1 - AP US History Notes!

1 George Washington 1789-1797 No party?

• Judiciary Act of 1789- fed. court in each state that operated to local procedures

• Hamilton (federalist, strong gov, North)- excise tax on whiskey, national bank

• Whiskey rebellion- hurt western Pennsylvania farmers/brewers. Attacked tax collectors, burned towns

• Farewell address warned against foreign entanglements/political parties

2 John Adams 1797-1801 Federalist

• Alien and Sedition vs. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

• XYZ affair and resulting Quasi-War—France mad about ban of trade with west Indies, seized American ships

3 Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809 Democratic-Republican

• Jefferson/Burr deadlocked in Electoral College, House voted and picked

• Indian Trade and Intercourse Acts regulated relations/land sales between Natives and colonists

• Marbury v. Madison voided act of Congress (judicial review)

• Britain’s Orders in Council and France’s Continental System blockaded each other, seized ships

4 James Madison 1809-1817 Democratic-Republican

• Embargo Act of 1807- Ban vessels for leaving America for foreign areas to pressure others to accept

American neutrality. Non-Intercourse Act banned trade with just Britain/France, Macon’s Bill No. 2 opened trade

• War of 1812/Treaty of Ghent between Britain/America: impressment, violations of neutral rights

• Federalist reign ended after Hartford Convention

• America System by Henry Clay made America self-sufficient

5 James Monroe 1817-1825 Democratic-Republican

• Era of Good Feelings—no war, no controversy

• Marshall Courts: Dartmouth v. Woodward, McCulloch v. Maryland

• Missouri Compromise- Maine=free state, Missouri isn’t. Ban slavery in Louisiana Ter. N of 36 30’ except Missouri

• Monroe Doctrine- stay out of foreign wars, no more colonies in America, no European colonies in New World

6 John Quincy Adams 1825-1829 Democratic-Republican

• “Corrupt bargain” election- Clay supported Adams, so Clay got Sec. of State

• Federal aid for internal improvements

7 Andrew Jackson 1829-1837 Democrat

• 1st Democratic party. “Rotation in Office” replaced all government workers with supporters (spoils system)

• Indian Removal Act pushed Native Americans in the east further west

• Passed “Tariff of Abominations” that favored the North

• Calhoun wrote South Carolina Exposition and Protest said tariff was unconstitutional

• Nullification crisis: SC nullified tariffs, so Jackson used “Olive Branch and the Sword” (Olive Branch=reduction of

tariffs, Sword=Force Bill, let president use arms to collect duties)

• Vetoed National Bank led to panic of 1837

8 Martin Van Buren 1837-1841 Democrat

• Panic of 1837; Van Buren made Independent Treasury Bill that let government keep revenues away from banks

9 William Henry Harrison 1841-1841 (Died) Whig

• Seen as war hero (Tippecanoe), but died very early on

10 John Tyler 1841-1845 Whig

• Vetoed attempts to recreate the bank, didn’t like tariffs, federal internal improvements

• Webster-Ashburton Treaty- fix Maine/Canada border, reaffirmed American borders (Lake of the Woods)

• Preemption Act- let squatters get first dibs to buy government lands

11 James K. Polk 1845-1849 Democrat

• Strong Jacksonian, liked expansion (Fifty-four forty or fight—occupy all of Oregon country, up to 54 40’)

• Mexican-American War: didn’t pay $2 mil debt, Alamo, annexed Texas, made border Rio Grande/Not Nueces

• We got Texas, New Mexico, California for $15 mil and assumption of Mexican citizens (Guadalupe Hidalgo)

• Wilmot Proviso- Slavery should be banned in lands gotten from Mexican War (pass through House, not Senate)

12 Zachary Taylor 1849-1850 Whig

• Gold Rush; opposed spread of slavery (pop. sov.)

