1607 Jamestown, VA, is the first permanent English ...

|COLONIAL AMERICA (1492 - 1763) |

|European explorers come to North America |Spanish explorers claimed lands from Florida to California as they looked for gold. Spain set up missions to |

| |bring the Catholic religion to Native Americans, and forts to protect their claims. |

| |English explorers mapped and claimed parts of the Atlantic coast from Georgia to Canada. |

| |French explorers claimed areas near the Great Lakes and along the Mississippi River. They were followed by fur |

| |traders and missionaries. |

|JAMESTOWN - 1607 |In 1607, King James I granted the Virginia Company of London permission to establish the Jamestown colony on |

| |Chesapeake Bay (on the coast of Virginia). John Smith led the colony. |

| |first permanent English settlement in the Americas |

| |Hardships: low, swampy land → mosquitoes, dirty water → disease |

| |Pocahontas helped through early hard times. Survived because they learned how to grow tobacco. Brought in |

| |African slaves. |

| |House of Burgesses — first colonial legislature in the Americas |

|PLYMOUTH - 1620 |Plymouth colony, founded by the Pilgrims, was the second English colony in America, founded in Massachusetts in |

| |1620. |

| |Hardships: freezing winters, many died. |

| |Squanto taught Pilgrims how to grow food to survive. |

| |Mayflower Compact — an agreement for self-government |

|Thirteen |English kings gave permission for colonists to create 13 English colonies along the Atlantic Coast. The |

|colonies |Appalachian Mountains were the western border. |

| |Colonial cities grew up on the coast where good harbors allowed transportation. The port cities of Boston, New |

| |York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Charlestown were centers of trade, population, and government. |

| |Each colony had a royal governor appointed by the king and a legislature with elected representatives from the |

| |colony. |

| |Colonists in each region, or area, adapted to the climate, soil, and geography they found. They sold their |

| |products to England. |

|New England colonies |Rocky soil and cold winters. Resources: sea, forest |

| |Industries: shipbuilding, forestry, fishing, trade |

| |English Puritans came to New England seeking freedom from religious persecution |


|Middle colonies |rich soil, long growing seasons, cold winters, deep rivers |

| |called the Breadbasket — grew grain and raised livestock. fur trapping, shipping |

| |Known for diversity (many groups living together peacefully) and tolerance (acceptance of others) |


|Southern colonies |rich soil, warm weather, flat land good for growing cash crops |

| |sold tobacco, indigo, rice, sugar, and cotton to England |

| |labor shortage → indentured servants and slaves |

| |plantation — a large farm that forced slaves to grow cash crops |


|GOVERNING THE COLONIES |History of representation in England: |

| |1215 Magna Carta — This document limited the power of the King and gave rights to some citizens. |

| |1689 English Bill of Rights — guaranteed English citizens certain rights and set up a process for electing |

| |representatives in Parliament (the British Congress). |

| |How representation grew in the English colonies: |

| |1619 Virginia House of Burgesses — the first representative government assembly in the colonies. |

| |1620 Mayflower Compact — Pilgrims signed a contract agreeing to the rules for self-government for the colony. |

| |They agreed to follow the laws made by their representatives. |

|COLONIAL TRADE |Mercantilism — American colonies sent raw materials to English factories, then the colonies bought manufactured |

| |goods from England. (Colonists began to resent mercantilism controlled by England.) |

| |Triangle trade — The slave trade route between Africa and North America completed the triangle that ships |

| |traveled. |

| | |

|AMERICAN REVOLUTION (1763 - 1783) |

|French and Indian War |Cause: The French built forts in the Ohio River Valley, west of the Appalachian Mountains. English colonists |

| |wanted the land. |

| |THE WAR: England and France fought in the American colonies (1754-1763). American colonists sided with |

| |England, while many native American tribes fought beside the French. |


| |England won, forcing the French out of the land between the Appalachians and the Mississippi River. American |

| |settlers poured over the Appalachian Mountains, taking Indian land. |

| |Proclamation of 1763 — King George III ordered colonists not to cross Appalachians to keep peace with Native |

| |Americans. |

| |Quartering Act — Colonists had to feed and house the British soldiers who were sent to keep the peace. |

| |The British Parliament passed new tax laws to pay for the war debt. |

|Colonial protests against British laws |boycott — refusing to buy certain products as a form of protest |

