AMY E. SIBULKIN - Tennessee State University


Work address: Home address:

Department of Psychology 346 Summit Ridge Circle

Tennessee State University Nashville, TN 37215

3500 John Merritt Blvd. 615-385-4145

Nashville, TN 37209


Education: Cornell University, College of Human Ecology Ph.D. 1981

Major: Developmental Psychology

Minors: Personality and Social Development

Social Policy

Cornell University, College of Human Ecology M.S. 1979

Clark University, Worcester, MA B.A. 1976

Major: Psychology (cum laude)

Honors: Phi Beta Kappa

Psi Chi (National Psychology Honor Society)

Special Skills: Tennessee Rule 31 Listed Mediator (General Civil and Family)


2005- Professor of Psychology, Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN

2006-2007 Visiting Professor of Psychology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

2000-2005 Associate Professor of Psychology, Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN

1995-2000 Assistant Professor of Psychology, Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN

1994-1995 Consultant for Research and Evaluation: Park Center, Nashville, TN

1993-1994 Consultant for Research and Evaluation: Tennessee Association of Mental Health Centers

1988-1994 Research Associate: Institute for Public Policy Studies, Vanderbilt University.

1988 Project Manager and Research Associate: Kennedy Center, Vanderbilt University.

1985-1988 Project Manager and Research Associate: Institute for Public Policy Studies, Vanderbilt University.

1985. Post-doctoral Research Associate: Carnegie-Mellon University.


Sibulkin, A.E., & Butler, J.S. (in press). Post-baccalaureate salaries of psychology majors from a historically Black university: How much does a master’s degree add? Teaching of Psychology.

Sibulkin, A.E., & Butler, J.S. (2015). Undergraduate summer research programs and graduate school outcomes: Don’t ignore rejected program applicants. Teaching of Psychology, 42, 357-360.

Sibulkin, A.E., & Butler, J.S. (2011). Diverse colleges of origin of African American doctoral recipients, 2001-2005: Historically Black colleges and universities and beyond. Research in Higher Education, 52, 830-852.

Sibulkin, A.E., & Butler, J.S. (2008). Should college algebra be a prerequisite for taking psychology statistics? Teaching of Psychology, 35, 214-217.

Sibulkin, A.E., & Butler, J.S. (2005). Differences in graduation rates between young Black and White college students: Effect of entry into parenthood and historically Black universities. Research in Higher Education, 46, 327-348.

Sibulkin, A.E. (1999). HBCUs as a context for instruction and research with a multicultural perspective. In L. Foster, J.A. Guyden, & A.L. Miller (Eds.), Affirmed action: Essays on the academic and social lives of White faculty members at historically Black colleges and universities (pp.45-52). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Sibulkin, A.E. (1997). Timing of children and graduation among traditional-aged college women and men. Higher Education Abstracts, 33, No. 0408-33.

Okpaku, S.O., Anderson, K.H., Sibulkin, A.E., Butler, J.S., Bickman, L. (1997). The effectiveness of a multidisciplinary case management intervention on the employment of SSDI applicants and beneficiaries. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 20, 34-41.

Okpaku, S.O., Sibulkin, A.E., & Schenzler, C. (1994). Disability determinations for adults with mental disorders: Social Security Administration vs independent judgments. American Journal of Public Health, 84, 1791-1795.

Kiesler, C.A., Sibulkin, A.E., Morton, T.L., & Simpkins, C.G. (1991). Characteristics of psychiatric discharges from non-federal, short-term specialty hospitals and general hospitals with and without psychiatric and chemical dependency units: The HDS data. Health Services Research, 25, 881-906.

Kiesler, C.A., & Sibulkin, A.E. (1987). Mental hospitalization: Myths and facts about a national crisis. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Pallak, M.S., Sibulkin, A.E., & Kiesler, C.A. (1986). Hospitalization for mental disorders in general hospitals. American Behavioral Scientist, 30, 231-245.

Kiesler, C.A. & Sibulkin, A.E. (1984). Episodic rate of mental hospitalization: Stable or increasing? American Journal of Psychiatry, 141, 44-48.

Kiesler, C.A., & Sibulkin, A.E. (1984). Drs. Kiesler and Sibulkin reply (Letter to the editor). American Journal of Psychiatry, 141, 1497.

Kiesler, C.A. & Sibulkin, A.E. (1984). Episodic length of stay for mental disorders. In G.M. Stephenson and J.H. Davis (Eds.), Progress in Applied Social Psychology, Vol. 2. New York: Wiley Publications.

Kiesler, C.A. & Sibulkin, A.E. (1983). Proportion of inpatient days for mental disorders: 1969-1978. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 34, 606-611.

Kiesler, C.A. & Sibulkin, A.E. (1983). People, clinical episodes, and mental hospitalization: A multiple-source method of estimation. In R.F. Kidd and M.J. Saks (Eds.), Advances in Applied Social Psychology, Vol. 2. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Sibulkin, A.E. (1983). What's it to them? The value of considerateness to children. In D. Bridgeman (Ed.), The nature of prosocial development. New York: Academic Press.

Sibulkin, A.E. & Kiesler, C.A. (1982). Guide to national data on inpatient care for mental disorders. JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 12, 47, Ms. 2508.

Sibulkin, A.E. & Uzgiris, I.C. (1978). Imitation by preschoolers in a problem-solving situation. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 132, 267-275.

Presentations and Reports:

Sibulkin, A.E., Butler, J.S., & Smith, C.K. (2016, March). Reverse causality explanations: Still hard after all these tries. Poster presented at the Southeastern Teaching of Psychology annual conference, Atlanta.

