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8077200571500182880000 Summer Literacy Calendar Entering 1st GradeDirections: Complete the activities below. Return the completed calendar to your teacher when you return to school. SunMonTueWedThuFriSat123456Read a book in your favorite place.Draw a picture and write a sentence describing your favorite book character.Read a funny story.Find 3 words in a book you are reading and write a synonym for each word (Hint: synonym means the same). Turn off all the lights and read with a flashlight or by a lamp.78910111213Read a book about an animal or something in nature.Read a story and write about your favorite part. Read a bedtime story to a parent or family member before going to bed.Read a fiction story and draw pictures that show the beginning, middle, and end of the story.Write a story and draw a picture about a time you had fun outside.14151617181920Listen to a family member read a favorite book.What do you know about your favorite animal? Write a story to teach someone facts about your favorite animal.Draw a new book cover for one of your favorite books.Read a story and tell a family member about the setting of the story.Read a book and make a list of 10 nouns you find in the book (Hint: A noun is a person, place, or thing).21222324252627Read a magazine, newspaper, restaurant menu, coupon, or sales advertisement.Read outside. If it is raining, read by a window.What us the best food you have ever eaten? Write a story and draw a picture about the best food you have ever eaten.Read a story and make up a new ending to the story.Find 3 words in a book you are reading and write an antonym for each word (Hint: antonym means opposite). 282930Read an informational book (nonfiction) about something that interests you.Read a book and make a list of 5 words with digraphs ch, sh, th, wh, and ph.Student Name: __________________________________________ Parent Signature: ____________________________________________left762000right952500 Summer Literacy Calendar Entering 1st Grade Directions: Complete the activities below. Return the completed calendar to your teacher when you return to school. SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1234Read a book in your pajamas.Memorize a poem or song and perform it for a family member.Read a story on a phone, tablet, or computer.567891011Read a book under a cozy blanket or in the bed.Read a story and tell someone the problem and solution of the story.Write your own story and read it to someone.Read a book to someone over the phone.Make a list of all the words you know how to spell.12131415161718Read a book and create a new title for the book.Read a book and find 5 verbs in the book (Hint: Verbs are action words).Read a story and retell the story in the correct sequence (order).Read a nonfiction book and write 2 facts you learned in the book.Read a book sitting in your favorite chair.19202122232425Reread your favorite book to a family member. Tell why this is your favorite book.Make a list of fun games you like to play.Read a book and do 5 jumping jacks when you finish reading the book.Write a How-To story teaching someone how to brush his or her teeth.Read a book to one of your stuffed animals or toys.262728293031Read the words you know on a cereal box.Read a book and find words that rhyme.Write a story about your favorite cartoon character or superhero.Read the words you know on 5 food labels in your kitchen.Write a letter to your first grade teacher telling him or her about yourself.Student Name: __________________________________________ Parent Signature: ____________________________________________ ................

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