B. Scholarly Achievement - Montclair

CURRICULUM VITAEPERSONALLuis Montesinos, Ph. D.21 Francisco AvenueLittle Falls, NJ 07424Phone: Office (973) 655-5307 Home (973) 200-0484Email: montesinosl@mail.montclair.eduFAX: 973-655-5121 EDUCATION1982-1985Southern Illinois UniversityRehabilitation Institute. Carbondale, IL.Doctorate of Rehabilitation.1980-1982Southern Illinois UniversityBehavior Analysis and Therapy Program.Carbondale, IL.Master of Arts Degree.1969-1974Catholic University of ChileDepartment of Psychology.Psychologist Degree.EMPLOYMENT1990-presentMontclair State University, Department of Psychology.Assistant Professor (1990-1997).Associate Professor (1997- 2003)Full Professor (2003-present)Graduate Advisor (1995-1999)Deputy Chair (2000-2001)Responsibilities include teaching undergraduate and graduatecourses in psychology, curriculum development in health psychology courses.Director, New Faculty Program (2001-2008) Design and coordinate the implementation of a semester long program to orient and integrate new tenure track faculty members into the campus community. The program acquaint new faculty with the procedures and culture of the university while at the same time creates a sense of collegiality among the new academic cohort.Acting Chair, Department of Anthropology (2003-2004).Responsible for administrative, curricular matters and personnel decisions for the Department of Anthropology.Associate Dean College of Humanities and Social Sciences (2008-present).Responsible for: Graduate Council, curriculum, program development, certificates. Global and Online Initiatives(Liberal Studies major) .Faculty Scholarship Program, 5 year assessment of Tenured faculty, New Faculty Program college sessions, College Research Committee (Internal Awards and Distinguished Scholar), Distinguished Teacher Committee, Personnel Evaluation System for staff, Interdisciplinary programs, Instructional Service Reports, College Elections.1999-2003 University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ), Schoolof Health Related Professions.Clinical Associate Professor. Responsibilities included guiding thesis andresearch projects of doctoral students.1989- 1990Metropolitan Hospital CenterNew York City. Program Coordinator, Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction Program. Responsibilities included program design, implementation, and evaluation of interventions.1978-1988Universidad de ChileSchool of Medicine, Department of Mental Health, Public Health, and Psychiatry. Santiago, ChileFull Professor. Responsibilities included teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in psychology and behavior therapy. Member of the research committee.1986-1988Universidad Diego Portales Department of PsychologySantiago, Chile.Professor. Responsibilities included undergraduate courses in health psychology, psychotherapy and supervising research activities.1982-1985Farmworker Health CenterCobden, IL Coordinator. Duties included recruiting, training, and supervising staff;developing patient and community health education programs andcommunity networking.1981Su Casa Migrant Day Care Center.Migrant Education Inc.Cobden, ILIntern. Duties included assessment of preschool children and the design, implementation and evaluation of educational activities.1980National Services for Minors.Santiago, Chile.Professor/Consultant. Duties included teaching graduate courses in the use of behavioral techniques with socially deprived children.1979-1980Penitentiary of Santiago, Resocialization ProgramSantiago, ChileSupervisor. Duties included training professional and paraprofessional staff in behavioral techniques; and designing and evaluating a resocializationprogram for people in prison.1976-1978Psychiatric Hospital El Peral, Rehabilitation Program. National Health Services.Santiago, ChileTechnical Director. Duties included teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in behavior therapy for medical, nursing and other professional staff.Responsibilities included the design, staff hiring and training, implementation, and evaluation