• Died in 1850 from gastroenteritis

13 Millard Fillmore 1850-1853 Whig

• Compromise of 1850: Texas lose land in New Mexico border dispute, federal assumption of Texas debt, New

Mexico/Utah territories have pop. sov., slave trade ban in DC, California is free state, stricter fugitive slave law

14 Franklin Pierce 1853-1857 Democrat

• Was expansionist: Gadsgen Purchase from New Mexico for railroad, wanted Cuba (Ostend Manifesto said we

should militarily take over Cuba ASAP)

• Kansas-Nebraska Act- gave new territories pop. sov. (Kansas would be free, Nebraska slave)

• Bleeding Kansas- competing Kansas govs. (Lecompton=slave, Topeka=free)

• Brown’s Pottawatomie Massacre killed proslavery officials in Lecompton

15 James Buchanan 1857-1861 Democrat

• Dred Scott v. Sanford- blacks aren’t citizens and can’t sue; temporary residence in free state cant make slave free;

repealed Missouri Compromise by saying Congress can’t prohibit slavery

• Lincoln-Douglas debates: free soil vs. pop. sov. Douglas’s Freeport Doctrine said people can exclude slavery by

refusing to pass laws that protected it

• John Brown’s raid at Harper’s Ferry- seized weapons, tried to incite slave uprising

• The Impending Crisis of the South said slavery hurt average yeomen farmers while enriching large planters

16 Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865 Republican

• Was originally a free soiler; States seceded and created Confederacy—Lincoln sent supplies to Ft. Sumner,

Confederates attacked. Lincoln called it an insurrection, causing several more states to secede.

• Civil War: Enrollment Act forced men to fight; Legal Tender Act printed millions of greenbacks that were legal;

Confiscation Acts seized Confederate property/all slaves who escaped were free; Emancipation Proc. freed slaves

| |Leaders |When |Where? |Results |Other |

|1st Bull Run |McDowell vs. Beauregard |July |Virginia |South won |Replace McDowell w/ McClellan |

| | |1861 | | | |

|Shiloh |Grant/Sherman vs. |April |Mississippi |North won | |

| |Johnston/Beauregard |1862 | | | |

|2nd Bull Run |Pope vs. Lee/Jackson |August |Virginia |South won |South crossed Potomac, invade MD |

| | |1862 | | | |

|Antietam |McClellan vs. Lee |Sept. |Maryland |North won |Caused Emancipation Proc, McClellan fired|

| | |1862 | | |for Burnside |

|Fredericksburg |Burnside vs. Lee |Dec. |Virginia |North won |Huge casualties |

| | |1862 | | | |

|Chancellorsville |Hooker vs. Lee/Jackson |May |Virginia |South won |S. was outnumbered, still won, Jackson |

| | |1863 | | |accidentally killed |

|Vicksburg |Grant vs. Pemberton |May |Mississippi |North won | |

| | |1863 | | | |

|Gettysburg |Meade vs. Lee |July |Pennsylvania |North won |1/3 of Lee’s army was killed |

| | |1863 | | | |

|Chickamauga |Rosecrans vs. Bragg |Sept. |Tennessee |North won | |

| | |1863 | | | |

|Shenandoah Valley |Sheridan vs. Early |Sept. |Virginia |North won | |

| | |1864 | | | |

|Five Forks |Grant vs. Lee |April |Virginia |North won |Confederates fled Richmond, Union took |

| | |1865 | | |over |

|Appomattox Court House |Grant/Sheridan vs. Lee |April |Virginia |North won |Caused Confederate surrender |

| | |1865 | | | |

• Lincoln came up with reconstruction plan, pocket vetoed Radicals’ plan (Wade-Davis), and got assassinated

17 Andrew Johnson 1865-1869 Democrat / National Union

• Congress overrode vetoes on Freedmen Bureau Bill and Civil Rights Act

• Reconstruction put south into 5 military districts, voters would make new constitution with black suffrage

• 14th Amendment- people born/naturalized in America were citizens (Nullified Dred Scott)

• Tenure of Office said president couldn’t fire without Senate consent. Johnson fired sec/war (Stanton)

• Tried to impeach, and ran one vote short: he served the remainder of his term

18 Gen. Ulysses S. Grant 1869-1877 Republican

• 15th Amendment- states can’t deny suffrage to men of any race or previous servitude

• Southern Republicans: Carpetbaggers (North who came for power), Scalawags (poor, Southern whites. MOST

POLITICAL POSITIONS), and Freedmen (uneducated black slaves who constituted 8/10 republican votes)

• Was lots of corruption and controversy—“Grantism”:

o “Black Friday” Scandal- Fisk/Gould tried to corner gold market: Grant stopped gov. gold sales to allow

o Credit Mobilier- skimmed government subsidies from railroad building and bribed Congress

o Salary Grab Act- congress gave huge pay raises to president and Congress

o Whiskey Ring- defrauded government from excise tax on whiskey

o Belknap bribing- Sec. of War Belknap got bribes from people involved in Native American lands

