City of Stonnington

MINUTESof the ORDINARY MEETING of the STONNINGTON CITY COUNCILheld in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, MALVERN TOWN HALL(CORNER GLENFERRIE ROAD & HIGH STREET, MALVERN)on4 December 2017 SEQ Minutes \r 0\h \* MERGEFORMAT SEQ SeqList \* ALPHABETIC \* MERGEFORMATA.Reading of the Reconciliation Statement and PrayerB.Apologies SEQ SeqList \* ALPHABETIC \* MERGEFORMATC.Adoption and confirmation of minutes of previous meeting(s) in accordance with Section 63 of the Act and Clause 423 of General Local Law 2008 (No 1)1.Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 20 November 2017 PAGEREF PDF2_ReportName_N_1 \h 5 SEQ SeqList \* ALPHABETIC \* MERGEFORMATD.Disclosure by Councillors of any conflicts of interest in accordance with Section 79 of the ActE.Questions to Council from Members of the PublicF.Correspondence – (only if related to council business)G.Questions to Council Officers from CouncillorsH.Tabling of Petitions and Joint LettersSEQ SeqList \* ALPHABETIC \* MERGEFORMATI.Notices of Motion SEQ SeqList \* ALPHABETIC \* MERGEFORMATJ.Reports of Special and Other Committees1.Reports of Committees: IMAP PAGEREF PDF2_ReportName_5115 \h 6 SEQ SeqList \* ALPHABETIC \* MERGEFORMATK.Reports by Delegates SEQ SeqList \* ALPHABETIC \* MERGEFORMATL.General Business1.Planning Application 0727/06 - 5- 637 - 641 Chapel Street, South Yarra Victoria 3141- to extend the area where alcohol can be served and consumed to include the footpath trading area. PAGEREF PDF2_ReportName_5125 \h 62.Planning Application 0687/17- 162 & 164 Toorak Road, South Yarra VIC 3141- Three (3) storey commercial (office, retail and restaurant) development plus rooftop terrace, integrated public plaza and associated car parking dispensation. PAGEREF PDF2_ReportName_5126 \h 73.Planning Application 0842/16- 9 Netherlee Street, Glen Iris VIC 3146- Construction of a second dwelling on a lot in a General Residential Zone PAGEREF PDF2_ReportName_5127 \h 224.Planning Application 1003/16- 34 King Street, Prahran - use and development of the land as a food and drink premises (as of right use) and indoor recreation facility (dance and performance studio) in a Activity Centre Zone, Special Building Overlay with associated waiver of the loading and unloading requirement. PAGEREF PDF2_ReportName_5128 \h 255.Planning Application 233/17 - 9 Gertrude Street, Windsor - Extension to a dwelling on a lot less than 500 square metres in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone and Special Building Overlay PAGEREF PDF2_ReportName_5129 \h 296.Amendment C243 - Permanent Heritage Protection for Blairholme House, 1034-1040 Malvern Road, Armadale PAGEREF PDF2_ReportName_5122 \h 317.Amendments C255 and C257 - Permanent Heritage Protection for 221 Burke Road, Glen Iris and 390 Glenferrie Road, Malvern - Adoption PAGEREF PDF2_ReportName_5123 \h 318.Amendment C266 - Open Space Rezoning PAGEREF PDF2_ReportName_5124 \h 329.Economic Development Strategy 2017-2021 PAGEREF PDF2_ReportName_5130 \h 3210.Children, Youth and Family Strategy. PAGEREF PDF2_ReportName_5131 \h 32 M.Other General BusinessN.Urgent BusinessSEQ SeqList \* ALPHABETIC \* MERGEFORMATO.Confidential Business Present:cr steven stefanopoulos, mayor:cr glen atwell:cr marcia griffin:cr john chandler:cr sally davis:cr judy hindle:cr melina sehrCouncil Officers Present:warren roberts, ceo:geoff cockram:simon thomas:cath harrod:stuart draffin:fabienne thewlis:alexandra kastaniotisSEQ SeqListB \* ALPHABETIC \* MergeformatA.Reading Of The Reconciliation Statement And PrayerFabienne Thewlis, Manager Governance & Corporate Support, read the following reconciliation statement: We acknowledge that we are meeting on the traditional land of the Boonwurrung and Wurundjeri people and offer our respects to the elders past and present. We recognise and respect the cultural heritage of this land.The meeting began with a prayer at 7.02pm.The Mayor Cr Stefanopoulos introduced Councillors and the Chief Executive Officer Warren Roberts. Mr Roberts then introduced Council Officers.SEQ SeqListB \* ALPHABETIC \* MergeformatB.Apologies The Mayor Cr Stefanopoulos advised that leave has already been granted for Cr Klisaris.Procedural Motion:Moved Cr Glen AtwellSeconded Cr Marcia GriffinThat the apology received from Cr Koce be accepted and he be granted leave of absence for this meeting.CarriedProcedural Motion:Moved Cr Melina SehrSeconded Cr John ChandlerThat the apology received from Cr Sehr for the Council meeting to be held on 18 December 2017 be accepted and she be granted leave of absence for that meeting.CarriedSEQ SeqListB \* ALPHABETIC \* MergeformatC.Adoption And Confirmation Of Minutes Of Previous Meeting(S) In Accordance With Section 63 Of The Act And Clause 423 Of General Local Law 2008 (No 1)1.Council Meeting - 20 November 2017Motion:Moved Cr Sally DavisSeconded Cr Glen Atwell That the Council confirms the Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Stonnington City Council held on 20 November 2017 and Minutes of the Confidential Meeting of the Stonnington City Council held on 20 November 2017 as an accurate record of the proceedings subject to the following minor correction:Page 23“6.Scout Hall Balmoral Street near at Gateway to the Prahran MarketCr Chandler asked what is happening with the Scout Hall in Balmoral Street near at the ..”Carried SEQ SeqListB \* ALPHABETIC \* MergeformatD.Disclosure by Councillors of any conflicts of interest in accordance with Section 79 of the ActNilE.Questions to Council from Members of the PublicDuring Council’s previous Ordinary Meeting two (2) sets of questions to Council were received from members of the public. All questions were relating to the proposed Stonnington Indoor Stadium, the Chadstone Bowling Club, the East Malvern RSL and Percy Treyvaud Reserve.At the time, I used my discretion available to me under Council’s General Local Law not to answer the questions at the meeting. As required under the Local Law, written answers were subsequently provided to the submitters. A copy of the responses is now tabled for inclusion in the minutes.Questions and responses for B CleggQuestion 1The November 21 confidential meeting and the December 5 Open Council meeting resolution was that Council would undertake a detailed Feasibility Study into the proposed development of an indoor stadium at Percy Treyvaud Park.There was no mention in the report that went to Council at that time of developing a “Master Plan for Percy Treyvaud Park” - when was it decided that this would be part of the feasibility study?ResponseOn 21 November 2016 Council resolved to complete a feasibility study into the proposed development of an indoor stadium at Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park with a minimum of 4 courts, and to include as part of the feasibility study, opportunities to accommodate the Chadstone Bowls Club and/or its members at alternate locations. The Feasibility Study concluded that a proposal that can accommodate a new indoor sports stadium, bowls facility and other potentially displaced uses within Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park has the greatest potential to effectively mitigate the impacts of the proposed stadium. On 30 October 2017 Council noted the contents of the feasibility study and in considering the next steps in the project, resolved to develop a master plan for the park as the most appropriate way to realise the outcome that the feasibility study concluded as being the most suitable.Question 2Were Councillors made aware of this prior to being given the report?ResponseCouncillors received a copy of the Feasibility Study on 17 October 2017, were briefed by the various consultants that contributed to it on 23 October 2017 and considered the report regarding the feasibility study and the next steps in the Stonnington Indoor Sports Stadium project at the Council Meeting on 30 October 2017.Question 3Did Council consult with the summer and winter season users of the sportsgrounds including Chadstone Lacrosse Club regarding their relocation to a new multipurpose sport and recreation facility?ResponseCouncil’s decision to undertake a master plan for Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park to realise a proposal that can accommodate a new indoor sports stadium, bowls facility and other potentially displaced uses within the park has been discussed with representatives of the Chadstone Lacrosse Club and East Malvern Tooronga Cricket Club.Question 4At the August 31 2015 Council meeting Councillors agreed to rule out the use of open space and sportsgrounds from further consideration re the use of the land for an indoor stadium. Will Council give an undertaking that under no circumstances will any public open space be used in anyway to accommodate any sporting or recreation use emulating from the “location of a new multipurpose sport and recreation facility” at Percy Treyvaud Park.ResponseThe space required to accommodate the needs of the existing users alongside the introduction of four indoor courts, and the configuration of those facilities will be determined through the master plan process. The options presented to Council as part of the feasibility study did not encroach upon the sportsgrounds.Questions and responses for D WallishQuestion 1On 14 December 2016 I asked the following question:"Why has Council endorsed the entire Percy Treyvaud Park as the preferred site of the proposed indoor sports stadium”? The response, "The site that will be subject to the feasibility study is the land currently occupied by the Chadstone Bowls Club within Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park.” Why does the October 30th report therefore “confirm Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park as the location of a new multipurpose sport and recreation facility’??ResponseThe Report to Council on 5 December 2016 stated that the next stage in the Stonnington Indoor Stadium project would be to undertake a Feasibility Study on the proposal to construct a new indoor stadium on the site currently occupied by the Chadstone Bowls Club. A key element of the feasibility study was to include a report on the options for the future of the Chadstone Bowls Club and its members. The Feasibility Study was considered by Council on 30 October 2017 and concluded that a proposal that can accommodate a new indoor sports stadium, bowls facility and other potentially displaced uses within Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park has the greatest potential to effectively mitigate the impacts of the proposed stadium. The Feasibility Study contained two concepts that illustrate how a new indoor sports stadium, a lawn bowls facility and facilities for the other sporting users could be configured. These options will be explored through the development of a master plan for the park.Question 2Why have Council Officers gone outside the resolution of the December 14 meeting and decided that Percy Treyvaud Park would be the location of a new multipurpose sport and recreation facility to host “four indoor courts, chadstone bowls club, chadstone tennis club, chadstone recreation and civic club, summer and winter season users of the sportsgrounds”??ResponseOn 21 November 2016 Council resolved to complete a feasibility study into the proposed development of an indoor stadium at Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park with a minimum of 4 courts, and to include as part of the feasibility study, opportunities to accommodate the Chadstone Bowls Club and/or its members at alternate locations. The Feasibility Study concluded that a proposal that can accommodate a new indoor sports stadium, bowls facility and other potentially displaced uses within Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park has the greatest potential to effectively mitigate the impacts