Yulee Elementary School - nassau.k12.fl.us


Message from Administration

Dear Parents,

As we commence the 2019-2020 school year, the faculty and staff of Yulee Elementary School are eagerly looking forward to another great year. Our ultimate goal is to continue providing students with a quality education which will equip them with academic tools for a successful future. Through the implementation of effective instruction and exploring the different modalities in which students learn, we know our students will be successful.

Each child’s academic and social development is enhanced by open communication between school and home which impacts your child’s education immensely. We will continue to use the daily planner as a primary communication tool, and you are encouraged to view it daily. If any questions or concerns should arise, please conference with the teacher first in an effort to mitigate the situation. Should a conference not resolve your concern, please feel free to contact a guidance counselor, the assistant principal, or myself.

This handbook contains information about the day-to-day operations of our school and our policies and procedures. A copy of our Parent/ Student /Teacher /Compact is provided as well. The district code of conduct can be found at Nassau.K12.FL.US under the Department of Elementary Education. Please take the time to review the information on the next few pages with your child and please check his/her planner daily for assignments and messages.

We would also like to take this opportunity to encourage you to become involved in your child’s education. Reading and assisting your child with homework every night is a great way to support our educational program and sends a powerful message to children about the value of school. Also, consider getting involved as a volunteer, as a member of the parent-teacher organization (PTO), or by serving on the School Advisory Council (SAC). On behalf of the faculty and staff here at Yulee Elementary, we welcome you and your child to our school family and are looking forward to a successful and rewarding year. Thank you for the continued support of your child and Yulee Elementary School.


Your Administration Team

Bryce Cubbal Danielle Loudermilk

Principal Assistant Principal


Developing each student as an inspired lifelong learner and problem solver with the strength of character to serve as a productive member of society.


Creating a community of learners where students and teachers become lifelong learners so they are citizens of good character and contribute to society.


Parents have the responsibilities in guiding the child’s behavior at home and in influencing his conduct at school. Per Florida Statute, parents are responsible for ensuring their child attends school regularly, arrives on time, and dresses properly in a condition of health and mental alertness to benefit from instruction.


Children may only be dropped off at 7:20 a.m. when there is adult supervision. Cafeteria doors open and breakfast starts at 7:20 a.m.

The first bell will ring at 7:35 a.m. indicating students are dismissed from the cafeteria to go to their classroom. Students arriving after 7:35 may grab breakfast from the Grab n’ Go carts located on the sidewalks. TV production and morning announcements which includes the Pledge of Allegiance begin at 7:50 a.m. The final bell rings at 7:50 a.m. indicating the start of instruction. It is expected that all students are in their seats ready to begin by this time. Any students arriving after 7:50 will be marked tardy. If your child arrives late to school, Y.E.S. requires that a parent/guardian MUST sign him/her in at the front office.


Students will be dismissed at 2:05 p.m. on Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Students will be dismissed at 1:05 p.m. on Wednesday as a part of The Nassau County Early Dismissal Program. When dismissed, children should go immediately and directly to the dismissal area. All requests to go home via a different mode other than that set up at the beginning of the school year or any permanent change may be requested in person, or by calling the front desk, or in writing by parent or guardian. This should be done at the beginning of the school day.

Parents picking up students by car must enter campus via our parent pickup line. Parents are required to have a YES Mirror Pass and should remain in their vehicles when picking up students in the designated pick-up zone. This will expedite the loading of students and provide a safe environment for faculty, staff, and students. If no card is presented, we ask that you pull over to the “ID Zone” so identification can be verified (you may request an additional YES Mirror Pass from the front office). If we are unable to verify you have permission to pick up the student, we ask that you park and report to the front office. The instructional day ends at 2:05 p.m. Instructional time is valuable, and it is critical that students miss as little as possible. If a child is to depart before the end of the instructional day, we request that you check your child out by 1:35 p.m.

Please note that the bus loop is off-limits to all vehicular and pedestrian traffic EXCEPT buses between 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. and 1:30 - 2:30 (12:30-1:30 on Wed).


