January 22, 2019

The Lyman County Commissioners met in regular session in the Conference Room in the Courthouse at Kennebec, South Dakota, January 22, 2019, at 9:00 a.m. with the following members present: Ryan Huffman, Bill Lengkeek, Leslie Reuer, Zane Reis and Auditor Pam Michalek. Absent: Jared Schelske.


Chairman Huffman called the meeting to order with the pledge to the flag.


Motion by Lengkeek, seconded by Reis to adopt the agenda. All voting aye.


County Health Nurse Mary Jo Garnos provided the Commission with statistics from the WIC program, Baby Care, car seats, immunizations and various other services provided.


Director of Equalization Stacie Gran presented her proposed intensions for 2019 to raise D class residential lots by 3% across the board. DOE Gran discussed a time line for the completion of assessing the towns. Commission consensus was received for implementing a new building permit. A notice reminding property owners that a building permit is required may be included with the property assessment notices sent in March 2019. DOE Gran requested permission to purchase CAMA Vision by Vanguard for their second computer. Motion by Reuer, seconded by Lengkeek to approve purchase of the software to increase office efficiency. All voting aye.


Sr. Advisor Robert Latimer, Field and Security Advisor Bryan Gortmaker, Attorney James Moore and States Attorney Steve Smith met with the Commission to discuss a haul road agreement between TransCanada and Lyman County.


10:00 a.m. Motion by Reis, seconded by Reuer to enter into executive session for contract negotiations (SDCL 1-25-2 (3). All voting aye.

10:20 a.m. Chairman Huffman declared the board out of executive session. Robert Latimer will bring forth a haul road agreement February 5, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. TransCanada representatives and SA Smith left the meeting.


Motion by Reuer, seconded by Lengkeek to approve the minutes of January 8, 2019. All voting aye.


Motion by Lengkeek, seconded by Reis to pay the following bills. All voting aye.

|Brule County Auditor - 4-H membership & supplies |88.30 |

|Brule County Auditor - Prisoner board |4,620.00 |

|Byre Brothers - Courthouse annual waste disposal |658.00 |

|Byre Brothers - RB annual waste disposal |1,316.00 |

|Cardmember Service - Commission supplies |412.95 |

|CenturyLink - 911 monthly expense |164.54 |

|Halverson, Kim - 2018 Employee medical flex |134.00 |

|Halverson, Kim - 2018 Employer GAP |2,184.67 |

|Halvorson Oil - RB supplies |63.00 |

|Halvorson Oil - Sheriff travel |216.04 |

|Hieb Oil - RB fuel |2,596.29 |

|Hieb Oil - Sheriff travel |862.11 |

|Kennebec Telephone Co. - RB supplies, parts & labor |175.68 |

|Kennebec Town - Courthouse utilities |104.50 |

|KPI Insurance - Reliance Fire Dept. expense |4,178.00 |

|Lewis Family Drug, LLC - Prisoner medication |29.79 |

|Lyman County Treasurer - Cash Items - Treasurer tax deed |6.70 |

|Lyman County Treasurer - Treasurer's Trust |786.54 |

|Office Products Center - DOE supplies |123.03 |

|Office Products Center - ROD supplies |184.84 |

|Olinger, Lovald, McCahren, VanCamp & Konrad - Court appointed attorney fees |2,048.68 |

|Quill Corporation - ROD supplies |236.99 |

|Riter, Rogers, Wattier & Northrup LLP - Court appointed attorney fees |3,460.62 |

|SD Dept. of Game, Fish & Parks - December 2018 game sold |242.00 |

|SD Sec. of State - Pistol Permits (3) |21.00 |

|Thomson Reuters - West - Law books Auditor, SA, Sheriff & Law Library |399.12 |

|Tieszen Law Office, Prof. LLC - Court appointed attorney fees |4,377.17 |

|Tracy Brakke - 2018 Employer GAP (3) |5,466.47 |

|Tripp County Water User District - RB prepay utilities |440.00 |

|US Postal Service - Auditor postage |200.00 |

|US Postal Service - DOE postage |100.00 |

|US Postal Service - RB postage |160.00 |

|US Postal Service - ROD postage |360.00 |

|US Postal Service - Sheriff postage |200.00 |

|US Postal Service - Treasurer postage |100.00 |

|Uthe, Carol - 2018 Employer GAP |3,700.00 |

|West Central Electric - Courthouse utilities |2,430.04 |

|Total Bills |$42,847.07 |


Motion by Lengkeek, seconded by Reis to appoint Leslie Reuer to the Sanford Advisory Board, effective January 1, 2019. All voting aye.


