
compiled and provided by

the University of Washington Rome Center


Table of Contents


2. Program Directors’ TIME-LINE



5. Rome Center DIRECTORY



The following is an outline of what Program Directors may expect with regard to scope of service and program support from the Rome Center staff and facility.



The University of Washington Rome Center (UWRC) is administered by the College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP). The CAUP Dean is the Legal Representative of the UWRC in Italy. Administration of the UWRC is under the Dean’s jurisdiction with a director appointed by the Dean for the immediate supervision and administration of the Center. The current Director is Trina Deines, Associate Professor of Architecture. She is assisted in Rome by a resident Associate Director, Jennifer Wilkin, a Program Administrator, Sheryl Brandalik, and an Accounting Coordinator, Nazzareno Todini.


The UW Rome Center Director can advise program faculty on matters of program length, activities, and student orientation. Program Directors should contact the UWRC Associate Director regarding program scheduling, including availability of space and rental fees. UWRC staff in Rome can assist with arranging student housing, field trips and special permissions for program visits. The enclosed time-line gives an outline of the planning process.


A sample program budget is enclosed to help you plan which items will need to be considered for a program in Rome. The range of costs for apartments, classrooms and studios are listed on the sample budget.


As shown in the Sample Budget (attached), there are a number of ways to pay for your daily program expenses.

Some program expenses may be paid through the UWRC. Professors may be issued cash advances from the UWRC for which the program budget will be charged from Seattle. Expenses for which a cash advance can be signed out include: museum & site admissions, bus rentals, hotels costs, transportation, and program supplies. At the end of each month a summary of your Rome program expenditures will be issued to you for your records and a copy will be forwarded to your UW department, which will be charged through journal voucher transfer in Seattle. During your first week in Rome it is suggested that you prepare a list of expenditures that you wish to process through the UWRC account, in order to facilitate timely cash disbursements.

A field advance can be requested through your department administrator. Program Directors can receive field advance funds in traveler’s checks and cash them (personally) into euros at a bank or currency exchange in Rome to pay for program expenses on an as-needed basis and independent of the UWRC.

You must bring field advance funds (in US$ traveler’s checks to cash into euros) to pay for student housing outside the Rome Center, as well as to pay for any other expenses which cannot be submitted through UWRC accounting. Examples of expenses which cannot be processed through the UWRC include: rent and utilities for student and faculty housing located outside the Rome Center, honoraria for some lecturers and tour guides, and tips.



If a program needs to regularly hire a lecturer, critic, or staff assistant who are based in Rome the following must be taken into account:

•The individual may be paid directly by the UW in Seattle in US$ or, if the sum is small, may be paid by the UWRC Office.

•In both cases, a withholding tax—IRPEFS—of 20% (for Rome residents) or 30% (for non-Rome residents) must be paid on behalf of the individual to the Italian government.

• If the individual does not have a document from their country of citizenship which certifies that they are paying social security tax in that country, then a mandatory social security payment of approximately 10% also has to be paid to the Italian government by the employer.

• For all services provided by lecturers, critics, etc. an invoice must be submitted prior to any of the above payments and the Rome Center staff must receive copies promptly to assure compliance with Italian regulations and to enable them to make payments on behalf of the program. Programs will be billed for these expenditures.




The UWRC Office makes reservations for both instructional space and faculty apartments and provides cost information for the use of these facilities. We recommend that space reservations and program planning be initiated at least 12 months prior to the beginning of your program. When program dates have been set, and classroom and housing needs determined, you will receive a reservation agreement to be signed and returned, thereby confirming your space rental, costs, and dates of occupancy. Billing for UWRC spaces will be sent to your department about one month after the program's completion from the Dean’s Office of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning.


Studios and classrooms of various sizes are available at different rental rates. Please contact the UWRC for current fees for classroom and studio spaces. Fees include use of Conference Room (on prior request), Library, and program assistance. Your program will be billed for classroom/studio use by the CAUP Administrator after your program ends.

