Dance doll, Tai-me. |

|b. |They came up from slavery to be hunters of the sun. |

|c. |They entered the world through a hollow log. |

|d. |They emerged from Montana as mountain people. |

____ 21. When the author says, “The women might indulge themselves; gossip was at once the mark and compensation of their servitude,” he means that the women

|a. |served the men in the family in complete silence and respect. |

|b. |enjoyed gossiping so much it was all the pay they needed for working hard. |

|c. |refused to chat during the meal because it was dishonorable. |

|d. |whispered stories to one another as they served the food. |

____ 22. What is the main idea of this selection?

|a. |seeing Devil’s Tower and other sights |

|b. |honoring the author’s grandmother’s death |

|c. |repairing the author’s grandmother’s old house |

|d. |seeing the mountain one more time |

Recall and Interpret (How the Leopard Got His Claws)

____ 23. According to the headnote, what is the storyteller’s main responsibility?

|a. |fighting battles |c. |creating history |

|b. |agitating people |d. |surviving disasters |

____ 24. What is the primary reason the animals want to build a shelter?

|a. |They want to stay warm during the winter cold. |

|b. |Most of them do not like being out in the rain. |

|c. |Some do not want to be outside with the dog and his teeth. |

|d. |All of them want a place to cool off in the summer heat. |

____ 25. The dog finally leaves hiss cave because it is

|a. |lonely. |c. |dark. |

|b. |flooded. |d. |frightening. |

____ 26. What word best describes the leopard’s attitude toward how the animals should live?

|a. |cooperation |c. |compromise |

|b. |power |d. |brilliance |

____ 27. What does the dog give up at the end of the story?

|a. |his life |c. |his teeth |

|b. |his strength |d. |his freedom |

Recall and Interpret (How the World Was Made)

____ 28. According to this myth, what event happened before Earth was created?

|a. |The land was fastened to the sky with four cords. |

|b. |The birds were sent to look for a dry place to land. |

|c. |The water-beetle brought mud up from under the water. |

|d. |The sun was set in a track to cross the land once every day. |

____ 29. The one task that some of the plants and animals fail to do is

|a. |stay awake and keep watch for seven nights. |

|b. |create mountains and valleys for the land below. |

|c. |help humans to learn how to multiply at a steady rate. |

|d. |connect the new piece of land to the four cords. |

____ 30. According to this myth, some of the trees remain green throughout the seasons because

|a. |they are the tallest and most majestic of all the trees. |

|b. |they are the only ones to remain alert as directed. |

|c. |their leaves are the deepest shades of green. |

|d. |they contain the best medicines for the people. |

____ 31. According to this myth, Earth is a(n)

|a. |ball. |c. |island. |

|b. |arch. |d. |valley. |

____ 32. In this myth, what is the last type of creature to populate the earth?

|a. |insects |c. |animals |

|b. |plants |d. |humans |

____ 33. Why don’t the animals go down to Earth as soon as it is created?

|a. |It is too soft, flat and wet for them to live there. |

|b. |They are frightened of it and need more time. |

|c. |It is still too far away for them to reach. |

|d. |They are waiting for the conjurers to send the sun. |

____ 34. According to this myth, woman can only have one child per year because otherwise

|a. |humans would try to control all of the plants and animals. |

|b. |there would be too many people for the Earth to hold. |

|c. |the plants and animals would become jealous of the humans. |

|d. |woman would grow too old and tired to be happy. |

____ 35. What loses its hair every winter in this story?

|a. |animals |c. |trees |

|b. |humans |d. |plants |

Vocabulary (How the World Was Made)

____ 36. If you gaze at the vault, you are

|a. |looking up. |c. |peering through. |

|b. |peeking under. |

____ 37. If the feathers alight on the picnic table, they are

|a. |covering it. |c. |damaging it. |

|b. |resting on it. |

____ 38. If a conjurer comes to a party, he will amuse everyone with

|a. |funny jokes. |c. |magic tricks. |

|b. |storytelling. |

Recall and Interpret (Prayer to the Pacific)

____ 39. According to the poet, where does the ocean originate?

|a. |China |c. |Grandfather Turtle |

|b. |southwestern United States |d. |sister spirit |

____ 40. The poet believes that American Indians were first brought across the ocean on the

|a. |sun, coming from the west. |c. |rain clouds up in the sky. |

|b. |backs of giant sea turtles. |d. |green leaves in the wind. |

____ 41. The tone of “Prayer to the Pacific” is

|a. |ironic. |c. |respectful. |

|b. |resigned. |d. |amused. |

____ 42. What is one of the main themes in this poem?

|a. |Sea turtles are nearing extinction. |

|b. |Protecting the environment is vital for our survival. |

|c. |Rain is essential for growing crops. |

|d. |It is important to understand and respect nature. |

Recall and Interpret (The Sky Tree)

