Washington State Community Hospital Financial

PRIVATE 1DEDUCTIBLETotal Deductions from RevenueTotal Patient Services Revenue2MARKUPTotal Patient Service Revenue +Other Operating RevenueOperating Expenses3OPERATING MARGINTotal Operating Revenue -Total Operating ExpenseTotal Operating Revenue 4TOTAL MARGINNet Revenue or (Expense)Total Operating Revenue +Non-Operating Rev.-Net of Exp.5EXPENSE TO REVENUETotal Operating ExpensesTotal Operating Revenue6NON-OPERATING REVENUENon-Operating Rev.-Net of Revenue or (Expense)7REPORTED INCOME INDEXNet Revenue or (Expense)Current Yr-Unrestricted Fund Balanceor Total Equity minusPrior Yr-Unrestricted Fund Balanceor Total Equity8RETURN ON TOTAL ASSETS Net Revenue or (Expense)Total Assets9RETURN ON EQUITYNet Revenue or (Expense)Unrestricted Fund Balanceor Total Equity10GROWTH RATE IN EQUITYCurrent Yr-Unrestricted Fund Balanceor Total Equity minusPrior Yr-Unrestricted Fund Balanceor Total EquityUnrestricted Fund Balance or Total Equity11CURRENTTotal Current Assets Total Current Liabilities12LIABILITIES TO ASSETSTotal Current Liabilities +Total Long Term DebtTotal Assets13DAYS IN PATIENTAccounts Receivable -ACCOUNT RECEIVABLELess Est. Uncollectible & Patient Service Revenue/36514AVERAGE PAYMENT PERIODTotal Current Liabilities(Total Operating Expense -Depreciation)/36515DAYS CASH ON HANDCash +Marketable Securities(Total Operating Expense -Depreciation)/36516EQUITY FINANCINGUnrestricted Fund Balanceor Total EquityTotal Assets17LONG TERM DEBT TO EQUITYTotal Long Term DebtUnrestricted Fund Balanceor Total Equity18FIXED ASSET FINANCINGTotal Long Term DebtNet Property, Plant & Equipment19CASH FLOW TO TOTAL DEBTNet Revenue or (Expense) +DepreciationTotal Current Liabilities +Total Long Term Debt20CAPITAL EXPENSEInterest Expense +DepreciationTotal Operating Expense -Interest Expense -Depreciation21TIMES INTEREST EARNEDNet Revenue or (Expense) +Interest ExpenseInterest Expense22DEBT SERVICE COVERAGENet Revenue or (Expense) +DepreciationInterest ExpenseCur. Maturities of Long Term Debt +Interest Expense23LONG TERM DEBTTotal Long Term DebtTO DEPRECIATIONDepreciation24TOTAL ASSET TURNOVERTotal Operating RevenueTotal Assets25FIXED ASSET TURNOVERTotal Operating RevenueNet Property, Plant & Equipment26CURRENT ASSET TURNOVERTotal Operating RevenueTotal Current Assets27INVENTORYTotal Operating RevenueInventory28AVERAGE AGE OF PLANTLess Accumulated DepreciationDepreciation27FINANCIAL VIABILITY INDEX((1-((Unrestricted Fund Balanceor Total EquityTotal Assets)) *((1-((Total Operating Revenue -Total Operating ExpenseTotal Operating Revenue))^4))* 4/(Total Current Assets Total Current Liabilities)Or Restated as((1-((Unrestricted Fund Balance or Total Equity/Total Assets)) *((1-((Total Operating Revenue - Total Operating Expense/Total Operating Revenue))^4)) *4/(Total Current Assets/Total Current Liabilities)Or Restated as((1-Equity Financing)*((1-Operating Margin)^4))*4/CurrentGlossary of Statements of Revenues and ExpensesPatient Operating Revenues Daily Patient Care6,000 Ancillary Services4,000 Total Patient Service Revenue10,000 Total Deduction from Revenue1,500 Net Patient Service Revenue8,500 Other Operating Revenue750 Total Operating Revenue9,250 Operating ExpensesSalaries and Benefits Supplies Contractual Services Physician Fees InterestDepreciation Other Total Operating Expenses 8,900 Net Revenue or (Expense) from Operations350 Non-Operating Rev. - Net of Expense50 Net Revenue or (Expense) 400 ................

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