of programs for the rehabilitation of psychiatric patients.1974-1976Northern University-Arica.Arica, ChilePsychologist. Duties included psychological evaluations of students andpersonnel as well as counseling and psychotherapy. Taught Research Methods courses for the School of Social Work.1973-1974 Catholic University of Chile.Psychology Department.Santiago, ChileAssistant Professor. Responsibilities included teaching courses in psychological assessment.1970-1974 Saint George's CollegeSantiago, Chile.Psychologist. Responsibilities included teaching undergraduate courses in psychology, supervising students’ research activities, and design, implement, and evaluate educational programs for socially deprived children.1970-1971 Ministry of EducationSpecial Education School # 34Santiago, Chile.Psychologist. Assessment of retarded children and staff training in behavioral management.PUBLICATIONSBooks and chaptersVera-Villarroel, P., Montesinos, L. & Prieto, A. (2009). Historia del análisis y terapia del comportamiento en Chile perteneciente al libro “Notas Históricas de la Psicología en Chile. Volumen I: 60 a?os de Psicología en Chile” al FONDO JUVENAL HERN?NDEZ JAQUE Montesinos, L. (2007). Tengo cáncer y una vida por delante (I have cancer and a life ahead of me). Ediciones Pirámide, Madrid.Montesinos, L. (2002). Behavior Analysis, Therapy and Counseling. In Joseph Donnelly (Ed.) Health Counseling, Belmont, Thomson Wadsworth.Montesinos, L. (2002). Aging: Myths and challenges. In Joseph Donnelly (Ed.) Health Counseling, Belmont, Thomson Wadsworth.Montesinos, L. (2001). Instructor's Resource Manual for Rathus, S., Nevid, J. & Fichner-Rathus,L. Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity. Fifth Edition, Boston: Allyn and Bacon.Montesinos, L. (1999). La Vejez: Desafíos para la Psicología de la Salud. En J. Luzoro García(Ed.) Psicología de la Salud, Santiago, Chile: Bravo y Allende Editores.Montesinos, L. (1999). Instructor's Resource Manual for Rathus, S., Nevid, J. & Fichner-Rathus,L. Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity. Fourth Edition, Boston: Allyn and Bacon.Montesinos, L., & Preciado, J. (1997). Sexuality in Puerto Rico, an invited chapter. In R. T.Francoeur (Ed.), The International Handbook of Sexuality, Volume II, India to SouthAfrica. Continuum, New York. Montesinos, L. (Editor). (1996). Health and Psychology. Dushkin Publishing Group/ Brown and Benchmark Publishers.Montesinos, L. (1976). The token economy: A procedure for the rehabilitation of chronic mentalpatients. Proceedings of the First Symposium of Chronic Patients. Putaendo Hospital,Santiago, Chile. Yulis, S., Finkelstein, T., Ruperez, C., Montesinos, L. (1973). Parents as behavior change agentsfor their own children: Theory and training manual. El Teniente Press: Rancagua, Chile. ArticlesOlivares, J., Vera-Villarroel, P., Alcazar, A., Kuhne, W., Montesinos, L., & Pina, J.A. (2010). The Social Phobia and Anxiety Test Inventory: First Results of the reliability and structural validity in Chilean adolescents. Universitas Psychologica, 9, 1, 23-35.Bedoya, A., & Montesinos, L. (2009). Supervivientes de cáncer: Algunas generalidades y unestudio de casos. Boletín Electrónico Sociedad Espa?ola de Medicina Conductual, , P., Montesinos, L. & Prieto, A. (2006). Análisis y Terapia del comportamiento en Chile: Orígenes, Estado Actual y Proyecciones. Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana, 24, 47-58.Olivares, J., Montesinos, L. & Preciado, J. (2006). A 19th Century Predecessor of the Token Economy. Journal of Applied Behavior AnalysisMontesinos, L. (2000). La herencia de Sergio Yulis. [The Legacy of Sergio Yulis, a Personal Perspective]. An invited article in Revista Chilena de Psicología: Special Issue on Behaviorism in Chile.Montesinos, L. (1999). Desafíos para la Psicología de la Salud en el ocaso del Siglo XX. [Challenges for Health Psychology at the dawn of the XX century]. Suma Psicológica. Vol. 6, No 2, 147-160.Preciado, J., & Montesinos, L. (1992). El SIDA: Desafíos para la Psicología [AIDS: Challenges for psychology]. