Department of Information Technology

Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engg College – Perambalur

Department of Information Technology

IT 1251 – Information Coding Techniques

V Semester

2 mark Questions

Unit 1 – Information entropy fundamentals

1. Define information theory?

2. Define entropy.

3. List out the properties of entropy?

4. What is prefix coding?

5. Define DMC.

6. State channel capacity theorem. (Gaussian channel)

7. State the Shannon’s First theorem.

8. Define channel capacity of the DMC.

9. Define mutual information.

10. Define efficiency of source encoder and code redundancy.

11. What is Nyquist rate?

12. What is information and give its unit?

13. State the properties of information.

14. What is channel capacity?

15. What is optimal code?

16. How joint and conditional entropies are related?

17. State Shannon’s second theorem?

18. State Shannon’s fano coding theorem.

19. What is code variance?

20. What is code rate & how to relate with Channel capacity?

Unit 2 --- Data and voice coding

21. What is DM?

22. What are the advantages of DM?

23. What are the quantization errors?

24. What is hunting & how to recover it?

25. What is startup error and how to overcome it?

26. Show that the condition is to satisfy the slope overload distortion.

27. Define SNR.

28. What are the 2 constraints of speech signal at low bit rates?

29. What is time domain coder? Or Define ADPCM.

30. What is frequency domain coder? Or Define ASBC.

31. What is PCM?

32. What is speech coding?

33. What is ADM?

34. Compare DM with DPCM?

35. Compare DM and PCM?

36. State Sampling theorem.

37. What is meant by quantization?

38. What are the merits of DPCM?

39. What is the advantage of DM over pulse modulation schemes?

40. What are the advantages of AQF or APF over AQB or APB?

Unit 3 -- Error Control Coding

41. What is hamming distance?

42. What is error control coding?

43. What is error detection?

44. What is error correction?

45. What does hamming code mean?

46. Define cyclic code.

47. Define convolution code.

48. Define code efficiency?

49. What is syndrome? List the properties of syndrome?

50. How syndrome calculated in Linear codes & hamming codes?

51. What is BCH code?

52. What is RS code?

53. What is the difference between block codes & convolution codes?

54. Define free distance and coding gain?

55. Define the terms: code tree, code trellis, state diagram.

56. What is weight code vector?

57. What is hamming bound?

58. What is hadamard code?

59. Draw the diagram of syndrome decoder of linear code?

60. What is dual code?

61. How error correction and detection capabilities if block codes are related to minimum distance?

62. List out the properties of cyclic codes?

63. List the advantages of cyclic codes?

64. Compare time domain approach to transform domain approach in convolution codes?

65. State viterbi algorithm.

Unit 4 –- Compression Techniques

66. What is compression?

67. Compare lossy and loss less compression?

68. Draw the principle diagram of data compression?

69. State the main application of GIF?

70. Explain Run length encoding?

71. What is JPEG standard?

72. What is TIFF?

73. Compare static and dynamic Huffman coding?

74. Compare Huffman coding and arithmetic coding?

75. What are the types of JPEG?

76. List the stages of JPEG?

77. What is the need for text and image compression?

78. What are the text compression techniques?

79. What is image compression?

80. List out the JPEG applications & merits.

Unit 5 – Audio and Video coding

81. What is Dolby AC-1?

82. What is the need of MIDI standard?

83. What is perceptual coding?

84. What is frequency masking and temporal masking?

85. What is CELP?

86. What is LPC?

87. What is MPEG?

88. List the standards of MPEG?

89. List the applications of Dolby audio coders?

90. What is video compression?

91. What is MIDI?

92. What are the frames involved in MPEG-1?

93. Which MPEG standard deals with www images?

94. What is virtual reality?

95. List out the applications of Audio and video coding?

IT1251--Information coding techniques

16 Mark Questions

Unit 1- Information Entropy Fundamentals

1. Explain the Shannon’s First, Second, Third Theorem.

2. Apply Shannon and Huffman coding algorithms. For the given message sequence. Calculate efficiency, redundancy, and variance of this code.

Symbol |S1 |S2 |S3 |S4 |S5 |S6 |S7 |S8 |S9 | |Probability |0.49 |0.14 |0.14 |0.07 |0.07 |0.04 |0.02 |0.02 |0.01 | |

3. Apply Shannon and Huffman coding algorithms. For the given symbols. Calculate efficiency, redundancy, and variance of this code.

