11th Grade English/ The Joy Luck Club Project

11th Grade English/ The Joy Luck Club Project

Date: October 25th 2007

Test Reference: The Joy Luck Club

Objective: Students will know how to access Webquest and be able to complete a group project concerning the novel The Joy Luck Club.

|Activity |Description of Activities and Setting |Materials and Supplies |Time |

|1. Focus and Review |We have already read the Joy Luck Club and before we have a test |none |1min |

|-Draw the student’s |on the book you are going to complete three projects that will be | | |

|attention by reviewing the|presented to the class. | | |

|recent lessons and tying |This will help all of the students to fully understand the context| | |

|them into the current |of the novel and to review for the test at the end of the week | | |

|lesson. | | | |

|2. Statement of Objectives|You will know how to access Webquest, create a literary Analysis |none |NA |

|- Statement of the goals |on PowerPoint. Create a brochure on Microsoft word, and have a | | |

|that the students will be |full understanding of the novel. | | |

|completing. | | | |

|~ Give a reason of why it | | | |

|this lesson is important. | | | |

|3. Teacher Input |All students will access Webquest in the groups assigned |30 min |webquest |

|~ The actual “teaching” |I will observe the students and will be available for any | | |

|part of the plan |questions | | |

|~ Make sure the students | | | |

|are at full | | | |

|comprehension/ask | | | |

|questions to make sure | | | |

|they comprehend | | | |

|~Give ample amounts of | | | |

|information without | | | |

|overload. | | | |

|~Develop Vocabulary | | | |

|4. Guided Practice |Students will use the class time given to complete the PowerPoint |20 min |Webquest and |

|~ Students are given a |and the rehearsal of the skit. | |PowerPoint |

|chance to practice what |Students will be graded by participation which will be observed by| | |

|they have learning during |me during this time. | | |

|the teacher input |Students will also be graded by the creativity and effort put into| | |

|~ The activity should be a|the PowerPoint and Skit | | |

|fair measure of their |Students will also be graded on the accuracy of the research | | |

|comprehension of the |presented in the presentations, which is a fair assessment of | | |

|lesson and their ability |their knowledge and comprehension of the text. | | |

|to apply it. |Students will also be graded on their performance/enthusiasm when | | |

| |presenting their presentation to the class. | | |

|5. Independent Practice |On their own time students are to create a plane ticket using |na |na |

|~ Students are given an |Microsoft word, and bring it in on the day of presentations. | | |

|assignment that they may |As a class we will be traveling to America and the students must | | |

|complete on their own |have their plane ticket to board. | | |

|time/mostly including |The presentations will be the on flight movies | | |

|homework. |Students will be evaluated by their effort, creativity, and | | |

| |accuracy, and neatness | | |

| |Students should display basic skills of technology | | |

|6. Closure | |na |1min |

|~ An overview of the next |Next class we will continue to work on these projects | | |

|class’s lesson and how it |Make sure that you and your group are in agreement, about time | | |

|will tie in with the |management, and information. | | |

|lesson just disused. | | | |


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