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología [Journal of Latin American Psychology], 24, 177-187. Montesinos, L. (1992). Medicina Conductual en Chile: Reflexiones a la distancia [Behavioral Medicine in Chile: reflections from abroad]. Revista Médica del Cobre, 2, 83-84.Guzmán, P., Preciado, J., & Montesinos, L. (1990). Theoretical models in health education. EPAS, 3, 7-12.Montesinos, L., Greene, B.F., Frisch, L., & Hamilton, M. (1990). Encouraging Patients with STD to seek Treatment for their Partners. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 23, 275-284. Montesinos, L., & Preciado, J. (1990). Psicología en Salud: Aplicaciones y Especulaciones [Health Psychology: Applications and speculations]. Revista Chilena de Psicología, 11(1), 21-26.Montesinos, L., Drene, B. F., & Preciado, J. (1985). Reducing plate waste migrant day care center. Education and Treatment of Children, 8, 179-187. Preciado, J., Greene, B.F., & Montesinos, L. (1984). A multi-element design of language facilitation games with educationally deprived Mexican migrant farmworkers.Journal of Community Psychology, 12, 140-148. Hawley, I., Grant, C., Haqq, I. N., Tzi-Yi, J., & Montesinos, L. (1983). The marketing audit in rehabilitation: A model. Journal of Rehabilitation Administration, 7, 131-138.Montesinos, L., & Ugalde, F. (1983). Behaviorism in Chile. The Behavior Therapist, 6, 195-196.Montesinos, L., Cuvo, A. J., Preciado, J. (1983). Ethical and legal issues of behavior modification in Latin America. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología [Journal of Latin American Psychology], 15, 295-311García, J., Greene, B.F., Montesinos, L., & Ugalde, F. (1987). Reducing Patient Waiting Time at a Migrant Health Care center. Terapia Psicológica [Psychological Therapy], 6, 55-62.Montesinos, L., & García, J. (1986). Some determinants of health in Chile:Implications for the development of behavioral medicine. Revista Chilena de Psicología [Chilean Journal of Psychology], 8, 11-18. Montesinos, L., & Vivanco, W. (1986). Health and Psychology in Chile: an emergent field? Terapia Psicológica [Psychological Therapy], 5, 36-38.Montesinos, L. (1979). An application of a token economy system and a role delineation programin the rehabilitation of chronic patients: A Final Report. Cuadernos de Salud Mental,Salud Publica y Psiquiatría, [Journal of Mental Health, Public health and Psychiatry] Faculty of Medicine. University of Chile.Garcia, J., & Montesinos, L. (1979). The use of operant techniques to implement and maintain rehabilitative behaviors in paraprofessional staff. Revista Chilena de Psicología [Journal of Chilean Psychology] 1, 19-30. Montesinos, L., Bravo, L., Tedias, M., Jara, R., Peralta, M., ?lvarez, R., Ríos, C., Miranda, S., ?lvarez, M., & Zanghellini, G. (1978). Rehabilitation of chronic mental patients: An application of a token economy system and a role delineation program in the rehabilitation of chronic patients. Acta Psiquiátrica y Psicológica de AméricaLatina [The Psychiatric and Psychological Act of Latin America], 24, 35-40. PRESENTATIONSMontesinos, L. (2010). Psychology role in death and dying. Presented in the Symposium Depression, Death and Bereavement.VII Iberoamerican Congress of Psychology, Oviedo, Spain.Montesinos, L. (2010). Invited Address; Death; the last dance of the warrior in the course Improving the Quality of Living and Dying in the Elderly: Psychological Considerations. Universidad Internacional del Mar, Cartagena, SpainMontesinos, L. (2008). Tengo cáncer y una vida por delante. Invited Conference. Universidad deTenrife, La Laguna, SpainMontesinos, L. (2008). Depresión y cáncer. Summer course, Universidad Pablo Olavide,Carmona, Spain.Montesinos, L. (2008). Teachers of Psychology: An international survey. Invited Conference,Psychology Department, Universidad de Granada, Spain.Montesinos, L. (2008). Psychosocial aspects of Cancer. Workshop for Ph. D. students,Psychology Department, Universidad de Granada, Spain.Montesinos, L. (2007). La Realitat del Cáncer: Conversant amb el protagonistas. (The