| |1765 Stamp Act (tax on paper goods) → boycott of paper goods → Stamp Act Congress → repeal of Stamp Act |

| |1767 Townshend Acts (tax on imports, new courts to try colonists who ignored taxes) → boycott → British |

| |soldiers stationed in Boston to enforce tax laws → 1770 Boston Massacre (5 colonists died) → American |

| |colonists outraged → repeal of Townshend Acts |

| |1773 Tea Act → boycott → 1775 Boston Tea Party → Intolerable Acts (took over the Massachusetts government, |

| |closed the port of Boston) → boycotts, First Continental Congress meets |

|Patriots v. Loyalists: Americans chose |Patriots — supported independence from Great Britain |

|sides |Loyalists — were loyal to the King George III as the ruler of the English colonies in America. |

|DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE — 1776 |The Declaration of Independence was signed July 4, 1776, in Philadelphia by delegates to the 2nd Continental |

| |Congress. The Declaration stated: |

| |All men are created equal |

| |they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness|

| |When a government violates those rights, the citizens have the right to abolish (get rid of) that government |

| |and create a new one. |

| |King George III has violated the rights of the American colonists. |

| |Then the Declaration listed grievances, or complaints, against King George III and Parliament (like shutting |

| |down legislatures). |

|Key Events of the Revolution |1775 Lexington/Concord — the first battles of the Revolution. “The shot heard round the world.” Paul Revere|

| |rode to warn the colonial militia (Minutemen) about the arrival of British troops to capture their arsenal. |

| |British retreated to Boston. |

| |1776 Trenton, NJ — Gen. Washington led troops across the Delaware River to capture Trenton in a surprise |

| |attack, after Thomas Paine’s Crisis inspired troops. |

| |1777 Saratoga — American troops won in the Hudson River Valley and forced part of the British army to |

| |surrender. A turning point in the war. France began to help with troops and money. |

| |1777/78 Valley Forge — General Washington and the American army lost Philadelphia and spent a horrible winter |

| |training in their winter camp. Troops suffered from starvation, disease, and freezing cold. |

| |1781 Yorktown — Gen. Washington forced the surrender of British Gen. Cornwallis in this port town on |

| |Chesapeake Bay, with the help of French navy and army. This battle ended the Revolution. |

| |American advantages in the war: Patriot troops knew the territory. The U.S. got help from Spain and France. |

| |1783 Treaty of Paris — The treaty between the U.S. and Great Britain gave the Americans the land from the |

| |Appalachian Mountains west to the Mississippi River and recognized American independence. |

|Key People |Samuel Adams — leader of the Sons of Liberty in Boston, a secret protest group that began many protests |

| |including Boston Tea Party. |

| |Thomas Paine — Englishman who wrote Common Sense, a pamphlet that encouraged American colonists to declare |

| |independence from England. Later, Paine wrote Crisis, which encouraged Washington’s soldiers before the |

| |Battle at Trenton. “These are the times that try men’s souls ...” |

| |Patrick Henry — Virginia Patriot who called for independence once Boston was under siege. “Give me liberty or|

| |give me death!” |

| |Benjamin Franklin — colonial leader in Philadelphia, representative in France during the war, inventor, |

| |publisher. |

| |Thomas Jefferson — Virginia delegate to the Continental Congress who wrote the Declaration of Independence in |

| |1776. |

| |George Washington — leader of the Continental Army during the Revolution, President of the Constitutional |

| |Convention. |

| |King George III — King of England during the American Revolution; Patriots accused him of being a tyrant. |

| |John Adams — Massachusetts Patriot who helped write the Declaration of Independence. |

| |Abigail Adams — wife of John Adams wrote a letter encouraging him to “remember the ladies” when forming the |

| |new government. |


|Articles of Confederation |The 2nd Continental Congress wrote the first plan of government for the colonies after it declared |

| |independence from Britain at the beginning of the Revolution. They called it the Articles of Confederation. |

| |The Articles set up a loose alliance of the states to defend themselves against Britain. The states governed |

| |themselves, printed their own money, had their own navies, but they agreed to help protect each other. |

| |Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation — |

| |Congress was too weak: could not tax, enforce laws, regulate trade, or control money. Congress ould not pay |

| |soldiers, and it was hard to pass bills because 9 of 13 states had to agree. |

| |No president (chief executive) or Supreme Court. |

|Results of the weak new government |1783 Congress was chased out of Philadelphia by Continental Army soldiers who were never paid. |