of the proposed stadium. On 30 October 2017 Council noted the contents of the feasibility study and in considering the next steps in the project, resolved to develop a master plan for the park as the most appropriate way to realise the outcome that the feasibility study concluded as being the most suitable.Question 3Council considers it underwent "extensive community consultation” but not once was the community consulted, nor was any mention made about a “new multipurpose sport and recreation facility at Percy Treyvaud Park" or Councils intention to “develop a Project Management Plan to initiate a Master Plan for Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park” - why wasn’t this made known to residents and park users at the time of consultation??ResponseCouncil’s commitment to developing a master plan for the Park to demonstrate how a new multipurpose sport and recreation facility would be configured was a result of the findings of the Feasibility Study. The commitment to presenting a Project Management Plan to Council before commencing the master planning process is to illustrate how the various stakeholder groups, including residents living nearby the park, will be involved in that process.Question 4Council documents quite clearly state that the scope of the feasibility study was ?to “recommend to Council to either implement, amend, postpone, stage or abandon the proposal” of a “new indoor stadium” on the current site of the Chadstone Bowls Club - there is no mention of enlarging the proposal to incorporate all other users of Percy Treyvaud Park or for the park to be subject to a masterplan- why have Council Officers ignored Councils resolution?ResponseOn 21 November 2016 Council resolved to complete a feasibility study into the proposed development of an indoor stadium at Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park with a minimum of 4 courts, and to include as part of the feasibility study, opportunities to accommodate the Chadstone Bowls Club and/or its members at alternate locations. The Feasibility Study concluded that a proposal that can accommodate a new indoor sports stadium, bowls facility and other potentially displaced uses within Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park has the greatest potential to effectively mitigate the impacts of the proposed stadium. Council has resolved to develop a master plan for the park as the most appropriate way to progress this amended proposal.Question 5?Isn’t it true that Council will be unable to accommodate a new multipurpose sport and recreation facility to host:?Four indoor Sports CourtsChadstone Bowls ClubChadstone Tennis ClubChadstone Recreation and Civic Club andSummer and winter season users of the sportsgrounds including Chadstone Lacrosse Clubwithout encroaching onto public open space or the existing sportsground??ResponseThe space required to accommodate the needs of the existing users alongside the introduction of four indoor courts, and the configuration of those facilities will be determined through the master plan process. The options presented to Council as part of the feasibility study did not encroach upon the sportsgrounds.For tonight’s Ordinary Meeting of Council one (1) set of Questions to Council have been received for response. In accordance with clause 424 of Council’s General Local Law a summary of the question is as follows:One (1) question from Ms WallishThe question asked is one of the key elements of the feasibility study was ‘preparation of a detailed concept plan, construction cost plan and identification of any funding options’. Why was this key element omitted from the final feasibility report?Council will answer the question, but I use my discretion under Clause 424 (3) (b) of the Local Law to not provide the response this evening but to provide a written response to the submitter within 14 working days and the response will be put into the minutes of the following meeting.F.Correspondence – (only if related to council business)Cr Davis tabled the following correspondence:Two emails from nearby residents relating to the construction of the Gardiner Park pavilion seeking discussion on changes to the plans and raising other issues. Cr Davis advised she will follow this up under Questions of Officers.Letter from a resident of Malvern East following up on the response from Council in respect to public open space at Percy Treyvaud reserve and the proposed stadium. Cr Davis advised she will follow this up under Questions of Officers.Cr Chandler tabled the following correspondence:Email from resident of Oban Street South Yarra updating their objections to planning application proposing changes to the Luxton Road café at 14 Luxton Road Hawksburn.Email from the Executive Chairman of the Chapel Street Precinct Association Inc. seeking consideration by Council of a request for funding in 2018 towards their Winter Festival Provocare.Letter from objector to planning application at 162-164 Toorak Road South Yarra formally withdrawing their objection to this application as they have formed the opinion that the grounds of their objections have now been addressed.Cr Stefanopoulos tabled the following correspondence:An email from residents of Cyril Street Windsor advising of their objection to the proposal for the demolition of a heritage stables building at 31-33 The Avenue in order to construct a multi-deck carpark and expressing concern at this proposed loss of heritage in this area without any consultation.G.Questions to Council Officers from Councillors1.Public Open Space – Percy Treyvaud ReserveCr Davis followed up on the email tabled from a resident in Malvern East in response to a reply received to their previous question of 20 November 2017 asking for further clarification on the Public Open Space.The CEO Warren Roberts advised that work on the Feasibility Study identified the ability to accommodate all on-site and on the on-site road however Council will be better position when the masterplan is undertaken to see how it will unfold.– he advised he will respond to formally in writing. Cr Davis asked what road he was referring to and the CEO advised it is the internal road between Chadstone Road and Quentin Road that will close as it is built over.2.Gardiner Park PavilionCr Davis followed up on the emails tabled from residents near Gardiner Park Reserve asking if a report could come to the next briefing on the pavilion that is currently being constructed.The General Manager Assets and Services Simon Thomas took the matter on notice and advised that it would be a late report.3.Condition of Building in Chapel Street Cr Hindle noted that an ornate building in Chapel Street has a fig tree growing out of the fa?ade which will damage the building and asked if anything can be done.The General Manager Planning and Amenity Stuart Draffin advised he knows the building and not just the tree but also the maintenance – there is little statutory power that Council has but will write to property owner to advise on the state of the building.H.Tabling of Petitions and Joint LettersCr Davis tabled a petition with 25 signatures and supporting email and letter drawing Council’s attention, as residents of Wandeen Road Glen Iris and abutting roads to the “dangerous an illegal parking in:all day parking along both sides of Wandeen Road causing obstruction to through traffic including emergency vehicles;obstructing the view of drivers turning in or out of Wandeen Road creating danger to both pedestrians and vehicles;parking across or dangerously close to residents’ driveways.”The petitioners request an assessment by traffic engineers and consideration by Council as follows:“a)to install suitable signage notifying parking time limits in Wandeen Road to discourage all day parking by non-residents;b)to install clear signage at either end of Wandeen Road to prevent parking adjacent to the solid white lines and dangerously close to the corners;c)to place line markings on the road to clearly define safe parking near residents’ driveways.”Procedural Motion:Moved Cr Glen AtwellSeconded Cr Melina SehrThat the petition regarding Wandeen Road Glen Iris be received.CarriedI.Notices of MotionNil SEQ SeqListB \* ALPHABETIC \* MergeformatJ.Reports of Special and Other Committees1Reports of Committees: IMAPMotion:Moved Cr Melina SehrSeconded Cr Sally Davis That Council confirms the minutes of the Inner Melbourne Action Plan Implementation Committee (IMAP) meeting held on Friday 25 August 2017 as circulated.Carried The CEO Warren Roberts tabled the following Assembly of Councillors Records: Community Services Advisory Committee meeting held on 20 November 2017Sustainability Advisory Committee meeting held on 27 November 2017Strategic Planning Advisory Committee meeting held on 27 November 2017Councillor Briefing held on 27 November 2017North, South and East Ward meetings held October – November 2017Summary of Planning Consultative Meetings held in October and November 2017Cr Griffin reported on the Economic Development and Culture Advisory Committee meeting held on 4 December 2017 where the following matters were discussed:Christmas carols and other events risk management plansInternational Women’s Day 2018Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival 2018Greville Street MuralSEQ SeqListB \* ALPHABETIC \* MergeformatK.Reports of DelegatesNil SEQ SeqListB \* ALPHABETIC \* MergeformatL.General Business1Planning Application 0727/06 - 5- 637 - 641 Chapel Street, South Yarra Victoria 3141- to extend the area where alcohol can be served and consumed to include the footpath trading area.Motion:Moved Cr John ChandlerSeconded Cr Marcia Griffin That a Notice of Decision to Amend Planning Permit No: 727/06 for the land located at 637-641 Chapel Street South Yarra be issued under the Stonnington Planning Scheme to amend the endorsed plan to include the footpath trading area within the area where liquor can be served and consumed (red line plan), subject to the following additional conditions:The use of the footpath trading area on Chapel Street associated with the northernmost restaurant for the sale and consumption of liquor must cease at 11pm every night. The northernmost restaurant’s bi-fold doors facing Chapel Street must be closed from 11pm every night until 7am the next day.Prior to the endorsement of plans, a Venue Management Plan (relating to the northernmost restaurant) must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. The Venue Management Plan must include the following:An acoustic report assessing noise from the restaurant, and making recommendations to ensure any noise impacts to adjoining residential properties are reasonable.A regular meeting between venue management and the owners corporation of 666 Chapel Street to discuss any issues with the venue. This must occur at least every three months.The provision of a direct phone number that residents can call if and when issues arise.The provision of a staff member to be present on the door when patrons are leaving the venue after 11pm to ensure they leave in a manner respectful to residential neighbours.That staff must clear the footpath outside the venue and the entrance to 666 Chapel Street of any litter every night when closing the venue.The provision of music within the northernmost restaurant must be limited to background music only. No live music is allowed unless with the written consent of the Responsible Authority. Noise emanating from the subject land must comply with State Environment Protection Policy (Control of Music Noise from Public Premises) No. N2, to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. The service of beer associated with the northernmost restaurant footpath trading area must be in cans (not glass bottles).Carried2Planning Application 0687/17- 162 & 164 Toorak Road, South Yarra VIC 3141- Three (3) storey