Where Do You Get Information

Where Do You Get Information? – Teacher's Guide


In today's world, current events and general information are available from such sources as newspapers, radio, TV and the Internet. Where do most people get their information? In this activity the students are going to conduct a survey to find out the different ways people get information.

Students can access all the Internet sites for the Interactive Activities by going to the ECB On-line homepage, clicking on Students' Centre and again on Interactive Activities links. The links to the Internet sites are listed under the names of the activities.


Foundation and Intermediate (Grades 5-8)


Two or three 45-minute lessons

Group Size

Pairs or groups

Students' Prior Knowledge

The students can ...

... write simple questions.

... interpret graphs and charts


The students will be able to ...

... ask and answer questions.

... react to the content of something read, seen or heard.

... design different means for collecting information.


Brainstorm with the students and write on the board the different types of resources available today that provide us with current events or general information. Discuss which of these resources were unavailable 10, 20 or 30 years ago?

Ask the students to complete Where Do You Get Information?

Give the student Where Do You Get Information? – Survey. Ask the students too conduct a survey. Each pair of students should ask, 5 teachers, 4 parents, and 10 other people of various ages which resources they would use to find answers the information on the activity page. Each group must ask at least 20 people.


Students present and explain their findings on a poster with graphs or charts. Explain if there are differences where different groups of people find information.

Optional: Several groups can combine their findings and present their results according to resources as well as gender and / or age.

Where Do You Get Information? – Activity

Part 1: Which resources would you use to find the following information:

• yesterday's football scores

• today's weather in London, England

• the name of the sixteenth president of the United States

• an apartment for sale in Acco

• an article about climbing Mt. Everest

Conduct a survey. Ask, 5 teachers, 4 parents, and at least 10 other people of various ages (don't forget to write down their ages) which resources they would use to find answers to the information on the activity page.

You must ask at least 20 people.

Do You Get Information? – Survey – Page 1

Ask, 5 teachers, 4 parents, and at least 10 other people of various ages where they find this information Internet, television newspaper, magazine, radio or ________(other).

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|Age of person / |yesterday's football |today's weather in London,|the name of the |an apartment for |an article about |

|sex F/M |scores |England |sixteenth president of |sale in Acco |climbing Mt. |

| | | |the United States | |Everest |

Do You Get Information? – Survey – Page 2

Ask, 5 teachers, 4 parents, and at least 10 other people of various ages where they find this information Internet, television newspaper, magazine, radio or ________(other).

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|Age of person / |yesterday's football |today's weather in London,|the name of the |an apartment for |an article about |

|sex F/M |scores |England |sixteenth president of |sale in Acco |climbing Mt. |

| | | |the United States | |Everest |


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