| |1786 Shays’ Rebellion — former Continental Army soldier Daniel Shays led Massachusetts farmers in armed |

| |protest after they lost their farms because of high state taxes. The weak U.S. government could not help end |

| |the conflict. |

|CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION |Delegates went to Philadelphia to revise (change) the Articles of Confederation. Instead, they decided to |

|— 1787 |write a new plan for a stronger national government. |

| |James Madison introduced the Virginia Plan — he proposed three branches of government and two houses of |

| |Congress. After five months, delegates completed the Constitution. The Constitution was ratified, or |

| |approved, in 1789, after the Bill of Rights was added. |

|COMPROMISES at the Constitution |1) The Great Compromise ended an argument between large states (Virginia) and small states (New Jersey) by |

|Convention |creating a House of Representatives with representation based on population and a Senate with equal |

| |representation (2 senators from each state). |

| |2) The Three-Fifths Compromise settled the argument between Northern free states and Southern slave states |

| |about how to count slaves when figuring out how many representatives each state got. |

|Preamble - Introduction |The purposes of our national government: to keep the nation together (form a more perfect Union); make things |

|“We the People of the United States ...” |fair (establish Justice), keep peace at home (insure domestic Tranquility), defend the country (provide for |

| |the common defense), take care of citizens (promote the general Welfare), and keep the country free (secure |

| |the Blessings of Liberty) |


|Limited |The Framers of the Constitution wanted our government to be strong enough to hold the states together, but |

|Government |they wanted our Constitution to limit the power of the government. |

| |“a government of laws and not of men” - John Adams |

|Federalism |Government power is divided between the federal (national) and state governments. The Constitution is the |

| |supreme law of the land. The federal government only handles jobs that affect the whole nation (like income |

| |tax, treaties, and national laws). |

|Separation of Powers |The powers of government are separated into three branches of government: |

|[pic] |Legislative Branch — lawmakers. Congress makes the laws for the nation. |

| |Executive Branch — enforcers of the law. The President heads the Executive Branch. |

| |Judicial Branch — judges (who interpret the laws). The highest court is the Supreme Court. |

|Checks and Balances |Each branch can check, or limit, the power of the other two branches, so that no one branch becomes too |

| |powerful (for example, the President can veto laws, the Supreme Court can rule a law unconstitutional). |

|Republicanism |“reps of the public” — Government is controlled by the people, who give their elected representatives the |

| |power to make and enforce the laws. |

|Popular Sovereignty |“the people rule” |

| |The power of government rests with the people, who express their ideas through voting (consent of the |

| |governed) |

|Individual Rights |The unalienable rights mentioned in the Declaration and guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and other amendments |

| |to the Constitution |

|Federalists v. |Federalists (Alexander Hamilton, James Madison) argued in the Federalist Papers that we needed a strong |

|Antifederalists |central government. |

| |Antifederalists (Patrick Henry) argued that a strong national government would take away people’s and states’ |

| |rights. They insisted that a Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution to protect individual rights. |

|Bill of Rights — 1791 |Bill of Rights — the first ten amendments to the Constitution — |

| |1 freedom of speech, press, religion, peaceable assembly, petition |

| |2 right to bear arms (militia) |

| |3 no quartering of soldiers in peace time |

| |4 no unreasonable search or seizure, warrant |

| |5-8 due process for people accused of a crime (jury trial, attorney, no cruel and unusual punishment) |

| |9-10 rights not listed in the Constitution belong to states or citizens. |

|Amending the Constitution |The Constitution can be amended (changed) to keep up with changes in society. Amendments can be proposed by |

|amend — change |Congress or state legislatures. Amendments must be approved by ¾ of state conventions. The Constitution has |

| |only been amended 27 times. |


|Northwest Ordinance of 1787 |This law established a procedure for adding new territories and states to the United States. New states were |

| |equal to the original states. The law also provided free education and banned slavery in the new territories.|

|George Washington’s Presidency |“I walk on untrodden ground” — Washington knew he would be setting a precedent (example) for presidents to |

| |follow. |

| |Washington asked for advice from his “Cabinet,” including Alexander Hamilton, his Secretary of the Treasury, |

| |and Thomas Jefferson, his Secretary of State. |

| |Farewell Address: Washington encouraged the U.S. to stay neutral and to form “no entangling alliance” with |

| |other countries. He also warned against political parties, which could divide the nation. |