Sibulkin, A.E. (2014, October). Did practice questions on quiz improve scores on the same question type on test? Invited presentation at the Psychology Educators of Tennessee annual conference, Nashville.

Sibulkin, A. E., & Butler, J.S. (2011, August). Graduate school enrollment and employment of psychology majors with and without a summer research experience from a historically Black university. Poster presented at American Psychological Association annual convention, Washington, DC.

Sibulkin, A.E., & Huffman, C. (2011, February). Teaching social psychology: Challenges and solutions. Invited presentation at the meeting of Southeastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Atlanta.

Sibulkin, A.E., & Butler, J.S. (2009, August). College of origin of African American doctoral recipients, 2001-2005. Poster presented at American Psychological Association annual convention, Toronto.

Chrisler, J. (Chair), Basow, S., Johnston-Robledo, I., Mc Hugh, M.C., Rose, J.G., Sibulkin, A.E., & Smith,C. (2006, March). Identity issues in the classroom. Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Ypsilanti, MI.

Sibulkin, A.E. (Chair), Biaggio, M., Benishek, L.A., Chrisler, J., Denmark, F., Greene, B., & Quina, K. (2004, March). Applying for graduate school in all subfields of psychology: An insider’s guide. Symposium at the annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.

Sibulkin, A.E., & Butler, J.S. (2000, July). Graduation differences between African Americans at historically Black and predominantly White universities. Paper presented at the International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Sibulkin, A.E., & Yost, L.J. (2000, March). Mentoring undergraduate research assistants at a Historically Black university: Program description and preliminary results. Poster session presented at annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Salt Lake City.

Butler, J.S., & Sibulkin, A.E. (1999, March). Does having a child cause young women and men to leave college? The role of self-selection. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Providence, RI.

Sibulkin, A.E., & Butler, J.S. (1998, August). Ethnicity, parenthood, and college graduation among young women and men. Poster session presented at annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

Sibulkin, A.E., & Butler, J.S. (1998, March). Entry into parenthood as a factor in the ethnicity gap in college graduation rates among young women and men. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Baltimore.

Sibulkin, A.E. (1997, August). Timing of children and graduation among traditional-aged college women and men. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago.

Sibulkin, A.E. (1997, March). Childbearing and fathering of children among traditional-aged college women and men. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Pittsburgh.

Sibulkin, A.E., Okpaku, S.O., Anderson, K.H., Schenzler, C.M., Bickman, L., & Butler, J.S. (1995, August). Employment intervention outcomes of SSA disability applicants with mental impairments. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York.

Sibulkin, A.E., Okpaku, S.O. & Schenzler, C.M. (1992, August). Independent judgments of Social Security Administration determinations for mental disorders. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC.

Waters, R.M., & Sibulkin, A.E. (1995, August). The Tennessee Case Management Program: Effects on quality of life as measured by the Global Strengths Assessment. TAMHO/TDMHMR Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program (MHSIP) Collaboration Project. (TDMHMR Contract #3-08592-3-01). Nashville, TN: Tennessee Association of Mental Health Organizations.

Waters, R.M., & Sibulkin, A.E. (1994, August). The Tennessee clinically related groups classification system: Conceptual framework, instrumentation, training, and results from the initial survey. TAMHC/TDMHMR Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program (MHSIP) Collaboration Project. (TDMHMR Contract #3-08592-3-01). Nashville, TN: Tennessee Association of Mental Health Centers.

Sibulkin, A.E., & Waters, R.M. (1994, April). Review of literature on effects of intensive case management on psychiatric hospitalization. TAMHC/TDMHMR Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program (MHSIP) Collaboration Project. (TDMHMR Contract #3-08592-3-01). Nashville, TN: Tennessee Association of Mental Health Centers.

Marquart, J., Lazar, I., & Sibulkin, A.E. (1992, December). Evaluation plan: Success by Six Model Program. Report submitted to United Way of Middle Tennessee. Nashville. TN: Vanderbilt University.

Rapid Early Intervention with Mentally Impaired SSDI Applicants. (1992, March). Final report submitted to Social Security Administration. (Grant No. 13-P-10020-4.) Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University.

Okpaku, S.O., Sibulkin, A.E., & Schenzler, C.M. (1990, May). Reducing disability in SSDI applicants. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, New York.

Grant Activity:

American Psychological Association CEMRRAT grant awarded to: Armstrong, A., Sibulkin, A.E., & Battle, L., “Using Social Networking at an HBCU to Increase Recruitment, Retention, Graduation, and Acceptance into Graduate Programs among Psychology Majors.”

Award: $1,059

Tennessee State University 2008 Faculty Research Award. “Effect of Entry into Parenthood and HBCU Attendance on College Graduation: Statistical Estimation of Cause and Effect Relationships”

Award: $9,000

Activity Director, Tennessee State University Title III grant (U.S. Department of Education),

2002-2007. “College of Education Preparation for Graduate Studies: Research Training and Long-term Program Evaluation”

Award: $544,000.

Activity Director, Tennessee State University Title III grant (U.S. Department of Education),

1998- 2002. “College of Education Enrichment Program for Admission to Graduate Training.” Award: $560,000.

Principal Investigator, Tennessee State University RISE grant, 1997-1998. “Timing of Children and Graduation Rates among Traditional-aged College Women and Men.”

Award: $1,200.

Recently Reviewed for

Teaching of Psychology

Human Behavior in the Social Environment

Sage Open

Courses Recently Taught:

Research Methods (undergraduate)

Social Psychology (undergraduate)

Principles of Learning (undergraduate)


American Psychological Association (Divisions 2, 35)

Association for Psychological Science

Association for Women in Psychology

Association for Conflict Resolution

Tennessee Association of Professional Mediators


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