Coagh Primary School

P3 Weekly ‘Home Learning’ Week Beginning Monday 25th May 2020MondayTables- Go over tables. Reading- Read some of your reading book or choose a book from Oxford Owl or Epic.Literacy- Your child can pick their favourite toy at home, they can draw a picture of it and write some sentences about it. They can write about what it is and why it is their favourite toy, they could also write about when they got it and what it does. You child can include any other important information about their chosen toy. I would love to see this piece of work. You can send a photo to, gcrooks328@ .Numeracy- Remind your child that an odd number is any number that ends in 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 and that an even number is any number that ends in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8. Your child can then watch this video to reinforce this concept, child can complete the Odd and Even Worksheet attached to this week’s planner. If you do not have access to a printer, your child can write the answer to each question in their Numeracy Books.TuesdaySpellings- Learn Tuesday’s spellings.Tables- Go over tables.Reading- Read some of your reading book or choose a book from Oxford Owl or Epic.Literacy- Write some sentences using your spellings for this week. Remember to keep your writing on the line.Numeracy- Revision of number bonds to 20. Give your child a number between 0 and 20. Ask them to work out how many should be added to this number to make 20. For example, 8 and what make 20? Your child should be encouraged to work out the answer by counting on in their head, if they find this too difficult they can use a number line to help them to begin with. If they have grasped this concept well, explain to your child that they can subtract the given number from 20 to work out their answer too. For example, if 3 was the given number your child could count from 3 up to 20 but a quicker way would be to take 3 away from 20. Show your child how both these strategies will still give you the same answer. Explain to your child that it is quicker to use the subtraction method for smaller numbers and the addition method for bigger numbers. To make it easier for your child to decide which method to use, it might be beneficial to agree a range of numbers to apply the different strategies to. For example, use the subtraction method for numbers 0-10 and the addition method for numbers 11-20. Your child can then play this game to reinforce this concept. Click the following link, choose Number Bonds – Make 20. Learn Wednesday’s spellings.Tables- Go over tables.Reading- Read some of your reading book or choose a book from Oxford Owl or Epic.Literacy- Complete comprehension activity. Unit 7- Hippo and Monkey, attached to this week’s planner. (Complete over today and tomorrow)Numeracy- Maths Box- Activity Card 27, you will find this attached to this week’s planner.ThursdaySpellings- Go over all spellings.Tables- Go over tables.Reading- Read some of your reading book or choose a book from Oxford Owl or Epic.Literacy- Finish task from yesterday.Numeracy- Mathletics – complete allocated tasks, these will appear on the screen when you log in.FridayReading- Read some of your reading book or choose a book from Oxford Owl or Epic.Literacy- Complete punctuation and grammar activity. Unit 6– Joining Sentences, attached to this week’s planner.Numeracy- Ask your child to make the following amounts using the coins in their Maths Box. They should make these amounts using the fewest coins possible. Encourage your child to look at the coins they have used and decide if they can exchange any coins for one coin worth the same amount. For example, if they have used two 5p coins they should recognise that they could use one 10p coin instead.Your child should make the following amounts-37p, 30p, 28p, 42p, 29p, 25p, 19p, 21pFriday Spellings and Tables Test- Feel free to complete a Friday Test. Not every day will be amazing, just try your very best!Points to NoteLiteracy- When your child is completing their written work encourage them to sound out words to help them with spelling. They can use the bottom of the page in their books as a ‘Try Me Space’, they use this space to record words they have tried to sound out and spell before asking for help. They are familiar with using this method. Remind your child to use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, finger spaces between each word and a full stop at the end of a sentence. Reading Books- When your child has finished their reading books they can choose appropriate books from Oxford Owl or Epic.Tricky Word- Your child has received a Tricky Word Mat, this can be used to help them when writing sentences. Mathletics- Your child can log into Mathletics and work their way through the learning section on a daily basis. Each pupil’s Mathletics has been set up for their age group i.e. a P2 pupil will access P2 work while a P5 pupil will complete P5 work. There is also the option of ‘playing’ games against other players which is excellent for table facts and quick recall. Your child will also be allocated tasks each week to complete as their Thursday Numeracy activity. Worksheets- Any worksheets required will be uploaded weekly alongside the relevant Weekly Home Learning Planner. These do not need to be printed, they can be downloaded and your child can read the questions on the screen and write their answers in their Literacy or Numeracy Books.*Northern Ireland Libraries have an app which allows you to download e-books free of charge if you have a library card. * is uploading free audio books on a daily basis for every age group which will allow children to listen to books. *The whiteboards which were sent home will be used for various activities allocated.*Complete work in Literacy and Numeracy Books, when these are completed use the spare book given to you or pages that you may have at home. ................

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