|Political |Washington’s cabinet members disagreed about how much power the national government should have. They led |

|Parties |different political parties. |

| |Alexander Hamilton and other Federalists believed in a strong national government (supported a national bank, |

| |import tariffs to protect new American factories). Represented Northerners, urban manufacturers. |

| |Thomas Jefferson and other Democratic-Republicans supported small government, the rights of the states, and |

| |low taxes. Represented the agricultural, rural South. |

|Washington, D.C. — 1800 |George Washington asked Benjamin Banneker, an African-American mathematician and surveyor, to help design the |

| |new capital. |

|Marbury v. Madison — 1803 |This court case established the idea of judicial review. The Supreme Court can overturn a law as |

| |unconstitutional if the court decides that the law is against the U.S. Constitution. |

|War of 1812 |Causes: the U.S. wanted to annex Canada from the British and Florida from the Spanish. British warships were |

|(1812-14) |seizing American ships and impressing American sailors. U.S. was angry with Britain for encouraging Native |

|President Madison |American attacks against American settlers on the frontier. |

| |British ships blockaded American ports, blocking American imports. This encouraged American manufacturing. |

| |British troops fought in America from 1812 -1814. The British burned much of Washington, D.C. |

| |Francis Scott Key wrote “The Star Spangled Banner” after witnessing the American victory that defended Fort |

| |McHenry from British attack in Baltimore Harbor. |

| |Andrew Jackson won at the Battle of New Orleans after the peace treaty was signed. |

| |Result: the Era of Good Feelings, a time when Americans felt greater nationalism and patriotism and political |

| |parties stopped fighting. |


|Improvements in Manufacturing |In England, improvements in technology created the Industrial Revolution, a change in the way goods were made.|

| |Now work was done more efficiently in factories, rather than in homes by hand. |

| |textile industry — the mass production of woven cloth by machines |

| |1790 Samuel Slater built the first spinning mill in America. |

| |1798 interchangeable parts — Eli Whitney invented machines to manufacture each part of a gun exactly alike. |

| |This sped up production and made repairs easier. assembly line → mass production of goods |

| |1813 Lowell mills hired farm girls to weave cloth on power looms in factories (12 ½ hour days, low wages). |

| |Results — |

| |urbanization (people leaving their farms and moving to cities) |

| |5 million immigrants from Europe (Irish, German, Italian) |

| |overcrowding, poverty, poor working conditions in Northern cities |

|Improvements in Agriculture |1793 Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. Textile mills demanded more cotton, but the short-fibered cotton |

|[pic] |that could be grown away from the coast was hard for slaves to clean by hand. With the cotton gin, a worker |

|[pic] |could clean 50 pounds of cotton a day. |

| |Results — |

| |Cotton profits made slaves more valuable → increased slave trade. |

| |Many farmers moved west to grow cotton and brought slaves. |

| |Settlers moving west grew food and cotton to supply the North and created a market for Northern manufactured |

| |goods. |

| |1834 McCormick reaper allowed farmers to cut grain crops with a horse-drawn machine rather than by hand. |

| |1837 John Deere’s steel plow made it possible to farm the tough, muddy midwestern soil. |

|Improvements in Transportation |1807 Fulton invented the steamboat (the Clermont), increased river transportation, made transporting goods |

| |more efficient. |

| |New Orleans became an important port on the Mississippi. |

| |1825 The new Erie Canal let steamboats travel from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes. Made shipping |

| |between East coast and Midwest much faster and cheaper. |

| |The expanding network of railroads connected the regions, as people and goods were transported |

| |faster than ever before. |

|Improvements in Communication |1837 Samuel Morse patented the telegraph, an innovation that sped up communication between east and west. |

|WESTWARD EXPANSION (1803 - 1853) |

|[pic] |

|Wilderness Road |The first trans-Appalachian road sped up transportation west. |

| |Result: thousands of settlers moved into Kentucky and Tennessee. |

|1803 Louisiana Purchase |Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase from France in 1803. The purchase of this huge territory |

| |doubled the size of the U.S. and began America’s westward expansion beyond the Mississippi River. |

|1804-1806 Lewis and Clark Expedition |Lewis and Clark explored the Louisiana Purchase for Jefferson, mapped territory, gathered information, and |

| |established contact with Native American tribes. Sacajawea guided the expedition. |