Parents are a vital part of our success and are always welcome on campus. However, parents wishing to volunteer in classes should notify the teacher of their intent prior to arriving at school and sign up with the volunteer coordinator to receive necessary clearance and information. A Volunteer Form is sent home to be filled out turned in to the school for submission to the School Board and a Volunteer Training Session will be announced and held at the beginning of the year. If you are in need of extra Volunteer Forms, feel free to request them from our front office. For your child’s protection, everyone must sign in at the front the office with a valid driver’s license or State issued ID before entering campus. Students may not bring visitors to school.


Students are more successful in school when the important adults in their lives are working together to support them. A concerted effort is made by the staff at Yulee Elementary School to keep parents informed of the skills, topics, activities and progress of each child.

Our school-wide system for communication is based on the utilization of our daily planners and color-coded weekly take home folders. Teachers also send home weekly classroom newsletters. The Buzz is a monthly school newsletter published and sent home with each student at the beginning of each month. Important dates are listed on the back of the newsletter and are also published on the school marquee and front office calendar regularly. Please be sure to visit our school website located at .

While technological forms of communication may be popular and convenient, these methods are not encouraged. Personal Texting, Facebooking, Twittering, etc. are not School Board approved methods of home-school communication. To facilitate communication, teachers have e-mail and voicemail accounts and may elect to set up a school-based messaging forum through REMIND. Teachers check phone and e-mail messages during non-student contact times. We will make every effort to return communication within 24-48 hours, during scheduled work days.

Nassau County schools use the FOCUS student information system. The system includes a parent portal which allows parents to view student attendance, grades and more in real time. If you would like to activate a new FOCUS Account for your student(s) contact the front office to request a new FOCUS Request Form.

At Y.E.S., we work hard to keep open lines of school/family communication. Should any concerns arise, please contact your child’s classroom teacher first to seek resolve. Teachers love working with your students, and desire to work with their families to make the school year successful for all of our students. Although not ideal, should you desire to have your child transferred to another class; a request can be made to the school Principal. At Y.E.S., we follow the Nassau County policy of two conferences with Administrative involvement to attempt resolution. Following this process, the request will be approved or denied by Administration within two weeks of the initial request. If the request is denied, we will notify the family and specify the reason. We all desire for students and families to have a positive school experience in every classroom at Y.E.S.!

Additionally, Yulee Elementary utilizes “School Messenger”, a recorded telephone message system for all pertinent school reminders and event information. Effective communication between all stakeholders is key for success! Thank you for helping us with these efforts!


If your child comes home with a concern, there is a procedure to follow. Most situations can be resolved in the first or second step.

1. The teacher and student should work together to solve the situation first. Encourage your child to

talk with the teacher when other students are not present. This provides an opportunity for open discussion without the pressure of others being involved.

2. If there is no resolution between the student and the teacher, the parent should then participate. Schedule a meeting with the teacher by calling the school or writing a note to arrange a time.

3. If the parent, student, and teacher are unable to reach a solution, the parent and student should schedule a meeting with the principal or guidance counselor.

4. Finally, if satisfaction is not reached, the parent should arrange an appointment with the Director of Elementary Education.


The information on this card is very important. Emergency contact names and phone numbers are needed in case of an accident or illness. The information on this card must be current and if there are changes, please update it immediately with the Front Office Receptionist. No person other than those listed on the card will be able to pick up your child or eat lunch with your child. All visitors must adhere to the school visitation policy.

Current court documents must be on file when there is an issue regarding parent/guardian custodial or visitation rights. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide the school with the most recent and up to date the documentation.


1. Regular attendance is required by Florida School Law and is the responsibility of the parent or guardian (1003.21, 1003.24) Regular attendance is defined as attending school for the full day of each day during which school is in session (1003.23). Attendance is a Promotion Criteria. More than 10 undocumented absences in a school year may result in retention!

2. A written explanation is required for EACH absence. The parent/ guardian is responsible for immediately submitting a written explanation when a student returns to school from an absence (1003.26).