____ 43. How does the old chief learn how to cure his illness?

|a. |his wife tells him |c. |in a dream |

|b. |the Turtle tells him |d. |Sky Land reveals the answer |

____ 44. Who or what travels to the new Earth with Aataentsic?

|a. |the old chief |c. |the beaver |

|b. |the sky tree |d. |the stone ax |

____ 45. Aataentsic has to leave Sky Land because she needs to

|a. |find a cure for the old chief. |c. |follow the sky tree. |

|b. |ask the Turtle for advice. |d. |create a new Earth. |

____ 46. The main idea of this myth

|a. |shows the kindness and wisdom of the Turtle. |

|b. |proves how helpful the animals could be to people. |

|c. |explains how the people left Sky Land to populate the Earth. |

|d. |shares the story of the old chief’s death to his family. |

Recall and Interpret (The Summer of Black Widows)

____ 47. In main metaphor in this poem compares spiders with

|a. |elders. |c. |raindrops. |

|b. |stories. |d. |ash. |

____ 48. Who knew what the spiders really represented?

|a. |the insects |c. |the elders |

|b. |the children |d. |the tribe |

____ 49. What event brought the spiders?

|a. |rain storm |c. |tribal rituals |

|b. |great wind |d. |elders’ request |

____ 50. Each of the following is a theory about what eventually happened to the spiders EXCEPT that they

|a. |turned into ash after a summer storm |c. |became a new constellation |

|b. |climbed up the lightning bolts |d. |hid deep underground |

Recall and Interpret (from A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson)

____ 51. The title of the selection includes the word restoration because Rowlandson

|a. |was eventually reunited with her family. |

|b. |chose to stay with the Native Americans. |

|c. |met up with her missing children. |

|d. |kept her faith throughout the ordeal. |

____ 52. Rowlandson found her son lying on the ground because he was hiding the fact that he was

|a. |seriously injured. |c. |happy to see his mother. |

|b. |afraid of the Native Americans. |d. |praying to his Christian god. |

____ 53. During her time with the Native Americans, what brought Rowlandson the most comfort?

|a. |the squaws |c. |the food |

|b. |her Bible |d. |her children |

____ 54. What is Rowlandson referring to when she says, “I have been in the midst of those roaring lions and savage bears”?

|a. |the forest’s wild animals |c. |the Native Americans |

|b. |tremendous terror |d. |total exhaustion |

____ 55. What does the character of Job represent to Rowlandson?

|a. |her only hope of eventual rescue |

|b. |a subordinate chief within the tribe. |

|c. |a guiding angel from above |

|d. |another person who was greatly tested |

____ 56. What skill does Rowlandson utilize in order to obtain food?

|a. |dancing |c. |sewing |

|b. |storytelling |d. |cooking |

Vocabulary (from A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson)

____ 57. If you are feeling a great sense of desolation, you are

|a. |terribly unhappy. |c. |deeply frightened. |

|b. |very enthusiastic. |

____ 58. If you discern that the automobile is a unique color, you know that it is

|a. |expensive. |c. |distinct. |

|b. |reliable. |

____ 59. A lament is a cry of great

|a. |anguish. |c. |relief. |

|b. |ecstasy. |

Recall and Interpret (from La Relacion)

____ 60. What word does de Vaca use to differentiate between his men and the Native Americans?

|a. |Christians |c. |heathens |

|b. |natives |d. |idols |

____ 61. Why does de Vaca believe that the boat he was on did not sink when the first one did?

|a. |There were more men on board to handle the ship in the waves. |

|b. |He attributed it to God’s great mercy. |

|c. |The weather was not as rough where the second boat sailed. |

|d. |He knew it was little more than luck. |

____ 62. The point of view this is written from is clearly

|a. |the Native Americans. |c. |de Vaca’s. |

|b. |one of the ship’s crew. |d. |Lope de Oviedo’s. |

____ 63. What is the ship compared to in the second paragraph of the excerpt?

|a. |horseshoe |c. |salvation |

|b. |seashells |d. |prison |

Vocabulary (from La Relacion)