commercial (office, retail and restaurant) development plus rooftop terrace, integrated public plaza and associated car parking dispensation.Motion:Moved Cr John ChandlerSeconded Cr Marcia Griffin That a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit No: 687/17 for the land located at 162 & 164 Toorak Road, South Yarra be issued under the Stonnington Planning Scheme for the use, and buildings and works associated with a commercial (office, retail and restaurant) development with integrated public plaza in a Heritage Overlay, with an easement, and a reduction in the car parking and loading requirements, subject to the following conditions:1.Before the commencement of the use and development, one (1) electronic copy of plans drawn to scale and fully dimensioned, must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. The plans must be generally in accordance with the plans prepared by Bruce Henderson Architects Pty Ltd (Job number 37022, Council date stamped 24 August 2017) but modified to show:a)Redesign and activation of the southern elevation to better acknowledge the interface with and aspect over the South Yarra Siding Reserve and the eastern elevation to Lovers Walk. The redesigns should promote passive surveillance on both the southern and eastern sides, taking into account level changes.b)Shearing of the corner of the eastern building at ground level to open the mouth to Lovers Walk and reduce the blind corner effect, with careful attention to resolving any necessary level changes without the need for steps.c)Provision of an entry point to the restaurant from the ground level central walkway, and consequent redesign, ensuring passive surveillance from the retail tenancies is maintained along both sides of this central walkway.d)A glazed or balustrade barrier at the ‘future park connection’ to promote views over the South Yarra Siding Reserve.e)All elevation treatments to be graffiti-proof – with particular attention to the southern and eastern elevations.f)Retention of some of the bluestone foundations on the Toorak Road bridge and incorporation into the landscaped design, at the approximate north-east corner of the landscaped quadrant, to reference the heritage of the original rail corridor bridge.g)A minimum headroom clearance of 2.2m for the carriageway easement and ramp to the car parking spaces on the deck.h)Any changes as required by condition 3 (WMP), 4 (SMP), and 6 (landscape plan).i)A schedule of construction materials, external finishes and colours must be submitted and approved. When approved, the schedule will be endorsed and will form part of the permit.j)Concurrent with the endorsement of plans, the applicant is to provide to Council’s GIS department a digital 3D model of the development site (to specification).All to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.2.The layout of the site and the size, levels, design and location of buildings and works shown on the endorsed plans must not be modified for any reason (unless the Stonnington Planning Scheme specifies that a permit is not required) without the prior written consent of the Responsible Authority.3.Concurrent within the endorsement of plans, a Waste Management Plan must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. The Waste Management Plan must be generally in accordance with that Council date stamped 24 August 2017, and must include:a)Dimensions of waste areas.b)The number of bins to be provided in accordance with the ‘City of Stonnington Residential Waste Management Guidelines’.c)Method of waste and recyclables collection.d)Hours of waste and recyclables collection.e)Method of presentation of bins for waste collection.f)Strategies for how the generation of waste and recyclables from the development will be minimised.g)Provision of internal access for all commercial tenants to dispose of their wastes.h)Confirmation that waste collection times must be in accordance with the Stonnington Local Law.i)Confirmation that waste bins must not remain unattended on Osborne Street, or any other street, at any time.j)Confirmation that waste bins must not remain, attended or otherwise, on any street for longer than 10 minutes on any day.k)Confirmation that any waste collection vehicle whilst ‘propped’ in Osborne Street to affect collections must not in any way impede traffic flow along Osborne Street.When approved, the plan will be endorsed and will then form part of the permit. Waste collection from the development must be in accordance with the Plan, to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.4.Concurrent with the endorsement of any plans, a Sustainable Management Plan (SMP) generally in accordance with that Council date stamped 24 August 2017, must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. Upon approval the SMP will be endorsed as part of the planning permit and the development must incorporate the sustainable design initiatives outlined in the SMP to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. Amendments to the SMP must be incorporated into plan changes required under Condition 1. The report must include, but not be limited to, the following:a)Demonstration of how the initiatives respond to the objectives of Clause 22.05 of the Stonington Planning Scheme.b)Identification of relevant statutory obligations, strategic or other documented sustainability targets or performance standardsc)Documentation of the means by which the appropriate target or performance is to be achievedd)Identification of the responsibilities and a schedule for implementation, and ongoing management, maintenance and monitoring.e)Demonstration that the design elements, technologies and operational practices that comprise the SMP can be maintained over time.All works must be undertaken in accordance with the endorsed Sustainability Management Plan to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. No alterations to the Sustainable Management Plan may occur without written consent of the Responsible Authority.5.Prior to the occupation of the development approved under this permit, a report from the author of the Sustainable Management Plan, approved pursuant to this permit, or similarly qualified person or company, must be submitted to the Responsible Authority. The report must be to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority and must confirm that all measures specified in the Sustainable Management Plan have been implemented in accordance with the approved plan.6.Concurrent with the endorsement of plans, a landscape plan prepared by a landscape architect or suitably qualified or experienced landscape designer must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. When approved, the landscape plan will be endorsed and form part of the permit. The landscape plan must be drawn to scale with dimensions and one (1) electronic copy must be provided. The landscape plan must be generally in accordance with the landscape plans prepared by Aspect Studios (Council date stamped 24 August 2017) but modified to show:a)Incorporation of remnant bluestone of Toorak Road bridge balustrade into the north-east corner of landscaped quadrant.b)Maintenance of small areas of grass (either real or artificial) to ensure ongoing useability and a high quality environment.c)Details of all proposed hard surface materials, including pathways and decked areas.d)A planting schedule all proposed trees, shrubs and ground covers, including botanical names, common names, pot sizes, sizes at maturity, and quantities of each plant, noting that appropriate plant and species selection must align with achievable soil volumes.e)Relocation of the identified palm tree within the South Yarra Siding Reserve to an agreed location at the applicant’s cost.f)Details of irrigation to the proposed landscaping.All to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.7.Prior to the commencement of any buildings and works allowed by this permit the owner and/or developer must submit a Construction Management Plan to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. The Construction Management Plan must include details on how the construction will be undertaken so it has minimal impact on the environment. Details to be provided in the Construction Management Plan will include, but are not be limited to:a)Full work schedule/construction management plan for each individual stage to ascertain impacts on surrounding properties;b)Public/worker access and safety issues;c)Hours of construction activity (including at what stage “out of hours works” are proposed and what type of works are to be conducted outside the hours of operation;d)The location of hoardings, hoists and workers amenities;e)The location of public precautions, loading zones, site sheds, materials, cranes and crane/hoisting zones, gantries and any other construction related items or equipment to be located in any street;f)Details as to how traffic and pedestrian safety and amenity will be controlled within the vicinity of the site and its surrounds;g)The provision of a traffic management plan, including detailed plans that show all items to be placed on any street during all stages of construction in accordance with approval by the responsible Building Surveyor, entry and exit points for construction vehicles (including temporary and permanent vehicle crossings), traffic management during construction including road closures/road occupation/footpath closures, work zones/construction zones to accommodate vehicles and deliveries;h)Service connections/road and footpath openings and anticipated impact on public land during the connection of different services;i)Measures to be used to protect the Council infrastructure from damage;j)Existing services and environmental management;k)A list of all environmental hazards that the activities on-site pose ie; contaminated soil, materials and waste, dust, stormwater contamination from run-off and wash-waters, sediment from the site on roads, construction noise, hours of operation, vibration, washing of concrete trucks and other vehicles and machinery, spillage from refuelling cranes and other vehicles and machinery etc;l)Protection measures that will be undertaken to minimise the risk of the above hazards being realised; m)Regular monitoring/inspections of the above protection measures; n)Identification as to who will be responsible for managing all of the above issues; and o)Anticipated staging of the development.The Construction Management Plan must be submitted to the Responsible Authority prior to commencing construction and all buildings and works must be carried out in accordance with the approved Construction Management Plan.8.The use of outdoor and rooftop terrace spaces associated with the office use is hereby permitted only between the hours of 6am and 11pm on any given day to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.9.A maximum number of 60 patrons may be seated within the restaurant premises (inclusive of 20 patrons on the outdoor dining terrace) at any one time to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.10.The restaurant use (excluding associated outdoor terrace) is hereby permitted between 6am and 1am on any given day to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.11.The outdoor terrace associated with the restaurant is hereby permitted between 7am and 11pm on any given day to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.12.Public availability of tables and chairs adjacent to the landscaped quadrant and central walkway must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.13.Public access to the toilet facilities at the rear of the site must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.14.Provision of night time lighting to all publically accessible spaces, including plaza area, central walkway and along eastern edge of building to Lovers