3. Parent notes for up to ten (10) days will be excused for illness.

4. Absences in excess of ten (10) days will be excused only if one of the following is provided:

• Appointment slip or note signed by a doctor or health department

• Evidence that student has been out due to a death in the family

• Official letter, subpoena, or other legal documents

5. A student who has had at least five (5) unexcused absences within a calendar month or ten (10) unexcused absences within a ninety (90) calendar day period shall be considered truant and will be reported to the superintendent. The superintendent may take necessary steps to bring criminal prosecution against the parent, guardian, or person having control.

6. Leaving School without Permission – If a student leaves school without permission, the parent or

guardian and the Nassau County Sheriff’s Department will be notified. If this action continues, the State of Florida Division of Youth Services will be notified.

For a more detailed and thorough examination of all attendance policies and procedures, please refer to the Code of Student Conduct, the Nassau County Student Progression Plan, and the Nassau County School Board Policy.


Biweekly classroom grade reports will be sent home by each teacher. Quarterly Progress Reports will be given to all students at the end of the first 23 days of each nine-week grading period. Report Cards are given out at the end of each nine weeks. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher concerning your child’s performance in school. Grades indicate the following types of progress:

A 90-100 Outstanding

B 80-89 Above Average

C 70-79 Average

D 60-69 Lowest Acceptable

F 0-59 Failure


It is a student’s responsibility to know and abide by all rules in the Student Handbook. It is well advised that students should leave any area or group when a school rule is being broken.

The school will not be responsible for any child on campus 30 minutes before school begins or 30 minutes after school ends unless they are attending a school sponsored activity. Upon arrival, all students are to report directly to their classrooms or the cafeteria if they attend breakfast.


Each team or individual teacher has a discipline plan, classroom procedures, and grading standards. The first day of school, a copy of this plan will be sent home to the parents. A student is referred to the principal as the last consequence in the discipline plan unless the infraction warrants earlier intervention. The principal or his designee will investigate the problem and decide the discipline of the student. The discipline plan will include a “severity clause” stating that if a student severely disrupts a class, he/she will immediately have to report to the principal. All students will be held accountable to the Elementary Education Code of Conduct. A complete copy of the Elementary student code of conduct can be located at nassau.k12.fl.us . A hard copy is available for viewing in the offices of the Assistant Principal or Principal.


The Positive Behavior Support (PBS) process is designed to reward positive student behaviors. The emphasis is on the use of preventative teaching strategies to achieve desired behavior.

Hornets are…

• Responsible.

• Respectful.

• Actively Engaged.

We believe that students should be clear on the school wide expectations.

School wide means:

• in the hallway

• on the playground/recess field

• on the bus or walking to school

• in the bathrooms

• at special events

• in classrooms

• in the cafeteria for assemblies/breakfast/lunch

Students will be rewarded both in the classroom and school wide for following school wide expectations earning green and yellow “Buzz Bucks” to be turned in for a variety of positive rewards. Students not following school wide expectations will receive the appropriate consequence.


Per FL. Statute, cell phones are permitted on campus. However, they must remain put away and turned off during the school day. Cell phones that are on or in sight during the school day will be confiscated. The same rules apply on school busses. A parent or guardian must come to the school to retrieve a confiscated phone. Y.E.S. is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged phones that have been used inappropriately on campus.


1. Respect

Courtesy and respect must be exhibited to everyone at all times. If needed, parents will be contacted to assist in this area.

2. Disruptive Behavior

Children’s learning & safety are a priority at Yulee Elementary School. Therefore, disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. The student will be sent to the office with an accompanying note and action will be taken by the administrative team. This policy is applicable to campus-wide locations including, but not limited to the classroom, lunchroom, and transportation as well as in regards to social media.

3. Fighting

Fighting is prohibited at Yulee Elementary School. Any students fighting will be sent to the office. The incident will be investigated, and the student may be subject to suspension. On the second offense, the student will be suspended and may only be allowed to return when accompanied by a parent. (Fla. School Law 1006.09)

4. Destroying School Property

Any student who destroys or defaces school property will be held responsible for restoration. Parents will be expected to make financial restitutions.