Motion by Reuer, seconded by Reis to approve the quarterly EMS report and authorize Chairman Huffman to sign and date. All voting aye.


Motion by Lengkeek, seconded by Reuer to approve a building permit for Agtegra to erect two 90’ bins, 115 N SD Hwy. 273, Kennebec SD. All voting aye.


Motion by Reis, seconded by Reuer to approve abatements for mobile homes paid in 2018 in the total amount of $3,351.96. All voting aye.


Motion by Lengkeek, seconded by Reuer to approve the 2019 Memorandum of Understanding between SDSU Extension and Lyman County for partial salary ($10,010.00), office administrative support, travel expenses, etc. for the 4-H Advisor position. All voting aye. The MOU is on file in the Auditor’s Office.


Weed Supt.Walt Nagel met with the Commission for the purpose of a Weed Meeting. Motion by Lengkeek, seconded by Reuer to recognize and designate puncture vine, bull thistle, musk & plumeless thistle as local noxious weeds to focus on, and authorize Chairman Huffman to sign the request form. All voting aye.

Hwy. Supt. Nagel requested the Commission surplus the 2012 CAT truck, 1999 pup trailer, 2002 250 Ford 4 door Pickup, used tires, planks, iron, culverts and dirt. Motion by Reuer, seconded by Reis to surplus the above mentioned items and place some on Big Iron. All voting aye. Discussion was held about purchasing a walk’n roll and a retriever. No decision was made at this time.


Motion by Reis, seconded by Reuer to approve a $1,500.00 annual raise for fulltime employees (with the exception of the Deputy DOE who received a $4,640.00 raise November 1, 2018), a $750.00 annual raise for ½ time employees, a $200.00 annual raise for the VSO, a $7,600.00 annual raise for the States Attorney, a .75¢ per hour raise for temporary nurse’s office manager (no benefits); increase starting salaries for courthouse employees to $30,000.00, sheriff’s deputies to $35,300.00 and highway department employees to $34,260.00, effective January 1, 2019. All voting aye. There was no salary increase for Commissioners, Weed Supervisor or Coroner fees.


|Ryan Huffman, County Commissioner |$7,688.00 |

|Bill Lengkeek, County Commissioner |$7,688.00 |

|Leslie Reuer, County Commissioner |$7,688.00 |

|Zane Reis, County Commissioner |$7,688.00 |

|Jared Schelske, County Commissioner |$7,688.00 |

|Pam Michalek, County Auditor ( 2 months) |$43,100.00 |

|Debra Halverson, Deputy Auditor (2 months) |$33,700.00 |

|Carol J. Sundall, County Treasurer |$43,100.00 |

|Carol Uthe, Deputy Treasurer |$34,220.00 |

|Steve Smith, States Attorney |$45,000.00 |

|Lori Marsh, Custodian |$32,500.00 |

|Stacie Gran, Director of Equalization | $43,100.00 |

|Janelynn Maguire, Deputy Director of Equalization | $33,240.00 |

|Tracy Brakke, County Register of Deeds |$43,100.00 |

|Misti Ramser, Dep. Register of Deeds |$16,850.00 |

|Gary Sletto, Veterans Service Officer (2 days monthly) |$3,400.00 |

|Steve Manger, County Sheriff |$50,100.00 |

|Don Jennings, Chief Deputy Sheriff |$42,540.00 |

|Ryan Bottjen, Deputy Sheriff |$38,900.00 |

|Michael Massa, Deputy Sheriff |$35,300.00 |

|Margo Mitchell, Dispatcher/Office Manager |$19,350.00 |

|Margo Mitchell, Emergency Management Director |$21,750.00 |

|Walt Nagel, Highway Supt. |$44,200.00 |

|Walt Nagel, Weed Supervisor |$6,000.00 |

|Misti Ramser, Highway Office Manager |$15,650.00 |

|Randy Headley, Highway Dept. |$43,060.00 |

|Jon, England, Highway Dept. Truck & Gravel Foreman |$40,980.00 |

|Scott Schaefer, Highway Assistant Supt. |$41,300.00 |

|Michael Hoffer, Sr., Highway Dept. |$35,460.00 |

|Russell Langenbau, Highway Dept. |$35,460.00 |

|Renae Wagner, Temporary Nurse Office Manager (no benefits) |$14.50/hr. |

|Coroner fees |$75.00 per call |


Motion by Lengkeek, seconded by Reis to adjourn until February 5, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. All voting aye.

_______________________________________________ ATTEST:_______________________________________

Ryan Huffman, Chairman Pam Michalek

Lyman County Commission Lyman County Auditor


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