Walk, to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.15.Prior to the commencement of use/ occupation of the building, the car spaces hereby approved must be made available and used by staff of the proposed uses at all times. No fees may be imposed for the use of the spaces nor may the car spaces be sold to a third party to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority,16.All loading and unloading of goods must be undertaken in accordance with Council’s Local Laws.17.Before the occupation of the development, the landscaping works as shown on the endorsed plans must be carried out and completed to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. Landscaping must then be maintained to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority, including that any dead, diseased or damaged plants are to be replaced.18.Any poles, service pits or other structures/features on the footpath or railway corridor required to be relocated to facilitate the development must be done so at the cost of the applicant and subject to the relevant authority’s consent.19.No works shall be located over the drains that will restrict future access to the drains and associated stormwater pits.20.All utility services to the subject land and buildings approved as part of this permit must be provided underground to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority by completion of the development.21.The collection of wastes and recyclables from the premises (other than normal Stonnington City Council collection) must be in accordance with Council's General Local Laws.22.The development must be appropriately mitigated from the impacts of noise and vibration from existing and future rail operations, in line with the Victorian Government's Passenger Rail Infrastructure Noise Policy and other relevant legislation and regulations.23.All plant and equipment (including air-conditioning units) must be located or screened so as to minimise visibility from any of the surrounding footpaths and the South Yarra Siding Reserve, and shall be baffled so as to minimise the emission of unreasonable noise to the environment in accordance with Section 48A of the Environment Protection Act 1970 to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. Ventilation systems must be designed and installed in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards.24.Noise emanating from the subject land must comply with State Environment Protection Policy (Control of Music Noise from Public Premises) No. N2, to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. Any works required to ensure and maintain the noise levels from the (plant and equipment area) are in compliance with this policy must be completed prior to the commencement of the use or occupation of the site and maintained thereafter, all to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.25.A report for the legal point of discharge must be obtained from Council and a drainage design for the development must be prepared by a suitably qualified Engineer in accordance with that report prior to a building permit being issued. The drainage must be constructed in accordance with the Engineer’s design.26.The existing footpath levels must not be lowered, raised or altered in any way at the property line to facilitate access to the site.27.Prior to occupation, access for persons with disabilities must be provided in compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 for all buildings and public areas, and such access must be maintained at all times the spaces are occupied or in use.28.Prior to occupation of the building or commencement of use, any existing vehicular crossing made redundant by the building and works hereby permitted must be broken out and re-instated as standard footpath and kerb and channel at the permit holders cost to the approval and satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.29.The crossover must be constructed to Council’s Standard Vehicle Crossover Guidelines unless otherwise approved by the Responsible Authority. Separate consent for crossovers is required from Council’s Building and Local Law Unit.30.Prior to the commencement of the development, the owner of the land must enter into an agreement with the Responsible Authority under s.173 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to covenant that:a)The owner and/or developer must reach agreement with Council:i.On a plan for the treatment of the decked area to be reserved for use by the public;ii.For the creation of an easement through the rear of the building at 162 Toorak Road (accessed from Osborne Street) to provide access to the deck; andiii.A financial and/or in kind contribution to enable the provision of the connection between the deck and the South Yarra Siding Reserve at the appropriate time nearing the completion of the Melbourne Metro Rail Project.Once the plan has been agreed to the satisfaction of both parties, this plan will be endorsed and will then form part of the permit. The plan must provide comprehensive details of the public realm works and the works must be constructed at the cost of the owner / developer and under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority prior to the commencement of the uses allowed by this permit.b)Access to the public (including Stonnington City Council) will be maintained at all times to the open decked land at ground floor level between the building edges and Toorak Road and Lovers Walk.c)Access to and use of the easement to provide access to the deck must be maintained at all times to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.d)Council will be indemnified from any damage to the development by reason of, or in connection with, the use of the Public Access Land by the public.e)The owner and/or developer will not make any claim for damages or loss of any kind against Council for any damage or injury caused to the Public Access Land or to any person using the Public Access Land.f)The owner and/or developer will maintain public liability insurance for the use of the Public Access Land by the public.g)The owner and/or developer will develop and maintain the footpath areas to a standard that is safe and fit for public access all to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.The agreement must be registered with the Registrar of Titles in accordance with section 181 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and will run with the land, including any common property that may be created as part of the subdivision of the land.All costs (including legal costs) associated with the preparation and review of the agreement and the registration of the agreement on the Certificate of Title for the land must be paid by the owner.Melbourne Metro Rail Authority Conditions31.Before the development starts, including any demolition, temporary or permanent works, detailed design drawings must be submitted to the satisfaction of the Melbourne Metro Rail Authority (MMRA) on behalf of the Secretary to the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (Secretary). When approved by the MMRA, the plans may be endorsed by the Responsible Authority and will then form part of the permit. The plans must be drawn to scale with dimensions and two copies must be provided. The plans must be generally in accordance with the plans date stamped 22 October 2017 but amended to include the following:a)all excavation details, foundations of the building, final retaining walls, final footing designs and loadings and, if adopted, pile loadings and pile designs as per the approved Engineering Report described at condition 33 below;b)excavation depths to be shown at Australian Height Datum (AHD).32.Before the detailed design drawings are approved by the MMRA on behalf of the Secretary, an Engineering Report from a suitably qualified engineer outlining the design, management and construction techniques to be implemented prior, during and following excavation to prevent any impact on the Metro Tunnel must be prepared and submitted to the satisfaction of the MMRA. Once approved, the Engineering Report will form part of the planning permit. All relevant structural and geotechnical issues must be considered and it must demonstrate the following:a)that the foundation arrangement does not compromise Metro Tunnel infrastructure;b)that the substructure can accommodate adequate horizontal clearance from the proposed rail alignment and Metro Tunnel infrastructure through the area;c)any proposed service relocation arrangements do not compromise Metro Tunnel infrastructure.33.All design, excavation and construction must be undertaken in accordance with the Engineering Report approved under 32 (above), unless the alterations or modifications are approved in writing by the MMRA on behalf of the Secretary.34.Where any alterations or modifications to the endorsed plans are not consistent with the Engineering Report prepared in accordance with 31 (above), the prior written consent of the MMRA on behalf of the Secretary must be obtained.35.Before development starts, including any demolition, temporary or permanent works, three (3) copies of a Construction Management Plan must be submitted to the satisfaction of the MMRA on behalf of the Secretary. The Construction Management Plan must include details of (but not be limited to) management proposals to minimise impacts to Metro Tunnel Infrastructure during construction and must set out objectives and performance and monitoring requirements for:a)the proposed demolition and construction program;b)preferred arrangement for trucks delivering to the land, including delivery and unloading and expected duration and frequency;c)an outline of requests to occupy public footpaths or roads, or anticipated disruptions to local services;d)measures to ensure that all works on the land will be carried out in accordance with the Construction Management Plans.36.All demolition and construction works must be carried out in accordance with the approved Construction Management Plan. The Construction Management Plan must be implemented at no cost to MMRA on behalf of the Secretary.Transport for Victoria conditionsBefore construction commences:37.Unless otherwise agreed in writing by TfV, VicTrack, and the Melbourne Metro Rail Authority on behalf of the Secretary of the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (MMRA on behalf of the Secretary), before the development starts, including any demolition, temporary or permanent works, amended plans to the satisfaction of TfV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. The plans must be generally in accordance with the plans submitted but are to be modified to show:a)any proposed changes related to the VicTrack land including the location of any support structures for the deck and air-rights;b)a feature level survey of the proposed development;c)protection screens incorporated into the southern facade of the building to prevent objects falling or being thrown onto public transport land, and to prevent access to overhead traction wiring equipment. The screens must be located wholly within the title boundary of the site; andd)a proposed plan of subdivision.38.The cross section of the proposed deck structure (including vertical and horizontal clearances) as shown on the plans must meet the requirements of TfV, VicTrack, MMRA on behalf of the Secretary and the accredited Rail Transport Operator (RTO).39.Without limiting the obligations of the permit holder under the Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act 1983 (Vic), before the development starts, including any demolition, temporary works or permanent works, detailed construction/engineering plans and computations prepared by a suitably qualified person(s) must be submitted to TfV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary for review. All engineering plans