|1819 Spain cedes Florida |After Andrew Jackson captured Pensacola, Florida, Spain gave up Florida to the United States in the Adams-Onís|

| |Treaty. |

|1823 Monroe Doctrine |Latin American countries won independence from Spain in the 1820’s. President Monroe said that the U.S. would|

| |not allow European countries to make any new colonies in North or South America. |

|Andrew Jackson’s Presidency |The first Western president, founder of the Democratic party. Jacksonian democracy — involving “common |

|[pic] |people” in government. |

| |Nullification Crisis — Congress passed high tariffs (import taxes) to protect new Northern factories by making|

| |foreign goods more expensive. The South protested the 1828 “Tariff of Abominations,” because it made their |

| |imported goods more expensive. Vice President John C. Calhoun argued that his state of South Carolina had the|

| |right to nullify (declare illegal) the tariff law. Jackson sent federal troops to enforce the federal law. |

| |Destroyed the national bank, removed funds → Panic of 1837 |

| |Indian Removal Act of 1830 — Jackson asked Congress to authorize the use of force to remove southeastern |

| |tribes from prized farmland. |

| |1838 Trail of Tears — Jackson ignored the Supreme Court and ordered troops to remove Cherokee and other Native|

| |Americans from “settled” areas east of the Mississippi River to “Indian Territory” west of the Mississippi |

| |River. Many died during the forced march west. |

|Manifest Destiny |The belief that the United States had the God-given right to own and control all land between the Atlantic and|

| |Pacific Oceans. This belief drove westward expansion, the annexation of Texas and Oregon, and the Mexican |

| |War. John Gast’s American Progress. Public domain image |

| |Many Americans moved west: |

| |Oregon Trail — farmers traveled in Conestoga wagons for farm land. |

| |Mormon Trail — Mormons headed to Salt Lake City for religious reasons. |

| |Santa Fe Trail — major transportation and trade route to the Southwest |

| |Rocky Mountains were a major barrier to settlers traveling west. |

|Mexican War (1846-1848), Mexican Cession |The Republic of Texas was annexed into the United States as a slave state in 1845. The U.S. and Mexico argued|

| |about which river formed Texas’ southern border. |

| |Result: War between Mexico and the U.S. |

| |Henry David Thoreau wrote “Civil Disobedience” to protest the use of taxes to support the war. |

| |Results: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo — U.S. victory and the addition of the Mexican Cession (land from Texas |

| |to California) in 1848. |

|1846 Oregon Territory |Great Britain and the U.S. both claimed “Oregon Country.” For years, the northern border of the U.S. was not |

| |set, west of the Rockies. Many American farmers moved to Oregon Territory. Some in Congress wanted to fight |

| |for the territory. The two countries signed a treaty in 1846. |

|1849 California Gold Rush |In 1848, gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill, California → population boom in California. CA gained |

| |statehood in 1850 as a free state. |

|1853 Gadsden Purchase |U.S. bought the last piece of southern border to provide land for railroad. |


| |Temperance — a movement to ban the sale of alcohol and encourage people not to drink → 18th Amendment |

| |(prohibition) |

| |Education Reform — Horace Mann fought for high-quality public schools for all children. “Education ... is the |

| |great equalizer of the conditions of men ...” |

| |Women’s Rights Movement — Women who were banned from speaking at abolition meetings started the movement for |

| |women’s rights — suffrage (the right to vote), the right to control property. |

| |1848 Seneca Falls Convention — Elizabeth Cady Stanton presented the Declaration of Sentiments. Susan B. |

| |Anthony, Lucretia Mott |

|Abolition |Frederick Douglass wrote the North Star. |

| |William Lloyd Garrison published The Liberator. |

| |Sojourner Truth spoke against slavery and for the rights of black women. |

| |Harriet Tubman secreted fugitive slaves to the North and Canada on the Underground Railroad. |

|CIVIL WAR (1861 - 1865) |

|CIVIL WAR |1861 - 1865 — The North (Union, Yankees) and the South (Confederacy, Rebels) fought the Civil War over the |

| |issues of slavery, states’ rights, and economic and sectional difference between the North and the South. |

| |The North and South had been different since colonial times ... |

|SECTIONALISM |North |South |

| |textile mills, factories |plantations, few factories |

| |manufactured cloth, other goods |exported cash crops |

| |urban |rural |

| |European immigrants |1/3 slaves |

| |tariffs helped factory owners by making their goods |tariffs hurt southern farmers by raising prices for |