19 Rutherford B. Hayes 1877-1881 Republican

• Reconstruction ended with Compromise of 1877: gave Hayes presidency for end of Southern military occupation

• Railroad Strike of 1877 was ended with federal troops

• Bland-Allison Act- mint between $2-4 mil. silver coins a month to expand money in circulation

20 James A. Garfield 1881 (Died) Republican (Half-Breed)

• Pendleton Civil Service Act- standards of merit for gov. jobs. Stalwarts=spoils system, Half-Breeds=reform

• Killed by Charles Guiteau

21 Chester A. Arthur 1881-1885 Republican (Stalwart)

• Edmunds-Tucker Act- dissolved Mormon church company, illegalized polygamy

• Chinese Exclusion Act- limited Chinese immigrants (not ended until 1943!)

22 Grover Cleveland 1885-1889 Democrat

• Interstate Commerce Act- commission would control interstate commerce, fair railway rates, end discrimination

• Dawes Act- incorporate Native Americans into everyday society (land, rights, citizenship)

• Vetoed bill that would give out more military pensions

23 Benjamin Harrison 1889-1893 Republican

• McKinley Tariff- protective tariff to protect manufacturing (all-time high rates)

• Sherman Anti-Trust Act- monopolies that controlled whole industries and restrained trade were illegal

• Sherman Silver Purchase Act- buy silver each month at market prices, issue treasury notes redeemable in specie

• Homestead Strike- at Carnegie Steel about salaries

24 Grover Cleveland 1893-1897 Democrat

• Repealed Sherman Silver Act

• Depression of 1893-1897: Coxey’s Army marched on Washington for gov. job creation through public works

• Pullman Strike was ended with federal troops

• Wilson-Gorman tariff lowered duties and increased income tax: ruled unconstitutional by court

• Plessy vs. Ferguson said segregation was legal if separate but equal facilities were supplied

25 William McKinley 1897-1901 Republican

• Annexed Hawaii after aiding the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani during the Hawaiian Rev in 1893

• Dingley tariff increased rates to counteract Wilson-Gorman tariff

• Spanish-American War: Yellow Journalism (over exaggerating problems in Cuba), USS Maine sunk in Havana,

was the “splendid little war”, and ended with Treaty of Paris (Cuban independence, Philippines, Puerto Rico,

Guam, pay Spain $20 mil).

• Currency Act of 1900 put America on gold standard

• Open Door Notes- guarantee equal opportunity of trade with China

• Platt Amendment- Cuba is a protectorate, couldn’t 1) make treaties that compromise its independence, 2) Get

excessive debt. Had to allow American influence, and let America have a military base at Guantanamo Bay

26 Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909 Republican

• Ended United Mine Workers strike

• Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine- intervene to "stabilize" the economic affairs in Latin America

• After The Jungle, TR passed Pure Food/Drug &Meat Inspection Act to ban unclean food and create fed inspections

• Was a Conservationist: National Reclamation Act, Antiquities Act. Jingoist, and a trust-buster

• Panama Canal- recognized Panama as independent from Columbia and paid $10 mil. for canal zone

27 William Howard Taft 1909-1913 Republican

• Mann-Elkins Act strengthened the ICC and trust-busting

• Promised he would lower tariffs, but passed the Payne-Aldrich Tariff, which made him unpopular

• Dollar Diplomacy- protect American economic interests (Nicaragua and Andolfo Diaz)

• Sixteenth Amendment- graduated income tax (major Progressivist goal)

• Mann Act- can’t transport women across state lines for “immoral purposes” (prostitution)

28 Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921 Democrat

• Underwood-Simmons Tariff lowered taxes

• Federal Reserve Act- divide America into 12 sections, each with a Fed. Reserve bank

• Racist-showed birth of a nation in white house (Glorified KKK)

• Clayton Antitrust Act- making certain business practices illegal (price discrimination, busted sugar monopolies)

• World War One (Lusitania, Zimmerman telegraph, u-boats, “shape the peace” of democratic nations)

• 19th Amendment- Gave women the vote

• 18th Amendment- Illegalized alcohol BECAUSE BEER IS GERMAN!!! EEK!