5. Intimidation

Any student caught intimidating another student is subject to suspension.

6. Selling Foodstuffs at School

Because of the school lunch program and Nassau County School Board Policy, no student is permitted to sell food items (food, candy, nuts, etc.) at school.

7. Throwing Objects

Students should not throw objects since this endangers the safety of others and is punishable by suspension.

8. Profanity

Profanity should be interpreted as any profane, vulgar or unnecessarily crude utterance or gesture. For disciplinary purposes, it does not matter whether the profanity is directed toward a teacher, classmate, or merely done overtly. Such instances should be referred to the appropriate administrator.

9. School Sponsored Functions

Most prices for school sponsored functions are pre-set and pre-paid to the organizations. Refunds will be made only if available to Yulee Elementary School from the organization.

Students are expected to conduct themselves at all school-sponsored functions after school hours in the same manner as they should during school. This includes functions such as ballgames, band concerts, school dances, etc. (All Employees have the right & responsibility to correct any student at any time during the day or at any school sponsored function.)


Field trips are a privilege and an extension of your child’s learning. Students with conduct issues may lose the privilege of attending the field trip. In accordance with Nassau County School Board Policy:

• A Medical Authorization form and an Off-Campus Consent form must be on file at the school before a student may participate in a field trip.

• Buses are intended for students and staff only. Any chaperones riding the bus are pursuant to bus rules and guidelines. When applicable, chaperones will travel using their own form of transportation.

• All students must ride on the bus with their class to the field trip. It is expected all students return on the bus unless prior written arrangements have been approved.

• Dress attire for chaperones must be in compliance with instructional staff guidelines for dress.

• Smoking and/or use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited while chaperoning a fieldtrip. Chaperones/adults cannot bring siblings or other children on field trips.

BUS CONDUCT- Responsibilities of Transported Students-School Bus Policy

Riding a public bus is a privilege and safety violations will not be tolerated. Therefore, it is imperative that all students comply with school bus policies. The bus driver shall report to the principal any misconduct on the part of the pupil. Any student misbehaving while on the bus could be suspended from riding the bus, but would be required to attend school. Students adhering to bus safety rules and conduct will receive “Bus Bucks” which are turned in for a weekly ice cream drawing. If a bus related concern arises, contact the Transportation Department at 225-0127. Students should ride their bus assigned. Assigned bus numbers and stops can only be changed with a note from home, which has an accompanying phone number where the parent can be reached for verification. Please take care of transportation issues prior to school hours. This will ensure minimal classroom disruptions and reduce the risk of miscommunication to your child. Students are expected to follow the classroom rules while riding the bus. Additionally, they should:

1. Remain seated in their assigned seat at all times

2. Keep their back to the back of the seat

3. Keep hands, feet and objects to themselves

4. Talk quietly only to the students sitting in their seat


Students may use book bags/ backpacks to assist in carrying school supplies. However, rolling type book bags are not allowed. Toys, electronic devices, CD players, hats, sunglasses, or games are not allowed on campus at any time. Any employee who observes any of these items on campus has the right to confiscate said items until a parent or guardian comes to the school to retrieve them. Y.E.S. is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items that are brought on campus without permission. No member of the Y.E.S. staff will assist in searching for lost or stolen items that should not have been brought to school.


The cafeteria manager plans breakfast and lunch for our school. Breakfast costs $1.50, student lunch costs $2.25. Al-a-carte items are available for an additional charge. Breakfast and lunch are available at a reduced cost or no cost for qualified students. Applications for free or reduced lunch will be sent home with students and are available on-line at . If assistance is needed please see the front desk secretary.

Nassau County has a no charging policy except in the event of an emergency and the principal or cafeteria manager need to be notified. To find out the status of your child’s account, you can log on to . At this site you can:

• Look up the balance in his/her account

• Request reminders to be sent to your email when the balance is low

• Put money in your child’s account

Parents are welcome to join their child for lunch. Please sit at the designated parent table in the cafeteria. Parents may only have lunch with their own child due to safety and legal guidelines.