____ 64. If your brother is hard to rouse in the morning, it is difficult to

|a. |calm him down. |c. |make him rest. |

|b. |wake him up. |

____ 65. To revive an old fad such as pet rocks or leg warmers would mean to

|a. |bring it back. |c. |laugh about it. |

|b. |avoid it totally. |

____ 66. If you climb into your car and get ready to embark, you are

|a. |ready to settle down. |c. |headed for adventure. |

|b. |tired of waiting so long. |

Recall and Interpret (from Of Plymouth Plantation)

____ 67. What does the author mean when he says, “. . . they tacked about and resolved to stand for the southward (the wind and weather being fair) to find some place about Hudson’s River for their habitation”?

|a. |They turned south to look for a place to live along the water. |

|b. |The people wanted to avoid settling at Hudson’s River. |

|c. |Everyone agreed to find the place with the best weather. |

|d. |They knew nothing about the area along Hudson’s River. |

____ 68. What does the author believe kept a few people in the group safe from sickness?

|a. |powerful prayers |c. |remaining quarantined |

|b. |the Lord’s intervention |d. |limited local medications |

____ 69. Which Native American appeared to help the colonists learn more about the land?

|a. |Seneca |c. |Samoset |

|b. |Squanto |d. |Sachem |

____ 70. When Bradford calls Squanto “a special instrument sent of God,” it is clear that he

|a. |resented the power Squanto had with the colonists. |

|b. |suspected that Squanto was not yet a Christian. |

|c. |believed all that happened was guided by God. |

|d. |felt Native Americans were primitive people. |

____ 71. How does Bradford characterize winter in the excerpt from Chapter 9?

|a. |cruel and fierce |c. |mysterious and frightening |

|b. |cold and silent |d. |bleak and dark |

____ 72. What word best describes the “First Thanksgiving”?

|a. |destitute |c. |hopeful |

|b. |religious |d. |bitter |

Vocabulary (from Of Plymouth Plantation)

____ 73. If you resolve to do something, you are

|a. |uncertain. |c. |determined. |

|b. |exhausted. |

____ 74. Putting your faith in providence means trusting

|a. |fate. |c. |God. |

|b. |yourself. |

____ 75. To procure a job is to

|a. |look for one. |c. |want one. |

|b. |get one. |

Recall and Interpret (from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God)

____ 76. What method did Edwards primarily use to convert people?

|a. |compassion |c. |terror |

|b. |logic |d. |wisdom |

____ 77. Edwards compares people’s inability to stop themselves from going to hell to a(n)

|a. |dreadful pit and glowing flames. |c. |hate serpent in the grass. |

|b. |spider’s web and a falling rock. |d. |bow and arrow of God’s wrath. |

____ 78. Which word best describes what Edwards thinks about people?

|a. |mournful |c. |powerless |

|b. |reverent |d. |influential |

____ 79. Edwards’s sermons attempt to make people feel that death and everlasting life in hell is

|a. |imminent. |c. |unlikely. |

|b. |predetermined. |d. |impossible. |

____ 80. Which of the following phrases from the sermon contains an example of alliteration?

|a. |“the door of mercy wide open” |c. |“while you are pining and perishing” |

|b. |“a lamentable and bitter cry” |d. |“mighty power of the Spirit of God” |

Vocabulary (from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God)

____ 81. If you try to appease an angry dog, you are trying to

|a. |feed it dinner. |c. |teach it a lesson. |

|b. |calm it down. |

____ 82. If the flood waters begin to abate, it means they are starting to

|a. |go down. |c. |churn violently. |

|b. |rise higher. |

____ 83. Using prudence means using your

|a. |money. |c. | muscles. |

|b. |judgment. |

____ 84. If you abhor scary movies, you will

|a. |avoid them completely. |c. |study them carefully. |

|b. |watch them incessantly. |

____ 85. To say something is abominable is to say that you find it

|a. |repulsive. |c. |delightful. |

|b. |intriguing. |

Recall and Interpret (from The Life of Olaudah Equiano)

____ 86. When Equiano writes about the ship’s cargo, he is referring to its

|a. |food. |c. |slaves. |

|b. |treasure. |d. |weapons. |

____ 87. When the narrator first gets on the boat, one of the crew brings him a drink that he

|a. |gulps down. |c. |pushes away. |

|b. |refuses to take. |d. |sniffs suspiciously. |

____ 88. The primary reason all of the people below deck are ill is because of

|a. |the powerful stench. |c. |profound loneliness. |

|b. |motion sickness. |d. |the daily beatings. |

____ 89. Who was paid for the original capture of the narrator?

|a. |slave families |c. |white men |

|b. |ship’s sailors |d. |black people |

Vocabulary (from The Life of Olaudah Equiano)