• Versailles- BASHED GERMANY (reperations, disarming, blame, loses colonies), lands become free (Poland)

• 14 Points- Self-determination, free navigation/trade, reduced weapons, open treaties, League of Nations

29 Warren G. Harding 1921-1923 (Died) Republican

• Fordney-McCumber Tariff- raised protective tariffs (shows American isolationism and want for self-sufficiency)

• Teapot Dome Scandal- Sec/Interior gave oil reserves in Wyoming to oil companies for bribe

• Washington Naval Arms Conference- end Japan/America/England arms race

• Revenue Act of 1921- tax cuts to the wealthy to encourage investments (Mellon’s “trickle down” theory)

30 Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929 Republican

• National Origins Act- restricted immigration to 2% of amount of Americans

• Bonus Bill- promised military pensions to WW1 veterans- vetoed, but passed (Would later cause Bonus March)

• Sacco and Vanzetti- Italian anarchists blamed on robbery/murder: biased trial, convicted, got death sentence

• Kellogg Briand Pact- renounce aggression, outlawed war

31 Herbert Hoover 1929-1933 Republican

• American Individualism believed in volunteering, cooperation, welfare capitalism

• Encouraged continued employments; Reconstruction Finance Corporation- make loans to banks to deter depression

• Bonus March- Veterans marched on Washington to get immediate payment of pensions (army sent to end it)

• Smoot-Hawley Tariff- GRANDE tariff—raised 50%-75%!

32 Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933-1945 Democrat

• Used relief (gov. jobs), recovery (of economy), and reform (regulation of Wall Street, banks and transportation)

• Fireside chats on radio addressed criticisms, informed average citizens

• Hundred Days:

|Emergency Banking |Managed failed banks, tightened policies, more government oversight |

|Unemployment Relief |Created Civilian Conservation Corps to create public works jobs |

|Agricultural Adjustment |Created Agricultural Adjustment Admin. to raise income by cutting production |

|Federal Emergency Relief |Set aside $500 mil. for state/local relief agencies by F.E.R.A (led by Harry Hopkins) |

|Tennessee Valley Authority |Created TVA to make dams on Tennessee River for power, flood control, recreation |

|Federal Securities |Investors must get information related to their stocks, register trading with FTC |

|Home owners’ Refinancing |Gave $200 mil. to Homeowners’ Loan Corp. to refinance mortgages for nonfarmers |

|Farm Credit |Allowed farmers to refinance mortgages and get loans |

|Banking Act/1933 |Fed. Deposit Insurance—ensured bank deposits up to $5000 |

|National Industrial Recovery |Created NRA to promote recovery (fair competition); gave money for public works (led by Ickes) |

• 21st Amendment- Ended 18th Amendment ban on alcohol

• Huey Long of Louisiana advocated tax increases for the wealthy to benefit everyone’s lives

• 2nd New Deal:

|Civilian Works Admin. |Relief program that made public works jobs |

|Civil Works Emergency Relief |Temporary public works program, replaced by WPA |

|Securities Exchange Act |Regulated stock trading activities |

|National Housing Act |Insured loans from private lenders for upgrading businesses/farms |

|Indian Reorganization Act |Halted sale of tribal lands; let tribes regain unsold lands |

|Emergency Relief Appropriations |Created Works Progress Admin. to make public works jobs |

|National Labor Relations aka Wagner |Guaranteed unions’ collective bargaining, outlawed anti-union practices |

|National Youth Admin |Job training for young people and part time jobs for them |

|Revenue Act/Wealth Tax Act |Raised taxes on corporations and the wealthy |

|Social Security Act |Federal-state program of pensions, unemployment insurance, welfare for elderly |

|Public Utilities Holding Co. Act |Restricted gas/electric companies to one geographic location |

|Rural Electrification Act |Loans to utility companies to spread power to rural areas |

|Farm Tenancy Act |Aided small/tenant farmers |

|Fair Labor Standards Act |Banned child labor, set minimum wage |

• Court packing scandal- FDR wanted to pick another member for every justice older than 70

• Good Neighbor Policy- renounced any nation’s right to intervene in affairs of another

• Neutrality Acts- outlawed arms sales, banned loans/travel on ships of nations at war

• Destroyers for bases with England; lend-lease program gave supplies to American allies

• Yalta Conference: USSR would declare war on Japan after German surrender, would give free elections to Eastern