Students should be forewarned that the Rome Center is located in a residential building. All students and faculty—even those living in Rome Center apartments—must vacate the classroom and studio spaces by midnight.


Apartments of various sizes are available at different rental rates. Faculty requests will be taken into account as much as possible when reservations are made for the program, but assignments to specific apartments cannot be guaranteed.

Apartments in the Rome Center are not well equipped for families with children. They are small with showers only, no bathtubs and no play space for children. If the Rome Center staff determines that a faculty request for apartment space would be better served by finding a larger apartment outside the Center, we will make arrangements for the apartment with a reputable landlord and will try to keep the walking distance to no more than 25 minutes from the UWRC. Keep in mind that large apartments in the center of Rome can be quite expensive.

We urge faculty to arrange arrivals on weekdays between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm. UWRC staff do not live on the premise and are therefore not available to let people into the building. If weekend or after hour arrivals are unavoidable, special arrangements must be made in advance.

Because of the concurrent scheduling of programs and the proximity of living and instructional space, there are some special limitations at the UWRC. Faculty apartments are not to be used as instructional space or as meeting places with students or TAs, nor as email stations for students. Faculty should meet with students—both individually and in groups—in classroom spaces. Occasional group gatherings in faculty apartments are appropriate. It is the faculty member’s responsibility to ensure that alcoholic beverages when served are used in moderation and never served to those under 21 years of age. Faculty can be held liable for mishaps occurring as the result of excessive drinking.

It is expected that professors will be available for their students in the case of weekend and evening emergencies. We strongly encourage faculty to plan any personal travel prior to or following the completion of the academic program in Rome. When it is necessary for program faculty to be absent, arrangements should be made with another experienced faculty member (not with a TA, even if the TA speaks Italian) to assist with student emergencies.


Faculty planning to bring family to Rome are responsible for arranging for child care (if necessary). The Rome Center staff cannot find or guarantee the quality of any child care workers.


At the Rome Center

The UWRC has a limited number of non-smoking student apartments. If your students are scheduled to stay in these apartments, your program will be billed for their use by the CAUP Administrator after the program ends.

Students will need to pay a refundable damage deposit (€50) and key deposit (€25), or bring a check for $100.00 to cover both. They will also need to sign the ‘UWRC Housing Agreement’. Guests are not allowed in UWRC student apartments.

Arrivals must be scheduled on weekdays between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm. If weekend or after hour arrivals are unavoidable, students must find and pay for their own hotels. Program Directors must arrange for student departure from UWRC housing on a weekday (and not on Italian Holidays). Departures and check-out must be conducted while UWRC staff are on duty.

Outside the Rome Center

Rome Center staff assist in the location of ‘off-campus’ housing for UW students, except in the case of home stay students, which is handled by faculty of the individual program. Most off-campus student housing is in apartments within a 5- to 20-minute walk from the UWRC. Student apartments are typically shared by 2 to 8 students. Payment for ‘off-campus’ student housing must be handled by program faculty by field advance funds (from the US by bank transfer or in Rome with US$ traveler’s checks cashed into euros). In some cases faculty may be required to sign an apartment contract on behalf of the students. Some apartments include utility costs in the overall monthly rent, while others charge separately for utilities. Students should be advised that they may be required by apartment owners to pay cleaning fees, damage deposits and sign housing agreements for apartments.

Requests for student housing should be made to the UWRC at least 6 to 8 months in advance of program commencement, and a list of student names given to Rome Center staff as soon as the list of participants has been finalized.



Because of the complexities of field trip arrangements, the Rome Center staff needs field trip information and special permission requests as soon as possible—one to two months before the start of the program.

We cannot make changes to dates, locations and vehicle reservations for field trips after the start of the program and still guarantee the use of our regular providers or the prices originally quoted. Changes in reservation dates for buses and hotels are time consuming, often costly, and may even prove impossible at certain times of the year.