| |competitive |imported goods |

| |the Union, abolition |states’ rights, slavery |

|Voices of each region |Sectional leaders were loyal to the interests of their region: |

| |John C. Calhoun — South Carolina senator who promoted states’ rights, “nullification,” and secession. |

| |Henry Clay (Kentucky) was called the Great Compromiser. He tried to “keep peace” between Northern and |

| |Southern interests. |

| |Daniel Webster (Massachusetts) represented the views of many Northerners in support of strong central |

| |government. |

|EVENTS LEADING TO CIVIL WAR |1820 Missouri Compromise — As new western states applied for statehood, the split between North and South |

| |widened. Henry Clay of Kentucky negotiated a compromise in Congress. When the Missouri Territory wanted to |

| |join the Union as a slave state, Maine was admitted as a free state. This kept the number of free and slave |

| |states equal. |

| |The Compromise of 1850 included the Fugitive Slave Law, which enraged Northerners who didn’t want to help |

| |slave owners. |

| |1852 Uncle Tom’s Cabin — Harriett Beecher Stowe published this book about the horrors of slavery. Northerners|

| |were moved by the touching story of slaves suffering. Southerners were outraged. |

| |1854 Bloody Kansas — Senator Douglass proposed opening Kansas and Nebraska territories to slavery. Thousands |

| |of northern and southern settlers poured into the territories to fight for their side. |

| |1858 Dred Scott v. Sandford — A slave named Dred Scott sued his owner for his freedom in the Supreme Court. |

| |Justice Taney wrote the opinion that slaves were not citizens and did not have the right to sue in court. He |

| |stated that slaves were property, not citizens. Northerners feared this could extend slavery into |

| |territories. |

| |1858 Harper’s Ferry — Abolitionist John Brown led an armed slave revolt at Harper’s Ferry, VA. Brown was |

| |hanged. He became a hero among Northern abolitionists. |

| |Formation of the Republican Party — The Northern Abolitionists formed a political party to end slavery: the |

| |Republican Party. Abraham Lincoln of Illinois was their candidate. |

| |“A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave |

| |and half free.” |

| |1860 Presidential Election — Lincoln won the presidency, because the Southern Democrats split their votes |

| |among three candidates. The South panicked, believing Lincoln would abolish slavery. South Carolina seceded |

| |from (left) the Union. More Southern states followed. They formed the Confederate States of America. Soon, |

| |the Union and the Confederacy were at war. |

|States’ Rights |The idea that states had the right to control all the issues in their state except for those listed in the |

| |Constitution. Southern states used the argument to nullify (ignore) laws they didn’t agree with. |

|THE CIVIL WAR |April 12, 1861 — Fort Sumter, SC. The Civil War began when Southern troops fired on Union troops who were |

|[pic] |trying to re-supply a U.S. fort. |

| |Vicksburg, MS — a Northern victory that took control of the Mississippi River from the Confederacy. A turning|

| |point in the war. |

| |Gettysburg, PA — a Northern victory in which over 35,000 Confederate and Union soldiers were killed or wounded|

| |in three days of fighting. A turning point in the war. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address |

| |1863 Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared all slaves in the rebellious Confederate |

| |states free. |

| |Appomattox Courthouse, VA — Gen. Lee surrendered to Gen. Grant to end the Civil War. Grant showed mercy to |

| |Lee and his troops. |

| |1865 Lincoln was assassinated while he attended a play in Washington, D.C. |

|Civil War Leaders |Abraham Lincoln — president of the U.S. during the Civil War. Believed in preserving the Union above all |

|[pic][pic] |else. |

| |Ulysses S. Grant — commander of the Union Army |

| |Robert E. Lee — commander of the Confederate Army. Surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse. |

| |Jefferson Davis — President of the Confederate States of America |

|Reconstruction |a time of rebuilding after the Civil War. Federal troops went to the South to ensure that Southerners |

|[pic] |followed the new laws against slavery. |

| |13th Amendment made slavery illegal in the U.S. |

| |14th Amendment gave citizenship rights to all people born or naturalized in the U.S., including former slaves.|

| |Stated that citizens cannot be “deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of the law.” All |

| |citizens will have equal protection under the law. |

| |15th Amendment gave African-American men the right to vote. |



Ben Franklin published this political cartoon calling American colonists to join together to fight the French.

“No taxation without representation!”


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