Europe, founded United Nations

33 Harry S. Truman 1945-1953 Democrat

• GI Bill- veterans got hiring priority, college education, unemployment benefits

• Truman Doctrine- contain communism, aid any nation fighting communist rule (Turkey/Greece)

• Bretton Woods Agreement (International Monetary Fund/World Bank)/Marshall Plan (rebuild Europe) after war

• Tried to help Nationalists (Jiang Jieshi and Chiang Kai Shek=same person) but Mao Zedong (Commie) took over

• Korean War- Democratic South (Sigmund Rhee) vs. Communist North (Kim Il Sung). Left divided at 38th parallel

• Taft-Hartley Act- ban closed shop, union leaders sign loyalty oaths, president can make “cooling-off” period

• Fair Deal- raise minimum wage, increase social security, improve urban areas, allow people to immigrate after war

• Alger Hiss/Ethyl and Julius Rosenburg convicted of aiding USSR during war

• Recognized creation of Israel (safe haven for Jews after World War Two)

34 Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953-1961 Republican

• Most Important: Highway, Social Security/Continuing New Deal, Depts. Health, Education, Welfare

• Interstate Highway Act of 1957- biggest public works, made in case of war (landing planes, transporting easily)

• Eisenhower Doctrine- would give economic/military aid and to stop the spread of communism in the Middle East

• Vietnam War- Communist North (Ho Chi Minh) and Free South (Ngo Dinh Diem)

• Brown v. Board and desegregation of Little Rock Schools

• Alaska/Hawaii gain statehood

35 John F. Kennedy 1961-1963 (Died) Democrat

• Bay of Pigs- America got exiles to invade Cuba to overthrow Castro (failed, America removed all air support)

• Cuban Missile Crisis- Soviets built missiles in Cuba. We started a blockade, agreed to remove missiles in Turkey

• In Vietnam, he authorized napalm, crop-killers, increased troops (South leader Diem killed in 1963)

• USSR war threats/US military increase led to Berlin Wall separating Communist East Germany and Free Western

• “New Frontier”- education funding, Medicare, end racism. Many programs didn’t pass until after his death

• Protected SNCC’s Freedom Riders and created the Peace Corps to volunteer internationally

36 Lyndon B. Johnson 1963-1969 Democrat

• “Great Society” wanted to end poverty/racism:

o Civil Rights Act: end racism in fed programs, let feds fight school segregation, ban job discrimination

o Voting Rights Act: Invalidated test to deny the vote

o Economic Oportunity Act: job training, VISTA volunteers (American peace corp), public works

o Medicare/Medicaid: Medical insurance for the elderly, disabled, and poor

o Elementary/Secondary Education Act: school funding and special education programs

o Housing/Urban Development Act: Urban beautification and housing projects

• Escalated Vietnam War; Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gave permission to do anything to repel attacks or aggression

• Operation Rolling Thunder used continuous bombing. Hawks wanted total victory, Doves wanted negotiation

37 Richard M. Nixon 1969-1974 Republican

• Represented “silent majority” of conservative taxpayers and good American citizens

• Believed in realpolitik (practical, natl. interests) and Nixon Doctrine- America was a helpful partner, not a protector

• My Lai Massacre- American trios killed civilians, gang-raped: turned people against the war

• Vietnamization- replace Americans with South Vietnamese. But he increased bombing of North/Cambodia/Laos?!

• Paris Accords- ended major American involvement in Vietnam. Released POW’s

• Trip to China and recognition of PRC created détente

• SALT froze missile construction for 5 years

• Yom Kippur War- Egypt attacked Israel, America gave Israel weapons that allowed them to win

• Led to OPEC Oil Crisis in 1973- raised prices of oil a lot because America supported Israel

• Wiretapped Democrats’ headquarters, got caught. Watergate Scandal led to his resignation, leaving Ford in control

38 Gerald R. Ford 1974-1977 Republican

• Pardoned Nixon so he could avoid criminal punishment


39 Jimmy Carter 1977-1981 Democrat

• Torrijos-Carter treaties gave Panama Canal back to Panama

• SALT 2- banned new missile programs

• Camp David Accords- Israel & Egypt: let Gaza/West Bank self-govern and tried to end violence

• Iran Hostage Crisis- Muslims took over US Embassy and held people captive for 444 days to support revolution






…and walk with Molly Simeur and Nikita Nambiar to Donato’s after the exam!


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