If interested in arranging visits to sites requiring special permission, the Program Director should submit a concise list including dates and times for each visit requested as well as a list of group participants. This information should be submitted to the UWRC one to two months before the beginning of the program.


As of September 2002 all faculty must obtain a work visa (and, once in Rome, a permesso di soggiorno). This process should be started about 4 months before the beginning of the program. Contact the UWRC office for information.



Program directors should submit group visa applications for all program participants. Please contact the UWRC for information and instructions.

Once in Rome it will be necessary to obtain a Permesso di Soggiorno (permission to stay papers) by registering at the local police station, and UWRC staff will assist with this process. The Rome Center cannot, however, assist those students who arrive in Rome without a student visa; these students will be required to sign a waiver releasing the UWRC from any related legal and financial responsibility.

As part of the Permesso di Soggiorno process, students are required to have an Assitalia emergency health insurance policy, which UWRC purchases for them.

The total Rome cost is €51.65 per student (€10.33 for permesso application, €41.32 for insurance); your program can decide whether to absorb the cost or to have the students cover it.



Attached is a copy of ‘Preparatory Information for Students Studying in Rome.’ It answers many of the questions that students will have about Rome before they go. It is essential that each student receive a copy and that you discuss it at your program orientation in Seattle.


It has been the experience of past faculty that orientation sessions held on campus in Seattle prior to study in Rome have greatly contributed to the success of Rome programs. Orientations should be required of program participants and must include the specific issues listed in the ‘Preparatory Information for Students Studying in Rome’. (Please be sure to read this document yourself.) As part of these sessions, Program Directors should impress upon their students that students’ individual actions in Rome affect their entire group; students represent the University of Washington and its center in Rome.


It is essential that faculty impress upon students the seriousness of any illicit drug use in Italy. UWRC representatives are unable to offer any assistance to participants who find themselves in difficulty due to such illegal conduct. Illicit drug use or excessive use of alcoholic beverages can be grounds for dismissal from a UWRC program and will not be tolerated. Students are still governed by the University of Washington Student Conduct Code while they are in Italy.


During the first day or two of a program a student orientation session will be conducted by the staff. During this session the UWRC rules will be discussed, a student handbook will be distributed, staff will disburse UWRC keys, collect deposits and answer questions about life in Rome. Although you are expected to be the students' primary source of information, the staff are available to help with student questions.

If students are staying in UWRC student apartments, at this time they will need to pay apartment and key deposits, and sign the ‘UWRC Housing Agreement’.


The UWRC office is not staffed to provide clerical support to professors. Staff cannot provide assistance with typing, photocopying, running errands, or assist with personal travel arrangements. The office computers and equipment may not be used by faculty or students.


The Faculty Room provides a common workspace for faculty members and is equipped with a photocopier, 1 PC, 2 Macs, and 2 ink-jet printers. Faculty bringing laptops may also check out a wireless card from the UWRC office and access the Internet from their own computers.


The Library is generally open Monday-Friday 8:30 am to 8 pm and 12 to 5 pm on weekends. It should not be used for group meetings or discussions. Books are to be used by students in the library only, but may be checked out to the studio or faculty apartment by Program Directors during office hours, or may be placed on the ‘hold shelf’ in the library.



The map collection and the slide collection are both located below the Faculty Room in the Slide Library. Maps may be checked out during office hours by professors to their studio, classroom and for evening and weekend use. Slides must be consulted in the Slide Library. Professors should arrange slides in trays for lectures here removing them only for lectures and promptly returning & refiling slides when done. There is a copy stand located here, as well as a light table. A second light table, for general use, is located in the 3rd floor studio.


The first floor Conference Room (Frieze Room) is equipped with two Kodak carousel projectors, a VCR that can read both American and European format videocassettes, a projector to which a laptop can be connected, and a multi-region DVD player. This equipment is provided for instructional use only.

Since the Conference Room is the main space used for lectures and reviews, it is important that each Program Director schedule well in advance the times when they would like to use the room. Use of the Conference Room outside of office hours and on weekends must be arranged in advance.