____ 90. To gratify a craving means to

|a. |stay away from it. |c. |give in to it. |

|b. |happily share it. |

____ 91. If there is a sudden clamor in the school hallway, people will most likely

|a. |run to see what might be going on. |c. |not notice anything unusual. |

|b. |ignore it as if it is not happening. |

____ 92. A person who has no scruples usually feels no

|a. |anger or hostility. |c. |hunger or thirst. |

|b. |remorse or guilt. |

Recall and Interpret (Upon the Burning of Our House and To My Dear and Loving Husband)

____ 93. The tone of “Upon the Burning of Our House” is primarily

|a. |frustrated. |c. |grateful. |

|b. |desolate. |d. |envious. |

____ 94. The main idea in “The Burning of Our House” is

|a. |losing one’s home is a horrible tragedy. |

|b. |nothing is more important than family. |

|c. |wealth is only a temporary thing in life. |

|d. |the truly important home waits in heaven. |

____ 95. What conclusion can be drawn about the speaker’s view of God in “Upon the Burning of Our House”?

|a. |She suspects He is punishing her by taking away all that she held dear. |

|b. |She believes that He is wise to give and take as He sees fit. |

|c. |She knows that she has displeased Him in some way. |

|d. |She accepts God’s will but resents it deeply. |

____ 96. Who does “that mighty Architect” refer to in “Upon the Burning of Our House”?

|a. |the speaker’s husband |c. |the speaker |

|b. |God |d. |destiny |

____ 97. What word best describes the speaker’s attitude toward her husband in “To My Dear and Loving Husband”?

|a. |subservient |c. |passionate |

|b. |domineering |d. |complacent |

Vocabulary (Upon the Burning of Our House and To My Dear and Loving Husband)

____ 98. An actor is bereft without a

|a. |stage name. |c. |movie role. |

|b. |acting coach. |

____ 99. If your parents chide you, they are

|a. |praising you. |c. |kidding you. |

|b. |scolding you. |

____ 100. To request recompense from a company is similar to asking for a

|a. |refund. |c. |bill. |

|b. |sample. |

Short Answer

Analyze and Evaluate (from The Iroquois Constitution)

101. The Iroquois describe two different kinds of symbols to signify the agreement of the Five Nations. Name both of those symbols and what they mean.

Analysis and Evaluation (from The Way to Rainy Mountain)

102. The author remembers his grandmother telling the story of seven sisters and a brother playing together. Identify the two natural phenomenon or events this story explains.

Analyze and Evaluate (How the Leopard Got His Claws)

103. Life in the forest changes drastically for everyone after the leopard gets his claws. List two of these changes.

Analyze and Evaluate (How the World Was Made)

104. Certain animals are given two special powers because they do something important. State what they did and what two powers they receive in return.

105. Before the Earth can be inhabited by living creatures, it has to be prepared for them. In what order and what two creatures are sent to make this happen? What job does each one have?

Analyze and Evaluate (The Summer of Black Widows)

106. The spiders in this poem seem to appear almost everywhere. Name two things the people did to help get rid of them.

Analyze and Evaluate (from A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson)

107. At one point, Rowlandson turns to someone for help. Who does she turn to and what does she get from that person?

Analyze and Evaluate (from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God)

108. Edwards uses a great deal of imagery in his sermons. Name two of the major images he utilizes to convince people to accept Christ.

Analyze and Evaluate (Upon the Burning of Our House and To My Dear and Loving Husband))

109. In “Upon the Burning of Our House,” the speaker mentions several things she sees among the ashes that make her feel sad. Name two of them.

110. In “To My Dear and Loving Husband,” the speaker compares her love for her husband to two things. Name those two things.

Essay: Choose two of the following essay prompts and respond in a well organized essay.

Evaluate and Connect (from The Iroquois Constitution)

111. This constitution focuses on the overall importance of peace and cooperation. Write a paragraph pointing out how the Iroquois emphasize this and what it indicates about their past.

Evaluate and Connect (How the World Was Made)

112. The number seven seems to have great significance in this myth. Explain the different ways the number plays a part in the myth. Use details from the myth to support your answer.

Evaluate and Connect (The Summer of Black Widows)

113. The people had two theories about where the spiders came from. Both theories clearly show the belief that nature influenced the world around them. Write a paragraph in which you name these two theories and explain how they relate to nature’s power.

Evaluate and Connect (from Of Plymouth Plantation)

114. The contract of peace between the colonists and the Native Americans has six separate points. Write a paragraph describing what the basic tenets of the agreement are.