realityof cáncer: a conversation with the protagonists). Forum Federacio Catalana de Entitatscontra el cancer. Barcelona, Spain.Montesinos, L. (2005). Health Psychology: status and challenges. Paper presented at the Symposium Future Challenges for Health Psychology, XXX Interamerican Congress of Psychology, Buenos Aires, Argentina.Montesinos, L. (2004). Sobrevivientes de Cáncer: Un estudio de casos, (Cancer Survivors: A study of cases). Invited Conference presented at the Iberoamerican Congress of Psychology, Santiago, Chile.Montesinos, L. (2003). Rememorando el Sanatorio El Peral: reflexiones acerca de un programa de rehabilitación (Reminiscing about El Peral: reflections about a rehabilitation program. Conference presented at the Universidad de ciencias de la Comunicación, Santiago, Chile.Montesinos, L. (2002). El morir y la muerte: la última danza del guerrero (Death and dying: the last dance of the warrior). Conference presented at the VII Iberoamerican Congressof Health Psychology, Santiago, Chile.Montesinos, L. (2002). Psicología o el desafío de convertirse en una profesión de la salud. Psychology: the challenge of becoming a health profession. Academic year Inauguralconference, Universidad de Santiago, ChileMontesinos, L. (2001). Psicología de la Salud: desarrollo, estatus y potencialidades. (Health Psychology: Developments, Status and Opportunities). Conference presented at the 28th Interamerican Congress of Psychology, Santiago, Chile.Montesinos, L. (2001). La Paradoja Latina: Un desafío para la Psicología de la Salud(The Latino Paradox: A challenge for Health Psychology). Paper presented at the 28th Interamerican Congress of Psychology, Santiago, Chile.Montesinos, L. (2001). Latino health: Status and challenges. Invited Conferencepresented at the 2nd Annual Latino/a Empowerment Conference: Growing up bi-cultural: The future of latinos in the United States. Drew University.Montesinos (2000). Intervenciones Psicológicas en Adultos Mayores con EnfermedadesCrónicas (Psychological interventions with older adults suffering from chronic conditions). Conference presented at the Course on Psychological Interventions in Crisis Situations and Chronic Diseases, Universidad de Educación a la Distancia, Melilla, Spain.Montesinos, L. (2000). Psicología de la Salud y el aumento de la población sobre 65 a?os: Una proposición proactiva. (Health psychology and the increase of the populationover 65 years old; A proactive proposal). Conference presented at the V Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología de la Salud, Cartagena, Colombia.Montesinos, L. (2000). Como mejorar la calidad de vida en la tercera edad. (How to improve quality of life among third age persons). Conference presented at the ISimposio Internacional sobre Calidad de Vida, Granada, Spain.Montesinos, L. (2000). Tercera edat: Mites I desafiaments per la Psicología de la salut (Third age; myths and challenges for Health Psychology). Inaugural Conferenceat the VII Jornades de Psicología, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Mallorca, Spain.Montesinos, L. (1999). Psicología de la Salud: Una Profesión para el futuro. Conferencia Inaugural. (Health Psychology: A Profession for the Future. Inaugural Conference),IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología de la Salud, Granada, Spain.Montesinos, L. (1998). Psicología de la Salud en el Adulto Mayor (Health Psychology withElderly Adults). III Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología de la Salud, Torremolinos,Spain.Montesinos, L. (1998). Moderator, Corrientes Teóricas en la Terapia Psicológica: ?Convivencia o Indiferencia? (Theoretical Schools in Psychotherapy:Cohabitation or Indifference?). Organized by the Student Association of the Universidad de Granada, Psychology Department, Granada, Spain.Montesinos, L. (1998). Discussant at the Symposium "Prevention or how not to becomea patient". World Congress on Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Acapulco, Mexico.Montesinos, L. (1998). Health Psychology: the Latin American contribution, conference