X={x1 to x6}, P={1/6,1/6,1/6,1/6,1/6,1/6}

4. Apply Shannon and Huffman coding algorithms. For the given symbols. Calculate efficiency, redundancy, and variance of this code.

X={x1 to x6}, P={3/8,1/6,1/8,1/8,1/8,1/12}

5. Design Huffman and Shannon tree for the following message ensemble.


6. There are 3-source symbols:0. 45,0.35,0.2, Find H ((), H ((2), H ((3).

7. There are 3-source symbols: 1/4,1/2,1/4, Find H ((), H ((2), H ((3).

8. Apply Shannon and Huffman coding algorithms. For the given symbols. Calculate efficiency, redundancy, and variance of this code.

X={x1 to x5}, P={0.4,0.1,0.2,0.1,0.2}

9. Apply Shannon and Huffman coding algorithms. For the given symbols. Calculate efficiency, redundancy, and variance of this code.

X={x1 to x7}, P={0.25,0.25,0.125,0.125,0.125,0.0625,0.0625}

10. Apply Shannon and Huffman coding algorithms. For the given symbols. Calculate efficiency, redundancy, and variance of this code.

X={x1 to x5}, P={0.4,0.19,0.15,0.15,0.11}

11. Apply Shannon and Huffman coding algorithms. For the given symbols. Calculate efficiency, redundancy, and variance of this code.

X={x1 to x5}, P={0.55,0.15,0.15,0.1,0.05}

Unit 2 – Data and Voice coding

1. Explain DM operation and how to overcome it using ADM.

2. Explain DPCM with its advantages and disadvantages.

3. Explain ADPCM with an example and Compare it with PCM.

4. Explain ASBC operation with an example & its applications.

5. Compare Delta modulation schemes with Pulse modulation schemes.

Unit 3 – Error Control Coding

1. The Generator matrix for a (6,3) block code is given below.


G= 101:010


i), Find all the Code vectors of this code.

ii), Determine H,What is the relation between G and H.

iii),Decode the received code word 110110,101101,101100,000110

iv), Comment on error detection and correction of this code.

2. The parity check bits of a (8,4) block code are generated by

C5=d1+d2+d3; c6=d1+d2+d3; c7=d1+d3+d4; c8=d2+d3+d4.

Where d1, d2, d3, d4 are message bits.

i), Find G,H and prove its relation.

ii), Show this code detects upto 3 errors.

3. Explain the hamming code with (7,3) or (7,4). List all the code vectors.

4. The Generator polynomial of a (7,4) cyclic code is G (p)=p3+p+1.

i), Find all the code vectors for the code in systematic & non-systematic form.

ii), Calculate the G and H.

iii), Calculate the syndrome for 1001101 and 1111000 and 1110100

iv), Draw the encoder diagram and explain its with an example.

5. The Generator polynomial of a (7,4) cyclic code is G (p)=p3+p2+1.

i), Find all the code vectors for the code in systematic & non-systematic form.

ii), Calculate the G and H.

iii),Calculate the syndrome for 1101101,0001111,1010101

iv), Draw the encoder diagram and explain its with an example.

6. Explain the Viterbi algorithm with 6 message bits 11 01 11.

7. A rate 1/3 convolution encoder has generating vectors as g1=100,g2=111,g3=101. i), Sketch the encoder configuration.

ii),Draw the code tree,trellis,state diagram.

iii),If the input message sequence is10110,determine the output sequence of the encoder.

8. A rate 1/2 convolution encoder has generating vectors as g1=111,g2=101.

i), Sketch the encoder configuration.

ii),Draw the code tree,trellis,state diagram.

iii),If the input message sequence is10101,determine the output sequence of the encoder.

Unit 4 – Compression techniques

1. Explain the compression principles? Compare text & image compression?

2. Explain Static Huffman coding with a suitable example.

3. Explain Dynamic Huffman coding with a suitable example.

4. Explain Arithmetic coding with an example.

5. Explain the techniques in Image compression?

6. Explain the JPEG standards of encoder and decoder with a diagram?

Unit 5 – Audio and Video coding

1. Explain code excited LPC and compare it with LPC?

2. Draw the block diagrams and explain Dolby AC-1and AC-2 audio coders.

Compare them.

3. Explain the MPEG algorithm for video coding with MPEG standards.

4. What is video compression and explain its principles.

5. What is H.261 and H.262 standard and explain them.


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