must be to the satisfaction of TfV, VicTrack, MMRA on behalf of the Secretary and the accredited Rail Transport Operator (RTO) for the protection of the railway corridor and all transport infrastructure proximate to the development. The plans must detail and include:a)all excavation of the site and impacts on the VicTrack land including embankments, the railway and all associated rail infrastructure, and any other transport infrastructure;b)protection measures for the Toorak Road bridge structure;c)the construction methodology of the proposed deck structure over the railway,d)lighting and signal sighting arrangements for below the deck structure; ande)how emergency, fire and life safety access requirements of the railway will continue to be met as a consequence of the development.40.A pre-condition dilapidation survey must be carried out as required by TfV, Vic Track, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary on rail infrastructure proximate to the development including a survey of the Toorak Road bridge at the full cost of the permit holder.41.Before the development starts, including any demolition, temporary and permanent works, a Construction Control and Indemnity Agreement with PTV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary must be in place as well as (if required) and agreement with the RTO, on terms to the satisfaction of PTV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary at the cost of the permit holder.42.Before development starts, including demolition, temporary and permanent works, a Traffic Management Plan must be submitted to TfV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary for endorsement, which outlines how public transport operations, traffic, walking and cycling movements will be managed throughout the construction and mitigate impacts to these modes to the satisfaction of TfV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary in consultation with the public transport operators (bus, tram and train). The Traffic Management Plan must also detail how the construction of the development will be managed in the event the tram stop upgrade works (including any associated road modifications or closures) in or around Toorak Road are undertaken simultaneously. All traffic management and mitigation costs relating the site must be at the full cost of the permit holder and the plan must be implemented in accordance with the approved Traffic Management Plan to the satisfaction of TfV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary.43.Before development starts, including demolition, temporary and permanent works, three (3) copies of a Demolition and Construction Management Plan must be submitted to TfV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary which must be prepared to the satisfaction of TfV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary in consultation with the public transport operators. The Demolition and Construction Management Plans must include details of:a)protection measures to minimise impacts to transport infrastructure and to ensure transport infrastructure is not damaged and the operation of the transport network can continue during demolition and construction;b)access arrangements for the rail environment including designation of any areas to be used under licence during the construction process and a schedule of occupations of public transport land if required;c)approvals and permits required from TfV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary and public transport operators;d)rail safety requirements that must be adhered to by the permit holder;e)how drainage, effluent, material stockpiles, fencing, hoardings will be managed to ensure VicTrack land and assets are not used for, or impacted on by these activities outside of the licenced area;f)public safety, amenity and site security;g)operating hours, noise and vibration controls;h)compliance with appropriate legislation including the Electricity Safety Act 1998 and relevant regulations; andi)air and dust management.44.All demolition and construction works must be implemented in accordance with the approved Demolition and Construction Management Plans. The Demolition and Construction Management Plans must be implemented at no cost to TfV, VicTrack, MMRA on behalf of the Secretary and the RTO.45.Before the development starts including demolition, temporary and permanent works, or other time agreed in writing with TfV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary, a schedule of building materials and finishes together with a report must be submitted to TfV, the RTO and VicTrack. The report must demonstrate that the building materials and finishes are non-reflective and avoid using red or green colour schemes that may interfere with driver operations. The schedule of building materials and report must be prepared to the satisfaction of TfV, VicTrack and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary in consultation with the RTO.46.Before the development starts the permit holder must demonstrate that the detailed construction plans (including staging plans) and computations of the development have taken into account smoke dispersion, emergency, fire and life safety requirements of the railway to the satisfaction of a licensed fire engineer and TfV, VicTrack, MMRA on behalf of the Secretary and the RTO. Any costs associated with compliance with these requirements are to be met by the permit holder.During demolition/construction:47.If required by TfV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary, during demolition, temporary works or permanent works, construction of the development; monitoring of movement within public transport land in the proximity of the development shall be carried out to the satisfaction of TfV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary, in consultation with the RTO.48.The permit holder must take all reasonable steps to ensure that disruption to public transport operations along Toorak Road, and rail operations on the public transport land is kept to a minimum during the demolition and construction of the development. Foreseen disruptions to public transport operations during demolition and construction and mitigation measures must be communicated to the relevant transport operator, PTV and TfV thirty (30) weeks prior to the commencement of those works, unless otherwise agreed by TfV, VicTrack, MMRA on behalf of the Secretary and the RTO.49.The permit holder must ensure that no transport infrastructure is altered as a result of the development without prior consent of TfV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary. Any damage to public transport infrastructure must be rectified to the satisfaction of TfV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary, at the full cost of the permit holder.50.Prior to practical completion of the deck structure or other time as agreed with TfV, and VicTrack, the permit holder must enter such agreements and easements as required by TfV and VicTrack, including an agreement pursuant to Section 173 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. The permit holder must pay all of TfV and VicTrack's legal costs and expenses including preparation, execution and if applicable, registration on title. The Section 173 Agreement must be registered on title and provide for the following:a)arrangements for the ongoing maintenance of the new deck structure by the permit holder including a deck inspection regime and graffiti management;b)access arrangements for VicTrack to the underside of the deck; andc)access arrangements for the permit holder to the public transport land.Post construction51."As built" drawings of the development, including foundations and deck, must be provided to TfV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary prior to the issue of the Certificate of Occupancy, or at another time agreed to in writing by TfV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary. All drawings must be to the satisfaction of TfV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary, at the full cost to the permit holder. All plans which modify public transport related infrastructure must comply with PTV Drawing Management System (OMS) standards.General/on-going52.Permanent or temporary soil anchors must not be installed in rail land and/or easements without the prior permission of TfV, VicTrack, and MMRA on behalf of the Secretary.53.No drainage, effluent, waste, soil or other materials must enter or be directed from the site to rail land/easement or stored or deposited on rail land/easements.54.No lighting is to spill light onto railway tracks or interfere with the visibility of signals and the rail lines by train drivers to the satisfaction of the RTO.55.This permit will expire if one of the following circumstances applies:a)The development is not started within four years of the date of this permit.b)The development is not completed within eight years of the date of this permit.c)The use is not commenced within nine years of the date of this permit.d)The use is discontinued for a period of two years or more.In accordance with Section 69 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, a request may be submitted to the Responsible Authority within the prescribed timeframes for an extension of the periods referred to in this condition.MMRA Notes?The Melbourne Metro Rail Project, known as the Metro Tunnel, is a cornerstone piece of State public transport infrastructure.?The land which is the subject of this permit application 0687/17 is within the Project Land to which the Melbourne Metro Rail Project Incorporated Document May 2017 applies, and is required for delivery of the Metro Tunnel. Importantly, access to the rail reserve required for construction of the deck for permit application 0687/17 would require access through the areas that will be used for construction of the Metro Tunnel.?Detailed design of the Metro Tunnel infrastructure within the rail reserve area affected by permit application 0687/17 is not yet complete, and the proposed development under permit application 0687/17 would need to respond to, and be consistent with, the Metro Tunnel final detailed design, without imposing design or construction constraints on MMRA.?Final detailed design solutions for the Metro Tunnel may not be available until after 2020. Areas used for the construction of the Metro Tunnel at this location will be required by MMRA from June 2018 until at least 2026.?In light of these issues, it may be appropriate that further consideration be given to the appropriate timing to finalise the design and construction methodology of the development proposed under permit application 0687/17. In addition, any works within the rail corridor will require the provision of transport clearance by VicTrack in accordance with s125 of the Transport Integration Act 2010.Transport for Victoria notes?Prior to the commencement of works in public transport areas, the public transport operators (tram and train) must be contacted to obtain the RTO's conditions and safety requirements for works on, over, under or adjacent to public transport land and/or easements and electrical infrastructure. Access to the public transport areas during construction must conform to all of the necessary public transport operators guidelines and instructions.?All Australian Standards must be complied with, from commencement to completion of the development.Carried3Planning Application 0842/16- 9 Netherlee Street, Glen Iris VIC 3146- Construction of a second dwelling on a lot in a General Residential ZoneMotion:Moved Cr Sally DavisSeconded Cr Glen Atwell That a Notice of Refusal to Grant a Planning Permit No: 842/16 for the land located at 9 Netherlee Street Glen Iris be issued under the Stonnington Planning Scheme for the construction of a second dwelling