Chapter 18 Study Guide - Mrs. Jander's Website

Chapters 16, 17, & 18 Study Guide

The male reproductive system works to produce sperm and deliver it to the female reproductive system.

Sperm- sex cells in the male

Testis (Testicles)- the male reproductive organs that make sperm and testosterone

Penis- the male reproductive organ that removes urine from the body and can deliver sperm to the female reproductive organs

Semen- a fluid made up of sperm and other secretions from the male reproduction organs

Problems of the Male Reproductive System

|Problem |What is it? |Symptoms |Treatment |

|Jock Itch |Fungal infection |Itchy rash in the groin area |Over-the-counter anti-fungal creams |

|Cystitis |Inflammation of the urinary |Burning while urinating |Antibiotics prescribed by a doctor |

|(Bladder Infection) |bladder | | |

|Prostatitis |Bacteria infection of the |Inflammation in the prostate, fever, |Antibiotics prescribed by a doctor |

| |prostate |pain in the abdomen | |

The female reproductive system produces eggs and supports a developing human (baby).

Eggs- sex cell in the female

Ovary- female reproductive organs that produces eggs and hormones

Vagina-female reproductive organ that connects the outside body to the uterus and that receives sperm during reproduction

Fallopian Tubes- female reproductive organ that transport an egg from the ovary to the uterus

Menstrual Cycle- A monthly process hormone-controlled changes by which the lining of the uterus is shed, except during pregnancy.

The average menstrual cycle last 28 days, but can vary from individual to individual and month to month.

Stress, diet, travel, illness can influence the timing of the menstrual cycle.

Problems with Female Reproductive System

|Problem |What is it? |Symptoms |Treatment |

|Cystitis |Inflammation of the urinary |Burning while urinating |Antibiotics prescribed by a doctor |

|(Bladder Infection) |bladder | | |

|Menstrual Cramps |Cramps |Contractions of the uterine |Over-the-counter medication, warm |

| | |muscles |bath |

|Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)|Mental and physical changes |Mood swings, depression, |To be determined by a doctor |

| |related to the menstrual cycle|abdominal bloating | |

Fertilization- the joining of the sperm and an egg

Sexual Intercourse- the reproductive process in which the penis is inserted into the vagina. It can lead to the beginning of a new human life (baby).

Embryo- a fertilized egg

Placenta- a structure that enables an embryo to obtain nutrients from its mother

Fetus- a developing human, from the start of the 9th week of pregnancy until delivery

Prenatal Care- Health care provided to women during their pregnancy.

Development of the Fetus

|1st Trimester |2nd Trimester |3rd Trimester |

|(The first 3 months) |(The 4th, 5th, and 6th month) |(The 7th, 8th, and 9th month) |

|By the end of the 1st trimester, all of |The fetus moves or “kicks”. Hair begins to |The fetus begins to gain weight and needs a |

|the major body parts have formed, but not|grow. The fetus can hear and recognize |lot of nutrients from the mother. The brain |

|all parts can function fully. |sound. The gender of the fetus can be |and organs develop further. By 8 months, the |

| |determined. |fetus is about 20 inches long. |


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