10th Grade Vocabulary – 2nd Semester 2006

10th Grade Vocabulary – Spring Semester – Revised August 2008

90 words – add 10 of your choosing

Vocabulary List 1

1. abstract:  adj.  not concrete; lacking form or substance

2. aesthetic:  adj.  having to do with the appreciation of beauty

3. alleviate:  v.  to ease a pain or burden

4. ambivalent:  adj.  simultaneously feeling opposing emotions, uncertain

5. apathetic:  adj.  feeling or showing little emotion

6. auspicious: adj.  favorable; promising

7. benevolent:  adj. well-meaning; generous

8. candor:  n.  sincerity, openness

9. cogent:  adj.  convincing, reasonable

10. comprehensive:  adj.  broad or complete in scope or content


Vocabulary List 2

contemporary (adj.) current; modern; from the same time

conviction (noun) a fixed or strong belief

dubious (adj.) doubtful; of unlikely authenticity

eclectic (adj.) made up of a variety of sources or styles

egregious (adj.) conspicuously bad or offensive

exculpate (verb) to free from guilt or blame

gratuitous (adj.) given freely; unearned; unwarranted

hackneyed (adj.) warn out through overuse; trite


Vocabulary List 3

1. idealize:  v. to consider perfect

2. impartial:  adj.  not in favor of one side or the other; unbiased

3. imperious:  adj.  arrogantly domineering or overbearing

4. inherent: adj.  inborn; built-in

5. innovative:  adj.  introducing something new

6. inveterate:  adj.  long established; deep-rooted; habitual

7. laudatory:  adj.  giving praise

8. maverick:  n.  one who resists adherence to a group

9. mollify:  v.  to calm or soothe

10. novel:  adj.  strikingly new or unusual


Vocabulary List 4

obdurate:  adj.  stubborn, inflexible

objectivity:  n.  judgment uninfluenced by emotion

obstinate:  adj.  stubbornly adhering to an opinion

ostentatious:  adj.  describing a pretentious display

paramount:  adj.  of chief concern or importance

penitent:  adj.  remorseful for one’s misdeeds

pervasive:  adj.  dispersed throughout

plausible:  adj.  seemingly valid or acceptable, credible

profound:  adj.  having great depth or seriousness


Vocabulary List 5

1. prosaic:  adj.  unimaginative; dull; ordinary                                            

2. quandary:  n.  a state of uncertainty or perplexity                                   

3. rancor:  n.  bitter resentment or ill will; hatred; malice             

4. spurious:  adj.  not genuine; false; counterfeit                             

5. stoic:  adj.  indifferent to pleasure or pain;  impassive                

6. superfluous:  adj.  extra; unnecessary                                                    

7. tenuous:  adj.  having little substance or strength; unsure; weak  

8. timorous:  adj.  timid; fearful                                                                 

9. transitory:  adj.  short-lived; temporary                                     

10. vindicated:  adj.  freed from blame

Vocabulary List 6

sate - v. – to satisfy (an appetite or desire) fully

anarchist - n. - one who disrespects laws or rules

sententious - adj. - pointed; expressing much in few words

transcend - v. – to go above or beyond limits; exceed

deference - n. - yielding in thought

vile - adj. - extremely disgusting

piety - n. - holiness; respect for the divine

blasphemy - n. - disrespectful

Vocabulary List 7

decree - n. - an official order

impassive - adj. - showing no emotion

brazen - adj. - shameless

proficient (adj.) – competent; having or showing knowledge, skill, and aptitude

laborious (adj.) – involving much hard work; difficult

portentous (adj.) – ominous; scary

limpid (adj.) – perfectly clear; transparent

supercilious (adj.) – contemptuous; acting as though one is above, or better than, others

Vocabulary List 8

implore (v) – plead; ask for earnestly

revere (v.) – regard with deep respect and love

confer (v) – grant or bestow

importunity (n.) – persistence in requesting

immaculate (adj.) – spotless

contemplation (n.) – thoughtful inspection

convalesce (v.) – to recover health and strength after illness

contrition (n.) – regret for having done something wrong

supplication (n.) – the act of asking humbly and earnestly

Vocabulary List 9

melancholy (adj.) – sad and depressed

incessant (adj.) – continuing without interruption; ceaseless

scrutinize (v.) – examine carefully

influx (n.) – a coming in

sullen (adj.) – gloomy, sad

euphemism (n.) – a word or phrase substituted for a more unpleasant word or phrase

judicious (adj.) – showing sound judgment or common sense

pervade (v.) – spread throughout; fill

impending (adj.) – about to happen; imminently threatening or menacing

Vocabulary List 10

indignant (adj.) – feeling or expressing anger or scorn, especially at an injustice

tenacious (adj.)—to stick firmly to a decision or opinion

incongruous (adj.): out of place in a particular setting or context

commune (v.): to experience a deep emotional or spiritual relationship with something

interim (n): a period of time between two events or periods

cow (v): to frighten somebody into submission or obedience

potent (adj.) : very strong, effective, or powerful

flourish (v.): to be strong and healthy or to grow well

acquiesce (v.): to agree with something passively rather than expressing approval


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