The 11th Grade Research Paper - Central Dauphin School ...

11th CP Research Paper Overview

What type of paper am I writing?

• Your research paper is a Cultural Criticism This type of paper requires you to research the author’s life and times in order to explain the autobiographical (influences from the author’s life and times) evident in their novel.

How long does my paper need to be?

• Your paper will be eight paragraphs that total 4 full pages in length. It will have a final 5th page that is a works cited with at least four referenced sources.

How will I organize outside research, as well as examples from the author’s novel to show evidence of my outside research in the text?

• In order to complete a Cultural Criticism, you will need to fully explain three factors from the author’s life, as well as, provide analysis that explains exactly how each autobiographical element is represented in the novel.

Therefore, you should follow the outlined format below:

P1 = Introduction (AGD, Transition, 3-Tier Thesis)

Connective transition

P2 = Factual summary of first background influence. (This paragraph must include internal citations for all paraphrased and summarized background research from your outside sources)

Connective transition

P3 = Specific analysis of events, characters, themes and/or figurative elements from the novel that correlate (represent / connect) with the factual information presented in P2. This novel analysis paragraph not only needs to contain multiple specific / summarized examples from your novel, it also MUST contain a cited quote from your novel that is accurately framed to establish specific proof concerning your overall analysis.

Connective transition

P4 = complete the same steps as presented in P2 for your second main influence (cite all background info)

Connective transition

P5 = complete the same steps as presented in P3 for your second main influence as represented in the novel (remember to provide one cited quote from the text)

Connective transition

P6 = complete the same steps as presented in P2 for your third main influence (cite all background info)

Connective transition

P7 = complete the same steps as presented in P3 for your third main influence as represented in the novel (remember to provide one cited quote from the text)

P8 = Summative Conclusion (Transition, Re-phrased Thesis, Clincher)

Insert Page Break

Final Page = Works Cited with at least 3 cited outside sources and your cited novel (Note: All 3 outside sources must be considered scholarly texts; furthermore, one must be Novels for Students.)

How will I format my research paper?

Your paper must adhere to the MLA format. View library provided reference packet for specific guidelines.

What choices will I be given for topic selection?

• You may select a topic from the provided approved topic list.

• Each listed topic contains an author book combination. You will research the assigned author’s life and read the listed novel.

• Note: only one researcher per topic; therefore, topics will be assigned.

Once I have a topic, what do I do next?

• Your first assignment is to read, comprehend and analyze your author’s novel. You must complete an independent reading log to record your investigation and demonstrate your understanding of the text. (View Reading Log Direction Handout)

What type of thesis statement will my paper require?

You will use a three tier thesis format that clearly indicates elements of your author’s life that influenced the construction of the text.

The Cultural Criticism 3-Tier Thesis:

• Your Cultural Criticism 3-Tier Thesis MUST CONTAIN:

o (1) Author’s full name

o (2) 3 specific influences from your author’s background, life, writing style and/or era

o (3) The title of your novel

• Furthermore, a verb must be included that indicates how the listed main ideas influenced your author’s construction of the assigned novel.

Example 3 –Tier Cultural Criticism Thesis Statements for William Golding and Lord of the Flies

Example #1

William Golding drew from his experiences in WWII, his interest in Coral Island and his mastery of Anglo-Saxon literature to construct his novel, Lord of the Flies.

Example #2

William Golding developed the themes in Lord of the Flies from experiences connected to the Battle of the Bismarck, D-Day and his return from active duty.

Example #3

William Golding’s understanding of war, the Bible and allegory influenced his construction of the novel, Lord or the Flies.

Let’s practice

• If your assigned topic was Aldous Huxley and Brave New World, what 3-tier thesis would you use to answer the above prompt?

• Review your notes, conference with your partner and record your practice thesis statement in the box below.

What assignments will I need to complete to ensure I construct an effective research paper?

• An overview of the major assignments connected to the paper are contained in the following list.

1. Topic Selection Research Organizer

2. Independent Reading Log

3. Background Research Note Collection (3 sources; 45 collected and cited paraphrased facts)

4. Complete an MLA formatted Rough Draft

5. Complete a Peer Edit

6. Revise your rough draft and construct a final draft

a. Note: Final Drafts will not be accepted until they have been submitted in paper format (to me in class), as well as, submitted in an electronic format to

7. Complete a Power Point revealing the contents of your paper (format will be provided)

Note: This is an overview of your research paper assignment. Additional tasks and assignments may be provided to facilitate the completion of the project. Be certain to pay attention to all issued due dates and class handouts. Remember: You must complete this paper successfully to pass 11th grade!





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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