According to Nassau County Administrative rules, the Pledge of Allegiance is recited on a daily basis. Please know that House Bill 7029 authorizes student rights to not recite the Pledge of Allegiance should this be the desire of the student or family. Please contact the school should you desire to have your child opt out of the pledge or patriotic experiences at Y.E.S.


Medication must be brought to the clinic by the parent only. Students cannot bring any medication to or from school. There will be no exceptions to this School Board Policy. Please make sure ALL prescription drugs and over the counter medication are in its ORIGINAL container and accompanied with a Doctor’s Prescription when applicable. All medications are kept under lock while at school and administered by the school health aide and/or trained staff according to the prescribed dosage.


The faculty and staff at Yulee Elementary School strive to recognize individual student achievement. In doing so, a Nine Weeks Award Assembly is held at the conclusion of each nine weeks. Students are recognized for Perfect Attendance, Citizenship, Most Improved, A-B Honor Roll and All A Honor Roll. We also strive to recognize the extra-curricular accomplishments of our students. Please contact the principal if your child receives an honor or award for athletics, community service, hobbies, or other activities which occur outside normal school hours so that the school community can celebrate along with your family.


Nassau County School Board policy (P. 452.1) on student dress and manner states that “the pupil must wear apparel and be groomed in a manner that is not disruptive of the educational process.” Students are expected to adhere to the “General Code of appearance” as set forth in the code of student conduct.

• Shoes must have closed backs or straps

• Tank top straps must be at least two fingers wide

• Hats should be removed before entering the building

• Clothing should be free from holes or not be fabrics that expose skin

• Clothing should be free of inappropriate language or images

Parents will be notified with dress code violations. For further information, please refer to the Code of Student Conduct for Elementary Students located at the district website nassau.k12.fl.us.


It is the policy of the Nassau County School District that all its students and school employees have an educational setting that is safe, secure and free from harassment and bullying of any kind. Nassau County Administrative Rule 5.49 defines bullying as systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psycho- logical distress on one or more students or employees.

The School Board of Nassau County policy 2.31 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, age, gender, religion, nation or ethnic origin, genetic information, sexual orientation, disability, political or religious beliefs, or marital status again student or employee in the state system of public education. Information may be found on the district website at nassau.k12.fl.us or may be obtained by calling 904-491-9888.


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2019- 2020

School Responsibilities

Yulee Elementary School will:

1. Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the participating

children to meet the state’s standards as follows:

• Utilize scientifically research based instructional materials

• Base classroom instruction upon the contents as described in the Florida Standards

• Monitor student progress and tailor instruction toward deficient areas.

• Believe that each student can learn

• Help each child maximize their potential

• Enforce school and classroom rules fairly and consistently

• Provide a positive learning environment

• Seek ways to involve parents in the school program

• Communicate effectively with parents

2. Hold Parent teacher conferences during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement.

3. Provide parents reasonable access to staff. Specifically, staff will be available for consultation with parents as follows:

• During the teacher planning and preparation daily time period

• During planning days, when students are not in attendance

• Utilization of voice mail and e mail systems

• Utilization of district wide parental communication messaging system

4. Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and to observe classroom activities, as follows:

• Publicize volunteerism and volunteer opportunities.

• Encourage classroom involvement of parents

• Create an open-door policy for parents

Parent Responsibilities

Parent will:

• See that my child attends school regularly and on time

• Encourage completion of all assignments

• Support school in its effort to maintain proper discipline

• Communicate regularly with my child’s teachers

• Encourage good study habits at home

• Read with my child and let my child see me read

• Promote positive use of my child’s extracurricular time

• Stay informed about my child’s education and communicating with the school promptly

• Serving to the extent possible on advisory groups and support team opportunities

Parent Signature: _______________________________________________

Teacher Signature: _______________________________________________

Principal Signature: Bryce Cubbal


According to House Bill 7029, parents have the right to a report card about the school grade, including a school financial report that indicates the average amount of money expended per student in the school. Once this report is released, Y.E.S. will send a copy home with your student. Let the school know if you do not receive this information by

September 1, 2019, so we can send you another copy in a timely manner.





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