Supplementary Reading/Book Groups

Supplementary Reading

11th Grade Expository Reading and Writing

In addition to the reading and writing we will do as a class this semester, you are required to read a minimum of 1000 pages on your own, and complete a dialectical journal and presentation on your chosen book or books.

You will earn individual points for Supplementary Reading – 50 points for the semester.

You will also make a presentation that will also be worth 50 points.

You will also receive a reading grade on a daily basis for your participation in Silent Sustained Reading (SSR). You will receive 5 points per day for reading the book you chose and writing dialectical journals or Cornell notes on the text. I will collect dialectical journal notes at the end of the semester and check progress just before the 6-week and 12-week progress reports. In the dialectical journals, I will be looking for meaningful notes on the text, where you copy passages and comment on them in terms of conflict, theme, tone, figurative language, structure and character.

To earn full credit for your reading:

1. Choose a book (or books) from the list provided. If a book is less than 1000 pages, read additional books to equal 1000 pages.

2. Read during Silent Sustained Reading (SSR) periods on block days and on your own as needed.

3. Keep a log of dates and pages read (See separate handout for sample Reading Log)

4. Take “Active Reading” notes in the form of a dialectical journal or Cornell Notes. How much is enough? It will depend on the book, but you should be turning at least one page of notes per 50 pages. Create a dialogue with the book. You are looking for enough “good stuff” to help you talk about the book intelligently. Get an overall picture of the structure of the book, and find specific passages that suggest conflict, changes in character, tone and theme.

5. Make a short presentation, alone or in a group, about your novel from the list.

6. Turn in your Reading Log and dialectical journal stapled together with the Reading Log on top, any time before the last week of the semester. If you read more than one book, create a Reading Log for each book and staple the log and dialectical journals for each book as separate packets.

7. Make-ups for absences—Daily SSR Reading Points: When you have an excused absence, you may make up the missing points by writing a separate, half-page of dialectical journals on any text. You must label the paper, “Make Up for Absence during SSR” and put the date of your absence on the top of the paper. Turn it in within one day of your return, and you will receive the full five-point per day credit for your weekly SSR grade.


Once you have read the book, create a presentation for the class. The presentation can be a PowerPoint analysis, a casual “talk show” style discussion of the literary power of the book, a debate over an issue raised by the book, or any other format you like that I have approved of in advance. You may do the presentation with others who have read the same book as a group presentation. NOTE: All reading and writing is individual work—no collaboration!

Presentations will be about 10 minutes in length. We will do the presentations during the last two weeks of the semester. If time does not permit the presentations, I will tell you a few days in advance, and you will not be responsible for this assignment.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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