Conference Room time is included in the cost of housing, classroom, or studio space. Requested hours must be submitted to UWRC staff for scheduling.


The UWRC fax machine may be used for a fee by faculty needing to send or receive faxes during office hours. The UWRC has a photocopy machine which operates with assigned codes. The office will issue each program a code, and all copies made will be charged to the program budget. For large photocopy orders, faculty may want to use a local photocopy shop. Photocopying in Rome is more expensive than in the U.S., and is almost never self-service. Faculty may want to have materials photocopied in Seattle prior to departure.


We recommend that your program bring a laptop computer, with which you can connect to the high-speed network (also wirelessly) in the Faculty Room or Computer Lab, or, if equipped with a modem, with email services through your apartment phone line.

Student computing facilities are located in the Computer Lab, generally open Monday-Friday 8:30 am to 8 pm and 12 to 5 pm on weekends. A fee of $10 per student per month is charged to cover Lab overhead expenses. This additional cost may be figured into your program fees.

Please see “UWRC Computer Information” (attached) for details about student and faculty access to the Computer Lab.

Please feel free to contact the Rome Center if you have any questions about your program.


Program Directors:

The following timeline outlines approximately when you should complete various phases of program planning. Please contact your department and/or the UW Rome Center for more information.

• Fifteen months in advance of Program:

1. Begin discussion with Departmental chair to determine if department will support the program.

• One year in advance:

2. For new programs, contact the Director of the Rome Center to discuss program timing, etc.

• Six months in advance:

3. Once program is approved (or if already established), contact the Rome Center with information regarding program dates, housing and classroom/studio needs. You will receive a reservation agreement.

4. Return the signed reservation agreement to the UWRC. You will receive preparatory information for students.

5. Work out program budget--both overall budget income and expenses as well as the timing of field advances--in collaboration with the CAUP Administrator. Some program expenses cannot be paid through the UWRC and must be paid for via field advances.

• Four months in advance:

6. Start the process of obtaining your work visa.

• Two months in advance:

7. You should have an orientation for students, also inviting someone from the Office of International studies to talk about concurrent enrollment issues.

8. Contact UWRC with specific field trip requests, etc.

• One month in advance:

9. Contact UWRC to confirm number of students, T.A.s, etc.

• During Program:

10. UWRC sends Program expenses paid through the Rome Center to Seattle, with copies to the Program Director. The CAUP Fiscal Specialist audits these expenses and sends them to General Accounting where they are charged to the Program’s budget.

• One to two months after program:

11. The CAUP Administrator charges the Program budget for any costs listed on the confirmation/reservation letter via a journal voucher. A copy of the journal voucher will be sent to the department handling the program budget.

Sample UW Program Budget


Program fee times the number of students in program How many students are in the program and what is the fee?

Additional income Do you have any other income besides student fees?

TOTAL INCOME: ____________

2. EXPENSES (UW Program Rates)

UWRC Classroom/Studio rental $166 to $245 per day (minimum 1 month)

Faculty apartment rental (in UWRC) $53 to $80 per night

Faculty apartment rental (outside UWRC) varies depending upon market

Faculty airfare check with a travel agent

TA salary check with your department

TA airfare check with a travel agent

TA housing on campus (in UWRC) $53 to $60 per night

TA housing off campus (outside UWRC) varies depending upon market

Student housing on campus (in UWRC) $26 per night per student

Student housing off campus (outside UWRC) varies depending upon market

Student Computer Lab fee (if paid by program) $10 per student per month

Italian instruction email ItaliaIdea in Rome for rates


Assitalia emergency health insurance approx. $45 per student (€41.32)

Permesso di soggiorno application approx. $12 per student (€10.33)

Transportation (field trips) estimated bus rental, trains, boats,

van rentals, cab fares, trains, and tips

Lodging (field trips) estimated hotel costs and tips

Hosting cost of meals for large group, exhibit refreshments, etc.