on a lot in a General Residential Zone on the following grounds:The proposed design response fails to respect the neighbourhood character of the street and does not comply with the Neighbourhood Character objective (Clause 55.02-1) and the Design detail objective (Clause 55.06-1). In particular, the vehicle access dominates the street frontage and results in poor connectivity with Anthony Street.The proposal will unreasonably impact on the amenity of adjoining properties through visual bulk and overshadowing. The proposal does not comply with Standard B17 of Clause 55.04-1 (Side and rear setbacks) and Standard B21 of Clause 55.04-5 (Overshadowing) of Clause 55 ResCode.The proposed vehicle access is inappropriate and the complexity of manoeuvring from the garage to the carriageway is not supported.The proposed crossover is a poor design response and will adversely impact on the amenity of the area.The proposed rear dwelling does not have an appropriate right of access from Anthony Street or any other public road.The grant of the permit without a proper right of access would be disorderly planning.Carried4Planning Application 1003/16- 34 King Street, Prahran - use and development of the land as a food and drink premises (as of right use) and indoor recreation facility (dance and performance studio) in a Activity Centre Zone, Special Building Overlay with associated waiver of the loading and unloading requirement.Motion:Moved Cr Judy HindleSeconded Cr Melina Sehr That a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit No: 1003/16 for the land located at 34 King Street, Prahran be issued under the Stonnington Planning Scheme for use and development of the land as a food and drink premises (as of right use) and indoor recreation facility (dance and performance studio) in an Activity Centre Zone and Special Building Overlay with associated waiver of the loading and unloading requirement subject to the following conditions:1.Before the commencement of the use / development, one electronic copy of plans drawn to scale and fully dimensioned, must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. When approved, the plans will be endorsed and will then form part of this?permit. The plans must be generally in accordance with the plans prepared by MAP Architecture & Design Pty Ltd and are known as Drawing No.s: TP.00 – TP.20 Revision D dated 8 June 2017 but modified to show:a)Patterned concrete applied to the full height of the west boundary wall. b)The timber finish on the west elevation replaced with a material that requires less maintenance. c)Roof plan to show the catchment area for the water tank/s.d)Recommendations within the acoustic report prepared by SLR Global Environmental Solutions dated 15 December 2016 .e)The manufacturer’s specifications and dimensions of the bicycle parking.f)The graded pedestrian entrance from Mount Street be provided with a maximum grade of 1:14. g)Finished floor levels of the building (including the café, lift landing and corridor linking these two areas) no lower than 16.06 metres to Australian Height Datum (AHD) in accordance with Condition 16.h)The car space/garage gate to be of an open style (minimum 50% openings) construction to maintain opening for the life of the structure, so as to allow for the passage of overland flow in accordance with Condition 17.i)The finished floor level of the car parking spaces no lower than 15.67 metres to AHD in accordance with Condition 17. j)A waste management plan in accordance with Condition 3.k)A 3D model of the development site in accordance with Condition 4.All to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.2.The layout of the site and the size, levels, design and location of buildings and works shown on the endorsed plans must not be modified for any reason (unless the Stonnington Planning Scheme specifies that a permit is not required) without the prior written consent of the Responsible Authority.3.Concurrent with the endorsement of plans, a Waste Management Plan must be approved by the Responsible Authority. The Waste Management Plan must include:a)Dimensions of waste areas.b)The number of bins to be provided.c)Method of waste and recyclables collection.d)Hours of waste and recyclables collection.e)Method of presentation of bins for waste collection.When approved, the plan will be endorsed and will then form part of the permit. Waste collection from the development must be in accordance with the plan, to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. 4.Concurrent with the endorsement of plans, the Applicant is to provide to Council’s GIS department a digital 3D model of the development site using DirectX (*.X) or Autodesk 3D Studio (*.3DS).5.The indoor recreation facility (dance studio) use hereby permitted must operate only between the hours of:a)10am and 9pm Monday to Thursday.b)10am and 8pm Friday and Saturday.c)12pm and 5pm Sunday.6.A maximum number of 30 students associated with the indoor recreation facility (dance studio) may be on the premises at any one time to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.7.Any poles, service pits or other structures/features on the footpath required to be relocated to facilitate the development must be done so at the cost of the applicant and subject to the relevant authority’s consent.8.The level of the footpaths and must not be lowered or altered in any way to facilitate access to the site.9.All utility services to the subject land and buildings approved as part of this permit must be provided underground to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority by completion of the development.10.Prior to occupation of the building or commencement of use, any existing vehicular crossing made redundant by the building and works hereby permitted must be broken out and re-instated as standard footpath and kerb and channel at the permit holders cost to the approval and satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.11.Prior to the development commencing a report for the legal point of discharge must be obtained from Council and a drainage design for the development must be prepared by a suitably qualified Engineer in compliance with Council's report prior to a building permit being issued. The drainage must be constructed in accordance with the Engineer's design.12.The crossover must be constructed to Council’s Standard Vehicle Crossover Guidelines unless otherwise approved by the Responsible Authority. Separate consent for crossovers is required from Council’s Building and Local Law Unit.13.Prior to the occupation of the building or commencement of use, the walls on the boundary of the adjoining properties must be cleaned and finished to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.14.Adequate provision must be made for the storage and collection of wastes and recyclables within the site prior to the commencement of use or occupation of the building. This area must be appropriately graded, drained and screened from public view to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.15.All plant and equipment (including air-conditioning units) shall be located or screened so as not to be visible from any of the surrounding footpaths and adjoining properties (including from above) and shall be baffled so as to minimise the emission of unreasonable noise to the environment in accordance with Section 48A of the Environment Protection Act 1970 to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.Melbourne Water Conditions16.The building (including the café, lift landing and corridor linking these two areas) must be constructed with finished floor levels no lower than 16.06 metres to Australian Height Datum (AHD), which is a minimum of 300mm above the applicable flood level of 15.76 m to AHD.17.The car space/garage gate must be of an open style (minimum 50%) of construction to maintain opening for the life of the structure, so as to allow for the passage of overland flow. The garage must be set no lower than 15.67 metres to AHD as shown on the plans received (2 November 2017).The King Street entry and Mount Street entry and stair landing only, may have finished floor levels below 16.06 metres to AHD.End Melbourne Water Conditions18.This permit will expire if one of the following circumstances applies: a)The development is not started within two years of the date of this permit. b)The development is not completed within four years of the date of this permit. c)The use is not commenced within five years of the date of this permit.d)The use is discontinued for a period of two years or more.In accordance with Section 69 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, a request may be submitted to the Responsible Authority within the prescribed timeframes for an extension of the periods referred to in this condition.NOTES:?This permit does not constitute any authority to carry out any building works or occupy the building or part of the building unless all relevant building permits are obtained.?Car parking consent is given for the proposal allowed by the above permit subject to the conditions on the above permit being implemented.?This permit does not give any authority to occupy the footpath for trading without prior approval from Council's Local Laws department. A permit must be obtained for footpath trading and it must accord with the relevant Footpath Trading Code.?At the permit issue date, Section 69 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 stated that the Responsible Authority may extend the periods referred to if a request is made in writing within the following timeframes:i.Before or within 6 months after the permit expiry date, where the development allowed by the permit has not yet started; and ii.Within 12 months after the permit expiry date, where the development allowed by the permit has lawfully started before the permit expires.Melbourne Water Note?Preliminary land and flood level information available at Melbourne Water indicates that the above property is subject to overland flooding from the Essex Street Main Drain. For a storm event with a 1% chance of occurrence in any one year, the applicable flood level for the property is 15.76 metres to Australian Height Datum (AHD).End Melbourne Water NoteCarried5Planning Application 233/17 - 9 Gertrude Street, Windsor - Extension to a dwelling on a lot less than 500 square metres in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone and Special Building OverlayMotion:Moved Cr Judy HindleSeconded Cr Sally Davis That a Planning Permit No: 233/17 for the land located at 9 Gertrude Street, Windsor be issued under the Stonnington Planning Scheme for an extension to a dwelling on a lot less than 500 square metres in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone and Special Building Overlay subject to the following conditions:1.Before the commencement of the development, 1 electronic copy of plans drawn to scale and fully dimensioned, must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. The plans must be generally in accordance with plans advertised May 2017 but modified to show:a)A 1.5 metre setback of the First Floor from the western boundary as opposite the four southernmost east facing habitable room windows located at No. 7 Gertrude Street. b)Screening of First Floor north facing windows associated with Bedroom to prevent any unreasonable overlooking into No. 7 Gertrude Street’s secluded private open space or habitable room windows to comply with Standard A15 or overlooking diagrams that show no unreasonable overlooking occur into No. 7 Gertrude Street’s secluded private open space or habitable room windows.c)Screening of First Floor west facing habitable room windows in accordance with Standard A15 of Clause 54.04-6.d)Any changes required by Condition 3, including dimensioned location of any proposed buffer strips, infiltration