presented at the Symposium in Health Psychology. World Congress on Behavioraland Cognitive Therapies, Acapulco, Mexico.Montesinos, L. (1998). Desafíos para la Psicología de la Salud al amanecer del siglo XXI.Conference presented at the IV Congreso Ibérico de Terapia Cognitivo Comportamental, Salamanca, Spain.Montesinos, L. (1997). Health Psychology in Iberoamerica: Present and Future. SymposiumCoordinator, 26th Interamerican Congress of Psychology, Sao Paulo, Brazil.Montesinos, L. & Matheis, R. (1997). The use of electronic mail as a social supportsystem in self-management programs. Paper presented at the 26th InteramericanCongress of Psychology, Sao Paulo, Brazil.Montesinos, L. (1997). Community approaches in clinical psychology. Invited Address,Psychology Department, Universidad de Santiago, Chile.Montesinos, L. (1997). The heritage of Sergio Yulis: a personal perspective. Inaugural AddressIkastola, Professional School of Postgraduate Studies, Santiago, Chile.Montesinos, L. (1996). Health Psychology in the USA: Training and professionaldevelopment. Invited address at the Second Iberoamerican Congress on Health andBehavior, Granada, Spain.Montesinos, L. (1996). Psicología de la salut: estatus del desenvolupament professional (Health Psychology: the status of professional development). Invited Address,Department de Psicologia, Universitat de les Iles Balears, Spain.Montesinos, L. & Preciado, J. (1996). Behavior therapy: the Latino contribution. Paper presentedat the IX Congress of the Asociación Latinoamericana de Modificación de la Conducta (ALAMOC), Valparaíso, Chile.Montesinos, L. (1995). Health Psychology in Chile: Past, present and future. Invited address, Jornadas de Actualización Extensión en Psicología de la Salud (Meeting on updating and diffusion of health psychology), Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago Chile.Montesinos, L. (1994). Health Psychology , Applications and new approaches, Invited Address, UMDNJ, Community Mental Health Center, Hispanic Celebration, November, 1994.Montesinos, L. (1994). Health psychology applications with Latinos. Department of HumanServices, The George Washington University.Montesinos, L. (1994). Behavior Modification. EOF Counselor Training Institute, MonmouthCollege.Montesinos, L. (1994). Organizer & Moderator. Iberoamerican Developments in HealthPsychology: An On-going International Dialogue. Montclair State College. Montclair, NJ. Montesinos, L. (1993). Sexual responsibility of University students in the United States, Chile,and Puerto Rico. Paper presented in the Symposium on Adolescence and SexualResponsibility at the 24th Interamerican Congress of Psychology. Santiago de Chile. Pelle, F., Pratt, C., & Montesinos, L. (1993). Stress events, social support and health problemsamong college students. Paper presented in the Symposium on Health psychology: Issues and Applications at the 24th Interamerican Congress of Psychology. Santiago de Chile.Montesinos, L. (1993). Hispanic presence in behavior analysis and therapy, paper invited forpresentation in the symposium Behavior Analysis and Therapy in Hispanics at the 27thAnnual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Atlanta.Montesinos, L. (1992). Presentation on the status of behaviorism in Latin America at the International Affiliates Meeting at the 26th Annual Convention of the Associationfor the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston.Montesinos, L. (1991). Organizer & Moderator. Iberoamerican Developments in Psychology:An international Dialogue. Montclair State College. Montclair, NJ. Montesinos, L. (1991). Behavioral contributions to the development of health psychology inChile. Paper presented in the Symposium of Behavior Therapy in Spanish speakingcountries at the 25th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement ofBehavior Therapy, New York.Preciado, J., Montesinos, L. (1989). An Environmental Health survey of Migrant Farmworker's Living Conditions. Paper presented at the 117th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Chicago, IL. Dobert, M.T., Salgado, M., & Montesinos, L. (1987). Contributions