Classroom Code of Conduct

English 9


Ms. Garban kgarban@

Mrs. Garrard ejgarrard@

Mrs. Howe mehowe@

Mrs.Scherer jmscherer@

Ms.Teruya lyteruya@

Course Scope: This one-year course (Foundations in Composition and the Elements of Text) provides instruction in the English Language Arts strands identified by the Common Core State Standards as reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language. This course is designed to build on knowledge and skills acquired in earlier grades but in more sophisticated ways such as mastering the language, structure, and rhetoric of text; completing more complex writing assignments; reading and analyzing a range of literary and informational discourse, both classic and contemporary; delivering more extensive oral presentations; and participating in a variety of conversations and collaborations with peers. Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to society. The appropriate use of technology and digital media are integral parts of this course. This course fulfills one of the English credits required for high school graduation.

Course Goals:

1. To read and analyze a wide variety of text (e.g., informational, fiction and non-fiction, expository) representative of high-quality contemporary works, seminal U.S. documents, the timeless classics from around the globe, and dramas by Shakespeare. [RL.9-10.1-7, 9, 10; RI.9-10.1-10]

2. To respond in writing or speaking with a focus on the credibility of an author’s perspective or argument, the relationship between generalizations and evidence, and the way in which the writer’s or speaker’s intent affects the structure and tone of text. [RL.9-10.5; RI.9-10.5; W.9-10.1-8; SL.9-10.3; L.9-10.1]

3. To demonstrate a command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing and speaking. [W.9-10.4, 5; SL.9-10.6; L.9-10.1-3]

4. To extend ideas through clear, non-trivial, original research methodology and analysis using evaluation, and elaboration whether writing or speaking. [RL.9-10.1; RI.9-10.1; W.9-10.7-9; SL.9-10.1]

5. To synthesize information from multiple sources in support of a thesis, embed quotations and citations skillfully, and use bibliographic conventions appropriately. [RL.9-10.1; RI.9-10.1; W.9-10.1, 2, 4, 8, 9; SL.9-10.1a; SL.9-10.2-4, 6; L.9-10.1-3, 6]

6. To understand elements of texts, selected from a broad range of cultures and time periods, not simply as definitions but deeply as aids to reading and creating expressive discourse. [RL.9-10.1-6; RI.9-10.1-8; W.9-10.1, 2; SL.9-10.4; L.9-10.4-6]

7. To recognize and analyze the purposes and characteristics of the major genres and subgenres of text (e.g. prose, poetry, drama, literary non-fiction). [RL.9-10.1-7, 9, 10; RI.9-10.1-10; W.9-10.1-3]

8. To apply the general strategies of organization and focus, coherence, revision, and word choice to produce writing (e.g., argument, expository, narration) of increasing sophistication and length whether over time or under a tight deadline. [W.9-10.1-10]

Course Cadre Grading Rubric

CCSD Regulation 5121, Student Progress: Grading, Section II:

The Clark County School District reports student achievement for all subjects in secondary schools (grades six through twelve) and computes grade point averages using the following symbols and scale:

A Excellent 90-100% 4.0

B Above Average 80-89% 3.0

C Average 70-79% 2.0

D Below Average 60-69% 1.0

F Failure Below 60% 0.0

Grades for each Quarter:

All in-class assignments, tests, quizzes, projects, papers, outside reading, participation, and homework will earn points. Points will accumulate throughout the semester using the above grading scale. Below is the distribution of grades:

• Homework - 10%

• Classwork – 20%

• Summative Assessment (Test / Quizzes / Writing / Projects) - 70%


Spelling, mechanical, and grammatical conventions will also be graded. All assignments, due dates, and test dates will be clear and explained fully in class. Students and parents should check grades on Infinite Campus.

Semester Grades:

Your semester grade will be determined using the following weights: each quarter will count 40% while the semester exam will count 20%.

Makeup Work:

CCSD Regulation 5113, Attendance Enforcement, Section VII entitled Makeup Work: “Teachers shall provide an opportunity for a student to make up missed work due to any absence, and students shall be held accountable for the work. When a student is absent, however, the educational experiences lost during that absence might be irretrievable because the instruction and interaction in the instructional setting cannot be duplicated through makeup work.

After any absence, a secondary student is required to initiate contact with the teacher(s) to obtain appropriate makeup work within three school days immediately following the absence. Once contact has been made with the teacher(s) specific makeup work must be completed and returned to the teacher(s) within a reasonable length of time, to be determined by the teacher and communicated to the student/parent or legal guardian. The makeup work must be returned to the teacher(s) by the specified due date if it is to be acknowledged. Students shall be allowed a minimum of three (3) days to complete makeup work.”