sand, rainwater tanks and any other treatments with annotations demonstrating the proposed areas for rain water collection and connectivity between features and the proposed means of reuse.All to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.2.The layout of the site and the size, levels, design and location of buildings and works shown on the endorsed plans must not be modified for any reason (unless the Stonnington Planning Scheme specifies that a permit is not required) without the prior written consent of the Responsible Authority.3.Concurrent with the endorsement of plans, the applicant must provide a revised Water Sensitive Urban Design Response addressing the Application Requirements of the Stormwater Management (Water Sensitive Urban Design) Policy to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority to reflect the reduction in roof catchment area. All proposed treatments included within the Water Sensitive Urban Design Response must also be indicated on the plans.4.The project must incorporate the Water Sensitive Urban Design initiatives detailed in the endorsed site plan and/or stormwater management report.5.Prior to the occupation of the building the walls on the boundary of the adjoining properties must be cleaned and finished to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.6.Prior to the occupation of the building, fixed privacy screens (not adhesive film) designed to limit overlooking as required by Standard A15 of Clause 54.04-6 in accordance with the endorsed plans must be installed to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority and maintained to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority thereafter for the life of the building.7.This permit will expire if one of the following circumstances applies:a)The development is not started within two years of the date of this permit.b)The development is not completed within four years of the date of this permit.In accordance with Section 69 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, a request may be submitted to the Responsible Authority within the prescribed timeframes for an extension of the periods referred to in this condition.NOTES:I.This permit does not constitute any authority to carry out any building works unless all relevant building permits and consents are obtained. II.At the permit issue date, Section 69 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 stated that the Responsible Authority may extend the periods referred to if a request is made in writing within the following timeframes:a)Before or within 6 months after the permit expiry date, where the development allowed by the permit has not yet started; and b)Within 12 months after the permit expiry date, where the development allowed by the permit has lawfully started before the permit expires.Attachments - Locality Plans, Site Plan, Floor Plans, Elevations etc.A Division was called by Cr Hindle:For:Crs Marcia Griffin, Sally Davis and Judy HindleAgainst:Crs John Chandler, Melina Sehr, Glen Atwell and Steven StefanopoulosAbsent:Crs Jami Klisaris and Matthew KoceLostMotion:Moved Cr Melina SehrSeconded Cr John ChandlerThat a Planning Permit No: 233/17 for the land located at 9 Gertrude Street, Windsor be issued under the Stonnington Planning Scheme for an extension to a dwelling on a lot less than 500 square metres in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone and Special Building Overlay subject to the following conditions:Before the commencement of the development, 1 electronic copy of plans drawn to scale and fully dimensioned, must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. The plans must be generally in accordance with plans advertised May 2017 but modified to show:A 1.2 metre setback of the First Floor from the western boundary as opposite the four southernmost east facing habitable room windows located at No. 7 Gertrude Street. Screening of First Floor north facing windows associated with Bedroom to prevent any unreasonable overlooking into No. 7 Gertrude Street’s secluded private open space or habitable room windows to comply with Standard A15 or overlooking diagrams that show no unreasonable overlooking occur into No. 7 Gertrude Street’s secluded private open space or habitable room windows.Screening of First Floor west facing habitable room windows in accordance with Standard A15 of Clause 54.04-6.Any changes required by Condition 3, including dimensioned location of any proposed buffer strips, infiltration sand, rainwater tanks and any other treatments with annotations demonstrating the proposed areas for rain water collection and connectivity between features and the proposed means of reuse.All to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.The layout of the site and the size, levels, design and location of buildings and works shown on the endorsed plans must not be modified for any reason (unless the Stonnington Planning Scheme specifies that a permit is not required) without the prior written consent of the Responsible Authority.Concurrent with the endorsement of plans, the applicant must provide a revised Water Sensitive Urban Design Response addressing the Application Requirements of the Stormwater Management (Water Sensitive Urban Design) Policy to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority to reflect the reduction in roof catchment area. All proposed treatments included within the Water Sensitive Urban Design Response must also be indicated on the plans.The project must incorporate the Water Sensitive Urban Design initiatives detailed in the endorsed site plan and/or stormwater management report.Prior to the occupation of the building the walls on the boundary of the adjoining properties must be cleaned and finished to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.Prior to the occupation of the building, fixed privacy screens (not adhesive film) designed to limit overlooking as required by Standard A15 of Clause 54.04-6 in accordance with the endorsed plans must be installed to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority and maintained to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority thereafter for the life of the building.This permit will expire if one of the following circumstances applies:The development is not started within two years of the date of this permit.The development is not completed within four years of the date of this permit.In accordance with Section 69 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, a request may be submitted to the Responsible Authority within the prescribed timeframes for an extension of the periods referred to in this condition.NOTES:This permit does not constitute any authority to carry out any building works unless all relevant building permits and consents are obtained. At the permit issue date, Section 69 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 stated that the Responsible Authority may extend the periods referred to if a request is made in writing within the following timeframes:Before or within 6 months after the permit expiry date, where the development allowed by the permit has not yet started; and Within 12 months after the permit expiry date, where the development allowed by the permit has lawfully started before the permit expires.Carried6Amendment C243 - Permanent Heritage Protection for Blairholme House, 1034-1040 Malvern Road, ArmadaleMotion:Moved Cr Judy HindleSeconded Cr Melina Sehr That Council:1.Notes the public release of the Panel Report for Amendment C243.2.On considering the Panel Report, adopts Amendment C243 to the Stonnington Planning Scheme, as exhibited for Blairholme House at 1034-1040 Malvern Road, Armadale (HO528), and abandons the application of the Heritage Overlay to Sutherland House at 1074-1076 Malvern Road, Armadale (HO527) (pursuant to Section 29(1) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987),.3.Submits the adopted Amendment C243 to the Minister for Planning for approval, in accordance with Section 31(1) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.4.Advises the submitters of Council’s decision in relation to Amendment C243.Carried7Amendments C255 and C257 - Permanent Heritage Protection for 221 Burke Road, Glen Iris and 390 Glenferrie Road, Malvern - Adoption Motion:Moved Cr Judy HindleSeconded Cr Melina Sehr That Council:1.Notes the public release of the Panel Report for Amendments C255 and C257.2.On considering the Panel Report, adopts Amendments C255 and C257 to the Stonnington Planning Scheme, as exhibited with revisions to the 221 Burke Road, Glen Iris citation shown in Attachment 2, (pursuant to Section 29(1) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987).3.Submits the adopted Amendments C255 and C257 to the Minister for Planning for approval, in accordance with Section 31(1) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.4.Advises the submitters of Council’s decision in relation to Amendments C255 and C257.Carried8Amendment C266 - Open Space RezoningMotion:Moved Cr Glen AtwellSeconded Cr John Chandler That Council:1.Applies to the Minister for Planning in accordance with Section 9(3) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to obtain authorisation to prepare Amendment C266 which proposes to rezone 15 Council owned properties to Public Park and Recreation Zone as set out in this report and Attachment 1.2.Once authorisation is received exhibit the amendment in accordance with Section 17-19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.Carried9Economic Development Strategy 2017-2021Motion:Moved Cr Marcia GriffinSeconded Cr Melina Sehr That Council adopts the Economic Development Strategy 2017 – 2021, including an update to the title of Theme 1 to “A Smart, Creative, Innovative and Productive City”.Carried10Children, Youth and Family Strategy.Motion:Moved Cr Judy HindleSeconded Cr Glen Atwell That Council adopt the Draft Children, Youth and Family Strategy 2018 - 2028.Carried SEQ SeqListB \* ALPHABETIC \* MergeformatM.Other General BusinessCr Davis read from a received text regarding Gardiner Park commending Council on the work undertaken in the drainage of this area that has been inundated with water in 2011. The resident advised that they had been prepared for the impact of the storm at the weekend but the work that Council had undertaken at a significant commitment to Council sorted out the drainage problems and they did not flood.Cr Griffin extended thanks to the Council staff who have been cleaning the rubbish in Toorak Village which has been an on-going issue.Cr Sehr commended the work in Greville Street that despite the initial angst from people looks very good and people are using it more.N.Urgent BusinessNilSEQ SeqListB \* ALPHABETIC \* MergeformatO.Confidential BusinessProcedural Motion:Moved Cr Melina SehrSeconded Cr Sally DavisThat the meeting be closed to the public to consider the following matters that are confidential in accordance with Section 89 (2) of the Local Government Act 1989 for the reasons specified: (7.49pm)Confidential MatterReason for Confidentiality1. Reports of Committees: IMAP89 (2)(h) a matter which the Council or special committee considers would prejudice the Council or any person2. Cato Square - Principal Contractor Tender Award89 (2)(d) contractual mattersCarriedProcedural Motion: Moved Cr Melina SehrSeconded Cr Sally DavisThat the meeting be re-opened to the public with the name read into the minutes of the successful tenderer for Contract T17044 Principal Contractor – Cato Street Car Park Redevelopment (including the street reconstruction) being Kane Constructions Pty Ltd. (7.54pm)CarriedThere being no further business the meeting closed at 7.54pm. Confirmed on Monday 18 December 2017...................................................................................CR STEVEN STEFANOPOULOS, MAYOR ASSEMBLY