of psychology to dentalhealth. Paper presented at the Second Convention of the Chilean Psychological Association. Santiago, Chile. García, J., Montesinos, L., & Ugalde, F. (1986). Behavioral Medicine in Chile. Posterpresented at the 20th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy. Chicago, IL.Garcia, J., Ugalde, F. & Montesinos, L. (1985) Improving oral hygiene among migrant children. Poster presented at the 19th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy. Houston, TX.Garcia, J., Montesinos, L. (1985). Some parameters of health in Chile: Implications for thedevelopment of behavioral medicine. Presented at the First Convention of theChilean Psychological Association. Chile. Ugalde, F., Garcia, J., & Montesinos, L. (1984). Improving compliance with antibioticprescriptions among farmworkers. Poster presented at the 18th Annual Conventionof the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy. Philadelphia, PA. García, J., Montesinos, L., & Ugalde, J. (1984). Reducing patient waiting time at migranthealth center. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Convention of the Associationfor the Advancement of Behavior Therapy. Philadelphia, PA.Ugalde, F., Montesinos, L., & García, J. (1983). Behavioral applications in Chile. Paperpresented at the Fifth World Congress in Behavior Therapy. Washington, DC.Montesinos, L. Greene, B.F., & Preciado, J. (1983). Reducing food waste at a migrant day carecenter through the rearrangement of existing activities. Paper presented at the NinthAnnual Convention of the Association of Behavior Analysis. Milwaukee, WI.Montesinos, L. (1983). Drinking patterns of Mexican-American farmworkers: Implications forprevention and treatment. Workshop presented at the Eight Annual MigrantRehabilitation Conference.Montesinos, L. Greene, B.F., & Preciado, J. (1982). Increasing the consumption of nutritiousmeals among migrant children. Paper presented at the Sixth Conference in BehaviorAnalysis. Mexico City.Montesinos, L. (1978). The token economy: the Chilean experience. Paper presented at theSecond Latin American Congress in Behavior Modification. Bogota, Colombia. Garcia, J., & Montesinos, L. (1978). A supervision system in a chronic mental patient unit.Paper presented at the Second Symposium of Chronic Mental Patients. PsychiatricHospital Nueva Imperial. Santiago, Chile. Montesinos, L. (1976). The use of operant conditioning in the rehabilitation of chronic mental patients. Paper presented at the second Symposium of Chronic Mental Patients.Psychiatric Hospital Putaendo. Santiago, Chile. BOOK REVIEWSMontesinos, L. (2008). Building the future, revisiting the origins: A truly integrative approach to health. [Review of the book:Whole Person Healthcare]. PsycCRITIQUES —Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 53 (No. 23).Montesinos, L. (2007). Aging and Dying: Dancing your way out. [Review of the book: Old Age Is a Terminal Illness: How I Learned To Age Gracefully and Conquer My Fear of Dying]. PsycCRITIQUES —Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 52 (No. 33).Montesinos, L. (2006). The call of the dying: Will Psychology answer?. [Review of the book: Psychosocial issues near the end of life: A resource for professional care providers]. PsycCRITIQUES—Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 51 (No. 12).Montesinos, L. (2005). Health in the city: So much more than just sex. [Review of the book: Handbook of urban health: Populations, methods and practice]. PsycCRITIQUES—Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 50 (No. 50).Montesinos, L. (2005). Storytelling, story listening: Not only a Kid’s thing. [Review of the book:Narratives, health and healing: Communication, theory, research and practice]. PsycCRITIQUES—Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 50 (No. 40).Montesinos, L. (2005). Liaison Psychiatry: A Manual and a professional stand. [Review of the book: Clinical Manual of Psychosomatic Medicine: A Guide to Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry]. PsycCRITIQUES—Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 50 (No. 27).Montesinos, L. (2005). The impact of spirituality on psychological health. [Review of the book: Spirituality and Psychological Health]. PsycCRITIQUES—Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 50 (No. 20).Montesinos, L. (2005). Western Perspectives in Continuities and Discontinuities in Human Development: Disentangling the Knot [Review of the book: Human Development Across Lives and Generations]. PsycCRITIQUES—Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 50 (No.8).Reviewer for Wadsworth of Kazdin, A. E. (2005). Behavior Modification in Applied Settings (6th. Edition). Montesinos, L. (2004). Educating Latino Children: A Challenge for Parents, Educators, and the Nation. [Review of the book: Involving Latino Families in Schools: Raising Student Achievement Through Home-School Partnerships]. PsycCRITIQUES—Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 49 (No. 3).Caballo, V. (1997) Manual para el tratamiento cognitivo-conductual de los trastornos psicológicos. Vol. 1. Trastornos por ansiedad, sexuales, afectivos y sicóticos. Siglo Veintiuno de Espa?a Editores, S.A., Psicología Contemporánea. Reviewer for Brooks/Cole Publishing of Learning and adaptive behavior, 1996.Reviewer for Harcourt Brace of Psychology in the new millennium. 1996.Saavedra Marvez, J.M. (1994). Estrategias Psicológicas para dejar de fumar (Psychologicalstrategies for smoking cessation), published in Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 1997, 29, 163-165.AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALSMontesinos, L. & Reid, R. (1979). Behavior Analysis. Audiovisual Department, Medical School.University of Chile.Montesinos, L. & Reid, R. (1979). Techniques to strengthen behavior. Audiovisual Department,Medical School. University of Chile.Montesinos, L. & Reid, R. (1979). Techniques to weaken behavior. Audiovisual Department,Medical School. University of Chile. Montesinos, L. & Reid, R. (1979). Single subject designs. Audiovisual Department, MedicalSchool. University of Chile. HONORS 2013 Middle States Evaluation Team Member, National University of Puerto Rico.2013 Doctoral Dissertation Committee for Doctoral thesis of Ms. Helena Chacon Lopez, at the International Graduate School of the Universidad de Granada, Spain.2013 Scientific Board Member, Journal Universitas Psychologica, Colombia2012 Peer reviewer, Comisión Nacional de Acreditación (National Accreditation Committee) Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, Universidad de Santiago, Chile.2012 Middle States Evaluation Team Member, SUNY Geneseo. 2010 Visiting Professor, Graduate Program on Research Designs and Applications in Health Psychology, Universidad de Granada, Spain2008 Distinguished Teacher Award, Montclair State University2008 Visiting Professor, Graduate Program on Research Designs and Applications in Health Psychology, Universidad de Granada, Spain2008 President, doctoral Dissertation Committee, Dr. Tamara Polo Sanchez, Universidad Granada, Spain.2007 Visiting Professor, Graduate Program on Research Designs and Applications in Health Psychology, Universidad de Granada, Spain2007 Dean’s Recognition Award for Scholarly work. College of Humanities and Social Sciences, MSU.2005 President, Doctoral Dissertation Committee, Dr. Jose Antonio Piqueras, Universidad de Murcia, Spain.2005-present Member Editorial Board, Boletin de Salud Escolar, Colombia.2004-present Member Editorial Board, International Journal of Clinical Health Psychology, Spain.2004 College of Humanities and Social Sciences, MSU, faculty inductee into Phi Kappa Phi2004 Member Editorial Board, Terapia Psicológica, Chile2003 Member, Accreditation Committee, Visit to the Department of Psychology, Universidad de La Frontera, Ministry of Education of Chile.2003 Member Doctoral Dissertation Committee, Dr. Jose Pedro Espada, Universidad de Murcia, Spain Sergio Yulis award, granted by the Chilean Society of Clinical Psychology foroutstanding performance and contributions to the