CCSD Regulation 5113, Attendance Enforcement, Section I entitled Student Tardiness: “Student tardiness is a serious disruption to the educational process. Tardiness interferes with time to teach and infringes on the educational rights of other students.” Students will be expected to follow the Silverado High School Tardy Policy and Procedures. Tardiness is handled progressively in the following fashion:

1st Tardy – Documented Warning 4th Tardy – Teacher Detention (20 minutes after school)

2nd Tardy – 2nd Documented Warning 5th Tardy – Deans’ Referral

3rd Tardy – Call Home


The attendance policy for the state of Nevada requires that students miss no more than seven unexcused absences per semester in order to be eligible to earn credit for graduation. Students must bring in a note excusing them from school signed by a parent within three days following the school absence. The note must be date-stamped in the office within three days to count as excused. Should a student have more than eight unexcused days in a semester, a failing grade will be issued for that semester, and no credit will be earned for the entire semester even if the student has earned a passing grade. There is an appeal process.

Course Information

Foundations in Composition and the Elements of Text

Course Guiding Theme: Several Themes and Essential Questions will be researched, analyzed and discussed over the course of the year.

On-going Activities: Vocabulary, compound and complex sentence structures, outside reading (300 pages per quarter), proficiency preparation, writing and writing portfolios, book reviews from established list, SAT/ACT practice, journal writing, timed writings, rhetoric and annotation, and grammar review.

Materials Needed:

• Composition or spiral notebook

• Loose leaf paper

• Pencils/Pens/Highlighters

• Agenda

• Reading novel


Classroom Code of Conduct: Responsibility and Respect

1) Come to class prepared and on time – students will be seated in their assigned seats with all class materials, and ready to begin class by the time the tardy bell rings

2) Take responsibility – students will take responsibility for their actions

3) Respect yourself and others – students will respect ethnic, social, intellectual, and economic diversity by being tactful in their comments, criticisms, and opinions. I will not tolerate profanity or derogatory remarks

4) No electronic devices or grooming items – students will not use iPods, cellular phones unless directed by the teacher, or personal grooming items in class

5) Eat and drink only in school-designated areas – water is permitted in class

Behaving in an appropriate and positive way will result in consequences.

Positive sanctions may include:

Praise and thank you

“Outstanding” citizenship mark

Failure to behave in an appropriate way will result in progressive discipline consequences.

Negative Sanctions:

Verbal and/or written warning

Conference with student

Phone call to parents/guardians

Counselor and/or Dean’s referral

“Unsatisfactory” citizenship mark

SHS Cheating Policy

Consequences for Cheating will include, but may not be limited to the following:

1. Zero Grade on that homework assignment, test, project, quiz, etc. (For both

supplier and user of information.)

2. Phone call home & contact made with parent(s).

3. Referral to the dean with documentation made in your folder.

4. “U” in citizenship for the quarter. (Please keep in mind that a “U” in

citizenship may result in loss of certain privileges and/or deny participation in

certain activities.)

*Please read the student handbook as to what constitutes as cheating as it will not be tolerated!

All final drafts of essays and projects will be required to be uploaded to . This is a database program which checks for plagiarism. Each English teacher will provide directions on how to create an account, upload an essay and check the originality report.

Coming to Class – Students will bring their English binder and lined paper to class each day. Always bring textbooks or assigned reading materials, required pens, a pencil, and school planner/agenda. Additionally, students should bring an inquisitive mind! (

Beginning of Class – Students enter the classroom quietly and sit in assigned seats before the period’s tardy bell rings. The first 5 to 10 minutes of every class will be spent journal writing. Students will not talk; this focused, quiet time is necessary to transition from socializing in the hallways to the learning environment.

Tardy Students – Students entering the classroom late will sign the tardy log. Any work missed is the responsibility of the student to acquire and make up. Habitual tardiness will result in negative sanctions in accordance with these course expectations and school policy. If a student is late by 30 minutes or more, he or she will be marked as absent for the period.

Homework – Teachers will collect homework each day. Students who turn their homework in by the due date have an opportunity to earn full credit; students who do not, will receive less than full credit. Late homework will only be accepted within ONE day of the due date, and 10% of the point value deducted as a late penalty. Anything turned in later will have points deducted accordingly.

Absence/Make-Up Work – Students are responsible for making up any work missed due to an absence, and are responsible for requesting the missed work. Students should check the late/make-up book before asking the teacher for assistance. In accordance with school policy, students with an excused absence have three days to submit missed work for full credit.

End of Class – Students will remain seated until dismissed by the teacher. Students will ensure their areas are picked up and clean, and the chairs are in their proper position.


I have read the course expectations and I am aware of all the policies and requirements of this class.

______________________________ ______________ ___________

Student Printed Name Student Number Class Period


Student Signature Date


I am pleased to have your child in my class this year. I value your input as part of your child’s learning; please contact me if you feel I need to know anything that affects your child’s learning, and I will do my utmost to help. If you have a concern, please do contact me.

The best way to contact me is via e-mail, or you may also contact me through the school at 799-5790. I endeavor to reply to all messages within 24 hours. I welcome your thoughts and comments, and highly regard your participation in your child’s education.

Parent/Guardian Contact Information:

Parent/Guardian Printed Name_____________________________________________________

Home Phone:_______________Work Phone: ______________Cell Phone: ________________

Email: ______________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Thoughts or Comments:

Multi-Media Use:

Movie Permission:

At various times throughout the school year, film clips may be used to gain background information or enhance understanding of the material we are studying. Per CCSD policy, only G and PG rated films will be shown.

By signing below, I am giving my permission for my child to view movies in class.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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