OF COUNCILLORS RECORDThis Form MUST be completed by the attending Council Officer and returned IMMEDIATELY to Judy Hogan – Civic Support Officer Assembly Details:Date:Monday 20 November 2017Name of Meeting: Community Services Advisory CommitteeTime: 5.00pm – 6.00pmAssembly Location: Meeting Room M.1, Malvern Town HallIn Attendance: Councillors:Cr Stefanopoulos (Mayor) Cr KlisarisCouncil Officers:Stuart Draffin, Acting CEOKaren Watson, General Manager Community and CultureCath Harrod, Manager Children and Family Services/ Festivals and EventsPenny Pavlou, Manager Aged, Diversity, Health and Animal ManagementTony Oulton, Manager Community FacilitiesHannah Morton, Executive Assistant / Special ProjectsMatter/s Discussed: ItemDescriptionActions Arising from Previous Meeting Ethnic Services Committee Terms of ReferenceChildren and Family Services UpdateAquatics Fees and ChargesOther BusinessNext Meeting: Monday 18 December 2017, 5pm Conflict of Interest Disclosures: including time left and returned to meetingCouncillors:NilCouncil Officers: NilForm completed by: Karen WatsonASSEMBLY OF COUNCILLORS RECORDThis Form MUST be completed by the attending Council Officer and returned IMMEDIATELY to Judy Hogan – Civic Support Officer ASSEMBLY DETAILSSTRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEEDate and Time: Monday 27 November, 2017, 5.00pmAssembly Location: Meeting Room 1.1, 311 Glenferrie Road, MalvernIN ATTENDANCECouncillors:Cr StefanopoulosCr GriffinCouncil Officers:Stuart Draffin, General Manager Planning & Amenity Susan Price Manager City StrategyVanessa Davis, EA Planning & Amenity Matter/s Discussed:Conflicts of InterestActivity Centre PlanningHawksburn VillageGlenferrie Road High Street – Panel Hearing updateCaulfield Station PrecinctChapel reVision – implementationHeritageVictorian Houses – Panel Hearing updateFederation Houses – exhibitionOther amendmentsInner South East Regional PlanningStrategies for Creating Open SpacePublic Park and Recreation Zone AmendmentWindsor Sidings ReserveBriefing of “new” CouncillorsSpecial Building OverlayHousing Estate RenewalStrategic PrioritiesCONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURES: NoneCouncillors:None declaredCouncil Officers: None declaredForm completed by: Vanessa DavisASSEMBLY OF COUNCILLORS RECORDThis Form MUST be completed by the attending Council Officer and returned IMMEDIATELY to Judy Hogan – Civic Support Officer Assembly Details:Date:Monday 27th November2017Name of Meeting: Sustainability Advisory Committee MeetingTime: 5pmAssembly Location: 311 Glenferrie Road, Malvern – Meeting Room G3.In Attendance: Councillors:Cr Steve Stefanopoulos (Mayor)Cr Koce,Apologies: Cr John ChandlerCouncil Officers:Simon Holloway, Simon Thomas, Jane SpenceMatter/s Discussed:General businessSAC meetings schedule 2018Prahran Market energy efficiencySustainable Environment Strategy updateSustainability Snapshot 2016-17Update on environment initiatives & achievementsCouncillor prioritiesConflict of Interest Disclosures: including time left and returned to meetingCouncillors:NilCouncil Officers: NilForm completed by: Abbey MarieASSEMBLY OF COUNCILLORS RECORDThis Form MUST be completed by the attending Council Officer and returned IMMEDIATELY to Judy Hogan – Civic Support Officer ASSEMBLY DETAILSDate: Monday 27 November 2017 Councillor BriefingTime: 6pmAssembly Location: Committee Room, Level 2, 311 Glenferrie Road, MalvernIN ATTENDANCECouncillors:Cr S Stefanopoulos (Mayor)Cr G AtwellCr J Klisaris (apology)Cr J ChandlerCr J HindleCr M GriffinCr M KoceCr M Sehr (apology)Cr S DavisCouncil Officers:Warren Roberts (CEO)Stuart DraffinSimon ThomasCath HarrodSusan PriceFabienne ThewlisRick Kwasek (left 8.08pm)Christina Foscolos (left 9.33pm)Augarette Malki (7.15pm, left 9.53pm)Matthew Comport (left 9.33pm)Nicole Warren (left 9.33pm)Katherine O’Connell (6.25pm, left 8.08pm)Matter/s Discussed:1.6pm: Presentation - The Caulfield Station Precinct 2.Prahran Town Hall Redevelopment3.Cato Square - Principal Contractor Tender Award4.Chapel Revision Implementation Plan5.Economic Development Strategy 2017-20216.Amendment C243 - Permanent Heritage Protection for Blairholme House, 1034-1040 Malvern Road, Armadale7.Amendments C255 and C257 - Permanent Heritage Protection for 221 Burke Road, Glen Iris and 390 Glenferrie Road, Malvern - Adoption 8.Amendment C266 - Open Space Rezoning9.Planning Application 0727/06 - 5- 637 - 641 Chapel Street, South Yarra Victoria 3141- to extend the area where alcohol can be served and consumed to include the footpath trading area.10.Planning application 0687/17- 162 & 164 Toorak Road, South Yarra VIC 3141- Three (3) storey commercial (office, retail and restaurant) development plus rooftop terrace, integrated public plaza and associated car parking dispensation.11.Planning Application 0842/16- 9 Netherlee Street, Glen Iris VIC 3146- Construction of a second dwelling on a lot in a General Residential Zone12.Planning Application 1003/16- 34 King Street, Prahran - use and development of the land as a food and drink premises (as of right use) and indoor recreation facility (dance and performance studio) in a Activity Centre Zone, Special Building Overlay with associated waiver of the loading and unloading requirement.13.Planning Application 233/17 - 9 Gertrude Street, Windsor - Extension to a dwelling on a lot less than 500 square metres in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone and Special Building Overlay14.Glow Winter Arts Festival 15.Children, Youth and Family Strategy. CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURES: including time left and returned to meetingCouncillors:NilCouncil Officers: NilForm completed by: Fabienne Thewlis ASSEMBLY OF COUNCILLORS RECORDThis Form MUST be completed by the attending Council Officer and returned IMMEDIATELY to Judy Hogan – Civic Support Officer Assembly Details: Date: 26 October 2017 Name of Meeting: North Ward meetingTime: 7.00pmAssembly Location: Banquet Room Malvern Town Hall MalvernIn Attendance: Councillors:Cr Griffin (Chair) , Crs Chandler and KoceCouncil Officers:Simon Thomas GM Assets and ServicesKaren WatsonGM Community and CultureGeoff CockramGM Corporate ServicesAlexandra Kastaniotis Acting GM Planning and Amenity Peter KyrkylisTransport and Parking CoordinatorBrian LabidiePlace Manager City StrategyMatter/s Discussed: Cato Street carpark development, planning and development issues including heritage overlay, Obikes, Yarra River biodiversity, shopping trolleys, Will Sampson Hall, Toorak Park and same sex marriage vote and displays – all pertaining to North WardConflict of Interest Disclosures: including time left and returned to meetingCouncillors:NilCouncil Officers: NilForm completed by: Fabienne ThewlisASSEMBLY OF COUNCILLORS RECORDThis Form MUST be completed by the attending Council Officer and returned IMMEDIATELY to Judy Hogan – Civic Support Officer Assembly Details:Date:8 November 2017Name of Meeting: South Ward meetingTime: 7.00pmAssembly Location: Banquet Room Malvern Town Hall MalvernIn Attendance: Councillors:Cr Hindle (Chair), Crs Stefanopoulos and SehrCouncil Officers:Stuart DraffinActing Chief Executive Officer and GM Planning & AmenitySimon ThomasGM Assets and ServicesTony OultonActing GM Community and Culture Geoff CockramGM Corporate ServicesSusan PriceManager City StrategyPeter KyrkylisTransport and Parking CoordinatorHannah McBride-Burgess Statutory Planning CoordinatorMatter/s Discussed: Various matters including developments and planning, parking including rental cars, Heritage, kerb and channel works, Victory Square and Toorak park plans, dogs off leash areas in the South Ward areaConflict of Interest Disclosures: including time left and returned to meetingCouncillors:NilCouncil Officers: NilForm completed by: Fabienne ThewlisASSEMBLY OF COUNCILLORS RECORDThis Form MUST be completed by the attending Council Officer and returned IMMEDIATELY to Judy Hogan – Civic Support Officer Assembly Details:Date:15 November 2017Name of Meeting: East Ward MeetingTime: 7.00pmAssembly Location: Banquet Room Malvern Town Hall MalvernIn Attendance: Councillors:Cr Atwell (Chair), Crs Davis and KlisarisCouncil Officers:Stuart DraffinActing Chief Executive Officer Geoff CockramGM Corporate ServicesSimon ThomasGM Assets and ServicesSusan PriceActing GM Planning & AmenityTony OultonActing GM Community and CultureAlexandra Kastaniotis Manager Statutory PlanningPeter KyrkylisTransport and Parking CoordinatorMatter/s Discussed: Matters pertaining to East Ward including the impact of developments and planning including heritage areas and loss of old houses, concessional fees at Harold Holt pool; local area traffic, disadvantages persons, Percy Treyvaud reserve pond, parking issues and parking permits; intersection of Milton Parade and Tooronga Road and feasibility study and decision on proposed stadium at Percy Treyvaud reserve.Conflict of Interest Disclosures: including time left and returned to meetingCouncillors:NilCouncil Officers: NilForm completed by: Fabienne Thewlis7583170-251460Tabled at Council Meeting00Tabled at Council MeetingAssembly of Councillors Report October 2017A planned or scheduled meeting that includes at least half the Councillors and a member of Council staff, and the matter/s considered are intended or likely to be subject of a future decision of the Council; or subject to the exercise of a function, duty or power of the Council that has been delegated to a person or committee;An Advisory Committee of the Council where one or more Councillors are present – eg:-on-site inspections/meetings; planning or other consultative meetings; Date of MeetingMeeting nameWardCouncillors AttendanceOfficersAttendanceConflict of Interest disclosuresand if left meetingMatter/s DiscussedCouncillorsOfficers19/10/17Planning Consultative meetingNorthCr KoceGeorgie BirchNilNilPlanning application 0687/17 – 162 & 164 Toorak Rd South Yarra24/10/17Planning Consultative MeetingNorthCr GriffinCr KoceCr ChandlerDaniela AntovskaNilNilPlanning application 0377/14-2 – 589 Toorak Rd Toorak24/10/17Planning Consultative MeetingNorthCr ChandlerDaniela AntovskaNilNilPlanning application 0463/17 – 71 Osborne St South Yarra7583170-251460Tabled at Council Meeting00Tabled at Council MeetingAssembly of Councillors Report November 2017A planned or scheduled meeting that includes at least half the Councillors and a member of Council staff, and the matter/s considered are intended or likely to be subject of a future decision of the Council; or subject to the exercise of a function, duty or power of the Council that has been delegated to a person or committee;An Advisory Committee of the Council where one or more Councillors are present – eg:-on-site inspections/meetings; planning or other consultative meetings; Date of MeetingMeeting nameWardCouncillors AttendanceOfficersAttendanceConflict of Interest disclosuresand if left meetingMatter/s DiscussedCouncillorsOfficers1/11/17Planning Consultative Meeting EastCr DavisCr AtwellAnthony De PasqualeNilNilPlanning Application No: 0234/17 – 254 Wattletree Road Malvern16./11/17Planning Consultative Meeting EastCr AtwellSheridan HarleyNilNilPlanning Application No: 0417/17 – Sheridan Hall., 24 Castlebar Road Malvern East16/11/17Planning Consultative Meeting EastCr AtwellCr DavisMay LukNilNilqPlanning Application No:0222/17 – 973 Dandenong Road Malvern east22/11/17Planning Consultative Meeting SouthCr SehrCr HindleSheridan HarleyNilNilPlanning Application No: 0635/17 - --4/2 Lumley Court Prahran28/11/17Planning Consultative MeetingNorthCr GriffinJun YuNilNilPlanning Application No: 0578/15 – 671 Chapel Street South Yarra30/11/17Planning Consultative MeetingNorthCr KoceCr ChandlerGeorgia KayNilNilPlanning Application No: 0238/17 – 2 Peter Street South Yarra ................

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