High School Orchestra Syllabus

High School Honors Chamber Orchestra Syllabus [pic]

Teacher: Leah Paese Phone Number: 631-761-8305

Students & Parents/ Guardians: Please initial on each line throughout this packet! Please return the entire packet during at the next class period.

ORCHESTRA GOALS: initials: ______ & ______

• To expand the knowledge of orchestral music.

• To learn advanced instrumental and musical skills.

• To be a role model to the Concert Orchestra Members.

• To become a confident, responsible, caring and cultured member of our community.

CONCERTS: initials: ______ & ______

• Mandatory Performances include/but are not limited to: School Concerts, NYSSMA Majors, Graduation

• A Music Trip may be scheduled for the advanced ensembles. The Chamber Orchestra is small ensemble making each of our members crucial to its sound and balance. It is my hope that all of our members will try their best to attend. Fundraising is used and can cut down or eliminate the cost of such a trip. Please see me if there are any questions or concerns regarding this matter.

• An alternate assignment will be given if a performance is missed.

CONCERT DRESS: initials: ______ & ______

• Ladies: black dress blouse, LONG ankle length black skirt or black dress pants, black dress shoes

• Men: Black Suit, WHITE dress shirt, black socks and black dress shoes, white bow tie- please purchase this on your own

• NO SNEAKERS or flip flops please.

• Proper dress is required. Failure to follow the dress code may results in points off the class grade and/or not participating in the performance.

MUSIC LESSONS: initials: ______ & ______

• Students must attend weekly music lessons as part of the class grade. Lessons rotate during at least 4 class periods so students should not miss the same class more than once every month.

• A lesson schedule is handed out at the beginning of each quarter. Lesson schedules will be emailed to any parent who requests one.

• Missed lessons: When a student wants to make-up a lesson they must get a MAKE-UP form signed by the teacher of the class they want to miss. Only four students can make-up a lesson at a time and students may only make-up 2 lessons in 1 week. Students will receive full credit if they make-up a lesson within 2 weeks. If a lesson is made up after 2 weeks they will earn partial credit.

CHAMBER ORCHESTRA REQUIREMENTS: initials: ______ & ______

• Members are required to participate in an additional school ensemble such as a trio, quartet, select strings, pit orchestra, etc. The small ensembles must perform at some point during the year. This performance may be for high school staff (the HS office, attendance, etc.), for Early Childhood students, or for a concert that you set up. It is your responsibility to set up this additional performance. Concert Orchestra is no longer an option for the additional ensemble.

• Participation at the NYSSMA Solo Festival on a level V or VI solo.

ORCHESTRA MATERIALS: initials: ______ & ______

Due in class by the second day of school.

• A violin, viola, cello or bass must be rented for home use. Basses and cellos will be available for school use.

• Violin and viola students must bring their instrument to school as well as using it at home. Please label instruments with the student’s name.

• Supplies needed: mute (black circle is best), * black 1-inch hard binder, binder hole punch or clear sheet protectors, some loose-leaf paper, highlighter, pencils, rosin and a soft, binder pencil case, ebony mute

o Violin/viola ONLY: shoulder rest, extra set of strings

o Cello ONLY: extra A & D string, these will be turned into the teacher

o Cello/Bass ONLY: rock stop

o Bass ONLY: bass rosin- it must be NYMAN, POP’s or KOLSTEINS bass rosin- this will be held by the teacher

• Items that are useful for a musician to be successful: tuner, metronome, music stand

o If there is a problem in purchasing these items or books please let me know as soon as possible.


• 25% Participation in class: Students are expected to be prepared with their materials everyday. If you do not have your instrument please fill out a “missing instrument form” as your participation grade for the period with no penalty. Although unforeseen circumstances occur this form should not be used more than 4 times within a year. Excessive use of this form will result in a lower participation grade. Please see me if there are extenuating circumstance.

• 25% Group lessons

• 25% Playing tests (NYSSMA Majors)/ required concerts/ additional ensemble: Performance tests will be given during lesson periods throughout the quarter. * An alternate assignment will be given to students who miss a required concert performance. Concert Seating may be based on playing tests and various factors that enhance the sound of the ensemble. The option to “challenge” for a better seat is available by approaching Mrs. Paese at least 3 weeks before a concert!! A challenge is for the seat before you & a student can only challenge the same person one time per year. Please be prepared to play excerpts from the concert music in front of the class.

• 25% Written exams/ assignments

• Orchestra is a regent’s course therefore the students will be given a midterm and final exam containing both written and performance components. The midterm exam will count as 20% of the 2nd quarter grade. The final exam will be listed separately on the report card and count as 20% of the final grade.

• Extra Credit: Extra credit will be given for help in various activities as well as completion of additional assignments. Assignments are posted on the Hauppauge School District web-site and must be handed in by the Friday before the end of the quarter.

• Students have the option of handing in their orchestra binder by the Friday before the end of each quarter for an extra 100% assignment grade. In order for the student to receive this credit the binder must be presented in an organized manner with all the necessary *components, orchestra/ lesson music as well as the *lesson books.

• Extra help will be given every week. Please see me for more information.

As High School students it is the responsibility of the student to keep track of all his/her assignments, lessons and grades. All work must be completed by the specified deadline. If any problems arise please see me as soon as possible.


I understand and agree with the information above. I will be a positive influence in the high school orchestra program and will act in a respectful and responsible manner.


Students Name Student Signature


Parent/ Guardian Name Parent/ Guardian Signature


Parent/ Guardian: If you would like to be contacted by email please provide it above.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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