Evaluate and Connect (from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God)

115. Edwards’s sermon ends with a quote from the book of Genesis in the Bible. Write a paragraph explaining how the quote relates to the rest of the sermon.

Analyze and Evaluate (Upon the Burning of Our House and To My Dear and Loving Husband))

116. How is the poet able to blend her love for daily domestic life with her love for the spiritual life? Write a paragraph explaining how she is able to unite these two concepts in her poems.

Beginnings and Change Part 1 Study Guide

Answer Section


1. ANS: C PTS: 1

2. ANS: C PTS: 1

3. ANS: D PTS: 1

4. ANS: B PTS: 1

5. ANS: A PTS: 1

6. ANS: B PTS: 1

7. ANS: B PTS: 1

8. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 49

OBJ: understanding author's purpose STA: 10.3.3 | R.II-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: author's purpose | recall | interpret | comprehension | from the Iroquois Constitution

9. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 49

OBJ: drawing conclusions STA: 10.3 | R.II-2 TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: drawing conclusions | application | analysis | from the Iroquois Constitution

10. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 49

OBJ: using questioning strategies STA: 10.3.3 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: questioning strategies | comprehension | recall | from the Iroquois Constitution

11. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 49

OBJ: monitoring comprehension STA: 10.3.3 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1 KEY: comprehension | recall | from the Iroquois Constitution

12. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 49

OBJ: analyzing metaphor STA: 10.3.3 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: metaphor | comprehension | recall | from the Iroquois Constitution

13. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 49

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | recall | from the Iroquois Constitution

14. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 49

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | recall | from the Iroquois Constitution

15. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 49

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | recall | from the Iroquois Constitution

16. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 49

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | recall | from the Iroquois Constitution

17. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 49

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | recall | from the Iroquois Constitution

18. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 27

OBJ: comprehension of supporting details STA: 10.2.1 | R.III-3

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: comprehension | knowledge | recall | interpret | supporting details | from The Way to Rainy Mountain

19. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 27

OBJ: comprehension STA: 10.2.1 | R.III-3

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: comprehension | knowledge | recall | interpret | from The Way to Rainy Mountain

20. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 27

OBJ: understanding archetypes STA: 10.1.4 | R.II-5

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: archetypes | myth | comprehension | from The Way to Rainy Mountain

21. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 27

OBJ: using context clues STA: 10.2.1 | R.III-3

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: comprehension | context clues | recall | myth | from The Way to Rainy Mountain

22. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 27

OBJ: identifying main idea STA: 10.1.4 | R.II-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: main idea | comprehension | myth | synthesis | from The Way to Rainy Mountain

23. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 37

OBJ: understanding oral tradition STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: oral tradition | comprehension | recall | How the Leopard Got His Claws

24. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 37

OBJ: monitoring comprehension STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: comprehension | recall | myth | How the Leopard Got His Claws

25. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 37

OBJ: monitoring comprehension STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: comprehension | recall | myth | How the Leopard Got His Claws

26. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 37

OBJ: drawing conclusions STA: 10.1 | R.III-2 TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: drawing conclusions | comprehension | synthesis | evaluation | How the Leopard Got His Claws

27. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 37

OBJ: using questioning strategies STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: questioning strategies | application | analysis | How the Leopard Got His Claws

28. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 24

OBJ: understanding sequence STA: 10.1.3 | R.I-2

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: knowledge | comprehension | recall | interpret | sequence | How the World was Made

29. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 24

OBJ: comprehension STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: knowledge | comprehension | recall | interpret | How the World was Made

30. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 24

OBJ: comprehension of supporting details STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: knowledge | comprehension | recall | interpret | supporting details | How the World was Made

31. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 24

OBJ: comprehension STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: comprehension | knowledge | recall | interpret | How the World was Made

32. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 24

OBJ: understanding sequence STA: 10.1.3 | R.I-2

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: knowledge | comprehension | recall | interpret | sequence | How the World was Made

33. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 24

OBJ: comprehension STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: comprehension | knowledge | recall | interpret | How the World was Made

34. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 24

OBJ: comprehension STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: knowledge | comprehension | recall | interpret | How the World was Made

35. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 24

OBJ: comprehension STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: comprehension | knowledge | recall | interpret | How the World was Made

36. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 24

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: knowledge | comprehension | recall | interpret | vocabulary | How the World was Made

37. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 24

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: knowledge | comprehension | recall | interpret | vocabulary | How the World was Made

38. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 24

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: comprehension | knowledge | recall | interpret | vocabulary | How the World was Made

39. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 43

OBJ: monitoring comprehension STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1 KEY: poetry | comprehension | recall | Prayer to the Pacific

40. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 43

OBJ: understanding supporting details STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: supporting details | comprehension | recall | poetry | Prayer to the Pacific

41. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 43

OBJ: analyzing tone STA: 10.2.2 | R.III-2

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1 KEY: tone | poetry | application | analysis | Prayer to the Pacific

42. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 43

OBJ: understanding themes STA: 10.1.4 | R.II-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: themes | poetry | comprehension | recall | Prayer to the Pacific

43. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 35

OBJ: using questioning strategies STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: questioning strategies | comprehension | recall | creation stories | The Sky Tree

44. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 35

OBJ: monitoring comprehension of supporting details STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: comprehension | supporting details | creation stories | The Sky Tree

45. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 35

OBJ: using questioning strategies STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: questioning strategies | comprehension | recall | creation stories | The Sky Tree

46. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 35

OBJ: understanding main ideas STA: 10.1.4 | R.II-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: main idea | comprehension | creation stories | The Sky Tree

47. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 45

OBJ: analyzing metaphor STA: 10.2.1 | R.III-3

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: metaphors | poetry | recall | interpret | Summer of Black Widows

48. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 45

OBJ: using questioning strategies STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: questioning strategies | poetry | comprehension | recall | Summer of Black Widows

49. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 45

OBJ: using questioning strategies STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: questioning strategies | poetry | comprehension | recall | Summer of Black Widows

50. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 45

OBJ: monitoring comprehension STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: comprehension | recall | interpret | poetry | Summer of Black Widows

51. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 76

OBJ: understanding background information STA: 10.1.5 | R.II-2

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: background | comprehension | recall | from A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson

52. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 76

OBJ: monitoring comprehension STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: comprehension | recall | knowledge | from A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson

53. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 76

OBJ: recognizing character traits STA: 10.1.5 | R.II-2

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: character | traits | application | analysis | from A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson

54. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 76

OBJ: understanding metaphors STA: 10.2.1 | R.III-3

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: metaphor | application | analysis | from A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson

55. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 76

OBJ: understanding allusion STA: 10.1.5 | R.II-2

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: allusion | application | analysis | comprehension | from A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson

56. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 76

OBJ: monitoring comprehension STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: comprehension | knowledge | recall | from A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson

57. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 76

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | recall | from A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson

58. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 76

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | knowledge | recall | interpret | comprehension | from A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson

59. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 76

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | recall | interpret | from A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson

60. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 56

OBJ: recognizing bias STA: 10.4.2 | R.II-4

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2 KEY: bias | comprehension | recall | from La Relacion

61. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 56

OBJ: recognizing bias STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2 KEY: bias | comprehension | recall | from La Relacion

62. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 56

OBJ: evaluating narrative point of view STA: 10.1.5 | R.III-2

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: point of view | narrative | recall | comprehension | from La Relacion

63. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 56

OBJ: understanding metaphors STA: 10.2.1 | R.III-3

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2 KEY: metaphor | application | analysis | from La Relacion

64. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 56

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2 KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | interpret | from La Relacion

65. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 56

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2 KEY: vocabulary | recall | interpret | from La Relacion

66. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 56

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2 KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | recall | from La Relacion

67. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 62

OBJ: monitoring comprehension STA: 10.2.1 | R.III-3

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: comprehension | application | analysis | from Of Plymouth Plantation

68. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 62

OBJ: monitoring comprehension STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: comprehension | knowledge | recall | interpret | from Of Plymouth Plantation

69. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 62

OBJ: monitoring comprehension STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: comprehension | recall | interpret | from Of Plymouth Plantation

70. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 62

OBJ: analyzing the effects of diction STA: 10.2.1 | R.III-3

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: effects of diction | application | analysis | interpret | from Of Plymouth Plantation

71. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 62

OBJ: analyzing the effects of imagery STA: 10.2.1 | R.III-3

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: effects of imagery | recall | interpret | from Of Plymouth Plantation

72. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 62

OBJ: monitoring comprehension STA: 10.1.5 | R.II-2

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: comprehension | recall | knowledge | from Of Plymouth Plantation

73. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 62

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | recall | from Of Plymouth Plantation

74. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 62

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | recall | from Of Plymouth Plantation

75. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 62

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | recall | comprehension | from Of Plymouth Plantation

76. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 90

OBJ: understanding tone STA: 10.1.5 | R.II-2

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: tone | poetry | comprehension | recall | from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

77. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 90

OBJ: identifying imagery STA: 10.2.1 | R.III-3

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: imagery | comprehension | recall | from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

78. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 90

OBJ: drawing conclusions STA: 10.1.5 | R.II-2

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: drawing conclusions | application | analysis | comprehension | from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

79. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 90

OBJ: summarizing tone STA: 10.1.5 | R.II-2

KEY: main idea | comprehension | recall | from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

80. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 90

OBJ: recognizing alliteration STA: 10.2.1 | R.III-3

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: alliteration | comprehension | recall | from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

81. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 90

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | recall | from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

82. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 90

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | recall | from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

83. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 90

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | recall | from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

84. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 90

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | recall | from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

85. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 90

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | recall | from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

86. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 68

OBJ: understanding symbolism STA: 10.2.1 | R.III-3

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: symbolism | recall | interpret | comprehension | from The Life of Olaudah Equiano

87. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 68

OBJ: using questioning strategies STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: questioning strategies | recall | comprehension | from The Life of Olaudah Equiano

88. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 68

OBJ: monitoring comprehension STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: comprehension | recall | knowledge | from The Life of Olaudah Equiano

89. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 68

OBJ: understanding supporting details STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1

KEY: supporting details | comprehension | recall | from The Life of Olaudah Equiano

90. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 68

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | recall | from The Life of Olaudah Equiano

91. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 68

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | knowledge | recall | from The Life of Olaudah Equiano

92. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 68

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | comprehension | knowledge | recall | from The Life of Olaudah Equiano

93. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 84

OBJ: understanding tone STA: 10.2.2 | R.III-2

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: tone | analysis | application | poetry | On the Burning of Our House and To My Dear and Loving Husband

94. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 84

OBJ: understanding main ideas STA: 10.1.4 | R.II-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: main idea | poetry | application | analysis | On the Burning of Our House and To My Dear and Loving Husband

95. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 84

OBJ: drawing conclusions STA: 10.1.5 | R.II-2

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: conclusions | poetry | application | analysis | On the Burning of Our House and To My Dear and Loving Husband

96. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 84

OBJ: understanding metaphors STA: 10.2.1 | R.III-3

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: metaphor | poetry | application | analysis | On the Burning of Our House and To My Dear and Loving Husband

97. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 76

OBJ: summarizing tone STA: 10.1.5 | R.II-2

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: summarizing | tone | poetry | recall | comprehension | interpret | On the Burning of Our House and To My Dear and Loving Husband

98. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 84

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | poetry | comprehension | recall | On the Burning of Our House and To My Dear and Loving Husband

99. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 84

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | poetry | comprehension | recall | On the Burning of Our House and To My Dear and Loving Husband

100. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 84

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 10.1.2 | R.IV-1

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | poetry | comprehension | recall | On the Burning of Our House and To My Dear and Loving Husband


101. ANS:

Answers may vary. Possible answers include:

A large bunch of shell strings is the first one.

It symbolizes the completeness of the union.

Five arrows bound together is the second one.

Each one represents one of the nations.

These symbols show that the nations are united as one head, one body, and one mind.

PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 49 OBJ: analyzing symbolism

STA: 10.3.3 | R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: symbolism | application | analysis | from the Iroquois Constitution

102. ANS:

Answers will vary. Possible answers include:

The story explains how Devil’s Tower was created.

The story shows how the Big Dipper was formed.

It shows why Devil’s Tower looks like it is covered in claw marks.

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 27 OBJ: understanding creation stories

STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: creation stories | comprehension | recall | myth | from The Way to Rainy Mountain

103. ANS:

Answers may vary. Possible answers include:

The dog goes to live with man as a slave.

The dog shows man how to kill animals for food.

The leopard rules the jungle with terror.

The animals are now all enemies.

PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 37 OBJ: recognizing resolution

STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: resolution | application | analysis | evaluation | How the Leopard Got His Claws

104. ANS:

Answers may vary. Possible answers include:

These special animals stay awake and alert for the whole seven days. In return, they are given the power to see in the darkness and the permission to hunt animals that are sleeping.