Honoraria guest lecturers and related tax payments

Admissions estimate $130 per student + instructors

Xeroxing estimate $25 per student

Photography depends upon course work

Misc. transportation, etc. estimated local travel costs, bus passes, etc.

Telephone, fax, email estimate $150 per month

Mail and messenger depends upon course work and permission requests, exhibit invitations, etc.

TOTAL EXPENSES: ______________


Computing facilities for Professors and Students

The UWRC Computer Lab is housed in the same room as the Library, on the fourth floor of the Rome Center. It has 7 PCs (6 basic, 1 “enhanced” with large monitor) and 4 Macs (3 basic, 1 “enhanced”). The Macs are equipped with CD/DVD drives while the PCs have floppy, zip, and CD/DVD drives. There are 2 printers (color ink-jet and black-and-white laser printer) as well as 2 scanners (large flatbed scanner and slide scanner).

All machines are connected to a high-speed network. In addition, students and professors with laptops may connect to the ethernet or access the network wirelessly (for new Macs no accessory is needed, while wireless access cards may be borrowed from the office for use with PCs). Faculty housed on the 4th floor of the UWRC have wireless access from their apartments, while all faculty have access from the 3rd floor Faculty Room (equipped with 1 PC, 2 Macs, and 2 ink-jet printers for faculty use only).

The computer lab is open the same hours as the Library (generally Monday-Friday 8:30 am to 8 pm and 12 to 5 pm on weekends).

Internet/E-mail Providers

Professors bringing laptop computers with modems may also access Internet and email by signing up with a service such as Compuserve before leaving the U.S. Make sure that the software is correctly loaded onto your computer (and working) before you come to Rome, that you have local dial-up numbers, European customer service numbers, and bring a back-up disk copy of necessary provider software. A number of Italian Internet providers also offer free Internet access. All instructions are in Italian. Professors and students must be familiar with configuring their own computer software with the Italian provider data. For information on signing up for the easiest of these free services, see: Libero Infostrada: .

Telephone Costs

All calls, even local calls made to an Internet provider, are charged by the minute in Rome. To save on phone charges, you should become familiar with your Internet provider’s options for composing mail ‘off-line’.

Plugging in Your Computer

• Power Transformers (or Power Adapters or Converters): These will change the electrical current from 110V (U.S.) to 220V (Italian). These may be ordered from appliance stores or from Radio Shack for approximately $50 but are not easy to find in Italy.

• Plug Adapters: These just allow you to insert an American plug into the Italian round-prong outlet. You should be able to find them easily in the U.S. for approximately $3.

If you need to plug in a computer, figure out what you will need before you leave. Many laptop computers don't require transformers, since the power cord has a built-in power adapter. Please check yours carefully before coming to Rome.

Computer Repair

The UWRC office can provide names and addresses of computer repair shops in Rome. New system software—if required—may be available in Italian only. We suggest bringing backup copies of your system software with you, as well as a copy of your original warranty.

Internet/Email Access for Students

Since the Computer Lab is intended primarily for academic use, students should not count on unlimited access for personal email or web browsing. Information about nearby Internet points is available in the UWRC office.

For additional information, contact: Jennifer Wilkin, UWRC Associate Director:



Katrina Deines Director, UWRC

Professor of Architecture

Associate Dean, UW CAUP

Gould Hall 208, Box 355720

Tel. 685-8455


David Fenner Director, International Programs 516 Schmitz Hall, Box 355815 and Exchanges

Tel. 543-9272


Penny Buffo Administrator, CAUP

Tel. 685.0123


Nicole Flagg Fiscal Specialist, CAUP



Jennifer Wilkin Associate Director, UWRC


Sheryl Brandalik Program Administrator, UWRC


Nazzareno Todini Accounting Coordinator, UWRC

Email: natzos@

Rome Center Address:

Piazza del Biscione, 95

00186 Rome

Tel. (011-39-06) 686-8807


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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