schools.High | Get the latest updates, additional resources, and dates for fairs, admissions workshops, open houses, and auditions. schools.SHS | Get more information about the nine specialized high schools and read the Specialized High Schools Student Handbook. schools.Connect | Sign up for our email list to get admissions tips and key date reminders.


MySchools.nyc | MySchools is both an online directory of NYC public schools and a personalized application. You can explore NYC public schools, find and save choices for your application, and apply--all in one place. ? Register for the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT) or LaGuardia High

School auditions by October 11, 2018. ? Submit the high school application online by December 3, 2018.


Your School Counselor | Your counselor will guide you through the admissions process and help you build your best possible application. Family Welcome Centers | schools.WelcomeCenters | Visit a Family Welcome Center to get help with your application--locations and hours are listed on the website. NYC Department of Education | 718-935-2009 | HSEnrollment@schools. Call or write us if you have questions about admissions.

Know the Paths to High School

There are two paths in DOE public high school admissions--applying to high schools (required) and testing or auditioning for specialized high schools (optional).


Two paths for students


High School 700+ Programs at 400+ High Schools

Get Round 1 application instructions from school counselor

Specialized High Schools

8 Testing Schools

1 Audition School

Speak to your school counselor to register--then get test and/or audition tickets






Complete application by listing 12 programs in your true order of preference



1 Offer Round 2 (if necessary)

1 Offer*

1-6 Offers*

*if applicable

00Use the 2019 NYC High School Directory and MySchools (MySchools.nyc) to build a list of programs that interest you. Check your commute to each program of interest.

00Look at your June 2018 final report card and compare it to selection criteria shown for programs that use a screened or audition admissions method.

00Go to the family workshops for high school and specialized high schools admissions.

00Plan your admissions calendar for the fall--find each school's open house date on our website or by contacting schools directly.

00Specialized high schools | Read the Specialized High Schools Student Handbook to prepare for the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT) and LaGuardia High School auditions.

00Attend the high school fairs in September and October. Check our website for up-todate information on locations and times.

00For audition programs, find audition dates for specific programs and learn how to register in the school pages of the High School Directory, or contact schools directly for up-to-date information.

00For screened programs, find admissions requirements and instructions for specific programs in the school pages of this directory.

00Meet with a counselor at your school or a Family Welcome Center to discuss your Round 1 application.

00Attend open houses for high schools.

00Review the admissions priorities for programs of interest. Learn which priority group you're in for each program.

00For audition programs, go to auditions, interviews, and information sessions.

00For screened programs, complete school-based assessments and/or submit portfolios.

00Specialized high schools | Register for the SHSAT and/or LaGuardia High School auditions through a counselor at your school or a Family Welcome Center , or through MySchools (MySchools.nyc) by October 11, 2018.

00Specialized high schools | Get your SHSAT ticket and/or LaGuardia High School audition ticket. The ticket will show your test/audition dates, times, and locations.

00Specialized high schools | Take the SHSAT and/or audition for LaGuardia High School as scheduled in October or November. Taking the test or auditioning means you have applied.

00Submit your Round 1 application online by December 3, 2018. Need help? ??Talk to your school counselor ??Visit a Family Welcome Center ??Call us at 718-935-2009

00Continue to complete any assessments, attend any auditions or interviews, and/or submit portfolios by school deadlines.

00Get your Round 1 results letter, which will include an offer to a high school, and, if applicable, your specialized high schools results. You will get at least one offer in Round 1, or multiple offfers if you also get a specialized high school offer.

00You can still participate in Round 2! Submit a Round 2 application only with programs you prefer over your Round 1 offer. If you get a Round 2 offer, it replaces a Round 1 offer. ??Explore Round 2 options in MySchools.nyc. ??Attend the Round 2 high school fair. ??Submit your Round 2 application by the deadline provided.




ACTIVITY Admissions True or False?

Test your knowledge of high school admissions by answering the true/false questions below! Then check your answers on the bottom of page 10.

True or False?

I do not have to register for or take the Specialized High Schools

1 Admissions Test (SHSAT) if I plan on only auditioning for Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School.

My Guess

Correct Answer

If a high school has multiple

2 programs, I can list more than one of them on my application.

Applying to 12 programs makes it

3 more likely I'll receive an offer to a program of my choice.


It is important to list program choices in my true order of preference.


I can apply to high schools outside my neighborhood and district.

I can still apply to a screened or


audition program if my academic record falls below the selection criteria

ranges shown on its school page.

The Round 1 application I'm


completing this fall is the best opportunity I'll have to apply to high

schools in NYC.

Students learning English can apply

8 to all programs in the High School Directory or MySchools.

Students with disabilities can apply

9 to all programs in the High School Directory or MySchools.


ACTIVITY Ask Questions at High School Events

When you speak with a school representative at a fair or open house, try to ask one question from each box. Create your own questions to learn more about a school.

Suggested Questions

Your Questions

School Culture ? How do you support students looking

for extra help with their classes? ? Are there opportunities to volunteer

or be involved in the community?

Typical Ninth Grade Program ? What time does the day start and end? ? What time do students usually finish

their clubs and activities? ? Are there classes or activities

specifically for ninth-graders? ? How does your school communicate

with new students the summer before ninth grade?

Courses ? What are some examples of courses

students can take? ? What are your most popular courses? ? What language courses do you offer? ? What makes your school's courses

different from other schools?

College and Career Readiness ? How do you support students towards

college? ? What colleges do students from your

school usually go to? Why? ? What CTE certification programs does

your school offer?

Admissions ? If you have a screened program, what

are your selection criteria? ? Are there any special steps I should

take to be considered? ? What are your admissions priorities?


Know Your Chances of Getting In

How can you know your chances of getting an offer from your favorite schools and programs? How do you increase your chances of getting an offer from one of your application choices?

A good way to know your chances of getting an offer is to figure out if each program you like is reach, target, or likely for you.

Reach Lower chance you'll get an offer Target Average chance you'll get an offer Likely Higher chance you'll get an offer

Several factors determine whether a program is a reach, target, or likely program for you.

Some of these factors are ones you can control; others are determined by the school. Learning about all of these factors can help you make smart choices about where to apply. These are the factors:

Your Choices on the Application The 12 programs you list and the order in which you list them on the application

Your Information* Where you live, your academic record, your audition, and/or other factors

Admissions Priorities* The order in which programs consider groups of applicants--learn which priority group you're in for each program

Admissions Methods How programs make offers to applicants

Seats and Applicants Per Seat The number of seats available for applicants and how popular the program is (demand)

*Only for some programs

Here's how some of the factors may affect your chances:




High Demand: 10 or more applicants per seat

Low or Average Demand: 4-9 applicants per seat

Lower Demand: 3 or fewer applicants per seat




You are not in the first priority group

You are in the first priority group You are in the first priority group




Your academics are below or on the low ends of the ranges

Your academics are in the middle of the ranges

The admissions method does not use academics, or your academics are on the high ends of the ranges



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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