12th Grade English: British Literature 2011-2012

12th Grade English: British Literature 2011-2012

Mr. Jason Lin Jason.Lin@dma.k12.de.us Delaware Military Academy

Course Description:

This course provides an extensive survey of British Literature and its cultural contexts from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present. Throughout the year, cadets will encounter novels, epics, poetry, plays, and frame stories that represent important works and periods of English culture. Cadets will also complete a research paper along with other forms of academic writing such as analytical, argumentative, informative, expository, and persuasive. Following a timeline of British Literature, here is a tentative list of the works that will be covered:

Anglo-Saxon/Medieval Period: Beowulf, selections from The Canterbury Tales

The English Renaissance: Macbeth, select sonnets

Restoration/Enlightenment: works by Pepys, Addison, Lord Chesterfield/Lady Montague, Johnson

Romanticism: poetry by Blake, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats; Frankenstein*

Victorian: Heart of Darkness*, poetry by Browning, Arnold, Hardy, Housman

Modernism: works by Yeats, Lawrence, Joyce, Eliot, Thomas, Churchill, Huxley, Orwell

* denotes Summer Reading


Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Book G

McDougal Littell’s The Language of Literature: British Literature Edition

There is only a classroom set available to cadets. For this reason, cadets will be given time at the end of class to work on any textbook based assignment. There are very few extra books. If a cadet needs more time to complete an assignment, a request to sign out a book may be made at the end of the day; if a cadet is lent a book, in fairness to other cadets, this book MUST be returned to me at the start of the next class. If the book is not returned, then any related assignment will be marked and graded as late until the book is returned.

Goals and Classroom Expectations:

Cadets taking British Literature will be able to identify, analyze, and elaborate on works from British culture and literature. Cadets will complete a wide-range of assignments, both formative and summative, to prove their understanding of the texts, contexts, and style of this particular literary canon.

Please subscribe to my SchoolNotes page at , and check my website daily for course related updates .

As for classroom expectations, cadets are expected to remain silent, respectful, and attentive when being given instruction, accountable for their work and any deadlines, and uphold the honor code as set forth in the DMA Code of Conduct.

Required Materials:

Please have the following materials in school by September 16th:

• pens (blue or black ink)

• two (2) highlighters

• one (1) three-ring binder (at least 1-inch)

• loose-leaf, college-ruled notebook paper OR 1-Subject spiral notebook

• four (4) divider tabs for binder

o Vocabulary

o Notes

o Handouts

o Assignments and Homework

Grading Policy:

All grades are determined on a total-points basis. The grade for any assignment or test is the total number of points earned divided by the total number of points available. Cadets will always be informed of an assignment’s point value when the assignment is given. Every assignment, no matter how many points it is worth, will have an impact on your final grade so always do the best job possible. The breakdown of letter grade percentages can be found in the DMA Handbook.

Absence Policy:

Cadets are expected to be in class everyday and on time. If a cadet is absent from class, they are expected to make up the work that they missed. If the absence is excused by the main office, the cadet will be able to have one day to makeup the assignment. If the absence is unexcused, the cadet is still expected to complete the work; credit will be awarded at the discretion of the instructor.

Late Work Policy:

ALL projects, homework, and out-of-class assignments are due at the start of each class period. Work submitted after muster is called will NOT be counted for credit. It is the cadet’s responsibility to place all graded assignments in the appropriate collection bin before muster is called.

Cadets who have an excused absence from class (signed note from parent/guardian) will be expected to submit their assignment the next time that class meets. If a cadet is absent on the day that an assignment is due, their assignment must be submitted at the start of the first class of the date of their return. Failure to do so will result in the assignment not being counted.

Provision for one makeup day per marking period will be made for cadets to submit one missing homework assignment of their choice for credit. On the assigned makeup day, all cadets are required to print out a current grade report and complete the following:

• Highlight all missing assignments (if any)

• Circle the homework assignment being made up

• Attach the assignment to the grade report

This report must be signed by the cadet and a parent/guardian. The report will serve as a reminder for cadets to self-reflect on the marking period and what they could improve upon in this course.

The English Department wants to stress the importance of the adherence to deadlines. Therefore, any cadet who completes and turns in every assignment on time will be rewarded with 10 extra credit points.


By definition in your Code of Conduct, plagiarism involves using someone else’s work as your own without giving credit or properly citing the source. This includes copying answers from someone else’s homework as well as copying sentences from any book and claiming them as your own (like the vocabulary book). It will not be tolerated! As per the English Department policy, cadets caught plagiarizing will receive a zero for the assignment and will also be written up.

English Department Fee:

In order to purchase some of the books needed for this class, the English Department is requiring all cadets to pay a library fee of $25. This is a mandatory payment that I must receive from every cadet by the end of the first week of school.

Multimedia Permission Slip:

This notice serves as a permission slip to allow your cadet to view films and other media, with recognized literary merit, during English class for the purposes of enriching classroom instruction. Films and other media are useful teaching tools and serve as great supplements to a lesson plan.

Please sign in the designated areas to verify that you have read, understood, and agreed to all of the information stated. Please detach this section and return to Mr. Lin.

_________________________________ _________________________________ Date _________________

Cadet’s Name Printed Cadet’s Signature

Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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