2017-2018 High School Admissions - Connect with Kids

2017-2018 High School Admissions

Workshop for High School Administrators December 2017


Part I Shared Objectives for Admissions | Warm Up Activity Equity and Excellence for All | Brainstorming and Recruitment Admissions Data, Reminders, and Register Projections Updates Part II Process Timeline Program Change Requests and Directory Update Process How Offers are Determined SEMS Overview and Excel Best Practices Contacts and Resources

Part I

Shared Objectives for Admissions

Match students to one of their application choices as early in the process as possible Ensure schools are effectively managing decisions regarding their applicant pools Support families in their efforts to develop a thoughtful application that reflects true student preference

Maximize access to high-quality schools and programs for all students Reinforce transparency around admissions practices Uphold process in all student/family communications Ensure access for students with disabilities and English Language Learners

Supporting Families | Warm Up

"Rare is a 13-year-old equipped to handle the selection process alone. The process can become like a second job for some parents as they arm themselves with folders, spreadsheets and consultants who earn hundreds of dollars an hour to guide them. But most families in the public school system have neither the flexibility nor the resources to match that arsenal."

The Broken Promises of Choice in New York City Schools, New York Times, May 5, 2017

"Time is an often-unacknowledged obstacle for families applying to New York City schools. A study of the NYC high school process found that the high school application process requires a time investment of, at a minimum, 25 to 72 hours."

Equity and Excellence for All: Diversity in New York City's Public Schools, NYCDOE, June 6, 2017

"xx High School, a popular high school, was not present at the Citywide or Borough fairs...it has been difficult to register students for open houses...it has been difficult to register for test dates at XX...this was the worst year yet for open houses; all dates filled up immediately."

Members of the NYC High School Application Advisory Committee, Fordham Law School, October 2017

Equity and Access for All ? Diversity Plan,

June 6, 2017

"The New York City Department of Education is committed to supporting learning environments that reflect the diversity of New York City. We believe all students benefit from diverse and inclusive schools

and classrooms where all students, families and school staff are supported and welcomed. This work is essential to our vision of Equity

and Excellence for all NYC students."

Eliminate "limited unscreened" as a high school admissions method and

replace with admissions methods that will promote greater diversity. Develop strategies to increase access to screened schools for all

students, especially high-needs students Streamline the formal mechanisms for families to learn about school

options and apply Expand Diversity in Admissions pilots

Turn & Talk | Brainstorming Activity

What are improvements that you've considered for your school's process? OR What would you like to explore for your school's process?

Recruitment is About...

Broadening and deepening your applicant base and ensuring informed families apply Consistent recruitment is the best way to ensure your school has enough applicants to meet your targets

Matching students early in the process (our shared objective) Schools need to focus on recruitment for general education students and students with disabilities

Marketing a shared vision to generate buy in and develop a cohesive school culture

Inclusivity ? recruitment is not just for general education students, it is about students with disabilities, students with accessibility needs, and English Language Learners as well


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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