field.2002 Grant awarded by the Global Education Center, Montclair State University to present an invited conference at the Universidad de Santiago.Consultant, Department of Psychology, Universidad Catolica de Chile for theirMaster program on Health Psychology. Grant awarded by the Global Education Center, Montclair State University to present an invited conference at the XXVIII Iberoamerican Congress of Psychology.2001-present Member Editorial Board, Psyche, Universidad Católica de Chile.2001 Faculty Fellow, Service Learning, Montclair State University. Member, Scientific Committee of the XXVIII Iberoamerican Congress of Psychology.2000 Visiting Professor, Spring Semester, Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Granada, Spain. Consultant: Psychology Department of the Universidad Catolica de Chile for their Doctoral Program proposal, 1998.Member of the Scientific Program Committee of the World Congress in Member of the Scientific Program Committee of the World Congress in Behavior and Cognitive Therapy.1997 Professor, Postgraduate training in Clinical Psychology, Ikastola Sergio Yulis, Santiago, Chile.1997 Guest Speaker, Annual Banquet of the Latin American Students Organization (LASO) at Montclair State University. Consultant: Psychology Department of the Universidad Catolica de Chile for their Master’s in Psychology with concentrations in Clinical and Community Psychology.1996-2003 Professor, Master Program in Behavior Therapy and Health Psychology, sponsored by the Spanish Association for Behavior Therapy and the Universidad de Granada, Spain.1996Member of the Steering Committee of the World Congress in Behaviorand Cognitive Therapy.1995 Visiting Professor, Fall Semester, Psychology Department, Universidad de Chile.1993-1995President of the Hispanic Caucus of Montclair State College.& 96-971993Visiting Professor. Department of Psychology, Universidad de Chile. Health psychology workshop. Winter Session.1992-1993Member, College Senate of Montclair State College.1992-1993Member Steering Committee III Latin Dies, International Congress of Associations of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.1988-presentInternational Liaison, Hispanic Issues in Behavior Therapy, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy.1992Global Education Grant, Montclair State College.1992 Guest speaker Annual Banquet of the Latin American Students Organization (LASO) at Montclair State University.1992-1995Member Mental Health Advisory Board, Essex County.1986-1988Member, Editorial Board. Chilean Journal of Psychology.1986-2008Member, Editorial Board. Psychological Therapy.1987President of the Organizing Committee of the Second Annual Convention of the Chilean Psychological Association.1987-1988Vice-President. Chilean Psychological Association.1984Dissertation Research Award. College of Human Resources-Rehabilitation Institute. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL.1983-1984Chairperson, Hispanic Issues in Behavior Therapy, Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy.1983Member of the Steering Committee of the Fifth World Congress in BehaviorTherapy.1981Graduate Assistant. Behavior Analysis and Therapy Program. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL.1980Graduate Assistant. Behavior Analysis and Therapy Program-Project Twelve Ways. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL.1977Honor Diploma for Distinguished Professional Activity. Granted by the Board of Directors of the Chilean Psychological Association.PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONSSociety for the Teaching of Psychology, Division 2 of the American PsychologicalAssociation.Health Psychology, Division 38 of the American Psychological Association.Latin American Association of Behavior Modification.Hispanic Issues in Behavior Therapy Special Interest Group (AABT).Chilean Psychological Association. Member of the Board of Directors (1986-1988). Society of Behavioral Medicine.LANGUAGESEnglish and Spanish fluently. ................

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