The owl, panther, and several other animals keep watch for a week like they are told. In return, they get the ability to see in the dark and eat the animals that are still asleep.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 24

OBJ: comprehension of supporting details STA: 10.1.4 | R.II-3

TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: synthesis | evaluation | analysis | comprehension | supporting details | How the World was Made

105. ANS:

Answers may vary. Possible answers include:

First, the water beetle comes. It is his job to see what is below the water. Secondly, the Great Buzzard comes. He has to find dry places so he creates valleys and mountains.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 24 OBJ: understanding sequence

STA: 10.1.3 | R.I-2 TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: synthesis | evaluation | analysis | sequence | How the World was Made

106. ANS:

Answers may vary. Possible answers include:

gave them to the ants

poisoned them

swept them away with broom and pan

PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 45 OBJ: understanding supporting details

STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: supporting details | poetry | application | analysis | Summer of Black Widows

107. ANS:

Answers may vary. Possible answers include:

She turns to one of the tribe’s squaws for some help.

The squaw gives her some bear meat the first time.

The second time, she gives Rowlandson some boiled nuts.

PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 76 OBJ: monitoring comprehension

STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: comprehension | application | analysis | from A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson

108. ANS:

Answers may vary. Possible answers include:

Major images are:

the hand of God holding people over the pit of Hell

people as nothing more powerful than an insect or spider

PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 90 OBJ: understanding imagery

STA: 10.2.1 | R.III-3 TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: imagery | application | analysis | evaluation | from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

109. ANS:

Answers may vary. Possible answers include:

a trunk

a chest

a store

PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 84 OBJ: monitoring comprehension

STA: 10.1.4 | R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: comprehension | application | analysis | evaluation | poetry | On the Burning of Our House and To My Dear and Loving Husband

110. ANS:

Answers may vary. Possible answers include:

She loves him more than all the mines of gold or riches from the East.

She loves him so much that all the rivers cannot quench the feeling.

PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: p. 84 OBJ: monitoring comprehension

STA: 10.2.1 | R.III-3 TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: comprehension | application | analysis | poetry | On the Burning of Our House and To My Dear and Loving Husband


111. ANS:

Answers will vary. Possible answers include:

The constitution repeatedly mentions the importance of working as a unified group and approaching things as one mind, one body, and one soul. Even changes are seen as something that all must agree on in order for them to be “rafters” in their building of trust. This certainly indicates that in the past things were not peaceful and that the Iroquois found out the hard way why these measures are absolutely necessary.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 49 OBJ: drawing conclusions

STA: 10.3.4 | R.II-2 TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: drawing conclusions | synthesis | evaluation | from the Iroquois Constitution

112. ANS:

Answers may vary. Possible answers include:

First, the conjurers have to move the sun up seven hand-breadths to make it safe. Seven hand-breadths was considered to be as high up as anything could possibly go. Next, the animals and plants are asked to stay awake and keep watch for seven nights. Those who fail to do so are punished in some way. Lastly, when humans come to earth, they are designed to reproduce every seven days.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 24 OBJ: synthesis and sequence

STA: 10.7.1 | R.III-2 TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: synthesis | evaluation | connection | sequence | How the World was Made

113. ANS:

Answers will vary. Possible answers include:

Some believed that the spiders came from the rain. Others thought they rose up from the ground like weeds. Both of these theories clearly show how the people thought nature controlled the daily events of their lives.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 45 OBJ: analyzing plot

STA: 10.7.1 | R.II-2 TOP: Unit 1 | Part 1

KEY: synthesis | connection | poetry | plot | Summer of Black Widows

114. ANS:

Answers may vary. Possible answers include:

The agreement is that neither people would hurt the other if at all possible. If someone did hurt a member of the other group, that person was to be presented to the others for discipline or punishment. They agreed not to take each other’s belongings and to support each other if war was declared upon either group. Together they would do their best to maintain peace between themselves and with their neighbors.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 62 OBJ: summarizing information

STA: 10.7.1 | R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: summarizing | comprehension | synthesis | evaluation | connection | from Of Plymouth Plantation

115. ANS:

Answers may vary. Possible answers include:

It serves as the main idea or theme of the sermon.

The message is to flee from sin while you still can and come to Christ instead.

The same message was given to Lot to run from the sinful city of Sodom.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 90 OBJ: recognizing main ideas

STA: 10.7.1 | R.II-2 TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: main idea | synthesis | evaluation | connection | from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

116. ANS:

Answers may vary. Possible answers include:

It is clear from both poems that the poet deeply loves her husband, as well as her God. She attributes everything that is good in her life to those two presences. In the end of “To My Dear and Loving Husband,” she unites the two ideas by saying she wants to spend her life on Earth forever with her husband and her afterlife with God.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 84 OBJ: recognizing theme

STA: 10.7.1 | R.II-2 TOP: Unit 1 | Part 2

KEY: theme | poetry | synthesis | evaluation | On the Burning of Our House and To My Dear and Loving Husband


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